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2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
namespace RainLoop\Providers\PersonalAddressBook;
class MySqlPersonalAddressBook
extends \RainLoop\Common\PdoAbstract
implements \RainLoop\Providers\PersonalAddressBook\PersonalAddressBookInterface
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
* @return bool
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
public function IsSupported()
$aDrivers = \class_exists('PDO') ? \PDO::getAvailableDrivers() : array();
return \is_array($aDrivers) ? \in_array('mysql', $aDrivers) : false;
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @param int $iIdContact
* @return \RainLoop\Providers\PersonalAddressBook\Classes\Contact|null
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
public function GetContactById($oAccount, $iIdContact)
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
return null;
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @param \RainLoop\Providers\PersonalAddressBook\Classes\Contact $oContact
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
* @return bool
public function CreateContact($oAccount, &$oContact)
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
return false;
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @param \RainLoop\Providers\PersonalAddressBook\Classes\Contact $oContact
* @return bool
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
public function UpdateContact($oAccount, &$oContact)
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
return false;
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @param array $aContactIds
* @return bool
public function DeleteContacts($oAccount, $aContactIds)
$iUserID = $this->getUserId($oAccount);
$aContactIds = \array_filter($aContactIds, function (&$mItem) {
$mItem = (int) $mItem;
return 0 < $mItem;
if (0 === \count($aContactIds))
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
return false;
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
return !!$this->prepareAndExecute($oAccount,
'DELETE FROM `rainloop_pab_contacts` WHERE id_user = :id_user AND `id_contact` IN ('.\implode(',', $aContactIds).')',
array(':id_user' => array($iUserID, \PDO::PARAM_INT)));
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @param int $iType = \RainLoop\Providers\PersonalAddressBook\Enumerations\ContactType::DEFAULT_
* @param int $iOffset = 0
* @param type $iLimit = 20
* @param string $sSearch = ''
* @return array
public function GetContacts($oAccount,
$iType = \RainLoop\Providers\PersonalAddressBook\Enumerations\ContactType::DEFAULT_,
$iOffset = 0, $iLimit = 20, $sSearch = '')
$iOffset = 0 <= $iOffset ? $iOffset : 0;
$iLimit = 0 < $iLimit ? (int) $iLimit : 20;
$sSearch = \trim($sSearch);
$iUserID = $this->getUserId($oAccount);
if (!\in_array($iType, array(ContactType::SHARE, ContactType::AUTO)))
$iType = ContactType::DEFAULT_;
$sSql = 'SELECT * FROM `rainloop_pab_contacts` WHERE id_user = :id_user AND `type` = :type';
$aParams = array(
':id_user' => array($iUserID, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
':type' => array($iType, \PDO::PARAM_INT)
if (0 < \strlen($sSearch))
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
$sSql .= ' AND `id_contact` IN ('.
'SELECT DISTINCT `id_contact` FROM `rainloop_pab_prop` WHERE id_user = :id_user AND `value` LIKE :search'.
$aParams[':search'] = array($this->convertSearchValue($sSearch), \PDO::PARAM_STR);
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
$sSql .= ' ORDER BY `display_in_list` ASC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset';
$aParams[':limit'] = array($iLimit, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
$aParams[':offset'] = array($iOffset, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
return array();
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @param string $sSearch
* @return array
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function GetSuggestions($oAccount, $sSearch)
$iLimit = 20;
$sSearch = \trim($sSearch);
if (0 === \strlen($sSearch))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$sSearch');
$iUserID = $this->getUserId($oAccount);
$sTypes = implode(',', array(
PropertyType::EMAIl_PERSONAL, PropertyType::EMAIl_BUSSINES, PropertyType::EMAIl_OTHER, PropertyType::FULLNAME
$sSql = 'SELECT DISTINCT `id_contact` FROM `rainloop_pab_prop` '.
'WHERE id_user = :id_user AND `type` IN ('.$sTypes.') AND `value` LIKE :search';
$aParams = array(
':id_user' => array($iUserID, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
':limit' => array($iLimit, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
':search' => array($this->convertSearchValue($sSearch), \PDO::PARAM_STR)
$sSql .= ' ORDER BY `frec` ASC LIMIT :limit';
$oStmt = $this->prepareAndExecute($oAccount, $sSql, $aParams);
if ($oStmt)
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
$aFetch = $oStmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$aIdContacts = array();
if (\is_array($aFetch) && 0 < \count($aFetch))
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
foreach ($aFetch as $aItem)
$iIdContact = $aItem && isset($aItem['id_contact']) ? (int) $aItem['id_contact'] : 0;
if (0 < $iIdContact)
$aIdContacts[] = $iIdContact;
if (0 < count($aIdContacts))
$sTypes = implode(',', array(
PropertyType::EMAIl_PERSONAL, PropertyType::EMAIl_BUSSINES, PropertyType::EMAIl_OTHER, PropertyType::FULLNAME
$sSql = 'SELECT `id_contact`, `type`, `value` FROM `rainloop_pab_prop` '.
'WHERE id_user = :id_user AND `type` IN ('.$sTypes.') AND `id_contact` IN ('.\implode(',', $aIdContacts).')';
$oStmt = $this->prepareAndExecute($oAccount, $sSql, array(
':id_user' => array($iUserID, \PDO::PARAM_INT)
if ($oStmt)
$aFetch = $oStmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$aResult = array();
if (\is_array($aFetch) && 0 < \count($aFetch))
foreach ($aFetch as $aItem)
if ($aItem && isset($aItem['id_contact'], $aItem['type'], $aItem['value']))
$iId = $aItem['id_contact'];
if (!isset($aResult[$iId]))
$aResult[$iId] = array('', '');
if ('' === $aResult[$iId][0] && \in_array((int) $aItem['type'],
array(PropertyType::EMAIl_PERSONAL, PropertyType::EMAIl_BUSSINES, PropertyType::EMAIl_OTHER)))
$aResult[$iId][0] = $aItem['value'];
else if ('' === $aResult[$iId][1] &&\in_array((int) $aItem['type'], array(PropertyType::FULLNAME)))
$aResult[$iId][1] = $aItem['value'];
$aResult = array_filter($aResult, function ($aItem) {
return '' !== $aItem[0];
return \array_values($aResult);
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
return array();
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @param array $aEmail
* @return bool
public function IncFrec($oAccount, $aEmail)
$iUserID = $this->getUserId($oAccount);
$self = $this;
$aEmail = \array_filter($aEmail, function (&$mItem) use ($self) {
$mItem = \strtolower(\trim($mItem));
if (0 < \strlen($mItem))
$mItem = $self->quoteValue($mItem);
return true;
return false;
if (0 === \count($aEmail))
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$aEmail');
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
$sTypes = implode(',', array(
PropertyType::EMAIl_PERSONAL, PropertyType::EMAIl_BUSSINES, PropertyType::EMAIl_OTHER
$sSql = 'UPDATE `rainloop_pab_prop` SET `frec` = `frec` + 1 WHERE id_user = :id_user AND `type` IN ('.$sTypes;
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
if (1 === \count($aEmail))
$sSql .= ') AND `value` = '.$aEmail[0];
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
$sSql .= ') AND `value` IN ('.\implode(',', $aEmail).')';
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00
return !!$this->prepareAndExecute($oAccount, $sSql, array(
':id_user' => array($iUserID, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
2013-11-28 02:57:38 +08:00