2014-08-21 23:08:34 +08:00
2016-06-30 08:02:45 +08:00
ko = require('ko'),
Translator = require('Common/Translator'),
Settings = require('Storage/Settings'),
CoreStore = require('Stores/Admin/Core'),
AppStore = require('Stores/Admin/App');
* @constructor
function AboutAdminSettings()
this.version = ko.observable(Settings.appSettingsGet('version'));
this.access = ko.observable(!!Settings.settingsGet('CoreAccess'));
this.errorDesc = ko.observable('');
this.coreReal = CoreStore.coreReal;
this.coreChannel = CoreStore.coreChannel;
this.coreType = CoreStore.coreType;
this.coreUpdatable = CoreStore.coreUpdatable;
this.coreAccess = CoreStore.coreAccess;
this.coreChecking = CoreStore.coreChecking;
this.coreUpdating = CoreStore.coreUpdating;
this.coreWarning = CoreStore.coreWarning;
this.coreVersion = CoreStore.coreVersion;
this.coreRemoteVersion = CoreStore.coreRemoteVersion;
this.coreRemoteRelease = CoreStore.coreRemoteRelease;
this.coreVersionCompare = CoreStore.coreVersionCompare;
this.community = RL_COMMUNITY || AppStore.community();
this.coreRemoteVersionHtmlDesc = ko.computed(function() {
return Translator.i18n('TAB_ABOUT/HTML_NEW_VERSION', {'VERSION': this.coreRemoteVersion()});
}, this);
this.statusType = ko.computed(function() {
sType = '',
iVersionCompare = this.coreVersionCompare(),
bChecking = this.coreChecking(),
bUpdating = this.coreUpdating(),
bReal = this.coreReal();
if (bChecking)
sType = 'checking';
else if (bUpdating)
sType = 'updating';
else if (bReal && 0 === iVersionCompare)
sType = 'up-to-date';
else if (bReal && -1 === iVersionCompare)
sType = 'available';
else if (!bReal)
sType = 'error';
this.errorDesc('Cannot access the repository at the moment.');
2015-01-27 05:06:00 +08:00
2016-06-30 08:02:45 +08:00
return sType;
2015-03-28 06:06:56 +08:00
2016-06-30 08:02:45 +08:00
}, this);
2014-08-21 23:08:34 +08:00
2016-06-30 08:02:45 +08:00
AboutAdminSettings.prototype.onBuild = function()
if (this.access() && !this.community)
2014-08-21 23:08:34 +08:00
2016-06-30 08:02:45 +08:00
2014-08-21 23:08:34 +08:00
2016-06-30 08:02:45 +08:00
2014-08-21 23:08:34 +08:00
2016-06-30 08:02:45 +08:00
AboutAdminSettings.prototype.updateCoreData = function()
if (!this.coreUpdating() && !this.community)
2014-08-21 23:08:34 +08:00
2016-06-30 08:02:45 +08:00
2014-08-21 23:08:34 +08:00
2016-07-16 03:54:37 +08:00
export {AboutAdminSettings, AboutAdminSettings as default};