If your code passes the unit tests (including the ones you wrote), submit a pull request.
Submitting pull requests
Moment.js now uses [git-flow](https://github.com/nvie/gitflow). If you're not familiar with git-flow, please read up on it, you'll be glad you did.
When submitting new features, please create a new feature branch using `git flow feature start <name>` and submit the pull request to the `develop` branch.
Pull requests for enhancements for features should be submitted to the `develop` branch as well.
When submitting a bugfix, please check if there is an existing bugfix branch. If the latest stable version is `1.5.0`, the bugfix branch would be `hotfix/1.5.1`. All pull requests for bug fixes should be on a `hotfix` branch, unless the bug fix depends on a new feature.
The `master` branch should always have the latest stable version. When bugfix or minor releases are needed, the develop/hotfix branch will be merged into master and released.