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use \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException;
class ChangePasswordPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
NAME = 'Change Password',
2021-08-23 20:03:27 +08:00
VERSION = '2.3',
RELEASE = '2021-07-20',
REQUIRED = '2.5.0',
CATEGORY = 'Security',
DESCRIPTION = 'Extension to allow users to change their passwords';
// \RainLoop\Notifications\
2021-03-08 19:21:58 +08:00
CouldNotSaveNewPassword = 130,
CurrentPasswordIncorrect = 131,
NewPasswordShort = 132,
NewPasswordWeak = 133;
public function Init() : void
$this->UseLangs(true); // start use langs folder
$this->addJs('js/ChangePasswordUserSettings.js'); // add js file
$this->addJsonHook('ChangePassword', 'ChangePassword');
2021-03-02 21:23:45 +08:00
protected function getSupportedDrivers(bool $all = false) : iterable
2021-03-02 19:35:41 +08:00
2021-03-04 18:56:26 +08:00
if ($phar_file = \Phar::running()) {
$phar = new \Phar($phar_file, \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME);
foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($phar) as $file) {
if (\preg_match('#/drivers/([a-z]+)\\.php$#Di', $file, $m)) {
2021-03-08 19:21:58 +08:00
$class = 'ChangePasswordDriver' . $m[1];
2021-03-04 18:56:26 +08:00
if ($all || $this->Config()->Get('plugin', "driver_{$m[1]}_enabled", false)) {
require_once $file;
if ($class::isSupported()) {
yield $m[1] => $class;
catch (\Throwable $oException)
2021-03-08 19:21:58 +08:00
\trigger_error("ERROR {$class}: " . $oException->getMessage());
2021-03-02 19:35:41 +08:00
2021-03-04 18:56:26 +08:00
} else {
// foreach (\glob(__DIR__ . '/../change-password-*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $file) {
foreach (\glob(__DIR__ . '/drivers/*.php') as $file) {
2021-03-08 19:21:58 +08:00
$name = \basename($file, '.php');
$class = 'ChangePasswordDriver' . $name;
2021-03-04 18:56:26 +08:00
if ($all || $this->Config()->Get('plugin', "driver_{$name}_enabled", false)) {
require_once $file;
if ($class::isSupported()) {
yield $name => $class;
catch (\Throwable $oException)
2021-03-08 19:21:58 +08:00
\trigger_error("ERROR {$class}: " . $oException->getMessage());
2021-03-04 18:56:26 +08:00
2021-03-02 21:23:45 +08:00
public function Supported() : string
foreach ($this->getSupportedDrivers() as $class) {
return '';
2021-03-02 19:35:41 +08:00
return 'There are no change-password drivers enabled';
public function configMapping() : array
$result = [
->SetLabel('Password minimum length')
->SetDescription('Minimum length of the password')
->SetLabel('Password minimum strength')
->SetDescription('Minimum strength of the password in %')
2021-03-05 16:43:46 +08:00
2021-03-02 21:23:45 +08:00
foreach ($this->getSupportedDrivers(true) as $name => $class) {
$result[] = \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance("driver_{$name}_enabled")
->SetLabel('Enable ' . $class::NAME)
2021-03-02 21:23:45 +08:00
$result[] = \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance("driver_{$name}_allowed_emails")
->SetLabel('Allowed emails')
->SetDescription('Allowed emails, space as delimiter, wildcard supported. Example: *')
$result = \array_merge($result, \call_user_func("{$class}::configMapping"));
return $result;
public function ChangePassword()
$oActions = $this->Manager()->Actions();
$oAccount = $oActions->GetAccount();
if (!$oAccount->Email()) {
2021-03-08 19:21:58 +08:00
\trigger_error('ChangePassword failed: empty email address');
throw new ClientException(static::CouldNotSaveNewPassword);
$sPrevPassword = $this->jsonParam('PrevPassword');
if ($sPrevPassword !== $oAccount->Password()) {
throw new ClientException(static::CurrentPasswordIncorrect, null, $oActions->StaticI18N('NOTIFICATIONS/CURRENT_PASSWORD_INCORRECT'));
$sNewPassword = $this->jsonParam('NewPassword');
if ($this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'pass_min_length', 10) > \strlen($sNewPassword)) {
throw new ClientException(static::NewPasswordShort, null, $oActions->StaticI18N('NOTIFICATIONS/NEW_PASSWORD_SHORT'));
2021-03-05 16:43:46 +08:00
if ($this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'pass_min_strength', 70) > static::PasswordStrength($sNewPassword)) {
throw new ClientException(static::NewPasswordWeak, null, $oActions->StaticI18N('NOTIFICATIONS/NEW_PASSWORD_WEAK'));
$bResult = false;
$oConfig = $this->Config();
2021-03-02 21:23:45 +08:00
foreach ($this->getSupportedDrivers() as $name => $class) {
$sFoundedValue = '';
if (\RainLoop\Plugins\Helper::ValidateWildcardValues($oAccount->Email(), $oConfig->Get('plugin', "driver_{$name}_allowed_emails"), $sFoundedValue)) {
$name = $class::NAME;
$oLogger = $oActions->Logger();
2021-03-02 21:23:45 +08:00
$oDriver = new $class(
2021-03-02 21:23:45 +08:00
if (!$oDriver->ChangePassword($oAccount, $sPrevPassword, $sNewPassword)) {
throw new ClientException(static::CouldNotSaveNewPassword);
$bResult = true;
if ($oLogger) {
$oLogger->Write("{$name} password changed for {$oAccount->Email()}");
catch (\Throwable $oException)
2021-03-08 19:21:58 +08:00
\trigger_error("{$class} failed: {$oException->getMessage()}");
if ($oLogger) {
$oLogger->Write("ERROR: {$name} password change for {$oAccount->Email()} failed");
// $oLogger->WriteException($oException, \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::WARNING, $name);
if (!$bResult) {
2021-03-08 19:21:58 +08:00
\trigger_error("ChangePassword failed");
throw new ClientException(static::CouldNotSaveNewPassword);
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return $this->jsonResponse(__FUNCTION__, $oActions->GetSpecAuthToken());
public static function encrypt(string $algo, string $password)
switch (\strtolower($algo))
case 'argon2i':
return \password_hash($password, PASSWORD_ARGON2I);
case 'argon2id':
return \password_hash($password, PASSWORD_ARGON2ID);
case 'bcrypt':
return \password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
case 'sha256-crypt':
return \crypt($password,'$5$'.\substr(\base64_encode(\random_bytes(32)), 0, 16));
case 'sha512-crypt':
return \crypt($password,'$6$'.\substr(\base64_encode(\random_bytes(32)), 0, 16));
return $sPassword;
private static function PasswordStrength(string $sPassword) : int
$i = \strlen($sPassword);
2021-03-05 16:43:46 +08:00
$max = min(100, $i * 8);
$s = 0;
while (--$i) {
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$s += ($sPassword[$i] != $sPassword[$i-1] ? 1 : -0.5);
$c = 0;
$re = [ '/[^0-9A-Za-z]+/', '/[0-9]+/', '/[A-Z]+/', '/[a-z]+/' ];
foreach ($re as $regex) {
if (\preg_match_all($regex, $sPassword, $m)) {
foreach ($m[0] as $str) {
if (5 > \strlen($str)) {
2021-03-05 16:43:46 +08:00
return \intval(\max(0, \min($max, $s * $c * 1.5)));