diff --git a/plugins/ics-viewer/ical.es5.min.cjs b/plugins/ics-viewer/ical.es5.min.cjs deleted file mode 100644 index f94cf9767..000000000 --- a/plugins/ics-viewer/ical.es5.min.cjs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ -!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e):(t="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:t||self).ICAL=e()}(this,(function(){"use strict";function t(t,e,n){if("function"==typeof t?t===e:t.has(e))return arguments.length<3?e:n;throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object")}function e(t,e,r){return e=h(e),function(t,e){if(e&&("object"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e))return e;if(void 0!==e)throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");return function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return t}(t)}(t,n()?Reflect.construct(e,r||[],h(t).constructor):e.apply(t,r))}function n(){try{var t=!Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){})))}catch(t){}return(n=function(){return!!t})()}function r(t){var e=function(t,e){if("object"!=typeof t||!t)return t;var n=t[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(void 0!==n){var r=n.call(t,e||"default");if("object"!=typeof r)return r;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return("string"===e?String:Number)(t)}(t,"string");return"symbol"==typeof e?e:e+""}function i(t){return i="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},i(t)}function a(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function s(t,e){for(var n=0;nt.length)&&(e=t.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(e);n=t.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[r++]}},e:function(t){throw t},f:i}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var a,s=!0,o=!1;return{s:function(){n=n.call(t)},n:function(){var t=n.next();return s=t.done,t},e:function(t){o=!0,a=t},f:function(){try{s||null==n.return||n.return()}finally{if(o)throw a}}}}var v,_=function(){function t(e){a(this,t),u(this,"icaltype","binary"),this.value=e}return o(t,[{key:"decodeValue",value:function(){return this._b64_decode(this.value)}},{key:"setEncodedValue",value:function(t){this.value=this._b64_encode(t)}},{key:"_b64_encode",value:function(t){var e,n,r,i,a,s="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",o=0,u=0,l="",h=[];if(!t)return t;do{e=(a=t.charCodeAt(o++)<<16|t.charCodeAt(o++)<<8|t.charCodeAt(o++))>>18&63,n=a>>12&63,r=a>>6&63,i=63&a,h[u++]=s.charAt(e)+s.charAt(n)+s.charAt(r)+s.charAt(i)}while(o>16&255,n=s>>8&255,r=255&s,h[l++]=64==i?String.fromCharCode(e):64==a?String.fromCharCode(e,n):String.fromCharCode(e,n,r)}while(un)-(e=0){o.day=1,0!=a&&a--,s=o.day;var u=t-o.dayOfWeek();u<0&&(u+=7),s+=u,s-=t,r=t}else{o.day=i,a++,(r=o.dayOfWeek()-t)<0&&(r+=7),r=i-r}return s+(r+=7*a)}},{key:"isNthWeekDay",value:function(t,e){var n=this.dayOfWeek();return 0===e&&n===t||this.nthWeekDay(t,e)===this.day}},{key:"weekNumber",value:function(t){var n,r=(this.year<<12)+(this.month<<8)+(this.day<<3)+t;if(r in e._wnCache)return e._wnCache[r];var i=this.clone();i.isDate=!0;var a=this.year;12==i.month&&i.day>25?(n=e.weekOneStarts(a+1,t),i.compare(n)<0?n=e.weekOneStarts(a,t):a++):(n=e.weekOneStarts(a,t),i.compare(n)<0&&(n=e.weekOneStarts(--a,t)));var s=H(i.subtractDate(n).toSeconds()/86400/7)+1;return e._wnCache[r]=s,s}},{key:"addDuration",value:function(t){var e=t.isNegative?-1:1,n=this.second,r=this.minute,i=this.hour,a=this.day;n+=e*t.seconds,r+=e*t.minutes,i+=e*t.hours,a+=e*t.days,a+=7*e*t.weeks,this.second=n,this.minute=r,this.hour=i,this.day=a,this._cachedUnixTime=null}},{key:"subtractDate",value:function(t){var e=this.toUnixTime()+this.utcOffset(),n=t.toUnixTime()+t.utcOffset();return T.fromSeconds(e-n)}},{key:"subtractDateTz",value:function(t){var e=this.toUnixTime(),n=t.toUnixTime();return T.fromSeconds(e-n)}},{key:"compare",value:function(t){var e=this.toUnixTime(),n=t.toUnixTime();return e>n?1:n>e?-1:0}},{key:"compareDateOnlyTz",value:function(t,n){var r=this.convertToZone(n),i=t.convertToZone(n),a=0;return 0!=(a=e._cmp_attr(r,i,"year"))||0!=(a=e._cmp_attr(r,i,"month"))||(a=e._cmp_attr(r,i,"day")),a}},{key:"convertToZone",value:function(t){var e=this.clone(),n=this.zone.tzid==t.tzid;return this.isDate||n||C.convert_time(e,this.zone,t),e.zone=t,e}},{key:"utcOffset",value:function(){return this.zone==C.localTimezone||this.zone==C.utcTimezone?0:this.zone.utcOffset(this)}},{key:"toICALString",value:function(){var t=this.toString();return t.length>10?Ct.icalendar.value["date-time"].toICAL(t):Ct.icalendar.value.date.toICAL(t)}},{key:"toString",value:function(){var t=this.year+"-"+R(this.month)+"-"+R(this.day);return this.isDate||(t+="T"+R(this.hour)+":"+R(this.minute)+":"+R(this.second),this.zone===C.utcTimezone&&(t+="Z")),t}},{key:"toJSDate",value:function(){return this.zone==C.localTimezone?this.isDate?new Date(this.year,this.month-1,this.day):new Date(this.year,this.month-1,this.day,this.hour,this.minute,this.second,0):new Date(1e3*this.toUnixTime())}},{key:"_normalize",value:function(){return this._time.isDate&&(this._time.hour=0,this._time.minute=0,this._time.second=0),this.adjust(0,0,0,0),this}},{key:"adjust",value:function(t,n,r,i,a){var s,o,u,l,h,c,f,d=0,y=0,m=a||this._time;if(m.isDate||(u=m.second+i,m.second=u%60,s=H(u/60),m.second<0&&(m.second+=60,s--),l=m.minute+r+s,m.minute=l%60,o=H(l/60),m.minute<0&&(m.minute+=60,o--),h=m.hour+n+o,m.hour=h%24,d=H(h/24),m.hour<0&&(m.hour+=24,d--)),m.month>12?y=H((m.month-1)/12):m.month<1&&(y=H(m.month/12)-1),m.year+=y,m.month-=12*y,(c=m.day+t+d)>0)for(;!(c<=(f=e.daysInMonth(m.month,m.year)));)m.month++,m.month>12&&(m.year++,m.month=1),c-=f;else for(;c<=0;)1==m.month?(m.year--,m.month=12):m.month--,c+=e.daysInMonth(m.month,m.year);return m.day=c,this._cachedUnixTime=null,this}},{key:"fromUnixTime",value:function(t){this.zone=C.utcTimezone;var e=new Date(1e3*t);this.year=e.getUTCFullYear(),this.month=e.getUTCMonth()+1,this.day=e.getUTCDate(),this._time.isDate?(this.hour=0,this.minute=0,this.second=0):(this.hour=e.getUTCHours(),this.minute=e.getUTCMinutes(),this.second=e.getUTCSeconds()),this._cachedUnixTime=null}},{key:"toUnixTime",value:function(){if(null!==this._cachedUnixTime)return this._cachedUnixTime;var t=this.utcOffset(),e=Date.UTC(this.year,this.month-1,this.day,this.hour,this.minute,this.second-t);return this._cachedUnixTime=e/1e3,this._cachedUnixTime}},{key:"toJSON",value:function(){for(var t,e=["year","month","day","hour","minute","second","isDate"],n=Object.create(null),r=0,i=e.length;r12||(r=[0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31][t],2==t&&(r+=e.isLeapYear(n))),r}},{key:"isLeapYear",value:function(t){return t<=1752?t%4==0:t%4==0&&t%100!=0||t%400==0}},{key:"fromDayOfYear",value:function(t,n){var r=n,i=t,a=new e;a.auto_normalize=!1;var s=e.isLeapYear(r)?1:0;if(i<1)return r--,s=e.isLeapYear(r)?1:0,i+=e.daysInYearPassedMonth[s][12],e.fromDayOfYear(i,r);if(i>e.daysInYearPassedMonth[s][12])return s=e.isLeapYear(r)?1:0,i-=e.daysInYearPassedMonth[s][12],r++,e.fromDayOfYear(i,r);a.year=r,a.isDate=!0;for(var o=11;o>=0;o--)if(i>e.daysInYearPassedMonth[s][o]){a.month=o+1,a.day=i-e.daysInYearPassedMonth[s][o];break}return a.auto_normalize=!0,a}},{key:"fromStringv2",value:function(t){return new e({year:parseInt(t.slice(0,4),10),month:parseInt(t.slice(5,7),10),day:parseInt(t.slice(8,10),10),isDate:!0})}},{key:"fromDateString",value:function(t){return new e({year:L(t.slice(0,4)),month:L(t.slice(5,7)),day:L(t.slice(8,10)),isDate:!0})}},{key:"fromDateTimeString",value:function(t,n){if(t.length<19)throw new Error('invalid date-time value: "'+t+'"');var r,i;t[19]&&"Z"===t[19]?r=C.utcTimezone:n&&(i=n.getParameter("tzid"),n.parent&&("standard"===n.parent.name||"daylight"===n.parent.name?r=C.localTimezone:i&&(r=n.parent.getTimeZoneByID(i))));var a={year:L(t.slice(0,4)),month:L(t.slice(5,7)),day:L(t.slice(8,10)),hour:L(t.slice(11,13)),minute:L(t.slice(14,16)),second:L(t.slice(17,19))};return i&&!r&&(a.timezone=i),new e(a,r)}},{key:"fromString",value:function(t,n){return t.length>10?e.fromDateTimeString(t,n):e.fromDateString(t)}},{key:"fromJSDate",value:function(t,n){return(new e).fromJSDate(t,n)}},{key:"now",value:function(){return e.fromJSDate(new Date,!1)}},{key:"weekOneStarts",value:function(t,n){var r=e.fromData({year:t,month:1,day:1,isDate:!0}),i=r.dayOfWeek(),a=n||e.DEFAULT_WEEK_START;return i>e.THURSDAY&&(r.day+=7),a>e.THURSDAY&&(r.day-=7),r.day-=i-a,r}},{key:"getDominicalLetter",value:function(t){var n="GFEDCBA",r=(t+(t/4|0)+(t/400|0)-(t/100|0)-1)%7;return e.isLeapYear(t)?n[(r+6)%7]+n[r]:n[r]}},{key:"epochTime",get:function(){return t(e,this,b)._||(b._=t(e,this,e.fromData({year:1970,month:1,day:1,hour:0,minute:0,second:0,isDate:!1,timezone:"Z"}))),t(e,this,b)._}},{key:"_cmp_attr",value:function(t,e,n){return t[n]>e[n]?1:t[n]1)throw new w("invalid ical body. component began but did not end");return e=null,1==n.length?n[0]:n}S.property=function(t,e){var n={component:[[],[]],designSet:e||Ct.defaultSet};return S._handleContentLine(t,n),n.component[1][0]},S.component=function(t){return S(t)};var w=function(t){function n(t){var r;a(this,n),(r=e(this,n,[t])).name=r.constructor.name;try{throw new Error}catch(t){if(t.stack){var i=t.stack.split("\n");i.shift(),r.stack=i.join("\n")}}return r}return l(n,t),o(n)}(f(Error));S.ParserError=w,S._handleContentLine=function(t,e){var n,r,i,a,s,o,u=t.indexOf(":"),l=t.indexOf(";"),h={};if(-1!==l&&-1!==u&&l>u&&(l=-1),-1!==l){if(i=t.slice(0,Math.max(0,l)).toLowerCase(),-1==(s=S._parseParameters(t.slice(Math.max(0,l)),0,e.designSet))[2])throw new w("Invalid parameters in '"+t+"'");if(h=s[0],n=s[1].length+s[2]+l,-1===(r=t.slice(Math.max(0,n)).indexOf(":")))throw new w("Missing parameter value in '"+t+"'");a=t.slice(Math.max(0,n+r+1))}else{if(-1===u)throw new w('invalid line (no token ";" or ":") "'+t+'"');if(i=t.slice(0,Math.max(0,u)).toLowerCase(),a=t.slice(Math.max(0,u+1)),"begin"===i){var c=[a.toLowerCase(),[],[]];return 1===e.stack.length?e.component.push(c):e.component[2].push(c),e.stack.push(e.component),e.component=c,void(e.designSet||(e.designSet=Ct.getDesignSet(e.component[0])))}if("end"===i)return void(e.component=e.stack.pop())}var f,d,y,m,p=!1,v=!1;e.designSet.propertyGroups&&-1!==i.indexOf(".")?(d=i.split("."),h.group=d[0],y=d[1]):y=i,y in e.designSet.property&&("multiValue"in(f=e.designSet.property[y])&&(p=f.multiValue),"structuredValue"in f&&(v=f.structuredValue),a&&"detectType"in f&&(o=f.detectType(a))),o||(o="value"in h?h.value.toLowerCase():f?f.defaultType:"unknown"),delete h.value,p&&v?m=[y,h,o,a=S._parseMultiValue(a,v,o,[],p,e.designSet,v)]:p?(m=[y,h,o],S._parseMultiValue(a,p,o,m,null,e.designSet,!1)):m=v?[y,h,o,a=S._parseMultiValue(a,v,o,[],null,e.designSet,v)]:[y,h,o,a=S._parseValue(a,o,e.designSet,!1)],"vcard"!==e.component[0]||0!==e.component[1].length||"version"===i&&"4.0"===a||(e.designSet=Ct.getDesignSet("vcard3")),e.component[1].push(m)},S._parseValue=function(t,e,n,r){return e in n.value&&"fromICAL"in n.value[e]?n.value[e].fromICAL(t,r):t},S._parseParameters=function(t,e,n){for(var r,i,a,s,o,u,l=e,h=0,c={},f=-1;!1!==h&&-1!==(h=P(t,"=",h+1));){if(0==(r=t.slice(l+1,h)).length)throw new w("Empty parameter name in '"+t+"'");if(u=!1,o=!1,s=(i=r.toLowerCase())in n.param&&n.param[i].valueType?n.param[i].valueType:"text",i in n.param&&(o=n.param[i].multiValue,n.param[i].multiValueSeparateDQuote&&(u=S._rfc6868Escape('"'+o+'"'))),'"'===t[h+1]){if(h=P(t,'"',f=h+2),o&&-1!=h)for(var d=!0;d;)t[h+1]==o&&'"'==t[h+2]?h=P(t,'"',h+3):d=!1;if(-1===h)throw new w('invalid line (no matching double quote) "'+t+'"');a=t.slice(f,h),-1===(l=P(t,";",h))&&(h=!1)}else{var y=P(t,";",f=h+1),m=P(t,":",f);-1!==m&&y>m?(y=m,h=!1):-1===y?(y=-1===m?t.length:m,h=!1):(l=y,h=y),a=t.slice(f,y)}if(a=S._rfc6868Escape(a),o){var p=u||o;a=S._parseMultiValue(a,p,s,[],null,n)}else a=S._parseValue(a,s,n);o&&i in c?Array.isArray(c[i])?c[i].push(a):c[i]=[c[i],a]:c[i]=a}return[c,a,f]},S._rfc6868Escape=function(t){return t.replace(/\^['n^]/g,(function(t){return A[t]}))},S._parseMultiValue=function(t,e,n,r,i,a,s){var o,u=0,l=0;if(0===e.length)return t;for(;-1!==(u=P(t,e,l));)o=t.slice(l,u),o=i?S._parseMultiValue(o,i,n,[],null,a,s):S._parseValue(o,n,a,s),r.push(o),l=u+e.length;return o=t.slice(l),o=i?S._parseMultiValue(o,i,n,[],null,a,s):S._parseValue(o,n,a,s),r.push(o),1==r.length?r[0]:r},S._eachLine=function(t,e){var n,r,i,a=t.length,s=t.search(O),o=s;do{i=(o=t.indexOf("\n",s)+1)>1&&"\r"===t[o-2]?2:1,0===o&&(o=a,i=0)," "===(r=t[s])||"\t"===r?n+=t.slice(s+1,o-i):(n&&e(null,n),n=t.slice(s,o-i)),s=o}while(o!==a);(n=n.trim()).length&&e(null,n)};var E=["tzid","location","tznames","latitude","longitude"],C=function(){function e(t){a(this,e),u(this,"tzid",""),u(this,"location",""),u(this,"tznames",""),u(this,"latitude",0),u(this,"longitude",0),u(this,"component",null),u(this,"expandedUntilYear",0),u(this,"icalclass","icaltimezone"),this.wrappedJSObject=this,this.fromData(t)}return o(e,[{key:"fromData",value:function(t){if(this.expandedUntilYear=0,this.changes=[],t instanceof Lt)this.component=t;else{if(t&&"component"in t)if("string"==typeof t.component){var e=S(t.component);this.component=new Lt(e)}else t.component instanceof Lt?this.component=t.component:this.component=null;for(var n=0,r=E;n=0?i=r:a=-1,-1==a&&-1!=i)break;if((r+=a)<0)return 0;if(r>=this.changes.length)break}var o=this.changes[i];if(o.utcOffset-o.prevUtcOffset<0&&i>0){var u=j(o,!0);if(e.adjust_change(u,0,0,0,u.prevUtcOffset),e._compare_change_fn(n,u)<0){var l=this.changes[i-1],h=!1;o.is_daylight!=h&&l.is_daylight==h&&(o=l)}}return o.utcOffset}},{key:"_findNearbyChange",value:function(t){var n=U(this.changes,t,e._compare_change_fn);return n>=this.changes.length?this.changes.length-1:n}},{key:"_ensureCoverage",value:function(t){if(-1==e._minimumExpansionYear){var n=k.now();e._minimumExpansionYear=n.year}var r=t;if(rn)&&f);)i.year=f.year,i.month=f.month,i.day=f.day,i.hour=f.hour,i.minute=f.minute,i.second=f.second,i.isDate=f.isDate,e.adjust_change(i,0,0,0,-i.prevUtcOffset),r.push(i)}}else(i=o()).year=a.year,i.month=a.month,i.day=a.day,i.hour=a.hour,i.minute=a.minute,i.second=a.second,e.adjust_change(i,0,0,0,-i.prevUtcOffset),r.push(i);return r}},{key:"toString",value:function(){return this.tznames?this.tznames:this.tzid}}],[{key:"_compare_change_fn",value:function(t,e){return t.yeare.year?1:t.monthe.month?1:t.daye.day?1:t.houre.hour?1:t.minutee.minute?1:t.seconde.second?1:0}},{key:"convert_time",value:function(t,n,r){if(t.isDate||n.tzid==r.tzid||n==e.localTimezone||r==e.localTimezone)return t.zone=r,t;var i=n.utcOffset(t);return t.adjust(0,0,0,-i),i=r.utcOffset(t),t.adjust(0,0,0,i),null}},{key:"fromData",value:function(t){return(new e).fromData(t)}},{key:"utcTimezone",get:function(){return t(e,this,x)._||(x._=t(e,this,e.fromData({tzid:"UTC"}))),t(e,this,x)._}},{key:"localTimezone",get:function(){return t(e,this,N)._||(N._=t(e,this,e.fromData({tzid:"floating"}))),t(e,this,N)._}},{key:"adjust_change",value:function(t,e,n,r,i){return k.prototype.adjust.call(t,e,n,r,i,t)}}])}(),x={_:null},N={_:null};u(C,"_minimumExpansionYear",-1),u(C,"EXTRA_COVERAGE",5);var I=null,B={get count(){return null===I?0:Object.keys(I).length},reset:function(){I=Object.create(null);var t=C.utcTimezone;I.Z=t,I.UTC=t,I.GMT=t},has:function(t){return null!==I&&!!I[t]},get:function(t){return null===I&&this.reset(),I[t]},register:function(t,e){if(null===I&&this.reset(),t instanceof Lt&&"vtimezone"===t.name&&(t=(e=new C(t)).tzid),!(e instanceof C))throw new TypeError("timezone must be ICAL.Timezone or ICAL.Component");I[t]=e},remove:function(t){return null===I?null:delete I[t]}};function M(t){return"number"==typeof t&&isNaN(t)}function L(t){var e=parseInt(t,10);if(M(e))throw new Error('Could not extract integer from "'+t+'"');return e}function z(t,e){if(void 0!==t)return t instanceof e?t:new e(t)}function P(t,e,n){for(;-1!==(n=t.indexOf(e,n));){if(!(n>0&&"\\"===t[n-1]))return n;n+=1}return-1}function U(t,e,n){if(!t.length)return 0;for(var r,i,a=0,s=t.length-1;a<=s;)if((i=n(e,t[r=a+Math.floor((s-a)/2)]))<0)s=r-1;else{if(!(i>0))break;a=r+1}return i<0?r:i>0?r+1:r}function j(t,e){if(t&&"object"==i(t)){if(t instanceof Date)return new Date(t.getTime());if("clone"in t)return t.clone();if(Array.isArray(t)){for(var n=[],r=0;r65535?2:1:(e+=Vt.newLineChar+" "+n.slice(0,Math.max(0,r)),n=n.slice(Math.max(0,r)),r=i=0)}return e.slice(Vt.newLineChar.length+1)}function R(t){switch("string"!=typeof t&&("number"==typeof t&&(t=parseInt(t)),t=String(t)),t.length){case 0:return"00";case 1:return"0"+t;default:return t}}function H(t){return t<0?Math.ceil(t):Math.floor(t)}function W(t,e){for(var n in t){var r=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,n);r&&!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,n)&&Object.defineProperty(e,n,r)}return e}var F=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,updateTimezones:function(t){var e,n,r,i,a;if(!t||"vcalendar"!==t.name)return t;for(e=t.getAllSubcomponents(),n=[],r={},a=0;an)-(n>e)}},{key:"_normalize",value:function(){for(var t=this.toSeconds(),e=this.factor;t<-43200;)t+=97200;for(;t>50400;)t-=97200;this.fromSeconds(t),0==t&&(this.factor=e)}},{key:"toICALString",value:function(){return Ct.icalendar.value["utc-offset"].toICAL(this.toString())}},{key:"toString",value:function(){return(1==this.factor?"+":"-")+R(this.hours)+":"+R(this.minutes)}}],[{key:"fromString",value:function(e){var n={};return n.factor="+"===e[0]?1:-1,n.hours=L(e.slice(1,3)),n.minutes=L(e.slice(4,6)),new t(n)}},{key:"fromSeconds",value:function(e){var n=new t;return n.fromSeconds(e),n}}])}(),q=function(t){function n(t,r,i){var s;return a(this,n),u(s=e(this,n,[t,r]),"icalclass","vcardtime"),u(s,"icaltype","date-and-or-time"),s.icaltype=i||"date-and-or-time",s}return l(n,t),o(n,[{key:"clone",value:function(){return new n(this._time,this.zone,this.icaltype)}},{key:"_normalize",value:function(){return this}},{key:"utcOffset",value:function(){return this.zone instanceof K?this.zone.toSeconds():k.prototype.utcOffset.apply(this,arguments)}},{key:"toICALString",value:function(){return Ct.vcard.value[this.icaltype].toICAL(this.toString())}},{key:"toString",value:function(){var t,e=this.year,n=this.month,r=this.day,i=this.hour,a=this.minute,s=this.second,o=null!==n,u=null!==r,l=null!==i,h=null!==a,c=null!==s,f=(null!==e?R(e)+(o||u?"-":""):o||u?"--":"")+(o?R(n):"")+(u?"-"+R(r):""),d=(l?R(i):"-")+(l&&h?":":"")+(h?R(a):"")+(l||h?"":"-")+(h&&c?":":"")+(c?R(s):"");if(this.zone===C.utcTimezone)t="Z";else if(this.zone instanceof K)t=this.zone.toString();else if(this.zone===C.localTimezone)t="";else if(this.zone instanceof C){t=K.fromSeconds(this.zone.utcOffset(this)).toString()}else t="";switch(this.icaltype){case"time":return d+t;case"date-and-or-time":case"date-time":return f+("--"==d?"":"T"+d+t);case"date":return f}return null}}],[{key:"fromDateAndOrTimeString",value:function(t,e){function r(t,e,n){return t?L(t.slice(e,e+n)):null}var i=t.split("T"),a=i[0],s=i[1],o=s?Ct.vcard.value.time._splitZone(s):[],u=o[0],l=o[1],h=a?a.length:0,c=l?l.length:0,f=a&&"-"==a[0]&&"-"==a[1],d=l&&"-"==l[0];return new n({year:f?null:r(a,0,4),month:!f||4!=h&&7!=h?7==h||10==h?r(a,5,2):null:r(a,2,2),day:5==h?r(a,3,2):7==h&&f?r(a,5,2):10==h?r(a,8,2):null,hour:d?null:r(l,0,2),minute:d&&3==c?r(l,1,2):c>4?r(l,d?1:3,2):null,second:4==c?r(l,2,2):6==c?r(l,4,2):8==c?r(l,6,2):null},u="Z"==u?C.utcTimezone:u&&":"==u[3]?K.fromString(u):null,e)}}])}(k),J=function(){function t(e){a(this,t),u(this,"completed",!1),u(this,"rule",null),u(this,"dtstart",null),u(this,"last",null),u(this,"occurrence_number",0),u(this,"by_indices",null),u(this,"initialized",!1),u(this,"by_data",null),u(this,"days",null),u(this,"days_index",0),this.fromData(e)}return o(t,[{key:"fromData",value:function(t){if(this.rule=z(t.rule,tt),!this.rule)throw new Error("iterator requires a (ICAL.Recur) rule");if(this.dtstart=z(t.dtstart,k),!this.dtstart)throw new Error("iterator requires a (ICAL.Time) dtstart");t.by_data?this.by_data=t.by_data:this.by_data=j(this.rule.parts,!0),t.occurrence_number&&(this.occurrence_number=t.occurrence_number),this.days=t.days||[],t.last&&(this.last=z(t.last,k)),this.by_indices=t.by_indices,this.by_indices||(this.by_indices={BYSECOND:0,BYMINUTE:0,BYHOUR:0,BYDAY:0,BYMONTH:0,BYWEEKNO:0,BYMONTHDAY:0}),this.initialized=t.initialized||!1,this.initialized||this.init()}},{key:"init",value:function(){this.initialized=!0,this.last=this.dtstart.clone();var t=this.by_data;if("BYDAY"in t&&this.sort_byday_rules(t.BYDAY),"BYYEARDAY"in t&&("BYMONTH"in t||"BYWEEKNO"in t||"BYMONTHDAY"in t||"BYDAY"in t))throw new Error("Invalid BYYEARDAY rule");if("BYWEEKNO"in t&&"BYMONTHDAY"in t)throw new Error("BYWEEKNO does not fit to BYMONTHDAY");if("MONTHLY"==this.rule.freq&&("BYYEARDAY"in t||"BYWEEKNO"in t))throw new Error("For MONTHLY recurrences neither BYYEARDAY nor BYWEEKNO may appear");if("WEEKLY"==this.rule.freq&&("BYYEARDAY"in t||"BYMONTHDAY"in t))throw new Error("For WEEKLY recurrences neither BYMONTHDAY nor BYYEARDAY may appear");if("YEARLY"!=this.rule.freq&&"BYYEARDAY"in t)throw new Error("BYYEARDAY may only appear in YEARLY rules");this.last.second=this.setup_defaults("BYSECOND","SECONDLY",this.dtstart.second),this.last.minute=this.setup_defaults("BYMINUTE","MINUTELY",this.dtstart.minute),this.last.hour=this.setup_defaults("BYHOUR","HOURLY",this.dtstart.hour);var e=this.last.day=this.setup_defaults("BYMONTHDAY","DAILY",this.dtstart.day);if(this.last.month=this.setup_defaults("BYMONTH","MONTHLY",this.dtstart.month),"WEEKLY"==this.rule.freq)if("BYDAY"in t){var n=d(this.ruleDayOfWeek(t.BYDAY[0],this.rule.wkst),2)[1],r=n-this.last.dayOfWeek(this.rule.wkst);(this.last.dayOfWeek(this.rule.wkst)=0||r<0)&&(this.last.day+=r)}else{var i=tt.numericDayToIcalDay(this.dtstart.dayOfWeek());t.BYDAY=[i]}if("YEARLY"==this.rule.freq){for(;this.expand_year_days(this.last.year),!(this.days.length>0);)this.increment_year(this.rule.interval);this._nextByYearDay()}if("MONTHLY"==this.rule.freq&&this.has_by_data("BYDAY")){var a,s=null,o=this.last.clone(),u=k.daysInMonth(this.last.month,this.last.year),l=p(this.by_data.BYDAY);try{for(l.s();!(a=l.n()).done;){var h=a.value;this.last=o.clone();var c=d(this.ruleDayOfWeek(h),2),f=c[0],y=c[1],m=this.last.nthWeekDay(y,f);if(f>=6||f<=-6)throw new Error("Malformed values in BYDAY part");if(m>u||m<=0){if(s&&s.month==o.month)continue;for(;m>u||m<=0;)this.increment_month(),u=k.daysInMonth(this.last.month,this.last.year),m=this.last.nthWeekDay(y,f)}this.last.day=m,(!s||this.last.compare(s)<0)&&(s=this.last.clone())}}catch(t){l.e(t)}finally{l.f()}if(this.last=s.clone(),this.has_by_data("BYMONTHDAY")&&this._byDayAndMonthDay(!0),this.last.day>u||0==this.last.day)throw new Error("Malformed values in BYDAY part")}else if(this.has_by_data("BYMONTHDAY")){this.last.day=1;var v=k.daysInMonth(this.last.month,this.last.year);if(e<0)this.last.day=v+e+1;else if(this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY[0]>v){if(!this.next_month()&&!this.next_month()&&!this.next_month())throw new Error("No possible occurrences")}else this.last.day=e}}},{key:"next",value:function(){var t,e=this.last?this.last.clone():null;if(this.rule.count&&this.occurrence_number>=this.rule.count||this.rule.until&&this.last.compare(this.rule.until)>0)return this.completed=!0,null;if(0==this.occurrence_number&&this.last.compare(this.dtstart)>=0)return this.occurrence_number++,this.last;do{switch(t=1,this.rule.freq){case"SECONDLY":this.next_second();break;case"MINUTELY":this.next_minute();break;case"HOURLY":this.next_hour();break;case"DAILY":this.next_day();break;case"WEEKLY":this.next_week();break;case"MONTHLY":t=this.next_month();break;case"YEARLY":this.next_year();break;default:return null}}while(!this.check_contracting_rules()||this.last.compare(this.dtstart)<0||!t);if(0==this.last.compare(e))throw new Error("Same occurrence found twice, protecting you from death by recursion");return this.rule.until&&this.last.compare(this.rule.until)>0?(this.completed=!0,null):(this.occurrence_number++,this.last)}},{key:"next_second",value:function(){return this.next_generic("BYSECOND","SECONDLY","second","minute")}},{key:"increment_second",value:function(t){return this.increment_generic(t,"second",60,"minute")}},{key:"next_minute",value:function(){return this.next_generic("BYMINUTE","MINUTELY","minute","hour","next_second")}},{key:"increment_minute",value:function(t){return this.increment_generic(t,"minute",60,"hour")}},{key:"next_hour",value:function(){return this.next_generic("BYHOUR","HOURLY","hour","monthday","next_minute")}},{key:"increment_hour",value:function(t){this.increment_generic(t,"hour",24,"monthday")}},{key:"next_day",value:function(){var t="DAILY"==this.rule.freq;return 0==this.next_hour()||(t?this.increment_monthday(this.rule.interval):this.increment_monthday(1)),0}},{key:"next_week",value:function(){var t=0;if(0==this.next_weekday_by_week())return t;if(this.has_by_data("BYWEEKNO")){this.by_indices.BYWEEKNO++,this.by_indices.BYWEEKNO==this.by_data.BYWEEKNO.length&&(this.by_indices.BYWEEKNO=0,t=1),this.last.month=1,this.last.day=1;var e=this.by_data.BYWEEKNO[this.by_indices.BYWEEKNO];this.last.day+=7*e,t&&this.increment_year(1)}else this.increment_monthday(7*this.rule.interval);return t}},{key:"normalizeByMonthDayRules",value:function(t,e,n){for(var r,i=k.daysInMonth(e,t),a=[],s=0,o=n.length;si)){if(r<0)r=i+(r+1);else if(0===r)continue;-1===a.indexOf(r)&&a.push(r)}return a.sort((function(t,e){return t-e}))}},{key:"_byDayAndMonthDay",value:function(t){var e,n,r,i,a=this.by_data.BYDAY,s=0,o=a.length,u=0,l=this,h=this.last.day;function c(){for(i=k.daysInMonth(l.last.month,l.last.year),e=l.normalizeByMonthDayRules(l.last.year,l.last.month,l.by_data.BYMONTHDAY),r=e.length;e[s]<=h&&(!t||e[s]!=h)&&si)f();else{var y=e[s++];if(y>=n){h=y;for(var m=0;mn&&(this.last.day=1,this.increment_month(),this.is_day_in_byday(this.last)?this.has_by_data("BYSETPOS")&&!this.check_set_position(1)||(t=1):t=0)}else if(this.has_by_data("BYMONTHDAY")){this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY++,this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY>=this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY.length&&(this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY=0,this.increment_month());var o=k.daysInMonth(this.last.month,this.last.year),u=this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY[this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY];u<0&&(u=o+u+1),u>o?(this.last.day=1,t=this.is_day_in_byday(this.last)):this.last.day=u}else{this.increment_month();var l=k.daysInMonth(this.last.month,this.last.year);this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY[0]>l?t=0:this.last.day=this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY[0]}return t}},{key:"next_weekday_by_week",value:function(){var t=0;if(0==this.next_hour())return t;if(!this.has_by_data("BYDAY"))return 1;for(;;){var e=new k;this.by_indices.BYDAY++,this.by_indices.BYDAY==Object.keys(this.by_data.BYDAY).length&&(this.by_indices.BYDAY=0,t=1);var n=this.by_data.BYDAY[this.by_indices.BYDAY],r=this.ruleDayOfWeek(n)[1];(r-=this.rule.wkst)<0&&(r+=7),e.year=this.last.year,e.month=this.last.month,e.day=this.last.day;var i=e.startDoyWeek(this.rule.wkst);if(!(r+i<1)||t){var a=k.fromDayOfYear(i+r,this.last.year);return this.last.year=a.year,this.last.month=a.month,this.last.day=a.day,t}}}},{key:"next_year",value:function(){if(0==this.next_hour())return 0;if(++this.days_index==this.days.length){this.days_index=0;do{this.increment_year(this.rule.interval),this.expand_year_days(this.last.year)}while(0==this.days.length)}return this._nextByYearDay(),1}},{key:"_nextByYearDay",value:function(){var t=this.days[this.days_index],e=this.last.year;t<1&&(t+=1,e+=1);var n=k.fromDayOfYear(t,e);this.last.day=n.day,this.last.month=n.month}},{key:"ruleDayOfWeek",value:function(t,e){var n=t.match(/([+-]?[0-9])?(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU)/);return n?[parseInt(n[1]||0,10),t=tt.icalDayToNumericDay(n[2],e)]:[0,0]}},{key:"next_generic",value:function(t,e,n,r,i){var a=t in this.by_data,s=this.rule.freq==e,o=0;if(i&&0==this[i]())return o;if(a){this.by_indices[t]++;var u=this.by_data[t];this.by_indices[t]==u.length&&(this.by_indices[t]=0,o=1),this.last[n]=u[this.by_indices[t]]}else s&&this["increment_"+n](this.rule.interval);return a&&o&&s&&this["increment_"+r](1),o}},{key:"increment_monthday",value:function(t){for(var e=0;en&&(this.last.day-=n,this.increment_month())}}},{key:"increment_month",value:function(){if(this.last.day=1,this.has_by_data("BYMONTH"))this.by_indices.BYMONTH++,this.by_indices.BYMONTH==this.by_data.BYMONTH.length&&(this.by_indices.BYMONTH=0,this.increment_year(1)),this.last.month=this.by_data.BYMONTH[this.by_indices.BYMONTH];else{"MONTHLY"==this.rule.freq?this.last.month+=this.rule.interval:this.last.month++,this.last.month--;var t=H(this.last.month/12);this.last.month%=12,this.last.month++,0!=t&&this.increment_year(t)}}},{key:"increment_year",value:function(t){this.last.year+=t}},{key:"increment_generic",value:function(t,e,n,r){this.last[e]+=t;var i=H(this.last[e]/n);this.last[e]%=n,0!=i&&this["increment_"+r](i)}},{key:"has_by_data",value:function(t){return t in this.rule.parts}},{key:"expand_year_days",value:function(t){var e=new k;this.days=[];for(var n={},r=0,i=["BYDAY","BYWEEKNO","BYMONTHDAY","BYMONTH","BYYEARDAY"];r0?(J=Z+7*(K-1))<=M&&this.days.push(z+J):(J=G+7*(K+1))>0&&this.days.push(z+J)}}catch(t){H.e(t)}finally{H.f()}}}}catch(t){I.e(t)}finally{I.f()}this.days.sort((function(t,e){return t-e}))}else if(2==d&&"BYDAY"in n&&"BYMONTHDAY"in n){var Q,$=p(this.expand_by_day(t));try{for($.s();!(Q=$.n()).done;){var tt=Q.value,et=k.fromDayOfYear(tt,t);this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY.indexOf(et.day)>=0&&this.days.push(tt)}}catch(t){$.e(t)}finally{$.f()}}else if(3==d&&"BYDAY"in n&&"BYMONTHDAY"in n&&"BYMONTH"in n){var nt,rt=p(this.expand_by_day(t));try{for(rt.s();!(nt=rt.n()).done;){var it=nt.value,at=k.fromDayOfYear(it,t);this.by_data.BYMONTH.indexOf(at.month)>=0&&this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY.indexOf(at.day)>=0&&this.days.push(it)}}catch(t){rt.e(t)}finally{rt.f()}}else if(2==d&&"BYDAY"in n&&"BYWEEKNO"in n){var st,ot=p(this.expand_by_day(t));try{for(ot.s();!(st=ot.n()).done;){var ut=st.value,lt=k.fromDayOfYear(ut,t).weekNumber(this.rule.wkst);this.by_data.BYWEEKNO.indexOf(lt)&&this.days.push(ut)}}catch(t){ot.e(t)}finally{ot.f()}}else 3==d&&"BYDAY"in n&&"BYWEEKNO"in n&&"BYMONTHDAY"in n||(this.days=1==d&&"BYYEARDAY"in n?this.days.concat(this.by_data.BYYEARDAY):[]);return 0}},{key:"expand_by_day",value:function(t){var e=[],n=this.last.clone();n.year=t,n.month=1,n.day=1,n.isDate=!0;var r=n.dayOfWeek();n.month=12,n.day=31,n.isDate=!0;var i,a=n.dayOfWeek(),s=n.dayOfYear(),o=p(this.by_data.BYDAY);try{for(o.s();!(i=o.n()).done;){var u=i.value,l=this.ruleDayOfWeek(u),h=l[0],c=l[1];if(0==h)for(var f=(c+7-r)%7+1;f<=s;f+=7)e.push(f);else if(h>0){var d=void 0;d=c>=r?c-r+1:c-r+8,e.push(d+7*(h-1))}else{var y=void 0;h=-h,y=c<=a?s-a+c:s-a+c-7,e.push(y-7*(h-1))}}}catch(t){o.e(t)}finally{o.f()}return e}},{key:"is_day_in_byday",value:function(t){if(this.by_data.BYDAY){var e,n=p(this.by_data.BYDAY);try{for(n.s();!(e=n.n()).done;){var r=e.value,i=this.ruleDayOfWeek(r),a=i[0],s=i[1],o=t.dayOfWeek();if(0==a&&s==o||t.nthWeekDay(s,a)==t.day)return 1}}catch(t){n.e(t)}finally{n.f()}}return 0}},{key:"check_set_position",value:function(t){return!!this.has_by_data("BYSETPOS")&&-1!==this.by_data.BYSETPOS.indexOf(t)}},{key:"sort_byday_rules",value:function(t){for(var e=0;ethis.ruleDayOfWeek(t[e],this.rule.wkst)[1]){var r=t[e];t[e]=t[n],t[n]=r}}}},{key:"check_contract_restriction",value:function(e,n){var r=t._indexMap[e],i=t._expandMap[this.rule.freq][r],a=!1;if(e in this.by_data&&i==t.CONTRACT){var s,o=p(this.by_data[e]);try{for(o.s();!(s=o.n()).done;){if(s.value==n){a=!0;break}}}catch(t){o.e(t)}finally{o.f()}}else a=!0;return a}},{key:"check_contracting_rules",value:function(){var t=this.last.dayOfWeek(),e=this.last.weekNumber(this.rule.wkst),n=this.last.dayOfYear();return this.check_contract_restriction("BYSECOND",this.last.second)&&this.check_contract_restriction("BYMINUTE",this.last.minute)&&this.check_contract_restriction("BYHOUR",this.last.hour)&&this.check_contract_restriction("BYDAY",tt.numericDayToIcalDay(t))&&this.check_contract_restriction("BYWEEKNO",e)&&this.check_contract_restriction("BYMONTHDAY",this.last.day)&&this.check_contract_restriction("BYMONTH",this.last.month)&&this.check_contract_restriction("BYYEARDAY",n)}},{key:"setup_defaults",value:function(e,n,r){var i=t._indexMap[e];return t._expandMap[this.rule.freq][i]!=t.CONTRACT&&(e in this.by_data||(this.by_data[e]=[r]),this.rule.freq!=n)?this.by_data[e][0]:r}},{key:"toJSON",value:function(){var t=Object.create(null);return t.initialized=this.initialized,t.rule=this.rule.toJSON(),t.dtstart=this.dtstart.toJSON(),t.by_data=this.by_data,t.days=this.days,t.last=this.last.toJSON(),t.by_indices=this.by_indices,t.occurrence_number=this.occurrence_number,t}}])}();u(J,"_indexMap",{BYSECOND:0,BYMINUTE:1,BYHOUR:2,BYDAY:3,BYMONTHDAY:4,BYYEARDAY:5,BYWEEKNO:6,BYMONTH:7,BYSETPOS:8}),u(J,"_expandMap",{SECONDLY:[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],MINUTELY:[2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],HOURLY:[2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1],DAILY:[2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1],WEEKLY:[2,2,2,2,3,3,1,1],MONTHLY:[2,2,2,2,2,3,3,1],YEARLY:[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]}),u(J,"UNKNOWN",0),u(J,"CONTRACT",1),u(J,"EXPAND",2),u(J,"ILLEGAL",3);var Z=/^(SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA)$/,G=/^([+-])?(5[0-3]|[1-4][0-9]|[1-9])?(SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA)$/,X={SU:k.SUNDAY,MO:k.MONDAY,TU:k.TUESDAY,WE:k.WEDNESDAY,TH:k.THURSDAY,FR:k.FRIDAY,SA:k.SATURDAY},Q=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(X).map((function(t){return t.reverse()}))),$=["SECONDLY","MINUTELY","HOURLY","DAILY","WEEKLY","MONTHLY","YEARLY"],tt=function(){function 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"'+$.join(", ")+'"');e.freq=t},COUNT:function(t,e,n){e.count=L(t)},INTERVAL:function(t,e,n){e.interval=L(t),e.interval<1&&(e.interval=1)},UNTIL:function(t,e,n){t.length>10?e.until=Ct.icalendar.value["date-time"].fromICAL(t):e.until=Ct.icalendar.value.date.fromICAL(t),n||(e.until=k.fromString(e.until))},WKST:function(t,e,n){if(!Z.test(t))throw new Error('invalid WKST value "'+t+'"');e.wkst=tt.icalDayToNumericDay(t)}},rt={BYSECOND:et.bind(void 0,"BYSECOND",0,60),BYMINUTE:et.bind(void 0,"BYMINUTE",0,59),BYHOUR:et.bind(void 0,"BYHOUR",0,23),BYDAY:function(t){if(G.test(t))return t;throw new Error('invalid BYDAY value "'+t+'"')},BYMONTHDAY:et.bind(void 0,"BYMONTHDAY",-31,31),BYYEARDAY:et.bind(void 0,"BYYEARDAY",-366,366),BYWEEKNO:et.bind(void 0,"BYWEEKNO",-53,53),BYMONTH:et.bind(void 0,"BYMONTH",1,12),BYSETPOS:et.bind(void 0,"BYSETPOS",-366,366)},it=function(){function 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t&&t in Ct.components?Ct.components[t]:Ct.defaultSet}},xt="\r\n",Nt="unknown",It={'"':"^'","\n":"^n","^":"^^"};function Bt(t){"string"==typeof t[0]&&(t=[t]);for(var e=0,n=t.length,r="";e0&&("version"!==t[1][0][0]||"4.0"!==t[1][0][3])&&(o="vcard3"),e=e||Ct.getDesignSet(o);a0&&"object"===i(t[0])&&"icaltype"in t[0]&&this.resetType(t[0].icaltype),this.isDecorated)for(;n=0;a--)n&&i[a][0]!==n||this._removeObjectByIndex(t,r,a)}},{key:"addSubcomponent",value:function(t){this._components||(this._components=[],this._hydratedComponentCount=0),t.parent&&t.parent.removeSubcomponent(t);var e=this.jCal[2].push(t.jCal);return this._components[e-1]=t,this._hydratedComponentCount++,t.parent=this,t}},{key:"removeSubcomponent",value:function(t){var e=this._removeObject(2,"_components",t);return e&&this._hydratedComponentCount--,e}},{key:"removeAllSubcomponents",value:function(t){var e=this._removeAllObjects(2,"_components",t);return this._hydratedComponentCount=0,e}},{key:"addProperty",value:function(t){if(!(t instanceof Mt))throw new TypeError("must be instance of ICAL.Property");this._properties||(this._properties=[],this._hydratedPropertyCount=0),t.parent&&t.parent.removeProperty(t);var e=this.jCal[1].push(t.jCal);return this._properties[e-1]=t,this._hydratedPropertyCount++,t.parent=this,t}},{key:"addPropertyWithValue",value:function(t,e){var n=new Mt(t);return n.setValue(e),this.addProperty(n),n}},{key:"updatePropertyWithValue",value:function(t,e){var n=this.getFirstProperty(t);return n?n.setValue(e):n=this.addPropertyWithValue(t,e),n}},{key:"removeProperty",value:function(t){var e=this._removeObject(1,"_properties",t);return e&&this._hydratedPropertyCount--,e}},{key:"removeAllProperties",value:function(t){var e=this._removeAllObjects(1,"_properties",t);return this._hydratedPropertyCount=0,e}},{key:"toJSON",value:function(){return this.jCal}},{key:"toString",value:function(){return Bt.component(this.jCal,this._designSet)}},{key:"getTimeZoneByID",value:function(t){if(this.parent)return this.parent.getTimeZoneByID(t);if(!this._timezoneCache)return null;if(this._timezoneCache.has(t))return this._timezoneCache.get(t);var e,n=p(this.getAllSubcomponents("vtimezone"));try{for(n.s();!(e=n.n()).done;){var r=e.value;if(r.getFirstProperty("tzid").getFirstValue()===t){var i=new C({component:r,tzid:t});return this._timezoneCache.set(t,i),i}}}catch(t){n.e(t)}finally{n.f()}return null}}],[{key:"fromString",value:function(e){return new t(S.component(e))}}])}(),zt=function(){return o((function t(e){a(this,t),u(this,"complete",!1),u(this,"ruleIterators",null),u(this,"ruleDates",null),u(this,"exDates",null),u(this,"ruleDateInc",0),u(this,"exDateInc",0),u(this,"exDate",null),u(this,"ruleDate",null),u(this,"dtstart",null),u(this,"last",null),this.ruleDates=[],this.exDates=[],this.fromData(e)}),[{key:"fromData",value:function(t){var e=z(t.dtstart,k);if(!e)throw new Error(".dtstart (ICAL.Time) must be given");if(this.dtstart=e,t.component)this._init(t.component);else{if(this.last=z(t.last,k)||e.clone(),!t.ruleIterators)throw new Error(".ruleIterators or .component must be given");this.ruleIterators=t.ruleIterators.map((function(t){return z(t,J)})),this.ruleDateInc=t.ruleDateInc,this.exDateInc=t.exDateInc,t.ruleDates&&(this.ruleDates=t.ruleDates.map((function(t){return z(t,k)})),this.ruleDate=this.ruleDates[this.ruleDateInc]),t.exDates&&(this.exDates=t.exDates.map((function(t){return z(t,k)})),this.exDate=this.exDates[this.exDateInc]),void 0!==t.complete&&(this.complete=t.complete)}}},{key:"next",value:function(){for(var t,e,n,r=0;;){if(r++>500)throw new Error("max tries have occurred, rule may be impossible to fulfill.");if(e=this.ruleDate,t=this._nextRecurrenceIter(this.last),!e&&!t){this.complete=!0;break}if((!e||t&&e.compare(t.last)>0)&&(e=t.last.clone(),t.next()),this.ruleDate===e&&this._nextRuleDay(),this.last=e,!this.exDate||((n=this.exDate.compare(this.last))<0&&this._nextExDay(),0!==n))return this.last;this._nextExDay()}}},{key:"toJSON",value:function(){function t(t){return t.toJSON()}var e=Object.create(null);return e.ruleIterators=this.ruleIterators.map(t),this.ruleDates&&(e.ruleDates=this.ruleDates.map(t)),this.exDates&&(e.exDates=this.exDates.map(t)),e.ruleDateInc=this.ruleDateInc,e.exDateInc=this.exDateInc,e.last=this.last.toJSON(),e.dtstart=this.dtstart.toJSON(),e.complete=this.complete,e}},{key:"_extractDates",value:function(t,e){for(var n=[],r=t.getAllProperties(e),i=0,a=r.length;i0)&&(r=e);return r}}])}(),Pt=function(){function t(e,n){a(this,t),u(this,"exceptions",null),u(this,"strictExceptions",!1),e instanceof Lt||(n=e,e=null),this.component=e||new Lt("vevent"),this._rangeExceptionCache=Object.create(null),this.exceptions=Object.create(null),this.rangeExceptions=[],n&&n.strictExceptions&&(this.strictExceptions=n.strictExceptions),n&&n.exceptions?n.exceptions.forEach(this.relateException,this):this.component.parent&&!this.isRecurrenceException()&&this.component.parent.getAllSubcomponents("vevent").forEach((function(t){t.hasProperty("recurrence-id")&&this.relateException(t)}),this)}return o(t,[{key:"relateException",value:function(e){if(this.isRecurrenceException())throw new Error("cannot relate exception to exceptions");if(e instanceof Lt&&(e=new t(e)),this.strictExceptions&&e.uid!==this.uid)throw new Error("attempted to relate unrelated exception");var n=e.recurrenceId.toString();if(this.exceptions[n]=e,e.modifiesFuture()){var r=[e.recurrenceId.toUnixTime(),n],i=U(this.rangeExceptions,r,Ut);this.rangeExceptions.splice(i,0,r)}}},{key:"modifiesFuture",value:function(){return!!this.component.hasProperty("recurrence-id")&&this.component.getFirstProperty("recurrence-id").getParameter("range")===t.THISANDFUTURE}},{key:"findRangeException",value:function(t){if(!this.rangeExceptions.length)return null;var e=t.toUnixTime(),n=U(this.rangeExceptions,[e],Ut);if((n-=1)<0)return null;var r=this.rangeExceptions[n];return ee[0]?1:e[0]>t[0]?-1:0}u(Pt,"THISANDFUTURE","THISANDFUTURE");var jt=function(){return o((function t(e){a(this,t),u(this,"parseEvent",!0),u(this,"parseTimezone",!0),u(this,"oncomplete",(function(){})),u(this,"onerror",(function(t){})),u(this,"ontimezone",(function(t){})),u(this,"onevent",(function(t){})),void 0===e&&(e={});for(var n=0,r=Object.entries(e);n { + +/** + * Represents the BINARY value type, which contains extra methods for encoding and decoding. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class Binary { + /** + * Creates a binary value from the given string. + * + * @param {String} aString The binary value string + * @return {Binary} The binary value instance + */ + static fromString(aString) { + return new Binary(aString); + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Binary instance + * + * @param {String} aValue The binary data for this value + */ + constructor(aValue) { + this.value = aValue; + } + + /** + * The type name, to be used in the jCal object. + * @default "binary" + * @constant + */ + icaltype = "binary"; + + /** + * Base64 decode the current value + * + * @return {String} The base64-decoded value + */ + decodeValue() { + return this._b64_decode(this.value); + } + + /** + * Encodes the passed parameter with base64 and sets the internal + * value to the result. + * + * @param {String} aValue The raw binary value to encode + */ + setEncodedValue(aValue) { + this.value = this._b64_encode(aValue); + } + + _b64_encode(data) { + // http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net + // + original by: Tyler Akins (http://rumkin.com) + // + improved by: Bayron Guevara + // + improved by: Thunder.m + // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) + // + bugfixed by: Pellentesque Malesuada + // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) + // + improved by: Rafał Kukawski (http://kukawski.pl) + // * example 1: base64_encode('Kevin van Zonneveld'); + // * returns 1: 'S2V2aW4gdmFuIFpvbm5ldmVsZA==' + // mozilla has this native + // - but breaks in! + //if (typeof this.window['atob'] == 'function') { + // return atob(data); + //} + let b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; + let o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, + ac = 0, + enc = "", + tmp_arr = []; + + if (!data) { + return data; + } + + do { // pack three octets into four hexets + o1 = data.charCodeAt(i++); + o2 = data.charCodeAt(i++); + o3 = data.charCodeAt(i++); + + bits = o1 << 16 | o2 << 8 | o3; + + h1 = bits >> 18 & 0x3f; + h2 = bits >> 12 & 0x3f; + h3 = bits >> 6 & 0x3f; + h4 = bits & 0x3f; + + // use hexets to index into b64, and append result to encoded string + tmp_arr[ac++] = b64.charAt(h1) + b64.charAt(h2) + b64.charAt(h3) + b64.charAt(h4); + } while (i < data.length); + + enc = tmp_arr.join(''); + + let r = data.length % 3; + + return (r ? enc.slice(0, r - 3) : enc) + '==='.slice(r || 3); + + } + + _b64_decode(data) { + // http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net + // + original by: Tyler Akins (http://rumkin.com) + // + improved by: Thunder.m + // + input by: Aman Gupta + // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) + // + bugfixed by: Onno Marsman + // + bugfixed by: Pellentesque Malesuada + // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) + // + input by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) + // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) + // * example 1: base64_decode('S2V2aW4gdmFuIFpvbm5ldmVsZA=='); + // * returns 1: 'Kevin van Zonneveld' + // mozilla has this native + // - but breaks in! + //if (typeof this.window['btoa'] == 'function') { + // return btoa(data); + //} + let b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; + let o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, + ac = 0, + dec = "", + tmp_arr = []; + + if (!data) { + return data; + } + + data += ''; + + do { // unpack four hexets into three octets using index points in b64 + h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); + h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); + h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); + h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); + + bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4; + + o1 = bits >> 16 & 0xff; + o2 = bits >> 8 & 0xff; + o3 = bits & 0xff; + + if (h3 == 64) { + tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1); + } else if (h4 == 64) { + tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2); + } else { + tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3); + } + } while (i < data.length); + + dec = tmp_arr.join(''); + + return dec; + } + + /** + * The string representation of this value + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + return this.value; + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +const DURATION_LETTERS = /([PDWHMTS]{1,1})/; +const DATA_PROPS_TO_COPY = ["weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "isNegative"]; + +/** + * This class represents the "duration" value type, with various calculation + * and manipulation methods. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class Duration { + /** + * Returns a new ICAL.Duration instance from the passed seconds value. + * + * @param {Number} aSeconds The seconds to create the instance from + * @return {Duration} The newly created duration instance + */ + static fromSeconds(aSeconds) { + return (new Duration()).fromSeconds(aSeconds); + } + + /** + * Checks if the given string is an iCalendar duration value. + * + * @param {String} value The raw ical value + * @return {Boolean} True, if the given value is of the + * duration ical type + */ + static isValueString(string) { + return (string[0] === 'P' || string[1] === 'P'); + } + + /** + * Creates a new {@link ICAL.Duration} instance from the passed string. + * + * @param {String} aStr The string to parse + * @return {Duration} The created duration instance + */ + static fromString(aStr) { + let pos = 0; + let dict = Object.create(null); + let chunks = 0; + + while ((pos = aStr.search(DURATION_LETTERS)) !== -1) { + let type = aStr[pos]; + let numeric = aStr.slice(0, Math.max(0, pos)); + aStr = aStr.slice(pos + 1); + + chunks += parseDurationChunk(type, numeric, dict); + } + + if (chunks < 2) { + // There must be at least a chunk with "P" and some unit chunk + throw new Error( + 'invalid duration value: Not enough duration components in "' + aStr + '"' + ); + } + + return new Duration(dict); + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Duration instance from the given data object. + * + * @param {Object} aData An object with members of the duration + * @param {Number=} aData.weeks Duration in weeks + * @param {Number=} aData.days Duration in days + * @param {Number=} aData.hours Duration in hours + * @param {Number=} aData.minutes Duration in minutes + * @param {Number=} aData.seconds Duration in seconds + * @param {Boolean=} aData.isNegative If true, the duration is negative + * @return {Duration} The createad duration instance + */ + static fromData(aData) { + return new Duration(aData); + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Duration instance. + * + * @param {Object} data An object with members of the duration + * @param {Number=} data.weeks Duration in weeks + * @param {Number=} data.days Duration in days + * @param {Number=} data.hours Duration in hours + * @param {Number=} data.minutes Duration in minutes + * @param {Number=} data.seconds Duration in seconds + * @param {Boolean=} data.isNegative If true, the duration is negative + */ + constructor(data) { + this.wrappedJSObject = this; + this.fromData(data); + } + + /** + * The weeks in this duration + * @type {Number} + * @default 0 + */ + weeks = 0; + + /** + * The days in this duration + * @type {Number} + * @default 0 + */ + days = 0; + + /** + * The days in this duration + * @type {Number} + * @default 0 + */ + hours = 0; + + /** + * The minutes in this duration + * @type {Number} + * @default 0 + */ + minutes = 0; + + /** + * The seconds in this duration + * @type {Number} + * @default 0 + */ + seconds = 0; + + /** + * The seconds in this duration + * @type {Boolean} + * @default false + */ + isNegative = false; + + /** + * The class identifier. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "icalduration" + */ + icalclass = "icalduration"; + + /** + * The type name, to be used in the jCal object. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "duration" + */ + icaltype = "duration"; + + /** + * Returns a clone of the duration object. + * + * @return {Duration} The cloned object + */ + clone() { + return Duration.fromData(this); + } + + /** + * The duration value expressed as a number of seconds. + * + * @return {Number} The duration value in seconds + */ + toSeconds() { + let seconds = this.seconds + 60 * this.minutes + 3600 * this.hours + + 86400 * this.days + 7 * 86400 * this.weeks; + return (this.isNegative ? -seconds : seconds); + } + + /** + * Reads the passed seconds value into this duration object. Afterwards, + * members like {@link ICAL.Duration#days days} and {@link ICAL.Duration#weeks weeks} will be set up + * accordingly. + * + * @param {Number} aSeconds The duration value in seconds + * @return {Duration} Returns this instance + */ + fromSeconds(aSeconds) { + let secs = Math.abs(aSeconds); + + this.isNegative = (aSeconds < 0); + this.days = trunc(secs / 86400); + + // If we have a flat number of weeks, use them. + if (this.days % 7 == 0) { + this.weeks = this.days / 7; + this.days = 0; + } else { + this.weeks = 0; + } + + secs -= (this.days + 7 * this.weeks) * 86400; + + this.hours = trunc(secs / 3600); + secs -= this.hours * 3600; + + this.minutes = trunc(secs / 60); + secs -= this.minutes * 60; + + this.seconds = secs; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets up the current instance using members from the passed data object. + * + * @param {Object} aData An object with members of the duration + * @param {Number=} aData.weeks Duration in weeks + * @param {Number=} aData.days Duration in days + * @param {Number=} aData.hours Duration in hours + * @param {Number=} aData.minutes Duration in minutes + * @param {Number=} aData.seconds Duration in seconds + * @param {Boolean=} aData.isNegative If true, the duration is negative + */ + fromData(aData) { + for (let prop of DATA_PROPS_TO_COPY) { + if (aData && prop in aData) { + this[prop] = aData[prop]; + } else { + this[prop] = 0; + } + } + } + + /** + * Resets the duration instance to the default values, i.e. PT0S + */ + reset() { + this.isNegative = false; + this.weeks = 0; + this.days = 0; + this.hours = 0; + this.minutes = 0; + this.seconds = 0; + } + + /** + * Compares the duration instance with another one. + * + * @param {Duration} aOther The instance to compare with + * @return {Number} -1, 0 or 1 for less/equal/greater + */ + compare(aOther) { + let thisSeconds = this.toSeconds(); + let otherSeconds = aOther.toSeconds(); + return (thisSeconds > otherSeconds) - (thisSeconds < otherSeconds); + } + + /** + * Normalizes the duration instance. For example, a duration with a value + * of 61 seconds will be normalized to 1 minute and 1 second. + */ + normalize() { + this.fromSeconds(this.toSeconds()); + } + + /** + * The string representation of this duration. + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + if (this.toSeconds() == 0) { + return "PT0S"; + } else { + let str = ""; + if (this.isNegative) str += "-"; + str += "P"; + if (this.weeks) str += this.weeks + "W"; + if (this.days) str += this.days + "D"; + + if (this.hours || this.minutes || this.seconds) { + str += "T"; + if (this.hours) str += this.hours + "H"; + if (this.minutes) str += this.minutes + "M"; + if (this.seconds) str += this.seconds + "S"; + } + return str; + } + } + + /** + * The iCalendar string representation of this duration. + * @return {String} + */ + toICALString() { + return this.toString(); + } +} + +/** + * Internal helper function to handle a chunk of a duration. + * + * @private + * @param {String} letter type of duration chunk + * @param {String} number numeric value or -/+ + * @param {Object} dict target to assign values to + */ +function parseDurationChunk(letter, number, object) { + let type; + switch (letter) { + case 'P': + if (number && number === '-') { + object.isNegative = true; + } else { + object.isNegative = false; + } + // period + break; + case 'D': + type = 'days'; + break; + case 'W': + type = 'weeks'; + break; + case 'H': + type = 'hours'; + break; + case 'M': + type = 'minutes'; + break; + case 'S': + type = 'seconds'; + break; + default: + // Not a valid chunk + return 0; + } + + if (type) { + if (!number && number !== 0) { + throw new Error( + 'invalid duration value: Missing number before "' + letter + '"' + ); + } + let num = parseInt(number, 10); + if (isStrictlyNaN(num)) { + throw new Error( + 'invalid duration value: Invalid number "' + number + '" before "' + letter + '"' + ); + } + object[type] = num; + } + + return 1; +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").weekDay} weekDay + * Imports the 'weekDay' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +/** + * @classdesc + * iCalendar Time representation (similar to JS Date object). Fully + * independent of system (OS) timezone / time. Unlike JS Date, the month + * January is 1, not zero. + * + * @example + * var time = new ICAL.Time({ + * year: 2012, + * month: 10, + * day: 11 + * minute: 0, + * second: 0, + * isDate: false + * }); + * + * + * @memberof ICAL +*/ +class Time { + static _dowCache = {}; + static _wnCache = {}; + + /** + * Returns the days in the given month + * + * @param {Number} month The month to check + * @param {Number} year The year to check + * @return {Number} The number of days in the month + */ + static daysInMonth(month, year) { + let _daysInMonth = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; + let days = 30; + + if (month < 1 || month > 12) return days; + + days = _daysInMonth[month]; + + if (month == 2) { + days += Time.isLeapYear(year); + } + + return days; + } + + /** + * Checks if the year is a leap year + * + * @param {Number} year The year to check + * @return {Boolean} True, if the year is a leap year + */ + static isLeapYear(year) { + if (year <= 1752) { + return ((year % 4) == 0); + } else { + return (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)); + } + } + + /** + * Create a new ICAL.Time from the day of year and year. The date is returned + * in floating timezone. + * + * @param {Number} aDayOfYear The day of year + * @param {Number} aYear The year to create the instance in + * @return {Time} The created instance with the calculated date + */ + static fromDayOfYear(aDayOfYear, aYear) { + let year = aYear; + let doy = aDayOfYear; + let tt = new Time(); + tt.auto_normalize = false; + let is_leap = (Time.isLeapYear(year) ? 1 : 0); + + if (doy < 1) { + year--; + is_leap = (Time.isLeapYear(year) ? 1 : 0); + doy += Time.daysInYearPassedMonth[is_leap][12]; + return Time.fromDayOfYear(doy, year); + } else if (doy > Time.daysInYearPassedMonth[is_leap][12]) { + is_leap = (Time.isLeapYear(year) ? 1 : 0); + doy -= Time.daysInYearPassedMonth[is_leap][12]; + year++; + return Time.fromDayOfYear(doy, year); + } + + tt.year = year; + tt.isDate = true; + + for (let month = 11; month >= 0; month--) { + if (doy > Time.daysInYearPassedMonth[is_leap][month]) { + tt.month = month + 1; + tt.day = doy - Time.daysInYearPassedMonth[is_leap][month]; + break; + } + } + + tt.auto_normalize = true; + return tt; + } + + /** + * Returns a new ICAL.Time instance from a date string, e.g 2015-01-02. + * + * @deprecated Use {@link ICAL.Time.fromDateString} instead + * @param {String} str The string to create from + * @return {Time} The date/time instance + */ + static fromStringv2(str) { + return new Time({ + year: parseInt(str.slice(0, 4), 10), + month: parseInt(str.slice(5, 7), 10), + day: parseInt(str.slice(8, 10), 10), + isDate: true + }); + } + + /** + * Returns a new ICAL.Time instance from a date string, e.g 2015-01-02. + * + * @param {String} aValue The string to create from + * @return {Time} The date/time instance + */ + static fromDateString(aValue) { + // Dates should have no timezone. + // Google likes to sometimes specify Z on dates + // we specifically ignore that to avoid issues. + + // YYYY-MM-DD + // 2012-10-10 + return new Time({ + year: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(0, 4)), + month: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(5, 7)), + day: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(8, 10)), + isDate: true + }); + } + + /** + * Returns a new ICAL.Time instance from a date-time string, e.g + * 2015-01-02T03:04:05. If a property is specified, the timezone is set up + * from the property's TZID parameter. + * + * @param {String} aValue The string to create from + * @param {Property=} prop The property the date belongs to + * @return {Time} The date/time instance + */ + static fromDateTimeString(aValue, prop) { + if (aValue.length < 19) { + throw new Error( + 'invalid date-time value: "' + aValue + '"' + ); + } + + let zone; + let zoneId; + + if (aValue[19] && aValue[19] === 'Z') { + zone = Timezone.utcTimezone; + } else if (prop) { + zoneId = prop.getParameter('tzid'); + + if (prop.parent) { + if (prop.parent.name === 'standard' || prop.parent.name === 'daylight') { + // Per RFC 5545 and, start/end date-times within + // these components MUST be specified in local time. + zone = Timezone.localTimezone; + } else if (zoneId) { + // If the desired time zone is defined within the component tree, + // fetch its definition and prefer that. + zone = prop.parent.getTimeZoneByID(zoneId); + } + } + } + + const timeData = { + year: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(0, 4)), + month: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(5, 7)), + day: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(8, 10)), + hour: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(11, 13)), + minute: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(14, 16)), + second: strictParseInt(aValue.slice(17, 19)), + }; + + // Although RFC 5545 requires that all TZIDs used within a file have a + // corresponding time zone definition, we may not be parsing the full file + // or we may be dealing with a non-compliant file; in either case, we can + // check our own time zone service for the TZID in a last-ditch effort. + if (zoneId && !zone) { + timeData.timezone = zoneId; + } + + // 2012-10-10T10:10:10(Z)? + return new Time(timeData, zone); + } + + /** + * Returns a new ICAL.Time instance from a date or date-time string, + * + * @param {String} aValue The string to create from + * @param {Property=} prop The property the date belongs to + * @return {Time} The date/time instance + */ + static fromString(aValue, aProperty) { + if (aValue.length > 10) { + return Time.fromDateTimeString(aValue, aProperty); + } else { + return Time.fromDateString(aValue); + } + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Time instance from the given Javascript Date. + * + * @param {?Date} aDate The Javascript Date to read, or null to reset + * @param {Boolean} [useUTC=false] If true, the UTC values of the date will be used + */ + static fromJSDate(aDate, useUTC) { + let tt = new Time(); + return tt.fromJSDate(aDate, useUTC); + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Time instance from the the passed data object. + * + * @param {Object} aData Time initialization + * @param {Number=} aData.year The year for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.month The month for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.day The day for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.hour The hour for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.minute The minute for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.second The second for this date + * @param {Boolean=} aData.isDate If true, the instance represents a date + * (as opposed to a date-time) + * @param {Timezone=} aZone Timezone this position occurs in + */ + static fromData = function fromData(aData, aZone) { + let t = new Time(); + return t.fromData(aData, aZone); + }; + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Time instance from the current moment. + * The instance is “floating” - has no timezone relation. + * To create an instance considering the time zone, call + * ICAL.Time.fromJSDate(new Date(), true) + * @return {Time} + */ + static now() { + return Time.fromJSDate(new Date(), false); + } + + /** + * Returns the date on which ISO week number 1 starts. + * + * @see Time#weekNumber + * @param {Number} aYear The year to search in + * @param {weekDay=} aWeekStart The week start weekday, used for calculation. + * @return {Time} The date on which week number 1 starts + */ + static weekOneStarts(aYear, aWeekStart) { + let t = Time.fromData({ + year: aYear, + month: 1, + day: 1, + isDate: true + }); + + let dow = t.dayOfWeek(); + let wkst = aWeekStart || Time.DEFAULT_WEEK_START; + if (dow > Time.THURSDAY) { + t.day += 7; + } + if (wkst > Time.THURSDAY) { + t.day -= 7; + } + + t.day -= dow - wkst; + + return t; + } + + /** + * Get the dominical letter for the given year. Letters range from A - G for + * common years, and AG to GF for leap years. + * + * @param {Number} yr The year to retrieve the letter for + * @return {String} The dominical letter. + */ + static getDominicalLetter(yr) { + let LTRS = "GFEDCBA"; + let dom = (yr + (yr / 4 | 0) + (yr / 400 | 0) - (yr / 100 | 0) - 1) % 7; + let isLeap = Time.isLeapYear(yr); + if (isLeap) { + return LTRS[(dom + 6) % 7] + LTRS[dom]; + } else { + return LTRS[dom]; + } + } + + static #epochTime = null; + /** + * January 1st, 1970 as an ICAL.Time. + * @type {Time} + * @constant + * @instance + */ + static get epochTime() { + if (!this.#epochTime) { + this.#epochTime = Time.fromData({ + year: 1970, + month: 1, + day: 1, + hour: 0, + minute: 0, + second: 0, + isDate: false, + timezone: "Z" + }); + } + return this.#epochTime; + } + + static _cmp_attr(a, b, attr) { + if (a[attr] > b[attr]) return 1; + if (a[attr] < b[attr]) return -1; + return 0; + } + + /** + * The days that have passed in the year after a given month. The array has + * two members, one being an array of passed days for non-leap years, the + * other analog for leap years. + * @example + * var isLeapYear = ICAL.Time.isLeapYear(year); + * var passedDays = ICAL.Time.daysInYearPassedMonth[isLeapYear][month]; + * @type {Array.>} + */ + static daysInYearPassedMonth = [ + [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365], + [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366] + ]; + + static SUNDAY = 1; + static MONDAY = 2; + static TUESDAY = 3; + static WEDNESDAY = 4; + static THURSDAY = 5; + static FRIDAY = 6; + static SATURDAY = 7; + + /** + * The default weekday for the WKST part. + * @constant + * @default ICAL.Time.MONDAY + */ + static DEFAULT_WEEK_START = 2; // MONDAY + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Time instance. + * + * @param {Object} data Time initialization + * @param {Number=} data.year The year for this date + * @param {Number=} data.month The month for this date + * @param {Number=} data.day The day for this date + * @param {Number=} data.hour The hour for this date + * @param {Number=} data.minute The minute for this date + * @param {Number=} data.second The second for this date + * @param {Boolean=} data.isDate If true, the instance represents a date (as + * opposed to a date-time) + * @param {Timezone} zone timezone this position occurs in + */ + constructor(data, zone) { + this.wrappedJSObject = this; + let time = this._time = Object.create(null); + + /* time defaults */ + time.year = 0; + time.month = 1; + time.day = 1; + time.hour = 0; + time.minute = 0; + time.second = 0; + time.isDate = false; + + this.fromData(data, zone); + } + + /** + * The class identifier. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "icaltime" + */ + icalclass = "icaltime"; + _cachedUnixTime = null; + + /** + * The type name, to be used in the jCal object. This value may change and + * is strictly defined by the {@link ICAL.Time#isDate isDate} member. + * @type {String} + * @default "date-time" + */ + get icaltype() { + return this.isDate ? 'date' : 'date-time'; + } + + /** + * The timezone for this time. + * @type {Timezone} + */ + zone = null; + + /** + * Internal uses to indicate that a change has been made and the next read + * operation must attempt to normalize the value (for example changing the + * day to 33). + * + * @type {Boolean} + * @private + */ + _pendingNormalization = false; + + /** + * Returns a clone of the time object. + * + * @return {Time} The cloned object + */ + clone() { + return new Time(this._time, this.zone); + } + + /** + * Reset the time instance to epoch time + */ + reset() { + this.fromData(Time.epochTime); + this.zone = Timezone.utcTimezone; + } + + /** + * Reset the time instance to the given date/time values. + * + * @param {Number} year The year to set + * @param {Number} month The month to set + * @param {Number} day The day to set + * @param {Number} hour The hour to set + * @param {Number} minute The minute to set + * @param {Number} second The second to set + * @param {Timezone} timezone The timezone to set + */ + resetTo(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone) { + this.fromData({ + year: year, + month: month, + day: day, + hour: hour, + minute: minute, + second: second, + zone: timezone + }); + } + + /** + * Set up the current instance from the Javascript date value. + * + * @param {?Date} aDate The Javascript Date to read, or null to reset + * @param {Boolean} [useUTC=false] If true, the UTC values of the date will be used + */ + fromJSDate(aDate, useUTC) { + if (!aDate) { + this.reset(); + } else { + if (useUTC) { + this.zone = Timezone.utcTimezone; + this.year = aDate.getUTCFullYear(); + this.month = aDate.getUTCMonth() + 1; + this.day = aDate.getUTCDate(); + this.hour = aDate.getUTCHours(); + this.minute = aDate.getUTCMinutes(); + this.second = aDate.getUTCSeconds(); + } else { + this.zone = Timezone.localTimezone; + this.year = aDate.getFullYear(); + this.month = aDate.getMonth() + 1; + this.day = aDate.getDate(); + this.hour = aDate.getHours(); + this.minute = aDate.getMinutes(); + this.second = aDate.getSeconds(); + } + } + this._cachedUnixTime = null; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets up the current instance using members from the passed data object. + * + * @param {Object} aData Time initialization + * @param {Number=} aData.year The year for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.month The month for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.day The day for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.hour The hour for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.minute The minute for this date + * @param {Number=} aData.second The second for this date + * @param {Boolean=} aData.isDate If true, the instance represents a date + * (as opposed to a date-time) + * @param {Timezone=} aZone Timezone this position occurs in + */ + fromData(aData, aZone) { + if (aData) { + for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(aData)) { + // ical type cannot be set + if (key === 'icaltype') continue; + this[key] = value; + } + } + + if (aZone) { + this.zone = aZone; + } + + if (aData && !("isDate" in aData)) { + this.isDate = !("hour" in aData); + } else if (aData && ("isDate" in aData)) { + this.isDate = aData.isDate; + } + + if (aData && "timezone" in aData) { + let zone = TimezoneService.get( + aData.timezone + ); + + this.zone = zone || Timezone.localTimezone; + } + + if (aData && "zone" in aData) { + this.zone = aData.zone; + } + + if (!this.zone) { + this.zone = Timezone.localTimezone; + } + + this._cachedUnixTime = null; + return this; + } + + /** + * Calculate the day of week. + * @param {weekDay=} aWeekStart + * The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY + * @return {weekDay} + */ + dayOfWeek(aWeekStart) { + let firstDow = aWeekStart || Time.SUNDAY; + let dowCacheKey = (this.year << 12) + (this.month << 8) + (this.day << 3) + firstDow; + if (dowCacheKey in Time._dowCache) { + return Time._dowCache[dowCacheKey]; + } + + // Using Zeller's algorithm + let q = this.day; + let m = this.month + (this.month < 3 ? 12 : 0); + let Y = this.year - (this.month < 3 ? 1 : 0); + + let h = (q + Y + trunc(((m + 1) * 26) / 10) + trunc(Y / 4)); + { // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition + h += trunc(Y / 100) * 6 + trunc(Y / 400); + } + + // Normalize to 1 = wkst + h = ((h + 7 - firstDow) % 7) + 1; + Time._dowCache[dowCacheKey] = h; + return h; + } + + /** + * Calculate the day of year. + * @return {Number} + */ + dayOfYear() { + let is_leap = (Time.isLeapYear(this.year) ? 1 : 0); + let diypm = Time.daysInYearPassedMonth; + return diypm[is_leap][this.month - 1] + this.day; + } + + /** + * Returns a copy of the current date/time, rewound to the start of the + * week. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if this + * is a date-time. + * + * @param {weekDay=} aWeekStart + * The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY + * @return {Time} The start of the week (cloned) + */ + startOfWeek(aWeekStart) { + let firstDow = aWeekStart || Time.SUNDAY; + let result = this.clone(); + result.day -= ((this.dayOfWeek() + 7 - firstDow) % 7); + result.isDate = true; + result.hour = 0; + result.minute = 0; + result.second = 0; + return result; + } + + /** + * Returns a copy of the current date/time, shifted to the end of the week. + * The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if this is a + * date-time. + * + * @param {weekDay=} aWeekStart + * The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY + * @return {Time} The end of the week (cloned) + */ + endOfWeek(aWeekStart) { + let firstDow = aWeekStart || Time.SUNDAY; + let result = this.clone(); + result.day += (7 - this.dayOfWeek() + firstDow - Time.SUNDAY) % 7; + result.isDate = true; + result.hour = 0; + result.minute = 0; + result.second = 0; + return result; + } + + /** + * Returns a copy of the current date/time, rewound to the start of the + * month. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if + * this is a date-time. + * + * @return {Time} The start of the month (cloned) + */ + startOfMonth() { + let result = this.clone(); + result.day = 1; + result.isDate = true; + result.hour = 0; + result.minute = 0; + result.second = 0; + return result; + } + + /** + * Returns a copy of the current date/time, shifted to the end of the + * month. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if + * this is a date-time. + * + * @return {Time} The end of the month (cloned) + */ + endOfMonth() { + let result = this.clone(); + result.day = Time.daysInMonth(result.month, result.year); + result.isDate = true; + result.hour = 0; + result.minute = 0; + result.second = 0; + return result; + } + + /** + * Returns a copy of the current date/time, rewound to the start of the + * year. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if + * this is a date-time. + * + * @return {Time} The start of the year (cloned) + */ + startOfYear() { + let result = this.clone(); + result.day = 1; + result.month = 1; + result.isDate = true; + result.hour = 0; + result.minute = 0; + result.second = 0; + return result; + } + + /** + * Returns a copy of the current date/time, shifted to the end of the + * year. The resulting ICAL.Time instance is of icaltype date, even if + * this is a date-time. + * + * @return {Time} The end of the year (cloned) + */ + endOfYear() { + let result = this.clone(); + result.day = 31; + result.month = 12; + result.isDate = true; + result.hour = 0; + result.minute = 0; + result.second = 0; + return result; + } + + /** + * First calculates the start of the week, then returns the day of year for + * this date. If the day falls into the previous year, the day is zero or negative. + * + * @param {weekDay=} aFirstDayOfWeek + * The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY + * @return {Number} The calculated day of year + */ + startDoyWeek(aFirstDayOfWeek) { + let firstDow = aFirstDayOfWeek || Time.SUNDAY; + let delta = this.dayOfWeek() - firstDow; + if (delta < 0) delta += 7; + return this.dayOfYear() - delta; + } + + /** + * Get the dominical letter for the current year. Letters range from A - G + * for common years, and AG to GF for leap years. + * + * @param {Number} yr The year to retrieve the letter for + * @return {String} The dominical letter. + */ + getDominicalLetter() { + return Time.getDominicalLetter(this.year); + } + + /** + * Finds the nthWeekDay relative to the current month (not day). The + * returned value is a day relative the month that this month belongs to so + * 1 would indicate the first of the month and 40 would indicate a day in + * the following month. + * + * @param {Number} aDayOfWeek Day of the week see the day name constants + * @param {Number} aPos Nth occurrence of a given week day values + * of 1 and 0 both indicate the first weekday of that type. aPos may + * be either positive or negative + * + * @return {Number} numeric value indicating a day relative + * to the current month of this time object + */ + nthWeekDay(aDayOfWeek, aPos) { + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(this.month, this.year); + let weekday; + let pos = aPos; + + let start = 0; + + let otherDay = this.clone(); + + if (pos >= 0) { + otherDay.day = 1; + + // because 0 means no position has been given + // 1 and 0 indicate the same day. + if (pos != 0) { + // remove the extra numeric value + pos--; + } + + // set current start offset to current day. + start = otherDay.day; + + // find the current day of week + let startDow = otherDay.dayOfWeek(); + + // calculate the difference between current + // day of the week and desired day of the week + let offset = aDayOfWeek - startDow; + + + // if the offset goes into the past + // week we add 7 so it goes into the next + // week. We only want to go forward in time here. + if (offset < 0) + // this is really important otherwise we would + // end up with dates from in the past. + offset += 7; + + // add offset to start so start is the same + // day of the week as the desired day of week. + start += offset; + + // because we are going to add (and multiply) + // the numeric value of the day we subtract it + // from the start position so not to add it twice. + start -= aDayOfWeek; + + // set week day + weekday = aDayOfWeek; + } else { + + // then we set it to the last day in the current month + otherDay.day = daysInMonth; + + // find the ends weekday + let endDow = otherDay.dayOfWeek(); + + pos++; + + weekday = (endDow - aDayOfWeek); + + if (weekday < 0) { + weekday += 7; + } + + weekday = daysInMonth - weekday; + } + + weekday += pos * 7; + + return start + weekday; + } + + /** + * Checks if current time is the nth weekday, relative to the current + * month. Will always return false when rule resolves outside of current + * month. + * + * @param {weekDay} aDayOfWeek Day of week to check + * @param {Number} aPos Relative position + * @return {Boolean} True, if it is the nth weekday + */ + isNthWeekDay(aDayOfWeek, aPos) { + let dow = this.dayOfWeek(); + + if (aPos === 0 && dow === aDayOfWeek) { + return true; + } + + // get pos + let day = this.nthWeekDay(aDayOfWeek, aPos); + + if (day === this.day) { + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * Calculates the ISO 8601 week number. The first week of a year is the + * week that contains the first Thursday. The year can have 53 weeks, if + * January 1st is a Friday. + * + * Note there are regions where the first week of the year is the one that + * starts on January 1st, which may offset the week number. Also, if a + * different week start is specified, this will also affect the week + * number. + * + * @see Time.weekOneStarts + * @param {weekDay} aWeekStart The weekday the week starts with + * @return {Number} The ISO week number + */ + weekNumber(aWeekStart) { + let wnCacheKey = (this.year << 12) + (this.month << 8) + (this.day << 3) + aWeekStart; + if (wnCacheKey in Time._wnCache) { + return Time._wnCache[wnCacheKey]; + } + // This function courtesty of Julian Bucknall, published under the MIT license + // http://www.boyet.com/articles/publishedarticles/calculatingtheisoweeknumb.html + // plus some fixes to be able to use different week starts. + let week1; + + let dt = this.clone(); + dt.isDate = true; + let isoyear = this.year; + + if (dt.month == 12 && dt.day > 25) { + week1 = Time.weekOneStarts(isoyear + 1, aWeekStart); + if (dt.compare(week1) < 0) { + week1 = Time.weekOneStarts(isoyear, aWeekStart); + } else { + isoyear++; + } + } else { + week1 = Time.weekOneStarts(isoyear, aWeekStart); + if (dt.compare(week1) < 0) { + week1 = Time.weekOneStarts(--isoyear, aWeekStart); + } + } + + let daysBetween = (dt.subtractDate(week1).toSeconds() / 86400); + let answer = trunc(daysBetween / 7) + 1; + Time._wnCache[wnCacheKey] = answer; + return answer; + } + + /** + * Adds the duration to the current time. The instance is modified in + * place. + * + * @param {Duration} aDuration The duration to add + */ + addDuration(aDuration) { + let mult = (aDuration.isNegative ? -1 : 1); + + // because of the duration optimizations it is much + // more efficient to grab all the values up front + // then set them directly (which will avoid a normalization call). + // So we don't actually normalize until we need it. + let second = this.second; + let minute = this.minute; + let hour = this.hour; + let day = this.day; + + second += mult * aDuration.seconds; + minute += mult * aDuration.minutes; + hour += mult * aDuration.hours; + day += mult * aDuration.days; + day += mult * 7 * aDuration.weeks; + + this.second = second; + this.minute = minute; + this.hour = hour; + this.day = day; + + this._cachedUnixTime = null; + } + + /** + * Subtract the date details (_excluding_ timezone). Useful for finding + * the relative difference between two time objects excluding their + * timezone differences. + * + * @param {Time} aDate The date to subtract + * @return {Duration} The difference as a duration + */ + subtractDate(aDate) { + let unixTime = this.toUnixTime() + this.utcOffset(); + let other = aDate.toUnixTime() + aDate.utcOffset(); + return Duration.fromSeconds(unixTime - other); + } + + /** + * Subtract the date details, taking timezones into account. + * + * @param {Time} aDate The date to subtract + * @return {Duration} The difference in duration + */ + subtractDateTz(aDate) { + let unixTime = this.toUnixTime(); + let other = aDate.toUnixTime(); + return Duration.fromSeconds(unixTime - other); + } + + /** + * Compares the ICAL.Time instance with another one. + * + * @param {Duration} aOther The instance to compare with + * @return {Number} -1, 0 or 1 for less/equal/greater + */ + compare(other) { + let a = this.toUnixTime(); + let b = other.toUnixTime(); + + if (a > b) return 1; + if (b > a) return -1; + return 0; + } + + /** + * Compares only the date part of this instance with another one. + * + * @param {Duration} other The instance to compare with + * @param {Timezone} tz The timezone to compare in + * @return {Number} -1, 0 or 1 for less/equal/greater + */ + compareDateOnlyTz(other, tz) { + let a = this.convertToZone(tz); + let b = other.convertToZone(tz); + let rc = 0; + + if ((rc = Time._cmp_attr(a, b, "year")) != 0) return rc; + if ((rc = Time._cmp_attr(a, b, "month")) != 0) return rc; + if ((rc = Time._cmp_attr(a, b, "day")) != 0) return rc; + + return rc; + } + + /** + * Convert the instance into another timezone. The returned ICAL.Time + * instance is always a copy. + * + * @param {Timezone} zone The zone to convert to + * @return {Time} The copy, converted to the zone + */ + convertToZone(zone) { + let copy = this.clone(); + let zone_equals = (this.zone.tzid == zone.tzid); + + if (!this.isDate && !zone_equals) { + Timezone.convert_time(copy, this.zone, zone); + } + + copy.zone = zone; + return copy; + } + + /** + * Calculates the UTC offset of the current date/time in the timezone it is + * in. + * + * @return {Number} UTC offset in seconds + */ + utcOffset() { + if (this.zone == Timezone.localTimezone || + this.zone == Timezone.utcTimezone) { + return 0; + } else { + return this.zone.utcOffset(this); + } + } + + /** + * Returns an RFC 5545 compliant ical representation of this object. + * + * @return {String} ical date/date-time + */ + toICALString() { + let string = this.toString(); + + if (string.length > 10) { + return design$1.icalendar.value['date-time'].toICAL(string); + } else { + return design$1.icalendar.value.date.toICAL(string); + } + } + + /** + * The string representation of this date/time, in jCal form + * (including : and - separators). + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + let result = this.year + '-' + + pad2(this.month) + '-' + + pad2(this.day); + + if (!this.isDate) { + result += 'T' + pad2(this.hour) + ':' + + pad2(this.minute) + ':' + + pad2(this.second); + + if (this.zone === Timezone.utcTimezone) { + result += 'Z'; + } + } + + return result; + } + + /** + * Converts the current instance to a Javascript date + * @return {Date} + */ + toJSDate() { + if (this.zone == Timezone.localTimezone) { + if (this.isDate) { + return new Date(this.year, this.month - 1, this.day); + } else { + return new Date(this.year, this.month - 1, this.day, + this.hour, this.minute, this.second, 0); + } + } else { + return new Date(this.toUnixTime() * 1000); + } + } + + _normalize() { + if (this._time.isDate) { + this._time.hour = 0; + this._time.minute = 0; + this._time.second = 0; + } + this.adjust(0, 0, 0, 0); + + return this; + } + + /** + * Adjust the date/time by the given offset + * + * @param {Number} aExtraDays The extra amount of days + * @param {Number} aExtraHours The extra amount of hours + * @param {Number} aExtraMinutes The extra amount of minutes + * @param {Number} aExtraSeconds The extra amount of seconds + * @param {Number=} aTime The time to adjust, defaults to the + * current instance. + */ + adjust(aExtraDays, aExtraHours, aExtraMinutes, aExtraSeconds, aTime) { + + let minutesOverflow, hoursOverflow, + daysOverflow = 0, yearsOverflow = 0; + + let second, minute, hour, day; + let daysInMonth; + + let time = aTime || this._time; + + if (!time.isDate) { + second = time.second + aExtraSeconds; + time.second = second % 60; + minutesOverflow = trunc(second / 60); + if (time.second < 0) { + time.second += 60; + minutesOverflow--; + } + + minute = time.minute + aExtraMinutes + minutesOverflow; + time.minute = minute % 60; + hoursOverflow = trunc(minute / 60); + if (time.minute < 0) { + time.minute += 60; + hoursOverflow--; + } + + hour = time.hour + aExtraHours + hoursOverflow; + + time.hour = hour % 24; + daysOverflow = trunc(hour / 24); + if (time.hour < 0) { + time.hour += 24; + daysOverflow--; + } + } + + + // Adjust month and year first, because we need to know what month the day + // is in before adjusting it. + if (time.month > 12) { + yearsOverflow = trunc((time.month - 1) / 12); + } else if (time.month < 1) { + yearsOverflow = trunc(time.month / 12) - 1; + } + + time.year += yearsOverflow; + time.month -= 12 * yearsOverflow; + + // Now take care of the days (and adjust month if needed) + day = time.day + aExtraDays + daysOverflow; + + if (day > 0) { + for (;;) { + daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(time.month, time.year); + if (day <= daysInMonth) { + break; + } + + time.month++; + if (time.month > 12) { + time.year++; + time.month = 1; + } + + day -= daysInMonth; + } + } else { + while (day <= 0) { + if (time.month == 1) { + time.year--; + time.month = 12; + } else { + time.month--; + } + + day += Time.daysInMonth(time.month, time.year); + } + } + + time.day = day; + + this._cachedUnixTime = null; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets up the current instance from unix time, the number of seconds since + * January 1st, 1970. + * + * @param {Number} seconds The seconds to set up with + */ + fromUnixTime(seconds) { + this.zone = Timezone.utcTimezone; + // We could use `fromJSDate` here, but this is about twice as fast. + // We could also clone `epochTime` and use `adjust` for a more + // ical.js-centric approach, but this is about 100 times as fast. + let date = new Date(seconds * 1000); + this.year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + this.month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1; + this.day = date.getUTCDate(); + if (this._time.isDate) { + this.hour = 0; + this.minute = 0; + this.second = 0; + } else { + this.hour = date.getUTCHours(); + this.minute = date.getUTCMinutes(); + this.second = date.getUTCSeconds(); + } + + this._cachedUnixTime = null; + } + + /** + * Converts the current instance to seconds since January 1st 1970. + * + * @return {Number} Seconds since 1970 + */ + toUnixTime() { + if (this._cachedUnixTime !== null) { + return this._cachedUnixTime; + } + let offset = this.utcOffset(); + + // we use the offset trick to ensure + // that we are getting the actual UTC time + let ms = Date.UTC( + this.year, + this.month - 1, + this.day, + this.hour, + this.minute, + this.second - offset + ); + + // seconds + this._cachedUnixTime = ms / 1000; + return this._cachedUnixTime; + } + + /** + * Converts time to into Object which can be serialized then re-created + * using the constructor. + * + * @example + * // toJSON will automatically be called + * var json = JSON.stringify(mytime); + * + * var deserialized = JSON.parse(json); + * + * var time = new ICAL.Time(deserialized); + * + * @return {Object} + */ + toJSON() { + let copy = [ + 'year', + 'month', + 'day', + 'hour', + 'minute', + 'second', + 'isDate' + ]; + + let result = Object.create(null); + + let i = 0; + let len = copy.length; + let prop; + + for (; i < len; i++) { + prop = copy[i]; + result[prop] = this[prop]; + } + + if (this.zone) { + result.timezone = this.zone.tzid; + } + + return result; + } +} + +(function setupNormalizeAttributes() { + // This needs to run before any instances are created! + function defineAttr(attr) { + Object.defineProperty(Time.prototype, attr, { + get: function getTimeAttr() { + if (this._pendingNormalization) { + this._normalize(); + this._pendingNormalization = false; + } + + return this._time[attr]; + }, + set: function setTimeAttr(val) { + // Check if isDate will be set and if was not set to normalize date. + // This avoids losing days when seconds, minutes and hours are zeroed + // what normalize will do when time is a date. + if (attr === "isDate" && val && !this._time.isDate) { + this.adjust(0, 0, 0, 0); + } + this._cachedUnixTime = null; + this._pendingNormalization = true; + this._time[attr] = val; + } + }); + + } + + defineAttr("year"); + defineAttr("month"); + defineAttr("day"); + defineAttr("hour"); + defineAttr("minute"); + defineAttr("second"); + defineAttr("isDate"); +})(); + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").parserState} parserState + * Imports the 'parserState' type from the "types.js" module + * @typedef {import("./types.js").designSet} designSet + * Imports the 'designSet' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +const CHAR = /[^ \t]/; +const VALUE_DELIMITER = ':'; +const PARAM_DELIMITER = ';'; +const PARAM_NAME_DELIMITER = '='; +const DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE$1 = 'unknown'; +const DEFAULT_PARAM_TYPE = 'text'; +const RFC6868_REPLACE_MAP$1 = { "^'": '"', "^n": "\n", "^^": "^" }; + +/** + * Parses iCalendar or vCard data into a raw jCal object. Consult + * documentation on the {@tutorial layers|layers of parsing} for more + * details. + * + * @function ICAL.parse + * @memberof ICAL + * @variation function + * @todo Fix the API to be more clear on the return type + * @param {String} input The string data to parse + * @return {Object|Object[]} A single jCal object, or an array thereof + */ +function parse(input) { + let state = {}; + let root = state.component = []; + + state.stack = [root]; + + parse._eachLine(input, function(err, line) { + parse._handleContentLine(line, state); + }); + + + // when there are still items on the stack + // throw a fatal error, a component was not closed + // correctly in that case. + if (state.stack.length > 1) { + throw new ParserError( + 'invalid ical body. component began but did not end' + ); + } + + state = null; + + return (root.length == 1 ? root[0] : root); +} + +/** + * Parse an iCalendar property value into the jCal for a single property + * + * @function ICAL.parse.property + * @param {String} str + * The iCalendar property string to parse + * @param {designSet=} designSet + * The design data to use for this property + * @return {Object} + * The jCal Object containing the property + */ +parse.property = function(str, designSet) { + let state = { + component: [[], []], + designSet: designSet || design$1.defaultSet + }; + parse._handleContentLine(str, state); + return state.component[1][0]; +}; + +/** + * Convenience method to parse a component. You can use ICAL.parse() directly + * instead. + * + * @function ICAL.parse.component + * @see ICAL.parse(function) + * @param {String} str The iCalendar component string to parse + * @return {Object} The jCal Object containing the component + */ +parse.component = function(str) { + return parse(str); +}; + + +/** + * An error that occurred during parsing. + * + * @param {String} message The error message + * @memberof ICAL.parse + * @extends {Error} + */ +class ParserError extends Error { + name = this.constructor.name; +} + +// classes & constants +parse.ParserError = ParserError; + + +/** + * Handles a single line of iCalendar/vCard, updating the state. + * + * @private + * @function ICAL.parse._handleContentLine + * @param {String} line The content line to process + * @param {parserState} state The current state of the line parsing + */ +parse._handleContentLine = function(line, state) { + // break up the parts of the line + let valuePos = line.indexOf(VALUE_DELIMITER); + let paramPos = line.indexOf(PARAM_DELIMITER); + + let lastParamIndex; + let lastValuePos; + + // name of property or begin/end + let name; + let value; + // params is only overridden if paramPos !== -1. + // we can't do params = params || {} later on + // because it sacrifices ops. + let params = {}; + + /** + * Different property cases + * + * + * 1. RRULE:FREQ=foo + * // FREQ= is not a param but the value + * + * 2. ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT; + * // ROLE= is a param because : has not happened yet + */ + // when the parameter delimiter is after the + // value delimiter then it is not a parameter. + + if ((paramPos !== -1 && valuePos !== -1)) { + // when the parameter delimiter is after the + // value delimiter then it is not a parameter. + if (paramPos > valuePos) { + paramPos = -1; + } + } + + let parsedParams; + if (paramPos !== -1) { + name = line.slice(0, Math.max(0, paramPos)).toLowerCase(); + parsedParams = parse._parseParameters(line.slice(Math.max(0, paramPos)), 0, state.designSet); + if (parsedParams[2] == -1) { + throw new ParserError("Invalid parameters in '" + line + "'"); + } + params = parsedParams[0]; + lastParamIndex = parsedParams[1].length + parsedParams[2] + paramPos; + if ((lastValuePos = + line.slice(Math.max(0, lastParamIndex)).indexOf(VALUE_DELIMITER)) !== -1) { + value = line.slice(Math.max(0, lastParamIndex + lastValuePos + 1)); + } else { + throw new ParserError("Missing parameter value in '" + line + "'"); + } + } else if (valuePos !== -1) { + // without parmeters (BEGIN:VCAENDAR, CLASS:PUBLIC) + name = line.slice(0, Math.max(0, valuePos)).toLowerCase(); + value = line.slice(Math.max(0, valuePos + 1)); + + if (name === 'begin') { + let newComponent = [value.toLowerCase(), [], []]; + if (state.stack.length === 1) { + state.component.push(newComponent); + } else { + state.component[2].push(newComponent); + } + state.stack.push(state.component); + state.component = newComponent; + if (!state.designSet) { + state.designSet = design$1.getDesignSet(state.component[0]); + } + return; + } else if (name === 'end') { + state.component = state.stack.pop(); + return; + } + // If it is not begin/end, then this is a property with an empty value, + // which should be considered valid. + } else { + /** + * Invalid line. + * The rational to throw an error is we will + * never be certain that the rest of the file + * is sane and it is unlikely that we can serialize + * the result correctly either. + */ + throw new ParserError( + 'invalid line (no token ";" or ":") "' + line + '"' + ); + } + + let valueType; + let multiValue = false; + let structuredValue = false; + let propertyDetails; + let splitName; + let ungroupedName; + + // fetch the ungrouped part of the name + if (state.designSet.propertyGroups && name.indexOf('.') !== -1) { + splitName = name.split('.'); + params.group = splitName[0]; + ungroupedName = splitName[1]; + } else { + ungroupedName = name; + } + + if (ungroupedName in state.designSet.property) { + propertyDetails = state.designSet.property[ungroupedName]; + + if ('multiValue' in propertyDetails) { + multiValue = propertyDetails.multiValue; + } + + if ('structuredValue' in propertyDetails) { + structuredValue = propertyDetails.structuredValue; + } + + if (value && 'detectType' in propertyDetails) { + valueType = propertyDetails.detectType(value); + } + } + + // attempt to determine value + if (!valueType) { + if (!('value' in params)) { + if (propertyDetails) { + valueType = propertyDetails.defaultType; + } else { + valueType = DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE$1; + } + } else { + // possible to avoid this? + valueType = params.value.toLowerCase(); + } + } + + delete params.value; + + /** + * Note on `var result` juggling: + * + * I observed that building the array in pieces has adverse + * effects on performance, so where possible we inline the creation. + * It is a little ugly but resulted in ~2000 additional ops/sec. + */ + + let result; + if (multiValue && structuredValue) { + value = parse._parseMultiValue(value, structuredValue, valueType, [], multiValue, state.designSet, structuredValue); + result = [ungroupedName, params, valueType, value]; + } else if (multiValue) { + result = [ungroupedName, params, valueType]; + parse._parseMultiValue(value, multiValue, valueType, result, null, state.designSet, false); + } else if (structuredValue) { + value = parse._parseMultiValue(value, structuredValue, valueType, [], null, state.designSet, structuredValue); + result = [ungroupedName, params, valueType, value]; + } else { + value = parse._parseValue(value, valueType, state.designSet, false); + result = [ungroupedName, params, valueType, value]; + } + // rfc6350 requires that in vCard 4.0 the first component is the VERSION + // component with as value 4.0, note that 3.0 does not have this requirement. + if (state.component[0] === 'vcard' && state.component[1].length === 0 && + !(name === 'version' && value === '4.0')) { + state.designSet = design$1.getDesignSet("vcard3"); + } + state.component[1].push(result); +}; + +/** + * Parse a value from the raw value into the jCard/jCal value. + * + * @private + * @function ICAL.parse._parseValue + * @param {String} value Original value + * @param {String} type Type of value + * @param {Object} designSet The design data to use for this value + * @return {Object} varies on type + */ +parse._parseValue = function(value, type, designSet, structuredValue) { + if (type in designSet.value && 'fromICAL' in designSet.value[type]) { + return designSet.value[type].fromICAL(value, structuredValue); + } + return value; +}; + +/** + * Parse parameters from a string to object. + * + * @function ICAL.parse._parseParameters + * @private + * @param {String} line A single unfolded line + * @param {Number} start Position to start looking for properties + * @param {Object} designSet The design data to use for this property + * @return {Object} key/value pairs + */ +parse._parseParameters = function(line, start, designSet) { + let lastParam = start; + let pos = 0; + let delim = PARAM_NAME_DELIMITER; + let result = {}; + let name, lcname; + let value, valuePos = -1; + let type, multiValue, mvdelim; + + // find the next '=' sign + // use lastParam and pos to find name + // check if " is used if so get value from "->" + // then increment pos to find next ; + + while ((pos !== false) && + (pos = line.indexOf(delim, pos + 1)) !== -1) { + + name = line.slice(lastParam + 1, pos); + if (name.length == 0) { + throw new ParserError("Empty parameter name in '" + line + "'"); + } + lcname = name.toLowerCase(); + mvdelim = false; + multiValue = false; + + if (lcname in designSet.param && designSet.param[lcname].valueType) { + type = designSet.param[lcname].valueType; + } else { + type = DEFAULT_PARAM_TYPE; + } + + if (lcname in designSet.param) { + multiValue = designSet.param[lcname].multiValue; + if (designSet.param[lcname].multiValueSeparateDQuote) { + mvdelim = parse._rfc6868Escape('"' + multiValue + '"'); + } + } + + let nextChar = line[pos + 1]; + if (nextChar === '"') { + valuePos = pos + 2; + pos = line.indexOf('"', valuePos); + if (multiValue && pos != -1) { + let extendedValue = true; + while (extendedValue) { + if (line[pos + 1] == multiValue && line[pos + 2] == '"') { + pos = line.indexOf('"', pos + 3); + } else { + extendedValue = false; + } + } + } + if (pos === -1) { + throw new ParserError( + 'invalid line (no matching double quote) "' + line + '"' + ); + } + value = line.slice(valuePos, pos); + lastParam = line.indexOf(PARAM_DELIMITER, pos); + let propValuePos = line.indexOf(VALUE_DELIMITER, pos); + // if either no next parameter or delimeter in property value, let's stop here + if (lastParam === -1 || (propValuePos !== -1 && lastParam > propValuePos)) { + pos = false; + } + } else { + valuePos = pos + 1; + + // move to next ";" + let nextPos = line.indexOf(PARAM_DELIMITER, valuePos); + let propValuePos = line.indexOf(VALUE_DELIMITER, valuePos); + if (propValuePos !== -1 && nextPos > propValuePos) { + // this is a delimiter in the property value, let's stop here + nextPos = propValuePos; + pos = false; + } else if (nextPos === -1) { + // no ";" + if (propValuePos === -1) { + nextPos = line.length; + } else { + nextPos = propValuePos; + } + pos = false; + } else { + lastParam = nextPos; + pos = nextPos; + } + + value = line.slice(valuePos, nextPos); + } + + const length_before = value.length; + value = parse._rfc6868Escape(value); + valuePos += length_before - value.length; + if (multiValue) { + let delimiter = mvdelim || multiValue; + value = parse._parseMultiValue(value, delimiter, type, [], null, designSet); + } else { + value = parse._parseValue(value, type, designSet); + } + + if (multiValue && (lcname in result)) { + if (Array.isArray(result[lcname])) { + result[lcname].push(value); + } else { + result[lcname] = [ + result[lcname], + value + ]; + } + } else { + result[lcname] = value; + } + } + return [result, value, valuePos]; +}; + +/** + * Internal helper for rfc6868. Exposing this on ICAL.parse so that + * hackers can disable the rfc6868 parsing if the really need to. + * + * @function ICAL.parse._rfc6868Escape + * @param {String} val The value to escape + * @return {String} The escaped value + */ +parse._rfc6868Escape = function(val) { + return val.replace(/\^['n^]/g, function(x) { + return RFC6868_REPLACE_MAP$1[x]; + }); +}; + +/** + * Parse a multi value string. This function is used either for parsing + * actual multi-value property's values, or for handling parameter values. It + * can be used for both multi-value properties and structured value properties. + * + * @private + * @function ICAL.parse._parseMultiValue + * @param {String} buffer The buffer containing the full value + * @param {String} delim The multi-value delimiter + * @param {String} type The value type to be parsed + * @param {Array.} result The array to append results to, varies on value type + * @param {String} innerMulti The inner delimiter to split each value with + * @param {designSet} designSet The design data for this value + * @return {?|Array.} Either an array of results, or the first result + */ +parse._parseMultiValue = function(buffer, delim, type, result, innerMulti, designSet, structuredValue) { + let pos = 0; + let lastPos = 0; + let value; + if (delim.length === 0) { + return buffer; + } + + // split each piece + while ((pos = unescapedIndexOf(buffer, delim, lastPos)) !== -1) { + value = buffer.slice(lastPos, pos); + if (innerMulti) { + value = parse._parseMultiValue(value, innerMulti, type, [], null, designSet, structuredValue); + } else { + value = parse._parseValue(value, type, designSet, structuredValue); + } + result.push(value); + lastPos = pos + delim.length; + } + + // on the last piece take the rest of string + value = buffer.slice(lastPos); + if (innerMulti) { + value = parse._parseMultiValue(value, innerMulti, type, [], null, designSet, structuredValue); + } else { + value = parse._parseValue(value, type, designSet, structuredValue); + } + result.push(value); + + return result.length == 1 ? result[0] : result; +}; + +/** + * Process a complete buffer of iCalendar/vCard data line by line, correctly + * unfolding content. Each line will be processed with the given callback + * + * @private + * @function ICAL.parse._eachLine + * @param {String} buffer The buffer to process + * @param {function(?String, String)} callback The callback for each line + */ +parse._eachLine = function(buffer, callback) { + let len = buffer.length; + let lastPos = buffer.search(CHAR); + let pos = lastPos; + let line; + let firstChar; + + let newlineOffset; + + do { + pos = buffer.indexOf('\n', lastPos) + 1; + + if (pos > 1 && buffer[pos - 2] === '\r') { + newlineOffset = 2; + } else { + newlineOffset = 1; + } + + if (pos === 0) { + pos = len; + newlineOffset = 0; + } + + firstChar = buffer[lastPos]; + + if (firstChar === ' ' || firstChar === '\t') { + // add to line + line += buffer.slice(lastPos + 1, pos - newlineOffset); + } else { + if (line) + callback(null, line); + // push line + line = buffer.slice(lastPos, pos - newlineOffset); + } + + lastPos = pos; + } while (pos !== len); + + // extra ending line + line = line.trim(); + + if (line.length) + callback(null, line); +}; + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +const OPTIONS = ["tzid", "location", "tznames", "latitude", "longitude"]; + +/** + * Timezone representation. + * + * @example + * var vcalendar; + * var timezoneComp = vcalendar.getFirstSubcomponent('vtimezone'); + * var tzid = timezoneComp.getFirstPropertyValue('tzid'); + * + * var timezone = new ICAL.Timezone({ + * component: timezoneComp, + * tzid + * }); + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class Timezone { + static _compare_change_fn(a, b) { + if (a.year < b.year) return -1; + else if (a.year > b.year) return 1; + + if (a.month < b.month) return -1; + else if (a.month > b.month) return 1; + + if (a.day < b.day) return -1; + else if (a.day > b.day) return 1; + + if (a.hour < b.hour) return -1; + else if (a.hour > b.hour) return 1; + + if (a.minute < b.minute) return -1; + else if (a.minute > b.minute) return 1; + + if (a.second < b.second) return -1; + else if (a.second > b.second) return 1; + + return 0; + } + + /** + * Convert the date/time from one zone to the next. + * + * @param {Time} tt The time to convert + * @param {Timezone} from_zone The source zone to convert from + * @param {Timezone} to_zone The target zone to convert to + * @return {Time} The converted date/time object + */ + static convert_time(tt, from_zone, to_zone) { + if (tt.isDate || + from_zone.tzid == to_zone.tzid || + from_zone == Timezone.localTimezone || + to_zone == Timezone.localTimezone) { + tt.zone = to_zone; + return tt; + } + + let utcOffset = from_zone.utcOffset(tt); + tt.adjust(0, 0, 0, - utcOffset); + + utcOffset = to_zone.utcOffset(tt); + tt.adjust(0, 0, 0, utcOffset); + + return null; + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Timezone instance from the passed data object. + * + * @param {Component|Object} aData options for class + * @param {String|Component} aData.component + * If aData is a simple object, then this member can be set to either a + * string containing the component data, or an already parsed + * ICAL.Component + * @param {String} aData.tzid The timezone identifier + * @param {String} aData.location The timezone locationw + * @param {String} aData.tznames An alternative string representation of the + * timezone + * @param {Number} aData.latitude The latitude of the timezone + * @param {Number} aData.longitude The longitude of the timezone + */ + static fromData(aData) { + let tt = new Timezone(); + return tt.fromData(aData); + } + + /** + * The instance describing the UTC timezone + * @type {Timezone} + * @constant + * @instance + */ + static #utcTimezone = null; + static get utcTimezone() { + if (!this.#utcTimezone) { + this.#utcTimezone = Timezone.fromData({ + tzid: "UTC" + }); + } + return this.#utcTimezone; + } + + /** + * The instance describing the local timezone + * @type {Timezone} + * @constant + * @instance + */ + static #localTimezone = null; + static get localTimezone() { + if (!this.#localTimezone) { + this.#localTimezone = Timezone.fromData({ + tzid: "floating" + }); + } + return this.#localTimezone; + } + + /** + * Adjust a timezone change object. + * @private + * @param {Object} change The timezone change object + * @param {Number} days The extra amount of days + * @param {Number} hours The extra amount of hours + * @param {Number} minutes The extra amount of minutes + * @param {Number} seconds The extra amount of seconds + */ + static adjust_change(change, days, hours, minutes, seconds) { + return Time.prototype.adjust.call( + change, + days, + hours, + minutes, + seconds, + change + ); + } + + static _minimumExpansionYear = -1; + static EXTRA_COVERAGE = 5; + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Timezone instance, by passing in a tzid and component. + * + * @param {Component|Object} data options for class + * @param {String|Component} data.component + * If data is a simple object, then this member can be set to either a + * string containing the component data, or an already parsed + * ICAL.Component + * @param {String} data.tzid The timezone identifier + * @param {String} data.location The timezone locationw + * @param {String} data.tznames An alternative string representation of the + * timezone + * @param {Number} data.latitude The latitude of the timezone + * @param {Number} data.longitude The longitude of the timezone + */ + constructor(data) { + this.wrappedJSObject = this; + this.fromData(data); + } + + + /** + * Timezone identifier + * @type {String} + */ + tzid = ""; + + /** + * Timezone location + * @type {String} + */ + location = ""; + + /** + * Alternative timezone name, for the string representation + * @type {String} + */ + tznames = ""; + + /** + * The primary latitude for the timezone. + * @type {Number} + */ + latitude = 0.0; + + /** + * The primary longitude for the timezone. + * @type {Number} + */ + longitude = 0.0; + + /** + * The vtimezone component for this timezone. + * @type {Component} + */ + component = null; + + /** + * The year this timezone has been expanded to. All timezone transition + * dates until this year are known and can be used for calculation + * + * @private + * @type {Number} + */ + expandedUntilYear = 0; + + /** + * The class identifier. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "icaltimezone" + */ + icalclass = "icaltimezone"; + + /** + * Sets up the current instance using members from the passed data object. + * + * @param {Component|Object} aData options for class + * @param {String|Component} aData.component + * If aData is a simple object, then this member can be set to either a + * string containing the component data, or an already parsed + * ICAL.Component + * @param {String} aData.tzid The timezone identifier + * @param {String} aData.location The timezone locationw + * @param {String} aData.tznames An alternative string representation of the + * timezone + * @param {Number} aData.latitude The latitude of the timezone + * @param {Number} aData.longitude The longitude of the timezone + */ + fromData(aData) { + this.expandedUntilYear = 0; + this.changes = []; + + if (aData instanceof Component) { + // Either a component is passed directly + this.component = aData; + } else { + // Otherwise the component may be in the data object + if (aData && "component" in aData) { + if (typeof aData.component == "string") { + // If a string was passed, parse it as a component + let jCal = parse(aData.component); + this.component = new Component(jCal); + } else if (aData.component instanceof Component) { + // If it was a component already, then just set it + this.component = aData.component; + } else { + // Otherwise just null out the component + this.component = null; + } + } + + // Copy remaining passed properties + for (let prop of OPTIONS) { + if (aData && prop in aData) { + this[prop] = aData[prop]; + } + } + } + + // If we have a component but no TZID, attempt to get it from the + // component's properties. + if (this.component instanceof Component && !this.tzid) { + this.tzid = this.component.getFirstPropertyValue('tzid'); + } + + return this; + } + + /** + * Finds the utcOffset the given time would occur in this timezone. + * + * @param {Time} tt The time to check for + * @return {Number} utc offset in seconds + */ + utcOffset(tt) { + if (this == Timezone.utcTimezone || this == Timezone.localTimezone) { + return 0; + } + + this._ensureCoverage(tt.year); + + if (!this.changes.length) { + return 0; + } + + let tt_change = { + year: tt.year, + month: tt.month, + day: tt.day, + hour: tt.hour, + minute: tt.minute, + second: tt.second + }; + + let change_num = this._findNearbyChange(tt_change); + let change_num_to_use = -1; + let step = 1; + + // TODO: replace with bin search? + for (;;) { + let change = clone(this.changes[change_num], true); + if (change.utcOffset < change.prevUtcOffset) { + Timezone.adjust_change(change, 0, 0, 0, change.utcOffset); + } else { + Timezone.adjust_change(change, 0, 0, 0, + change.prevUtcOffset); + } + + let cmp = Timezone._compare_change_fn(tt_change, change); + + if (cmp >= 0) { + change_num_to_use = change_num; + } else { + step = -1; + } + + if (step == -1 && change_num_to_use != -1) { + break; + } + + change_num += step; + + if (change_num < 0) { + return 0; + } + + if (change_num >= this.changes.length) { + break; + } + } + + let zone_change = this.changes[change_num_to_use]; + let utcOffset_change = zone_change.utcOffset - zone_change.prevUtcOffset; + + if (utcOffset_change < 0 && change_num_to_use > 0) { + let tmp_change = clone(zone_change, true); + Timezone.adjust_change(tmp_change, 0, 0, 0, tmp_change.prevUtcOffset); + + if (Timezone._compare_change_fn(tt_change, tmp_change) < 0) { + let prev_zone_change = this.changes[change_num_to_use - 1]; + + let want_daylight = false; // TODO + + if (zone_change.is_daylight != want_daylight && + prev_zone_change.is_daylight == want_daylight) { + zone_change = prev_zone_change; + } + } + } + + // TODO return is_daylight? + return zone_change.utcOffset; + } + + _findNearbyChange(change) { + // find the closest match + let idx = binsearchInsert( + this.changes, + change, + Timezone._compare_change_fn + ); + + if (idx >= this.changes.length) { + return this.changes.length - 1; + } + + return idx; + } + + _ensureCoverage(aYear) { + if (Timezone._minimumExpansionYear == -1) { + let today = Time.now(); + Timezone._minimumExpansionYear = today.year; + } + + let changesEndYear = aYear; + if (changesEndYear < Timezone._minimumExpansionYear) { + changesEndYear = Timezone._minimumExpansionYear; + } + + changesEndYear += Timezone.EXTRA_COVERAGE; + + if (!this.changes.length || this.expandedUntilYear < aYear) { + let subcomps = this.component.getAllSubcomponents(); + let compLen = subcomps.length; + let compIdx = 0; + + for (; compIdx < compLen; compIdx++) { + this._expandComponent( + subcomps[compIdx], changesEndYear, this.changes + ); + } + + this.changes.sort(Timezone._compare_change_fn); + this.expandedUntilYear = changesEndYear; + } + } + + _expandComponent(aComponent, aYear, changes) { + if (!aComponent.hasProperty("dtstart") || + !aComponent.hasProperty("tzoffsetto") || + !aComponent.hasProperty("tzoffsetfrom")) { + return null; + } + + let dtstart = aComponent.getFirstProperty("dtstart").getFirstValue(); + let change; + + function convert_tzoffset(offset) { + return offset.factor * (offset.hours * 3600 + offset.minutes * 60); + } + + function init_changes() { + let changebase = {}; + changebase.is_daylight = (aComponent.name == "daylight"); + changebase.utcOffset = convert_tzoffset( + aComponent.getFirstProperty("tzoffsetto").getFirstValue() + ); + + changebase.prevUtcOffset = convert_tzoffset( + aComponent.getFirstProperty("tzoffsetfrom").getFirstValue() + ); + + return changebase; + } + + if (!aComponent.hasProperty("rrule") && !aComponent.hasProperty("rdate")) { + change = init_changes(); + change.year = dtstart.year; + change.month = dtstart.month; + change.day = dtstart.day; + change.hour = dtstart.hour; + change.minute = dtstart.minute; + change.second = dtstart.second; + + Timezone.adjust_change(change, 0, 0, 0, -change.prevUtcOffset); + changes.push(change); + } else { + let props = aComponent.getAllProperties("rdate"); + for (let rdate of props) { + let time = rdate.getFirstValue(); + change = init_changes(); + + change.year = time.year; + change.month = time.month; + change.day = time.day; + + if (time.isDate) { + change.hour = dtstart.hour; + change.minute = dtstart.minute; + change.second = dtstart.second; + + if (dtstart.zone != Timezone.utcTimezone) { + Timezone.adjust_change(change, 0, 0, 0, -change.prevUtcOffset); + } + } else { + change.hour = time.hour; + change.minute = time.minute; + change.second = time.second; + + if (time.zone != Timezone.utcTimezone) { + Timezone.adjust_change(change, 0, 0, 0, -change.prevUtcOffset); + } + } + + changes.push(change); + } + + let rrule = aComponent.getFirstProperty("rrule"); + + if (rrule) { + rrule = rrule.getFirstValue(); + change = init_changes(); + + if (rrule.until && rrule.until.zone == Timezone.utcTimezone) { + rrule.until.adjust(0, 0, 0, change.prevUtcOffset); + rrule.until.zone = Timezone.localTimezone; + } + + let iterator = rrule.iterator(dtstart); + + let occ; + while ((occ = iterator.next())) { + change = init_changes(); + if (occ.year > aYear || !occ) { + break; + } + + change.year = occ.year; + change.month = occ.month; + change.day = occ.day; + change.hour = occ.hour; + change.minute = occ.minute; + change.second = occ.second; + change.isDate = occ.isDate; + + Timezone.adjust_change(change, 0, 0, 0, -change.prevUtcOffset); + changes.push(change); + } + } + } + + return changes; + } + + /** + * The string representation of this timezone. + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + return (this.tznames ? this.tznames : this.tzid); + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +let zones = null; + +/** + * @classdesc + * Singleton class to contain timezones. Right now it is all manual registry in + * the future we may use this class to download timezone information or handle + * loading pre-expanded timezones. + * + * @exports module:ICAL.TimezoneService + * @memberof ICAL + */ +const TimezoneService = { + get count() { + if (zones === null) { + return 0; + } + + return Object.keys(zones).length; + }, + + reset: function() { + zones = Object.create(null); + let utc = Timezone.utcTimezone; + + zones.Z = utc; + zones.UTC = utc; + zones.GMT = utc; + }, + _hard_reset: function() { + zones = null; + }, + + /** + * Checks if timezone id has been registered. + * + * @param {String} tzid Timezone identifier (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) + * @return {Boolean} False, when not present + */ + has: function(tzid) { + if (zones === null) { + return false; + } + + return !!zones[tzid]; + }, + + /** + * Returns a timezone by its tzid if present. + * + * @param {String} tzid Timezone identifier (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) + * @return {Timezone | undefined} The timezone, or undefined if not found + */ + get: function(tzid) { + if (zones === null) { + this.reset(); + } + + return zones[tzid]; + }, + + /** + * Registers a timezone object or component. + * + * @param {Component|Timezone} timezone + * The initialized zone or vtimezone. + * + * @param {String=} name + * The name of the timezone. Defaults to the component's TZID if not + * passed. + */ + register: function(timezone, name) { + if (zones === null) { + this.reset(); + } + + // This avoids a breaking change by the change of argument order + // TODO remove in v3 + if (typeof timezone === "string" && name instanceof Timezone) { + [timezone, name] = [name, timezone]; + } + + if (!name) { + if (timezone instanceof Timezone) { + name = timezone.tzid; + } else { + if (timezone.name === 'vtimezone') { + timezone = new Timezone(timezone); + name = timezone.tzid; + } + } + } + + if (!name) { + throw new TypeError("Neither a timezone nor a name was passed"); + } + + if (timezone instanceof Timezone) { + zones[name] = timezone; + } else { + throw new TypeError('timezone must be ICAL.Timezone or ICAL.Component'); + } + }, + + /** + * Removes a timezone by its tzid from the list. + * + * @param {String} tzid Timezone identifier (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) + * @return {?Timezone} The removed timezone, or null if not registered + */ + remove: function(tzid) { + if (zones === null) { + return null; + } + + return (delete zones[tzid]); + } +}; + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * Helper functions used in various places within ical.js + * @module ICAL.helpers + */ + +/** + * Compiles a list of all referenced TZIDs in all subcomponents and + * removes any extra VTIMEZONE subcomponents. In addition, if any TZIDs + * are referenced by a component, but a VTIMEZONE does not exist, + * an attempt will be made to generate a VTIMEZONE using ICAL.TimezoneService. + * + * @param {Component} vcal The top-level VCALENDAR component. + * @return {Component} The ICAL.Component that was passed in. + */ +function updateTimezones(vcal) { + let allsubs, properties, vtimezones, reqTzid, i; + + if (!vcal || vcal.name !== "vcalendar") { + //not a top-level vcalendar component + return vcal; + } + + //Store vtimezone subcomponents in an object reference by tzid. + //Store properties from everything else in another array + allsubs = vcal.getAllSubcomponents(); + properties = []; + vtimezones = {}; + for (i = 0; i < allsubs.length; i++) { + if (allsubs[i].name === "vtimezone") { + let tzid = allsubs[i].getFirstProperty("tzid").getFirstValue(); + vtimezones[tzid] = allsubs[i]; + } else { + properties = properties.concat(allsubs[i].getAllProperties()); + } + } + + //create an object with one entry for each required tz + reqTzid = {}; + for (i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { + let tzid = properties[i].getParameter("tzid"); + if (tzid) { + reqTzid[tzid] = true; + } + } + + //delete any vtimezones that are not on the reqTzid list. + for (let [tzid, comp] of Object.entries(vtimezones)) { + if (!reqTzid[tzid]) { + vcal.removeSubcomponent(comp); + } + } + + //create any missing, but registered timezones + for (let tzid of Object.keys(reqTzid)) { + if (!vtimezones[tzid] && TimezoneService.has(tzid)) { + vcal.addSubcomponent(TimezoneService.get(tzid).component); + } + } + + return vcal; +} + +/** + * Checks if the given type is of the number type and also NaN. + * + * @param {Number} number The number to check + * @return {Boolean} True, if the number is strictly NaN + */ +function isStrictlyNaN(number) { + return typeof(number) === 'number' && isNaN(number); +} + +/** + * Parses a string value that is expected to be an integer, when the valid is + * not an integer throws a decoration error. + * + * @param {String} string Raw string input + * @return {Number} Parsed integer + */ +function strictParseInt(string) { + let result = parseInt(string, 10); + + if (isStrictlyNaN(result)) { + throw new Error( + 'Could not extract integer from "' + string + '"' + ); + } + + return result; +} + +/** + * Creates or returns a class instance of a given type with the initialization + * data if the data is not already an instance of the given type. + * + * @example + * var time = new ICAL.Time(...); + * var result = ICAL.helpers.formatClassType(time, ICAL.Time); + * + * (result instanceof ICAL.Time) + * // => true + * + * result = ICAL.helpers.formatClassType({}, ICAL.Time); + * (result isntanceof ICAL.Time) + * // => true + * + * + * @param {Object} data object initialization data + * @param {Object} type object type (like ICAL.Time) + * @return {?} An instance of the found type. + */ +function formatClassType(data, type) { + if (typeof(data) === 'undefined') { + return undefined; + } + + if (data instanceof type) { + return data; + } + return new type(data); +} + +/** + * Identical to indexOf but will only match values when they are not preceded + * by a backslash character. + * + * @param {String} buffer String to search + * @param {String} search Value to look for + * @param {Number} pos Start position + * @return {Number} The position, or -1 if not found + */ +function unescapedIndexOf(buffer, search, pos) { + while ((pos = buffer.indexOf(search, pos)) !== -1) { + if (pos > 0 && buffer[pos - 1] === '\\') { + pos += 1; + } else { + return pos; + } + } + return -1; +} + +/** + * Find the index for insertion using binary search. + * + * @param {Array} list The list to search + * @param {?} seekVal The value to insert + * @param {function(?,?)} cmpfunc The comparison func, that can + * compare two seekVals + * @return {Number} The insert position + */ +function binsearchInsert(list, seekVal, cmpfunc) { + if (!list.length) + return 0; + + let low = 0, high = list.length - 1, + mid, cmpval; + + while (low <= high) { + mid = low + Math.floor((high - low) / 2); + cmpval = cmpfunc(seekVal, list[mid]); + + if (cmpval < 0) + high = mid - 1; + else if (cmpval > 0) + low = mid + 1; + else + break; + } + + if (cmpval < 0) + return mid; // insertion is displacing, so use mid outright. + else if (cmpval > 0) + return mid + 1; + else + return mid; +} + +/** + * Clone the passed object or primitive. By default a shallow clone will be + * executed. + * + * @param {*} aSrc The thing to clone + * @param {Boolean=} aDeep If true, a deep clone will be performed + * @return {*} The copy of the thing + */ +function clone(aSrc, aDeep) { + if (!aSrc || typeof aSrc != "object") { + return aSrc; + } else if (aSrc instanceof Date) { + return new Date(aSrc.getTime()); + } else if ("clone" in aSrc) { + return aSrc.clone(); + } else if (Array.isArray(aSrc)) { + let arr = []; + for (let i = 0; i < aSrc.length; i++) { + arr.push(aDeep ? clone(aSrc[i], true) : aSrc[i]); + } + return arr; + } else { + let obj = {}; + for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(aSrc)) { + if (aDeep) { + obj[name] = clone(value, true); + } else { + obj[name] = value; + } + } + return obj; + } +} + +/** + * Performs iCalendar line folding. A line ending character is inserted and + * the next line begins with a whitespace. + * + * @example + * SUMMARY:This line will be fold + * ed right in the middle of a word. + * + * @param {String} aLine The line to fold + * @return {String} The folded line + */ +function foldline(aLine) { + let result = ""; + let line = aLine || "", pos = 0, line_length = 0; + //pos counts position in line for the UTF-16 presentation + //line_length counts the bytes for the UTF-8 presentation + while (line.length) { + let cp = line.codePointAt(pos); + if (cp < 128) ++line_length; + else if (cp < 2048) line_length += 2;//needs 2 UTF-8 bytes + else if (cp < 65536) line_length += 3; + else line_length += 4; //cp is less than 1114112 + if (line_length < ICALmodule.foldLength + 1) + pos += cp > 65535 ? 2 : 1; + else { + result += ICALmodule.newLineChar + " " + line.slice(0, Math.max(0, pos)); + line = line.slice(Math.max(0, pos)); + pos = line_length = 0; + } + } + return result.slice(ICALmodule.newLineChar.length + 1); +} + +/** + * Pads the given string or number with zeros so it will have at least two + * characters. + * + * @param {String|Number} data The string or number to pad + * @return {String} The number padded as a string + */ +function pad2(data) { + if (typeof(data) !== 'string') { + // handle fractions. + if (typeof(data) === 'number') { + data = parseInt(data); + } + data = String(data); + } + + let len = data.length; + + switch (len) { + case 0: + return '00'; + case 1: + return '0' + data; + default: + return data; + } +} + +/** + * Truncates the given number, correctly handling negative numbers. + * + * @param {Number} number The number to truncate + * @return {Number} The truncated number + */ +function trunc(number) { + return (number < 0 ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number)); +} + +/** + * Poor-man's cross-browser object extension. Doesn't support all the + * features, but enough for our usage. Note that the target's properties are + * not overwritten with the source properties. + * + * @example + * var child = ICAL.helpers.extend(parent, { + * "bar": 123 + * }); + * + * @param {Object} source The object to extend + * @param {Object} target The object to extend with + * @return {Object} Returns the target. + */ +function extend(source, target) { + for (let key in source) { + let descr = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key); + if (descr && !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)) { + Object.defineProperty(target, key, descr); + } + } + return target; +} + +var helpers = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ + __proto__: null, + updateTimezones: updateTimezones, + isStrictlyNaN: isStrictlyNaN, + strictParseInt: strictParseInt, + formatClassType: formatClassType, + unescapedIndexOf: unescapedIndexOf, + binsearchInsert: binsearchInsert, + clone: clone, + foldline: foldline, + pad2: pad2, + trunc: trunc, + extend: extend +}); + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This class represents the "utc-offset" value type, with various calculation and manipulation + * methods. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class UtcOffset { + /** + * Creates a new {@link ICAL.UtcOffset} instance from the passed string. + * + * @param {String} aString The string to parse + * @return {Duration} The created utc-offset instance + */ + static fromString(aString) { + // -05:00 + let options = {}; + //TODO: support seconds per rfc5545 ? + options.factor = (aString[0] === '+') ? 1 : -1; + options.hours = strictParseInt(aString.slice(1, 3)); + options.minutes = strictParseInt(aString.slice(4, 6)); + + return new UtcOffset(options); + } + + /** + * Creates a new {@link ICAL.UtcOffset} instance from the passed seconds + * value. + * + * @param {Number} aSeconds The number of seconds to convert + */ + static fromSeconds(aSeconds) { + let instance = new UtcOffset(); + instance.fromSeconds(aSeconds); + return instance; + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.UtcOffset instance. + * + * @param {Object} aData An object with members of the utc offset + * @param {Number=} aData.hours The hours for the utc offset + * @param {Number=} aData.minutes The minutes in the utc offset + * @param {Number=} aData.factor The factor for the utc-offset, either -1 or 1 + */ + constructor(aData) { + this.fromData(aData); + } + + /** + * The hours in the utc-offset + * @type {Number} + */ + hours = 0; + + /** + * The minutes in the utc-offset + * @type {Number} + */ + minutes = 0; + + /** + * The sign of the utc offset, 1 for positive offset, -1 for negative + * offsets. + * @type {Number} + */ + factor = 1; + + /** + * The type name, to be used in the jCal object. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "utc-offset" + */ + icaltype = "utc-offset"; + + /** + * Returns a clone of the utc offset object. + * + * @return {UtcOffset} The cloned object + */ + clone() { + return UtcOffset.fromSeconds(this.toSeconds()); + } + + /** + * Sets up the current instance using members from the passed data object. + * + * @param {Object} aData An object with members of the utc offset + * @param {Number=} aData.hours The hours for the utc offset + * @param {Number=} aData.minutes The minutes in the utc offset + * @param {Number=} aData.factor The factor for the utc-offset, either -1 or 1 + */ + fromData(aData) { + if (aData) { + for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(aData)) { + this[key] = value; + } + } + this._normalize(); + } + + /** + * Sets up the current instance from the given seconds value. The seconds + * value is truncated to the minute. Offsets are wrapped when the world + * ends, the hour after UTC+14:00 is UTC-12:00. + * + * @param {Number} aSeconds The seconds to convert into an offset + */ + fromSeconds(aSeconds) { + let secs = Math.abs(aSeconds); + + this.factor = aSeconds < 0 ? -1 : 1; + this.hours = trunc(secs / 3600); + + secs -= (this.hours * 3600); + this.minutes = trunc(secs / 60); + return this; + } + + /** + * Convert the current offset to a value in seconds + * + * @return {Number} The offset in seconds + */ + toSeconds() { + return this.factor * (60 * this.minutes + 3600 * this.hours); + } + + /** + * Compare this utc offset with another one. + * + * @param {UtcOffset} other The other offset to compare with + * @return {Number} -1, 0 or 1 for less/equal/greater + */ + compare(other) { + let a = this.toSeconds(); + let b = other.toSeconds(); + return (a > b) - (b > a); + } + + _normalize() { + // Range: 97200 seconds (with 1 hour inbetween) + let secs = this.toSeconds(); + let factor = this.factor; + while (secs < -43200) { // = UTC-12:00 + secs += 97200; + } + while (secs > 50400) { // = UTC+14:00 + secs -= 97200; + } + + this.fromSeconds(secs); + + // Avoid changing the factor when on zero seconds + if (secs == 0) { + this.factor = factor; + } + } + + /** + * The iCalendar string representation of this utc-offset. + * @return {String} + */ + toICALString() { + return design$1.icalendar.value['utc-offset'].toICAL(this.toString()); + } + + /** + * The string representation of this utc-offset. + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + return (this.factor == 1 ? "+" : "-") + pad2(this.hours) + ':' + pad2(this.minutes); + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * Describes a vCard time, which has slight differences to the ICAL.Time. + * Properties can be null if not specified, for example for dates with + * reduced accuracy or truncation. + * + * Note that currently not all methods are correctly re-implemented for + * VCardTime. For example, comparison will have undefined results when some + * members are null. + * + * Also, normalization is not yet implemented for this class! + * + * @memberof ICAL + * @extends {ICAL.Time} + */ +class VCardTime extends Time { + /** + * Returns a new ICAL.VCardTime instance from a date and/or time string. + * + * @param {String} aValue The string to create from + * @param {String} aIcalType The type for this instance, e.g. date-and-or-time + * @return {VCardTime} The date/time instance + */ + static fromDateAndOrTimeString(aValue, aIcalType) { + function part(v, s, e) { + return v ? strictParseInt(v.slice(s, s + e)) : null; + } + let parts = aValue.split('T'); + let dt = parts[0], tmz = parts[1]; + let splitzone = tmz ? design$1.vcard.value.time._splitZone(tmz) : []; + let zone = splitzone[0], tm = splitzone[1]; + + let dtlen = dt ? dt.length : 0; + let tmlen = tm ? tm.length : 0; + + let hasDashDate = dt && dt[0] == '-' && dt[1] == '-'; + let hasDashTime = tm && tm[0] == '-'; + + let o = { + year: hasDashDate ? null : part(dt, 0, 4), + month: hasDashDate && (dtlen == 4 || dtlen == 7) ? part(dt, 2, 2) : dtlen == 7 ? part(dt, 5, 2) : dtlen == 10 ? part(dt, 5, 2) : null, + day: dtlen == 5 ? part(dt, 3, 2) : dtlen == 7 && hasDashDate ? part(dt, 5, 2) : dtlen == 10 ? part(dt, 8, 2) : null, + + hour: hasDashTime ? null : part(tm, 0, 2), + minute: hasDashTime && tmlen == 3 ? part(tm, 1, 2) : tmlen > 4 ? hasDashTime ? part(tm, 1, 2) : part(tm, 3, 2) : null, + second: tmlen == 4 ? part(tm, 2, 2) : tmlen == 6 ? part(tm, 4, 2) : tmlen == 8 ? part(tm, 6, 2) : null + }; + + if (zone == 'Z') { + zone = Timezone.utcTimezone; + } else if (zone && zone[3] == ':') { + zone = UtcOffset.fromString(zone); + } else { + zone = null; + } + + return new VCardTime(o, zone, aIcalType); + } + + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.VCardTime instance. + * + * @param {Object} data The data for the time instance + * @param {Number=} data.year The year for this date + * @param {Number=} data.month The month for this date + * @param {Number=} data.day The day for this date + * @param {Number=} data.hour The hour for this date + * @param {Number=} data.minute The minute for this date + * @param {Number=} data.second The second for this date + * @param {Timezone|UtcOffset} zone The timezone to use + * @param {String} icaltype The type for this date/time object + */ + constructor(data, zone, icaltype) { + super(data, zone); + this.icaltype = icaltype || "date-and-or-time"; + } + + /** + * The class identifier. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "vcardtime" + */ + icalclass = "vcardtime"; + + /** + * The type name, to be used in the jCal object. + * @type {String} + * @default "date-and-or-time" + */ + icaltype = "date-and-or-time"; + + /** + * Returns a clone of the vcard date/time object. + * + * @return {VCardTime} The cloned object + */ + clone() { + return new VCardTime(this._time, this.zone, this.icaltype); + } + + _normalize() { + return this; + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc + */ + utcOffset() { + if (this.zone instanceof UtcOffset) { + return this.zone.toSeconds(); + } else { + return Time.prototype.utcOffset.apply(this, arguments); + } + } + + /** + * Returns an RFC 6350 compliant representation of this object. + * + * @return {String} vcard date/time string + */ + toICALString() { + return design$1.vcard.value[this.icaltype].toICAL(this.toString()); + } + + /** + * The string representation of this date/time, in jCard form + * (including : and - separators). + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + let y = this.year, m = this.month, d = this.day; + let h = this.hour, mm = this.minute, s = this.second; + + let hasYear = y !== null, hasMonth = m !== null, hasDay = d !== null; + let hasHour = h !== null, hasMinute = mm !== null, hasSecond = s !== null; + + let datepart = (hasYear ? pad2(y) + (hasMonth || hasDay ? '-' : '') : (hasMonth || hasDay ? '--' : '')) + + (hasMonth ? pad2(m) : '') + + (hasDay ? '-' + pad2(d) : ''); + let timepart = (hasHour ? pad2(h) : '-') + (hasHour && hasMinute ? ':' : '') + + (hasMinute ? pad2(mm) : '') + (!hasHour && !hasMinute ? '-' : '') + + (hasMinute && hasSecond ? ':' : '') + + (hasSecond ? pad2(s) : ''); + + let zone; + if (this.zone === Timezone.utcTimezone) { + zone = 'Z'; + } else if (this.zone instanceof UtcOffset) { + zone = this.zone.toString(); + } else if (this.zone === Timezone.localTimezone) { + zone = ''; + } else if (this.zone instanceof Timezone) { + let offset = UtcOffset.fromSeconds(this.zone.utcOffset(this)); + zone = offset.toString(); + } else { + zone = ''; + } + + switch (this.icaltype) { + case "time": + return timepart + zone; + case "date-and-or-time": + case "date-time": + return datepart + (timepart == '--' ? '' : 'T' + timepart + zone); + case "date": + return datepart; + } + return null; + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").weekDay} weekDay + * Imports the 'weekDay' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +/** + * An iterator for a single recurrence rule. This class usually doesn't have to be instanciated + * directly, the convenience method {@link ICAL.Recur#iterator} can be used. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class RecurIterator { + static _indexMap = { + "BYSECOND": 0, + "BYMINUTE": 1, + "BYHOUR": 2, + "BYDAY": 3, + "BYMONTHDAY": 4, + "BYYEARDAY": 5, + "BYWEEKNO": 6, + "BYMONTH": 7, + "BYSETPOS": 8 + }; + + static _expandMap = { + "SECONDLY": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], + "MINUTELY": [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], + "HOURLY": [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], + "DAILY": [2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], + "WEEKLY": [2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1], + "MONTHLY": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1], + "YEARLY": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] + }; + + static UNKNOWN = 0; + static CONTRACT = 1; + static EXPAND = 2; + static ILLEGAL = 3; + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.RecurIterator instance. The options object may contain additional members + * when resuming iteration from a previous run. + * + * @param {Object} options The iterator options + * @param {Recur} options.rule The rule to iterate. + * @param {Time} options.dtstart The start date of the event. + * @param {Boolean=} options.initialized When true, assume that options are + * from a previously constructed iterator. Initialization will not be + * repeated. + */ + constructor(options) { + this.fromData(options); + } + + /** + * True when iteration is finished. + * @type {Boolean} + */ + completed = false; + + /** + * The rule that is being iterated + * @type {Recur} + */ + rule = null; + + /** + * The start date of the event being iterated. + * @type {Time} + */ + dtstart = null; + + /** + * The last occurrence that was returned from the + * {@link RecurIterator#next} method. + * @type {Time} + */ + last = null; + + /** + * The sequence number from the occurrence + * @type {Number} + */ + occurrence_number = 0; + + /** + * The indices used for the {@link ICAL.RecurIterator#by_data} object. + * @type {Object} + * @private + */ + by_indices = null; + + /** + * If true, the iterator has already been initialized + * @type {Boolean} + * @private + */ + initialized = false; + + /** + * The initializd by-data. + * @type {Object} + * @private + */ + by_data = null; + + /** + * The expanded yeardays + * @type {Array} + * @private + */ + days = null; + + /** + * The index in the {@link ICAL.RecurIterator#days} array. + * @type {Number} + * @private + */ + days_index = 0; + + /** + * Initialize the recurrence iterator from the passed data object. This + * method is usually not called directly, you can initialize the iterator + * through the constructor. + * + * @param {Object} options The iterator options + * @param {Recur} options.rule The rule to iterate. + * @param {Time} options.dtstart The start date of the event. + * @param {Boolean=} options.initialized When true, assume that options are + * from a previously constructed iterator. Initialization will not be + * repeated. + */ + fromData(options) { + this.rule = formatClassType(options.rule, Recur); + + if (!this.rule) { + throw new Error('iterator requires a (ICAL.Recur) rule'); + } + + this.dtstart = formatClassType(options.dtstart, Time); + + if (!this.dtstart) { + throw new Error('iterator requires a (ICAL.Time) dtstart'); + } + + if (options.by_data) { + this.by_data = options.by_data; + } else { + this.by_data = clone(this.rule.parts, true); + } + + if (options.occurrence_number) + this.occurrence_number = options.occurrence_number; + + this.days = options.days || []; + if (options.last) { + this.last = formatClassType(options.last, Time); + } + + this.by_indices = options.by_indices; + + if (!this.by_indices) { + this.by_indices = { + "BYSECOND": 0, + "BYMINUTE": 0, + "BYHOUR": 0, + "BYDAY": 0, + "BYMONTH": 0, + "BYWEEKNO": 0, + "BYMONTHDAY": 0 + }; + } + + this.initialized = options.initialized || false; + + if (!this.initialized) { + try { + this.init(); + } catch (e) { + if (e instanceof InvalidRecurrenceRuleError) { + // Init may error if there are no possible recurrence instances from + // the rule, but we don't want to bubble this error up. Instead, we + // create an empty iterator. + this.completed = true; + } else { + // Propagate other errors to consumers. + throw e; + } + } + } + } + + /** + * Initialize the iterator + * @private + */ + init() { + this.initialized = true; + this.last = this.dtstart.clone(); + let parts = this.by_data; + + if ("BYDAY" in parts) { + // libical does this earlier when the rule is loaded, but we postpone to + // now so we can preserve the original order. + this.sort_byday_rules(parts.BYDAY); + } + + // If the BYYEARDAY appares, no other date rule part may appear + if ("BYYEARDAY" in parts) { + if ("BYMONTH" in parts || "BYWEEKNO" in parts || + "BYMONTHDAY" in parts || "BYDAY" in parts) { + throw new Error("Invalid BYYEARDAY rule"); + } + } + + // BYWEEKNO and BYMONTHDAY rule parts may not both appear + if ("BYWEEKNO" in parts && "BYMONTHDAY" in parts) { + throw new Error("BYWEEKNO does not fit to BYMONTHDAY"); + } + + // For MONTHLY recurrences (FREQ=MONTHLY) neither BYYEARDAY nor + // BYWEEKNO may appear. + if (this.rule.freq == "MONTHLY" && + ("BYYEARDAY" in parts || "BYWEEKNO" in parts)) { + throw new Error("For MONTHLY recurrences neither BYYEARDAY nor BYWEEKNO may appear"); + } + + // For WEEKLY recurrences (FREQ=WEEKLY) neither BYMONTHDAY nor + // BYYEARDAY may appear. + if (this.rule.freq == "WEEKLY" && + ("BYYEARDAY" in parts || "BYMONTHDAY" in parts)) { + throw new Error("For WEEKLY recurrences neither BYMONTHDAY nor BYYEARDAY may appear"); + } + + // BYYEARDAY may only appear in YEARLY rules + if (this.rule.freq != "YEARLY" && "BYYEARDAY" in parts) { + throw new Error("BYYEARDAY may only appear in YEARLY rules"); + } + + this.last.second = this.setup_defaults("BYSECOND", "SECONDLY", this.dtstart.second); + this.last.minute = this.setup_defaults("BYMINUTE", "MINUTELY", this.dtstart.minute); + this.last.hour = this.setup_defaults("BYHOUR", "HOURLY", this.dtstart.hour); + this.last.day = this.setup_defaults("BYMONTHDAY", "DAILY", this.dtstart.day); + this.last.month = this.setup_defaults("BYMONTH", "MONTHLY", this.dtstart.month); + + if (this.rule.freq == "WEEKLY") { + if ("BYDAY" in parts) { + let [, dow] = this.ruleDayOfWeek(parts.BYDAY[0], this.rule.wkst); + let wkdy = dow - this.last.dayOfWeek(this.rule.wkst); + if ((this.last.dayOfWeek(this.rule.wkst) < dow && wkdy >= 0) || wkdy < 0) { + // Initial time is after first day of BYDAY data + this.last.day += wkdy; + } + } else { + let dayName = Recur.numericDayToIcalDay(this.dtstart.dayOfWeek()); + parts.BYDAY = [dayName]; + } + } + + if (this.rule.freq == "YEARLY") { + // Some yearly recurrence rules may be specific enough to not actually + // occur on a yearly basis, e.g. the 29th day of February or the fifth + // Monday of a given month. The standard isn't clear on the intended + // behavior in these cases, but `libical` at least will iterate until it + // finds a matching year. + // CAREFUL: Some rules may specify an occurrence that can never happen, + // e.g. the first Monday of April so long as it falls on the 15th + // through the 21st. Detecting these is non-trivial, so ensure that we + // stop iterating at some point. + const untilYear = this.rule.until ? this.rule.until.year : 20000; + while (this.last.year <= untilYear) { + this.expand_year_days(this.last.year); + if (this.days.length > 0) { + break; + } + this.increment_year(this.rule.interval); + } + + if (this.days.length == 0) { + throw new InvalidRecurrenceRuleError(); + } + + this._nextByYearDay(); + } + + if (this.rule.freq == "MONTHLY") { + if (this.has_by_data("BYDAY")) { + let tempLast = null; + let initLast = this.last.clone(); + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(this.last.month, this.last.year); + + // Check every weekday in BYDAY with relative dow and pos. + for (let bydow of this.by_data.BYDAY) { + this.last = initLast.clone(); + let [pos, dow] = this.ruleDayOfWeek(bydow); + let dayOfMonth = this.last.nthWeekDay(dow, pos); + + // If |pos| >= 6, the byday is invalid for a monthly rule. + if (pos >= 6 || pos <= -6) { + throw new Error("Malformed values in BYDAY part"); + } + + // If a Byday with pos=+/-5 is not in the current month it + // must be searched in the next months. + if (dayOfMonth > daysInMonth || dayOfMonth <= 0) { + // Skip if we have already found a "last" in this month. + if (tempLast && tempLast.month == initLast.month) { + continue; + } + while (dayOfMonth > daysInMonth || dayOfMonth <= 0) { + this.increment_month(); + daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(this.last.month, this.last.year); + dayOfMonth = this.last.nthWeekDay(dow, pos); + } + } + + this.last.day = dayOfMonth; + if (!tempLast || this.last.compare(tempLast) < 0) { + tempLast = this.last.clone(); + } + } + this.last = tempLast.clone(); + + //XXX: This feels like a hack, but we need to initialize + // the BYMONTHDAY case correctly and byDayAndMonthDay handles + // this case. It accepts a special flag which will avoid incrementing + // the initial value without the flag days that match the start time + // would be missed. + if (this.has_by_data('BYMONTHDAY')) { + this._byDayAndMonthDay(true); + } + + if (this.last.day > daysInMonth || this.last.day == 0) { + throw new Error("Malformed values in BYDAY part"); + } + } else if (this.has_by_data("BYMONTHDAY")) { + // Change the day value so that normalisation won't change the month. + this.last.day = 1; + + // Get a sorted list of days in the starting month that match the rule. + let normalized = this.normalizeByMonthDayRules( + this.last.year, + this.last.month, + this.rule.parts.BYMONTHDAY + ).filter(d => d >= this.last.day); + + if (normalized.length) { + // There's at least one valid day, use it. + this.last.day = normalized[0]; + this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY = normalized; + } else { + // There's no occurrence in this month, find the next valid month. + // The longest possible sequence of skipped months is February-April-June, + // so we might need to call next_month up to three times. + if (!this.next_month() && !this.next_month() && !this.next_month()) { + throw new Error("No possible occurrences"); + } + } + } + } + } + + /** + * Retrieve the next occurrence from the iterator. + * @return {Time} + */ + next(again = false) { + let before = (this.last ? this.last.clone() : null); + + if ((this.rule.count && this.occurrence_number >= this.rule.count) || + (this.rule.until && this.last.compare(this.rule.until) > 0)) { + this.completed = true; + } + + if (this.completed) { + return null; + } + + if (this.occurrence_number == 0 && this.last.compare(this.dtstart) >= 0) { + // First of all, give the instance that was initialized + this.occurrence_number++; + return this.last; + } + + let valid; + do { + valid = 1; + + switch (this.rule.freq) { + case "SECONDLY": + this.next_second(); + break; + case "MINUTELY": + this.next_minute(); + break; + case "HOURLY": + this.next_hour(); + break; + case "DAILY": + this.next_day(); + break; + case "WEEKLY": + this.next_week(); + break; + case "MONTHLY": + valid = this.next_month(); + break; + case "YEARLY": + this.next_year(); + break; + + default: + return null; + } + } while (!this.check_contracting_rules() || + this.last.compare(this.dtstart) < 0 || + !valid); + + if (this.last.compare(before) == 0) { + if (again) { + throw new Error("Same occurrence found twice, protecting you from death by recursion"); + } + this.next(true); + } + + if (this.rule.until && this.last.compare(this.rule.until) > 0) { + this.completed = true; + return null; + } else { + this.occurrence_number++; + return this.last; + } + } + + next_second() { + return this.next_generic("BYSECOND", "SECONDLY", "second", "minute"); + } + + increment_second(inc) { + return this.increment_generic(inc, "second", 60, "minute"); + } + + next_minute() { + return this.next_generic("BYMINUTE", "MINUTELY", + "minute", "hour", "next_second"); + } + + increment_minute(inc) { + return this.increment_generic(inc, "minute", 60, "hour"); + } + + next_hour() { + return this.next_generic("BYHOUR", "HOURLY", "hour", + "monthday", "next_minute"); + } + + increment_hour(inc) { + this.increment_generic(inc, "hour", 24, "monthday"); + } + + next_day() { + let this_freq = (this.rule.freq == "DAILY"); + + if (this.next_hour() == 0) { + return 0; + } + + if (this_freq) { + this.increment_monthday(this.rule.interval); + } else { + this.increment_monthday(1); + } + + return 0; + } + + next_week() { + let end_of_data = 0; + + if (this.next_weekday_by_week() == 0) { + return end_of_data; + } + + if (this.has_by_data("BYWEEKNO")) { + this.by_indices.BYWEEKNO++; + + if (this.by_indices.BYWEEKNO == this.by_data.BYWEEKNO.length) { + this.by_indices.BYWEEKNO = 0; + end_of_data = 1; + } + + // HACK should be first month of the year + this.last.month = 1; + this.last.day = 1; + + let week_no = this.by_data.BYWEEKNO[this.by_indices.BYWEEKNO]; + + this.last.day += 7 * week_no; + + if (end_of_data) { + this.increment_year(1); + } + } else { + // Jump to the next week + this.increment_monthday(7 * this.rule.interval); + } + + return end_of_data; + } + + /** + * Normalize each by day rule for a given year/month. + * Takes into account ordering and negative rules + * + * @private + * @param {Number} year Current year. + * @param {Number} month Current month. + * @param {Array} rules Array of rules. + * + * @return {Array} sorted and normalized rules. + * Negative rules will be expanded to their + * correct positive values for easier processing. + */ + normalizeByMonthDayRules(year, month, rules) { + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(month, year); + + // XXX: This is probably bad for performance to allocate + // a new array for each month we scan, if possible + // we should try to optimize this... + let newRules = []; + + let ruleIdx = 0; + let len = rules.length; + let rule; + + for (; ruleIdx < len; ruleIdx++) { + rule = parseInt(rules[ruleIdx], 10); + if (isNaN(rule)) { + throw new Error('Invalid BYMONTHDAY value'); + } + + // if this rule falls outside of given + // month discard it. + if (Math.abs(rule) > daysInMonth) { + continue; + } + + // negative case + if (rule < 0) { + // we add (not subtract it is a negative number) + // one from the rule because 1 === last day of month + rule = daysInMonth + (rule + 1); + } else if (rule === 0) { + // skip zero: it is invalid. + continue; + } + + // only add unique items... + if (newRules.indexOf(rule) === -1) { + newRules.push(rule); + } + + } + + // unique and sort + return newRules.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); + } + + /** + * NOTES: + * We are given a list of dates in the month (BYMONTHDAY) (23, etc..) + * Also we are given a list of days (BYDAY) (MO, 2SU, etc..) when + * both conditions match a given date (this.last.day) iteration stops. + * + * @private + * @param {Boolean=} isInit When given true will not increment the + * current day (this.last). + */ + _byDayAndMonthDay(isInit) { + let byMonthDay; // setup in initMonth + let byDay = this.by_data.BYDAY; + + let date; + let dateIdx = 0; + let dateLen; // setup in initMonth + let dayLen = byDay.length; + + // we are not valid by default + let dataIsValid = 0; + + let daysInMonth; + let self = this; + // we need a copy of this, because a DateTime gets normalized + // automatically if the day is out of range. At some points we + // set the last day to 0 to start counting. + let lastDay = this.last.day; + + function initMonth() { + daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth( + self.last.month, self.last.year + ); + + byMonthDay = self.normalizeByMonthDayRules( + self.last.year, + self.last.month, + self.by_data.BYMONTHDAY + ); + + dateLen = byMonthDay.length; + + // For the case of more than one occurrence in one month + // we have to be sure to start searching after the last + // found date or at the last BYMONTHDAY, unless we are + // initializing the iterator because in this case we have + // to consider the last found date too. + while (byMonthDay[dateIdx] <= lastDay && + !(isInit && byMonthDay[dateIdx] == lastDay) && + dateIdx < dateLen - 1) { + dateIdx++; + } + } + + function nextMonth() { + // since the day is incremented at the start + // of the loop below, we need to start at 0 + lastDay = 0; + self.increment_month(); + dateIdx = 0; + initMonth(); + } + + initMonth(); + + // should come after initMonth + if (isInit) { + lastDay -= 1; + } + + // Use a counter to avoid an infinite loop with malformed rules. + // Stop checking after 4 years so we consider also a leap year. + let monthsCounter = 48; + + while (!dataIsValid && monthsCounter) { + monthsCounter--; + // increment the current date. This is really + // important otherwise we may fall into the infinite + // loop trap. The initial date takes care of the case + // where the current date is the date we are looking + // for. + date = lastDay + 1; + + if (date > daysInMonth) { + nextMonth(); + continue; + } + + // find next date + let next = byMonthDay[dateIdx++]; + + // this logic is dependent on the BYMONTHDAYS + // being in order (which is done by #normalizeByMonthDayRules) + if (next >= date) { + // if the next month day is in the future jump to it. + lastDay = next; + } else { + // in this case the 'next' monthday has past + // we must move to the month. + nextMonth(); + continue; + } + + // Now we can loop through the day rules to see + // if one matches the current month date. + for (let dayIdx = 0; dayIdx < dayLen; dayIdx++) { + let parts = this.ruleDayOfWeek(byDay[dayIdx]); + let pos = parts[0]; + let dow = parts[1]; + + this.last.day = lastDay; + if (this.last.isNthWeekDay(dow, pos)) { + // when we find the valid one we can mark + // the conditions as met and break the loop. + // (Because we have this condition above + // it will also break the parent loop). + dataIsValid = 1; + break; + } + } + + // It is completely possible that the combination + // cannot be matched in the current month. + // When we reach the end of possible combinations + // in the current month we iterate to the next one. + // since dateIdx is incremented right after getting + // "next", we don't need dateLen -1 here. + if (!dataIsValid && dateIdx === dateLen) { + nextMonth(); + continue; + } + } + + if (monthsCounter <= 0) { + // Checked 4 years without finding a Byday that matches + // a Bymonthday. Maybe the rule is not correct. + throw new Error("Malformed values in BYDAY combined with BYMONTHDAY parts"); + } + + + return dataIsValid; + } + + next_month() { + let data_valid = 1; + + if (this.next_hour() == 0) { + return data_valid; + } + + if (this.has_by_data("BYDAY") && this.has_by_data("BYMONTHDAY")) { + data_valid = this._byDayAndMonthDay(); + } else if (this.has_by_data("BYDAY")) { + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(this.last.month, this.last.year); + let setpos = 0; + let setpos_total = 0; + + if (this.has_by_data("BYSETPOS")) { + let last_day = this.last.day; + for (let day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++) { + this.last.day = day; + if (this.is_day_in_byday(this.last)) { + setpos_total++; + if (day <= last_day) { + setpos++; + } + } + } + this.last.day = last_day; + } + + data_valid = 0; + let day; + for (day = this.last.day + 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++) { + this.last.day = day; + + if (this.is_day_in_byday(this.last)) { + if (!this.has_by_data("BYSETPOS") || + this.check_set_position(++setpos) || + this.check_set_position(setpos - setpos_total - 1)) { + + data_valid = 1; + break; + } + } + } + + if (day > daysInMonth) { + this.last.day = 1; + this.increment_month(); + + if (this.is_day_in_byday(this.last)) { + if (!this.has_by_data("BYSETPOS") || this.check_set_position(1)) { + data_valid = 1; + } + } else { + data_valid = 0; + } + } + } else if (this.has_by_data("BYMONTHDAY")) { + this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY++; + + if (this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY >= this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY.length) { + this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY = 0; + this.increment_month(); + if (this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY >= this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY.length) { + return 0; + } + } + + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(this.last.month, this.last.year); + let day = this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY[this.by_indices.BYMONTHDAY]; + + if (day < 0) { + day = daysInMonth + day + 1; + } + + if (day > daysInMonth) { + this.last.day = 1; + data_valid = this.is_day_in_byday(this.last); + } else { + this.last.day = day; + } + } else { + this.increment_month(); + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(this.last.month, this.last.year); + if (this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY[0] > daysInMonth) { + data_valid = 0; + } else { + this.last.day = this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY[0]; + } + } + + return data_valid; + } + + next_weekday_by_week() { + let end_of_data = 0; + + if (this.next_hour() == 0) { + return end_of_data; + } + + if (!this.has_by_data("BYDAY")) { + return 1; + } + + for (;;) { + let tt = new Time(); + this.by_indices.BYDAY++; + + if (this.by_indices.BYDAY == Object.keys(this.by_data.BYDAY).length) { + this.by_indices.BYDAY = 0; + end_of_data = 1; + } + + let coded_day = this.by_data.BYDAY[this.by_indices.BYDAY]; + let parts = this.ruleDayOfWeek(coded_day); + let dow = parts[1]; + + dow -= this.rule.wkst; + + if (dow < 0) { + dow += 7; + } + + tt.year = this.last.year; + tt.month = this.last.month; + tt.day = this.last.day; + + let startOfWeek = tt.startDoyWeek(this.rule.wkst); + + if (dow + startOfWeek < 1) { + // The selected date is in the previous year + if (!end_of_data) { + continue; + } + } + + let next = Time.fromDayOfYear(startOfWeek + dow, this.last.year); + + /** + * The normalization horrors below are due to + * the fact that when the year/month/day changes + * it can effect the other operations that come after. + */ + this.last.year = next.year; + this.last.month = next.month; + this.last.day = next.day; + + return end_of_data; + } + } + + next_year() { + if (this.next_hour() == 0) { + return 0; + } + + if (++this.days_index == this.days.length) { + this.days_index = 0; + do { + this.increment_year(this.rule.interval); + if (this.has_by_data("BYMONTHDAY")) { + this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY = this.normalizeByMonthDayRules( + this.last.year, + this.last.month, + this.rule.parts.BYMONTHDAY + ); + } + this.expand_year_days(this.last.year); + } while (this.days.length == 0); + } + + this._nextByYearDay(); + + return 1; + } + + _nextByYearDay() { + let doy = this.days[this.days_index]; + let year = this.last.year; + if (doy < 1) { + // Time.fromDayOfYear(doy, year) indexes relative to the + // start of the given year. That is different from the + // semantics of BYYEARDAY where negative indexes are an + // offset from the end of the given year. + doy += 1; + year += 1; + } + let next = Time.fromDayOfYear(doy, year); + this.last.day = next.day; + this.last.month = next.month; + } + + /** + * @param dow (eg: '1TU', '-1MO') + * @param {weekDay=} aWeekStart The week start weekday + * @return [pos, numericDow] (eg: [1, 3]) numericDow is relative to aWeekStart + */ + ruleDayOfWeek(dow, aWeekStart) { + let matches = dow.match(/([+-]?[0-9])?(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU)/); + if (matches) { + let pos = parseInt(matches[1] || 0, 10); + dow = Recur.icalDayToNumericDay(matches[2], aWeekStart); + return [pos, dow]; + } else { + return [0, 0]; + } + } + + next_generic(aRuleType, aInterval, aDateAttr, aFollowingAttr, aPreviousIncr) { + let has_by_rule = (aRuleType in this.by_data); + let this_freq = (this.rule.freq == aInterval); + let end_of_data = 0; + + if (aPreviousIncr && this[aPreviousIncr]() == 0) { + return end_of_data; + } + + if (has_by_rule) { + this.by_indices[aRuleType]++; + let dta = this.by_data[aRuleType]; + + if (this.by_indices[aRuleType] == dta.length) { + this.by_indices[aRuleType] = 0; + end_of_data = 1; + } + this.last[aDateAttr] = dta[this.by_indices[aRuleType]]; + } else if (this_freq) { + this["increment_" + aDateAttr](this.rule.interval); + } + + if (has_by_rule && end_of_data && this_freq) { + this["increment_" + aFollowingAttr](1); + } + + return end_of_data; + } + + increment_monthday(inc) { + for (let i = 0; i < inc; i++) { + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(this.last.month, this.last.year); + this.last.day++; + + if (this.last.day > daysInMonth) { + this.last.day -= daysInMonth; + this.increment_month(); + } + } + } + + increment_month() { + this.last.day = 1; + if (this.has_by_data("BYMONTH")) { + this.by_indices.BYMONTH++; + + if (this.by_indices.BYMONTH == this.by_data.BYMONTH.length) { + this.by_indices.BYMONTH = 0; + this.increment_year(1); + } + + this.last.month = this.by_data.BYMONTH[this.by_indices.BYMONTH]; + } else { + if (this.rule.freq == "MONTHLY") { + this.last.month += this.rule.interval; + } else { + this.last.month++; + } + + this.last.month--; + let years = trunc(this.last.month / 12); + this.last.month %= 12; + this.last.month++; + + if (years != 0) { + this.increment_year(years); + } + } + + if (this.has_by_data("BYMONTHDAY")) { + this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY = this.normalizeByMonthDayRules( + this.last.year, + this.last.month, + this.rule.parts.BYMONTHDAY + ); + } + } + + increment_year(inc) { + // Don't jump into the next month if this.last is Feb 29. + this.last.day = 1; + this.last.year += inc; + } + + increment_generic(inc, aDateAttr, aFactor, aNextIncrement) { + this.last[aDateAttr] += inc; + let nextunit = trunc(this.last[aDateAttr] / aFactor); + this.last[aDateAttr] %= aFactor; + if (nextunit != 0) { + this["increment_" + aNextIncrement](nextunit); + } + } + + has_by_data(aRuleType) { + return (aRuleType in this.rule.parts); + } + + expand_year_days(aYear) { + let t = new Time(); + this.days = []; + + // We need our own copy with a few keys set + let parts = {}; + let rules = ["BYDAY", "BYWEEKNO", "BYMONTHDAY", "BYMONTH", "BYYEARDAY"]; + for (let part of rules) { + if (part in this.rule.parts) { + parts[part] = this.rule.parts[part]; + } + } + + if ("BYMONTH" in parts && "BYWEEKNO" in parts) { + let valid = 1; + let validWeeks = {}; + t.year = aYear; + t.isDate = true; + + for (let monthIdx = 0; monthIdx < this.by_data.BYMONTH.length; monthIdx++) { + let month = this.by_data.BYMONTH[monthIdx]; + t.month = month; + t.day = 1; + let first_week = t.weekNumber(this.rule.wkst); + t.day = Time.daysInMonth(month, aYear); + let last_week = t.weekNumber(this.rule.wkst); + for (monthIdx = first_week; monthIdx < last_week; monthIdx++) { + validWeeks[monthIdx] = 1; + } + } + + for (let weekIdx = 0; weekIdx < this.by_data.BYWEEKNO.length && valid; weekIdx++) { + let weekno = this.by_data.BYWEEKNO[weekIdx]; + if (weekno < 52) { + valid &= validWeeks[weekIdx]; + } else { + valid = 0; + } + } + + if (valid) { + delete parts.BYMONTH; + } else { + delete parts.BYWEEKNO; + } + } + + let partCount = Object.keys(parts).length; + + if (partCount == 0) { + let t1 = this.dtstart.clone(); + t1.year = this.last.year; + this.days.push(t1.dayOfYear()); + } else if (partCount == 1 && "BYMONTH" in parts) { + for (let month of this.by_data.BYMONTH) { + let t2 = this.dtstart.clone(); + t2.year = aYear; + t2.month = month; + t2.isDate = true; + this.days.push(t2.dayOfYear()); + } + } else if (partCount == 1 && "BYMONTHDAY" in parts) { + for (let monthday of this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY) { + let t3 = this.dtstart.clone(); + if (monthday < 0) { + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(t3.month, aYear); + monthday = monthday + daysInMonth + 1; + } + t3.day = monthday; + t3.year = aYear; + t3.isDate = true; + this.days.push(t3.dayOfYear()); + } + } else if (partCount == 2 && + "BYMONTHDAY" in parts && + "BYMONTH" in parts) { + for (let month of this.by_data.BYMONTH) { + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(month, aYear); + for (let monthday of this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY) { + if (monthday < 0) { + monthday = monthday + daysInMonth + 1; + } + t.day = monthday; + t.month = month; + t.year = aYear; + t.isDate = true; + + this.days.push(t.dayOfYear()); + } + } + } else if (partCount == 1 && "BYWEEKNO" in parts) ; else if (partCount == 2 && + "BYWEEKNO" in parts && + "BYMONTHDAY" in parts) ; else if (partCount == 1 && "BYDAY" in parts) { + this.days = this.days.concat(this.expand_by_day(aYear)); + } else if (partCount == 2 && "BYDAY" in parts && "BYMONTH" in parts) { + for (let month of this.by_data.BYMONTH) { + let daysInMonth = Time.daysInMonth(month, aYear); + + t.year = aYear; + t.month = month; + t.day = 1; + t.isDate = true; + + let first_dow = t.dayOfWeek(); + let doy_offset = t.dayOfYear() - 1; + + t.day = daysInMonth; + let last_dow = t.dayOfWeek(); + + if (this.has_by_data("BYSETPOS")) { + let by_month_day = []; + for (let day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++) { + t.day = day; + if (this.is_day_in_byday(t)) { + by_month_day.push(day); + } + } + + for (let spIndex = 0; spIndex < by_month_day.length; spIndex++) { + if (this.check_set_position(spIndex + 1) || + this.check_set_position(spIndex - by_month_day.length)) { + this.days.push(doy_offset + by_month_day[spIndex]); + } + } + } else { + for (let coded_day of this.by_data.BYDAY) { + let bydayParts = this.ruleDayOfWeek(coded_day); + let pos = bydayParts[0]; + let dow = bydayParts[1]; + let month_day; + + let first_matching_day = ((dow + 7 - first_dow) % 7) + 1; + let last_matching_day = daysInMonth - ((last_dow + 7 - dow) % 7); + + if (pos == 0) { + for (let day = first_matching_day; day <= daysInMonth; day += 7) { + this.days.push(doy_offset + day); + } + } else if (pos > 0) { + month_day = first_matching_day + (pos - 1) * 7; + + if (month_day <= daysInMonth) { + this.days.push(doy_offset + month_day); + } + } else { + month_day = last_matching_day + (pos + 1) * 7; + + if (month_day > 0) { + this.days.push(doy_offset + month_day); + } + } + } + } + } + // Return dates in order of occurrence (1,2,3,...) instead + // of by groups of weekdays (1,8,15,...,2,9,16,...). + this.days.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); // Comparator function allows to sort numbers. + } else if (partCount == 2 && "BYDAY" in parts && "BYMONTHDAY" in parts) { + let expandedDays = this.expand_by_day(aYear); + + for (let day of expandedDays) { + let tt = Time.fromDayOfYear(day, aYear); + if (this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY.indexOf(tt.day) >= 0) { + this.days.push(day); + } + } + } else if (partCount == 3 && + "BYDAY" in parts && + "BYMONTHDAY" in parts && + "BYMONTH" in parts) { + let expandedDays = this.expand_by_day(aYear); + + for (let day of expandedDays) { + let tt = Time.fromDayOfYear(day, aYear); + + if (this.by_data.BYMONTH.indexOf(tt.month) >= 0 && + this.by_data.BYMONTHDAY.indexOf(tt.day) >= 0) { + this.days.push(day); + } + } + } else if (partCount == 2 && "BYDAY" in parts && "BYWEEKNO" in parts) { + let expandedDays = this.expand_by_day(aYear); + + for (let day of expandedDays) { + let tt = Time.fromDayOfYear(day, aYear); + let weekno = tt.weekNumber(this.rule.wkst); + + if (this.by_data.BYWEEKNO.indexOf(weekno)) { + this.days.push(day); + } + } + } else if (partCount == 3 && + "BYDAY" in parts && + "BYWEEKNO" in parts && + "BYMONTHDAY" in parts) ; else if (partCount == 1 && "BYYEARDAY" in parts) { + this.days = this.days.concat(this.by_data.BYYEARDAY); + } else { + this.days = []; + } + + let daysInYear = Time.isLeapYear(aYear) ? 366 : 365; + this.days.sort((a, b) => { + if (a < 0) a += daysInYear + 1; + if (b < 0) b += daysInYear + 1; + return a - b; + }); + + return 0; + } + + expand_by_day(aYear) { + + let days_list = []; + let tmp = this.last.clone(); + + tmp.year = aYear; + tmp.month = 1; + tmp.day = 1; + tmp.isDate = true; + + let start_dow = tmp.dayOfWeek(); + + tmp.month = 12; + tmp.day = 31; + tmp.isDate = true; + + let end_dow = tmp.dayOfWeek(); + let end_year_day = tmp.dayOfYear(); + + for (let day of this.by_data.BYDAY) { + let parts = this.ruleDayOfWeek(day); + let pos = parts[0]; + let dow = parts[1]; + + if (pos == 0) { + let tmp_start_doy = ((dow + 7 - start_dow) % 7) + 1; + + for (let doy = tmp_start_doy; doy <= end_year_day; doy += 7) { + days_list.push(doy); + } + + } else if (pos > 0) { + let first; + if (dow >= start_dow) { + first = dow - start_dow + 1; + } else { + first = dow - start_dow + 8; + } + + days_list.push(first + (pos - 1) * 7); + } else { + let last; + pos = -pos; + + if (dow <= end_dow) { + last = end_year_day - end_dow + dow; + } else { + last = end_year_day - end_dow + dow - 7; + } + + days_list.push(last - (pos - 1) * 7); + } + } + return days_list; + } + + is_day_in_byday(tt) { + if (this.by_data.BYDAY) { + for (let day of this.by_data.BYDAY) { + let parts = this.ruleDayOfWeek(day); + let pos = parts[0]; + let dow = parts[1]; + let this_dow = tt.dayOfWeek(); + + if ((pos == 0 && dow == this_dow) || + (tt.nthWeekDay(dow, pos) == tt.day)) { + return 1; + } + } + } + + return 0; + } + + /** + * Checks if given value is in BYSETPOS. + * + * @private + * @param {Numeric} aPos position to check for. + * @return {Boolean} false unless BYSETPOS rules exist + * and the given value is present in rules. + */ + check_set_position(aPos) { + if (this.has_by_data('BYSETPOS')) { + let idx = this.by_data.BYSETPOS.indexOf(aPos); + // negative numbers are not false-y + return idx !== -1; + } + return false; + } + + sort_byday_rules(aRules) { + for (let i = 0; i < aRules.length; i++) { + for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { + let one = this.ruleDayOfWeek(aRules[j], this.rule.wkst)[1]; + let two = this.ruleDayOfWeek(aRules[i], this.rule.wkst)[1]; + + if (one > two) { + let tmp = aRules[i]; + aRules[i] = aRules[j]; + aRules[j] = tmp; + } + } + } + } + + check_contract_restriction(aRuleType, v) { + let indexMapValue = RecurIterator._indexMap[aRuleType]; + let ruleMapValue = RecurIterator._expandMap[this.rule.freq][indexMapValue]; + let pass = false; + + if (aRuleType in this.by_data && + ruleMapValue == RecurIterator.CONTRACT) { + + let ruleType = this.by_data[aRuleType]; + + for (let bydata of ruleType) { + if (bydata == v) { + pass = true; + break; + } + } + } else { + // Not a contracting byrule or has no data, test passes + pass = true; + } + return pass; + } + + check_contracting_rules() { + let dow = this.last.dayOfWeek(); + let weekNo = this.last.weekNumber(this.rule.wkst); + let doy = this.last.dayOfYear(); + + return (this.check_contract_restriction("BYSECOND", this.last.second) && + this.check_contract_restriction("BYMINUTE", this.last.minute) && + this.check_contract_restriction("BYHOUR", this.last.hour) && + this.check_contract_restriction("BYDAY", Recur.numericDayToIcalDay(dow)) && + this.check_contract_restriction("BYWEEKNO", weekNo) && + this.check_contract_restriction("BYMONTHDAY", this.last.day) && + this.check_contract_restriction("BYMONTH", this.last.month) && + this.check_contract_restriction("BYYEARDAY", doy)); + } + + setup_defaults(aRuleType, req, deftime) { + let indexMapValue = RecurIterator._indexMap[aRuleType]; + let ruleMapValue = RecurIterator._expandMap[this.rule.freq][indexMapValue]; + + if (ruleMapValue != RecurIterator.CONTRACT) { + if (!(aRuleType in this.by_data)) { + this.by_data[aRuleType] = [deftime]; + } + if (this.rule.freq != req) { + return this.by_data[aRuleType][0]; + } + } + return deftime; + } + + /** + * Convert iterator into a serialize-able object. Will preserve current + * iteration sequence to ensure the seamless continuation of the recurrence + * rule. + * @return {Object} + */ + toJSON() { + let result = Object.create(null); + + result.initialized = this.initialized; + result.rule = this.rule.toJSON(); + result.dtstart = this.dtstart.toJSON(); + result.by_data = this.by_data; + result.days = this.days; + result.last = this.last.toJSON(); + result.by_indices = this.by_indices; + result.occurrence_number = this.occurrence_number; + + return result; + } +} + +/** + * An error indicating that a recurrence rule is invalid and produces no + * occurrences. + * + * @extends {Error} + * @class + */ +class InvalidRecurrenceRuleError extends Error { + constructor() { + super("Recurrence rule has no valid occurrences"); + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").weekDay} weekDay + * Imports the 'weekDay' type from the "types.js" module + * @typedef {import("./types.js").frequencyValues} frequencyValues + * Imports the 'frequencyValues' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +const VALID_DAY_NAMES = /^(SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA)$/; +const VALID_BYDAY_PART = /^([+-])?(5[0-3]|[1-4][0-9]|[1-9])?(SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA)$/; +const DOW_MAP = { + SU: Time.SUNDAY, + MO: Time.MONDAY, + TU: Time.TUESDAY, + WE: Time.WEDNESDAY, + TH: Time.THURSDAY, + FR: Time.FRIDAY, + SA: Time.SATURDAY +}; + +const REVERSE_DOW_MAP = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(DOW_MAP).map(entry => entry.reverse())); + +const ALLOWED_FREQ = ['SECONDLY', 'MINUTELY', 'HOURLY', + 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY']; + +/** + * This class represents the "recur" value type, used for example by RRULE. It provides methods to + * calculate occurrences among others. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class Recur { + /** + * Creates a new {@link ICAL.Recur} instance from the passed string. + * + * @param {String} string The string to parse + * @return {Recur} The created recurrence instance + */ + static fromString(string) { + let data = this._stringToData(string, false); + return new Recur(data); + } + + /** + * Creates a new {@link ICAL.Recur} instance using members from the passed + * data object. + * + * @param {Object} aData An object with members of the recurrence + * @param {frequencyValues=} aData.freq The frequency value + * @param {Number=} aData.interval The INTERVAL value + * @param {weekDay=} aData.wkst The week start value + * @param {Time=} aData.until The end of the recurrence set + * @param {Number=} aData.count The number of occurrences + * @param {Array.=} aData.bysecond The seconds for the BYSECOND part + * @param {Array.=} aData.byminute The minutes for the BYMINUTE part + * @param {Array.=} aData.byhour The hours for the BYHOUR part + * @param {Array.=} aData.byday The BYDAY values + * @param {Array.=} aData.bymonthday The days for the BYMONTHDAY part + * @param {Array.=} aData.byyearday The days for the BYYEARDAY part + * @param {Array.=} aData.byweekno The weeks for the BYWEEKNO part + * @param {Array.=} aData.bymonth The month for the BYMONTH part + * @param {Array.=} aData.bysetpos The positionals for the BYSETPOS part + */ + static fromData(aData) { + return new Recur(aData); + } + + /** + * Converts a recurrence string to a data object, suitable for the fromData + * method. + * + * @private + * @param {String} string The string to parse + * @param {Boolean} fmtIcal If true, the string is considered to be an + * iCalendar string + * @return {Recur} The recurrence instance + */ + static _stringToData(string, fmtIcal) { + let dict = Object.create(null); + + // split is slower in FF but fast enough. + // v8 however this is faster then manual split? + let values = string.split(';'); + let len = values.length; + + for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { + let parts = values[i].split('='); + let ucname = parts[0].toUpperCase(); + let lcname = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + let name = (fmtIcal ? lcname : ucname); + let value = parts[1]; + + if (ucname in partDesign) { + let partArr = value.split(','); + let partSet = new Set(); + + for (let part of partArr) { + partSet.add(partDesign[ucname](part)); + } + partArr = [...partSet]; + + dict[name] = (partArr.length == 1 ? partArr[0] : partArr); + } else if (ucname in optionDesign) { + optionDesign[ucname](value, dict, fmtIcal); + } else { + // Don't swallow unknown values. Just set them as they are. + dict[lcname] = value; + } + } + + return dict; + } + + /** + * Convert an ical representation of a day (SU, MO, etc..) + * into a numeric value of that day. + * + * @param {String} string The iCalendar day name + * @param {weekDay=} aWeekStart + * The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY + * @return {Number} Numeric value of given day + */ + static icalDayToNumericDay(string, aWeekStart) { + //XXX: this is here so we can deal + // with possibly invalid string values. + let firstDow = aWeekStart || Time.SUNDAY; + return ((DOW_MAP[string] - firstDow + 7) % 7) + 1; + } + + /** + * Convert a numeric day value into its ical representation (SU, MO, etc..) + * + * @param {Number} num Numeric value of given day + * @param {weekDay=} aWeekStart + * The week start weekday, defaults to SUNDAY + * @return {String} The ICAL day value, e.g SU,MO,... + */ + static numericDayToIcalDay(num, aWeekStart) { + //XXX: this is here so we can deal with possibly invalid number values. + // Also, this allows consistent mapping between day numbers and day + // names for external users. + let firstDow = aWeekStart || Time.SUNDAY; + let dow = (num + firstDow - Time.SUNDAY); + if (dow > 7) { + dow -= 7; + } + return REVERSE_DOW_MAP[dow]; + } + + /** + * Create a new instance of the Recur class. + * + * @param {Object} data An object with members of the recurrence + * @param {frequencyValues=} data.freq The frequency value + * @param {Number=} data.interval The INTERVAL value + * @param {weekDay=} data.wkst The week start value + * @param {Time=} data.until The end of the recurrence set + * @param {Number=} data.count The number of occurrences + * @param {Array.=} data.bysecond The seconds for the BYSECOND part + * @param {Array.=} data.byminute The minutes for the BYMINUTE part + * @param {Array.=} data.byhour The hours for the BYHOUR part + * @param {Array.=} data.byday The BYDAY values + * @param {Array.=} data.bymonthday The days for the BYMONTHDAY part + * @param {Array.=} data.byyearday The days for the BYYEARDAY part + * @param {Array.=} data.byweekno The weeks for the BYWEEKNO part + * @param {Array.=} data.bymonth The month for the BYMONTH part + * @param {Array.=} data.bysetpos The positionals for the BYSETPOS part + */ + constructor(data) { + this.wrappedJSObject = this; + this.parts = {}; + + if (data && typeof(data) === 'object') { + this.fromData(data); + } + } + + /** + * An object holding the BY-parts of the recurrence rule + * @memberof ICAL.Recur + * @typedef {Object} byParts + * @property {Array.=} BYSECOND The seconds for the BYSECOND part + * @property {Array.=} BYMINUTE The minutes for the BYMINUTE part + * @property {Array.=} BYHOUR The hours for the BYHOUR part + * @property {Array.=} BYDAY The BYDAY values + * @property {Array.=} BYMONTHDAY The days for the BYMONTHDAY part + * @property {Array.=} BYYEARDAY The days for the BYYEARDAY part + * @property {Array.=} BYWEEKNO The weeks for the BYWEEKNO part + * @property {Array.=} BYMONTH The month for the BYMONTH part + * @property {Array.=} BYSETPOS The positionals for the BYSETPOS part + */ + + /** + * An object holding the BY-parts of the recurrence rule + * @type {byParts} + */ + parts = null; + + /** + * The interval value for the recurrence rule. + * @type {Number} + */ + interval = 1; + + /** + * The week start day + * + * @type {weekDay} + * @default ICAL.Time.MONDAY + */ + wkst = Time.MONDAY; + + /** + * The end of the recurrence + * @type {?Time} + */ + until = null; + + /** + * The maximum number of occurrences + * @type {?Number} + */ + count = null; + + /** + * The frequency value. + * @type {frequencyValues} + */ + freq = null; + + /** + * The class identifier. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "icalrecur" + */ + icalclass = "icalrecur"; + + /** + * The type name, to be used in the jCal object. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "recur" + */ + icaltype = "recur"; + + /** + * Create a new iterator for this recurrence rule. The passed start date + * must be the start date of the event, not the start of the range to + * search in. + * + * @example + * let recur = comp.getFirstPropertyValue('rrule'); + * let dtstart = comp.getFirstPropertyValue('dtstart'); + * let iter = recur.iterator(dtstart); + * for (let next = iter.next(); next; next = iter.next()) { + * if (next.compare(rangeStart) < 0) { + * continue; + * } + * console.log(next.toString()); + * } + * + * @param {Time} aStart The item's start date + * @return {RecurIterator} The recurrence iterator + */ + iterator(aStart) { + return new RecurIterator({ + rule: this, + dtstart: aStart + }); + } + + /** + * Returns a clone of the recurrence object. + * + * @return {Recur} The cloned object + */ + clone() { + return new Recur(this.toJSON()); + } + + /** + * Checks if the current rule is finite, i.e. has a count or until part. + * + * @return {Boolean} True, if the rule is finite + */ + isFinite() { + return !!(this.count || this.until); + } + + /** + * Checks if the current rule has a count part, and not limited by an until + * part. + * + * @return {Boolean} True, if the rule is by count + */ + isByCount() { + return !!(this.count && !this.until); + } + + /** + * Adds a component (part) to the recurrence rule. This is not a component + * in the sense of {@link ICAL.Component}, but a part of the recurrence + * rule, i.e. BYMONTH. + * + * @param {String} aType The name of the component part + * @param {Array|String} aValue The component value + */ + addComponent(aType, aValue) { + let ucname = aType.toUpperCase(); + if (ucname in this.parts) { + this.parts[ucname].push(aValue); + } else { + this.parts[ucname] = [aValue]; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the component value for the given by-part. + * + * @param {String} aType The component part name + * @param {Array} aValues The component values + */ + setComponent(aType, aValues) { + this.parts[aType.toUpperCase()] = aValues.slice(); + } + + /** + * Gets (a copy) of the requested component value. + * + * @param {String} aType The component part name + * @return {Array} The component part value + */ + getComponent(aType) { + let ucname = aType.toUpperCase(); + return (ucname in this.parts ? this.parts[ucname].slice() : []); + } + + /** + * Retrieves the next occurrence after the given recurrence id. See the + * guide on {@tutorial terminology} for more details. + * + * NOTE: Currently, this method iterates all occurrences from the start + * date. It should not be called in a loop for performance reasons. If you + * would like to get more than one occurrence, you can iterate the + * occurrences manually, see the example on the + * {@link ICAL.Recur#iterator iterator} method. + * + * @param {Time} aStartTime The start of the event series + * @param {Time} aRecurrenceId The date of the last occurrence + * @return {Time} The next occurrence after + */ + getNextOccurrence(aStartTime, aRecurrenceId) { + let iter = this.iterator(aStartTime); + let next; + + do { + next = iter.next(); + } while (next && next.compare(aRecurrenceId) <= 0); + + if (next && aRecurrenceId.zone) { + next.zone = aRecurrenceId.zone; + } + + return next; + } + + /** + * Sets up the current instance using members from the passed data object. + * + * @param {Object} data An object with members of the recurrence + * @param {frequencyValues=} data.freq The frequency value + * @param {Number=} data.interval The INTERVAL value + * @param {weekDay=} data.wkst The week start value + * @param {Time=} data.until The end of the recurrence set + * @param {Number=} data.count The number of occurrences + * @param {Array.=} data.bysecond The seconds for the BYSECOND part + * @param {Array.=} data.byminute The minutes for the BYMINUTE part + * @param {Array.=} data.byhour The hours for the BYHOUR part + * @param {Array.=} data.byday The BYDAY values + * @param {Array.=} data.bymonthday The days for the BYMONTHDAY part + * @param {Array.=} data.byyearday The days for the BYYEARDAY part + * @param {Array.=} data.byweekno The weeks for the BYWEEKNO part + * @param {Array.=} data.bymonth The month for the BYMONTH part + * @param {Array.=} data.bysetpos The positionals for the BYSETPOS part + */ + fromData(data) { + for (let key in data) { + let uckey = key.toUpperCase(); + + if (uckey in partDesign) { + if (Array.isArray(data[key])) { + this.parts[uckey] = data[key]; + } else { + this.parts[uckey] = [data[key]]; + } + } else { + this[key] = data[key]; + } + } + + if (this.interval && typeof this.interval != "number") { + optionDesign.INTERVAL(this.interval, this); + } + + if (this.wkst && typeof this.wkst != "number") { + this.wkst = Recur.icalDayToNumericDay(this.wkst); + } + + if (this.until && !(this.until instanceof Time)) { + this.until = Time.fromString(this.until); + } + } + + /** + * The jCal representation of this recurrence type. + * @return {Object} + */ + toJSON() { + let res = Object.create(null); + res.freq = this.freq; + + if (this.count) { + res.count = this.count; + } + + if (this.interval > 1) { + res.interval = this.interval; + } + + for (let [k, kparts] of Object.entries(this.parts)) { + if (Array.isArray(kparts) && kparts.length == 1) { + res[k.toLowerCase()] = kparts[0]; + } else { + res[k.toLowerCase()] = clone(kparts); + } + } + + if (this.until) { + res.until = this.until.toString(); + } + if ('wkst' in this && this.wkst !== Time.DEFAULT_WEEK_START) { + res.wkst = Recur.numericDayToIcalDay(this.wkst); + } + return res; + } + + /** + * The string representation of this recurrence rule. + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + // TODO retain order + let str = "FREQ=" + this.freq; + if (this.count) { + str += ";COUNT=" + this.count; + } + if (this.interval > 1) { + str += ";INTERVAL=" + this.interval; + } + for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(this.parts)) { + str += ";" + k + "=" + v; + } + if (this.until) { + str += ';UNTIL=' + this.until.toICALString(); + } + if ('wkst' in this && this.wkst !== Time.DEFAULT_WEEK_START) { + str += ';WKST=' + Recur.numericDayToIcalDay(this.wkst); + } + return str; + } +} + +function parseNumericValue(type, min, max, value) { + let result = value; + + if (value[0] === '+') { + result = value.slice(1); + } + + result = strictParseInt(result); + + if (min !== undefined && value < min) { + throw new Error( + type + ': invalid value "' + value + '" must be > ' + min + ); + } + + if (max !== undefined && value > max) { + throw new Error( + type + ': invalid value "' + value + '" must be < ' + min + ); + } + + return result; +} + +const optionDesign = { + FREQ: function(value, dict, fmtIcal) { + // yes this is actually equal or faster then regex. + // upside here is we can enumerate the valid values. + if (ALLOWED_FREQ.indexOf(value) !== -1) { + dict.freq = value; + } else { + throw new Error( + 'invalid frequency "' + value + '" expected: "' + + ALLOWED_FREQ.join(', ') + '"' + ); + } + }, + + COUNT: function(value, dict, fmtIcal) { + dict.count = strictParseInt(value); + }, + + INTERVAL: function(value, dict, fmtIcal) { + dict.interval = strictParseInt(value); + if (dict.interval < 1) { + // 0 or negative values are not allowed, some engines seem to generate + // it though. Assume 1 instead. + dict.interval = 1; + } + }, + + UNTIL: function(value, dict, fmtIcal) { + if (value.length > 10) { + dict.until = design$1.icalendar.value['date-time'].fromICAL(value); + } else { + dict.until = design$1.icalendar.value.date.fromICAL(value); + } + if (!fmtIcal) { + dict.until = Time.fromString(dict.until); + } + }, + + WKST: function(value, dict, fmtIcal) { + if (VALID_DAY_NAMES.test(value)) { + dict.wkst = Recur.icalDayToNumericDay(value); + } else { + throw new Error('invalid WKST value "' + value + '"'); + } + } +}; + +const partDesign = { + BYSECOND: parseNumericValue.bind(undefined, 'BYSECOND', 0, 60), + BYMINUTE: parseNumericValue.bind(undefined, 'BYMINUTE', 0, 59), + BYHOUR: parseNumericValue.bind(undefined, 'BYHOUR', 0, 23), + BYDAY: function(value) { + if (VALID_BYDAY_PART.test(value)) { + return value; + } else { + throw new Error('invalid BYDAY value "' + value + '"'); + } + }, + BYMONTHDAY: parseNumericValue.bind(undefined, 'BYMONTHDAY', -31, 31), + BYYEARDAY: parseNumericValue.bind(undefined, 'BYYEARDAY', -366, 366), + BYWEEKNO: parseNumericValue.bind(undefined, 'BYWEEKNO', -53, 53), + BYMONTH: parseNumericValue.bind(undefined, 'BYMONTH', 1, 12), + BYSETPOS: parseNumericValue.bind(undefined, 'BYSETPOS', -366, 366) +}; + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").jCalComponent} jCalComponent + * Imports the 'occurrenceDetails' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +/** + * This class represents the "period" value type, with various calculation and manipulation methods. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class Period { + /** + * Creates a new {@link ICAL.Period} instance from the passed string. + * + * @param {String} str The string to parse + * @param {Property} prop The property this period will be on + * @return {Period} The created period instance + */ + static fromString(str, prop) { + let parts = str.split('/'); + + if (parts.length !== 2) { + throw new Error( + 'Invalid string value: "' + str + '" must contain a "/" char.' + ); + } + + let options = { + start: Time.fromDateTimeString(parts[0], prop) + }; + + let end = parts[1]; + + if (Duration.isValueString(end)) { + options.duration = Duration.fromString(end); + } else { + options.end = Time.fromDateTimeString(end, prop); + } + + return new Period(options); + } + + /** + * Creates a new {@link ICAL.Period} instance from the given data object. + * The passed data object cannot contain both and end date and a duration. + * + * @param {Object} aData An object with members of the period + * @param {Time=} aData.start The start of the period + * @param {Time=} aData.end The end of the period + * @param {Duration=} aData.duration The duration of the period + * @return {Period} The period instance + */ + static fromData(aData) { + return new Period(aData); + } + + /** + * Returns a new period instance from the given jCal data array. The first + * member is always the start date string, the second member is either a + * duration or end date string. + * + * @param {jCalComponent} aData The jCal data array + * @param {Property} aProp The property this jCal data is on + * @param {Boolean} aLenient If true, data value can be both date and date-time + * @return {Period} The period instance + */ + static fromJSON(aData, aProp, aLenient) { + function fromDateOrDateTimeString(aValue, dateProp) { + if (aLenient) { + return Time.fromString(aValue, dateProp); + } else { + return Time.fromDateTimeString(aValue, dateProp); + } + } + + if (Duration.isValueString(aData[1])) { + return Period.fromData({ + start: fromDateOrDateTimeString(aData[0], aProp), + duration: Duration.fromString(aData[1]) + }); + } else { + return Period.fromData({ + start: fromDateOrDateTimeString(aData[0], aProp), + end: fromDateOrDateTimeString(aData[1], aProp) + }); + } + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Period instance. The passed data object cannot contain both and end date and + * a duration. + * + * @param {Object} aData An object with members of the period + * @param {Time=} aData.start The start of the period + * @param {Time=} aData.end The end of the period + * @param {Duration=} aData.duration The duration of the period + */ + constructor(aData) { + this.wrappedJSObject = this; + + if (aData && 'start' in aData) { + if (aData.start && !(aData.start instanceof Time)) { + throw new TypeError('.start must be an instance of ICAL.Time'); + } + this.start = aData.start; + } + + if (aData && aData.end && aData.duration) { + throw new Error('cannot accept both end and duration'); + } + + if (aData && 'end' in aData) { + if (aData.end && !(aData.end instanceof Time)) { + throw new TypeError('.end must be an instance of ICAL.Time'); + } + this.end = aData.end; + } + + if (aData && 'duration' in aData) { + if (aData.duration && !(aData.duration instanceof Duration)) { + throw new TypeError('.duration must be an instance of ICAL.Duration'); + } + this.duration = aData.duration; + } + } + + + /** + * The start of the period + * @type {Time} + */ + start = null; + + /** + * The end of the period + * @type {Time} + */ + end = null; + + /** + * The duration of the period + * @type {Duration} + */ + duration = null; + + /** + * The class identifier. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "icalperiod" + */ + icalclass = "icalperiod"; + + /** + * The type name, to be used in the jCal object. + * @constant + * @type {String} + * @default "period" + */ + icaltype = "period"; + + /** + * Returns a clone of the duration object. + * + * @return {Period} The cloned object + */ + clone() { + return Period.fromData({ + start: this.start ? this.start.clone() : null, + end: this.end ? this.end.clone() : null, + duration: this.duration ? this.duration.clone() : null + }); + } + + /** + * Calculates the duration of the period, either directly or by subtracting + * start from end date. + * + * @return {Duration} The calculated duration + */ + getDuration() { + if (this.duration) { + return this.duration; + } else { + return this.end.subtractDate(this.start); + } + } + + /** + * Calculates the end date of the period, either directly or by adding + * duration to start date. + * + * @return {Time} The calculated end date + */ + getEnd() { + if (this.end) { + return this.end; + } else { + let end = this.start.clone(); + end.addDuration(this.duration); + return end; + } + } + + /** + * The string representation of this period. + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + return this.start + "/" + (this.end || this.duration); + } + + /** + * The jCal representation of this period type. + * @return {Object} + */ + toJSON() { + return [this.start.toString(), (this.end || this.duration).toString()]; + } + + /** + * The iCalendar string representation of this period. + * @return {String} + */ + toICALString() { + return this.start.toICALString() + "/" + + (this.end || this.duration).toICALString(); + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").designSet} designSet + * Imports the 'designSet' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +/** @module ICAL.design */ + +const FROM_ICAL_NEWLINE = /\\\\|\\;|\\,|\\[Nn]/g; +const TO_ICAL_NEWLINE = /\\|;|,|\n/g; +const FROM_VCARD_NEWLINE = /\\\\|\\,|\\[Nn]/g; +const TO_VCARD_NEWLINE = /\\|,|\n/g; + +function createTextType(fromNewline, toNewline) { + let result = { + matches: /.*/, + + fromICAL: function(aValue, structuredEscape) { + return replaceNewline(aValue, fromNewline, structuredEscape); + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue, structuredEscape) { + let regEx = toNewline; + if (structuredEscape) + regEx = new RegExp(regEx.source + '|' + structuredEscape, regEx.flags); + return aValue.replace(regEx, function(str) { + switch (str) { + case "\\": + return "\\\\"; + case ";": + return "\\;"; + case ",": + return "\\,"; + case "\n": + return "\\n"; + /* c8 ignore next 2 */ + default: + return str; + } + }); + } + }; + return result; +} + +// default types used multiple times +const DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT = { defaultType: "text" }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_MULTI = { defaultType: "text", multiValue: "," }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_STRUCTURED = { defaultType: "text", structuredValue: ";" }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_INTEGER = { defaultType: "integer" }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME_DATE = { defaultType: "date-time", allowedTypes: ["date-time", "date"] }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME = { defaultType: "date-time" }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_URI = { defaultType: "uri" }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_UTCOFFSET = { defaultType: "utc-offset" }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_RECUR = { defaultType: "recur" }; +const DEFAULT_TYPE_DATE_ANDOR_TIME = { defaultType: "date-and-or-time", allowedTypes: ["date-time", "date", "text"] }; + +function replaceNewlineReplace(string) { + switch (string) { + case "\\\\": + return "\\"; + case "\\;": + return ";"; + case "\\,": + return ","; + case "\\n": + case "\\N": + return "\n"; + /* c8 ignore next 2 */ + default: + return string; + } +} + +function replaceNewline(value, newline, structuredEscape) { + // avoid regex when possible. + if (value.indexOf('\\') === -1) { + return value; + } + if (structuredEscape) + newline = new RegExp(newline.source + '|\\\\' + structuredEscape, newline.flags); + return value.replace(newline, replaceNewlineReplace); +} + +let commonProperties = { + "categories": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_MULTI, + "url": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "version": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "uid": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT +}; + +let commonValues = { + "boolean": { + values: ["TRUE", "FALSE"], + + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + switch (aValue) { + case 'TRUE': + return true; + case 'FALSE': + return false; + default: + //TODO: parser warning + return false; + } + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + if (aValue) { + return 'TRUE'; + } + return 'FALSE'; + } + + }, + float: { + matches: /^[+-]?\d+\.\d+$/, + + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + let parsed = parseFloat(aValue); + if (isStrictlyNaN(parsed)) { + // TODO: parser warning + return 0.0; + } + return parsed; + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + return String(aValue); + } + }, + integer: { + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + let parsed = parseInt(aValue); + if (isStrictlyNaN(parsed)) { + return 0; + } + return parsed; + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + return String(aValue); + } + }, + "utc-offset": { + toICAL: function(aValue) { + if (aValue.length < 7) { + // no seconds + // -0500 + return aValue.slice(0, 3) + + aValue.slice(4, 6); + } else { + // seconds + // -050000 + return aValue.slice(0, 3) + + aValue.slice(4, 6) + + aValue.slice(7, 9); + } + }, + + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + if (aValue.length < 6) { + // no seconds + // -05:00 + return aValue.slice(0, 3) + ':' + + aValue.slice(3, 5); + } else { + // seconds + // -05:00:00 + return aValue.slice(0, 3) + ':' + + aValue.slice(3, 5) + ':' + + aValue.slice(5, 7); + } + }, + + decorate: function(aValue) { + return UtcOffset.fromString(aValue); + }, + + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + } + } +}; + +let icalParams = { + // Although the syntax is DQUOTE uri DQUOTE, I don't think we should + // enforce anything aside from it being a valid content line. + // + // At least some params require - if multi values are used - DQUOTEs + // for each of its values - e.g. delegated-from="uri1","uri2" + // To indicate this, I introduced the new k/v pair + // multiValueSeparateDQuote: true + // + // "ALTREP": { ... }, + + // CN just wants a param-value + // "CN": { ... } + + "cutype": { + values: ["INDIVIDUAL", "GROUP", "RESOURCE", "ROOM", "UNKNOWN"], + allowXName: true, + allowIanaToken: true + }, + + "delegated-from": { + valueType: "cal-address", + multiValue: ",", + multiValueSeparateDQuote: true + }, + "delegated-to": { + valueType: "cal-address", + multiValue: ",", + multiValueSeparateDQuote: true + }, + // "DIR": { ... }, // See ALTREP + "encoding": { + values: ["8BIT", "BASE64"] + }, + // "FMTTYPE": { ... }, // See ALTREP + "fbtype": { + values: ["FREE", "BUSY", "BUSY-UNAVAILABLE", "BUSY-TENTATIVE"], + allowXName: true, + allowIanaToken: true + }, + // "LANGUAGE": { ... }, // See ALTREP + "member": { + valueType: "cal-address", + multiValue: ",", + multiValueSeparateDQuote: true + }, + "partstat": { + // TODO These values are actually different per-component + values: ["NEEDS-ACTION", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "TENTATIVE", + "DELEGATED", "COMPLETED", "IN-PROCESS"], + allowXName: true, + allowIanaToken: true + }, + "range": { + values: ["THISANDFUTURE"] + }, + "related": { + values: ["START", "END"] + }, + "reltype": { + values: ["PARENT", "CHILD", "SIBLING"], + allowXName: true, + allowIanaToken: true + }, + "role": { + values: ["REQ-PARTICIPANT", "CHAIR", + "OPT-PARTICIPANT", "NON-PARTICIPANT"], + allowXName: true, + allowIanaToken: true + }, + "rsvp": { + values: ["TRUE", "FALSE"] + }, + "sent-by": { + valueType: "cal-address" + }, + "tzid": { + matches: /^\// + }, + "value": { + // since the value here is a 'type' lowercase is used. + values: ["binary", "boolean", "cal-address", "date", "date-time", + "duration", "float", "integer", "period", "recur", "text", + "time", "uri", "utc-offset"], + allowXName: true, + allowIanaToken: true + } +}; + +// When adding a value here, be sure to add it to the parameter types! +const icalValues = extend(commonValues, { + text: createTextType(FROM_ICAL_NEWLINE, TO_ICAL_NEWLINE), + + uri: { + // TODO + /* ... */ + }, + + "binary": { + decorate: function(aString) { + return Binary.fromString(aString); + }, + + undecorate: function(aBinary) { + return aBinary.toString(); + } + }, + "cal-address": { + // needs to be an uri + }, + "date": { + decorate: function(aValue, aProp) { + if (design.strict) { + return Time.fromDateString(aValue, aProp); + } else { + return Time.fromString(aValue, aProp); + } + }, + + /** + * undecorates a time object. + */ + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + }, + + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + // from: 20120901 + // to: 2012-09-01 + if (!design.strict && aValue.length >= 15) { + // This is probably a date-time, e.g. 20120901T130000Z + return icalValues["date-time"].fromICAL(aValue); + } else { + return aValue.slice(0, 4) + '-' + + aValue.slice(4, 6) + '-' + + aValue.slice(6, 8); + } + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + // from: 2012-09-01 + // to: 20120901 + let len = aValue.length; + + if (len == 10) { + return aValue.slice(0, 4) + + aValue.slice(5, 7) + + aValue.slice(8, 10); + } else if (len >= 19) { + return icalValues["date-time"].toICAL(aValue); + } else { + //TODO: serialize warning? + return aValue; + } + + } + }, + "date-time": { + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + // from: 20120901T130000 + // to: 2012-09-01T13:00:00 + if (!design.strict && aValue.length == 8) { + // This is probably a date, e.g. 20120901 + return icalValues.date.fromICAL(aValue); + } else { + let result = aValue.slice(0, 4) + '-' + + aValue.slice(4, 6) + '-' + + aValue.slice(6, 8) + 'T' + + aValue.slice(9, 11) + ':' + + aValue.slice(11, 13) + ':' + + aValue.slice(13, 15); + + if (aValue[15] && aValue[15] === 'Z') { + result += 'Z'; + } + + return result; + } + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + // from: 2012-09-01T13:00:00 + // to: 20120901T130000 + let len = aValue.length; + + if (len == 10 && !design.strict) { + return icalValues.date.toICAL(aValue); + } else if (len >= 19) { + let result = aValue.slice(0, 4) + + aValue.slice(5, 7) + + // grab the (DDTHH) segment + aValue.slice(8, 13) + + // MM + aValue.slice(14, 16) + + // SS + aValue.slice(17, 19); + + if (aValue[19] && aValue[19] === 'Z') { + result += 'Z'; + } + return result; + } else { + // TODO: error + return aValue; + } + }, + + decorate: function(aValue, aProp) { + if (design.strict) { + return Time.fromDateTimeString(aValue, aProp); + } else { + return Time.fromString(aValue, aProp); + } + }, + + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + } + }, + duration: { + decorate: function(aValue) { + return Duration.fromString(aValue); + }, + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + } + }, + period: { + fromICAL: function(string) { + let parts = string.split('/'); + parts[0] = icalValues['date-time'].fromICAL(parts[0]); + + if (!Duration.isValueString(parts[1])) { + parts[1] = icalValues['date-time'].fromICAL(parts[1]); + } + + return parts; + }, + + toICAL: function(parts) { + parts = parts.slice(); + if (!design.strict && parts[0].length == 10) { + parts[0] = icalValues.date.toICAL(parts[0]); + } else { + parts[0] = icalValues['date-time'].toICAL(parts[0]); + } + + if (!Duration.isValueString(parts[1])) { + if (!design.strict && parts[1].length == 10) { + parts[1] = icalValues.date.toICAL(parts[1]); + } else { + parts[1] = icalValues['date-time'].toICAL(parts[1]); + } + } + + return parts.join("/"); + }, + + decorate: function(aValue, aProp) { + return Period.fromJSON(aValue, aProp, !design.strict); + }, + + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toJSON(); + } + }, + recur: { + fromICAL: function(string) { + return Recur._stringToData(string, true); + }, + + toICAL: function(data) { + let str = ""; + for (let [k, val] of Object.entries(data)) { + if (k == "until") { + if (val.length > 10) { + val = icalValues['date-time'].toICAL(val); + } else { + val = icalValues.date.toICAL(val); + } + } else if (k == "wkst") { + if (typeof val === 'number') { + val = Recur.numericDayToIcalDay(val); + } + } else if (Array.isArray(val)) { + val = val.join(","); + } + str += k.toUpperCase() + "=" + val + ";"; + } + return str.slice(0, Math.max(0, str.length - 1)); + }, + + decorate: function decorate(aValue) { + return Recur.fromData(aValue); + }, + + undecorate: function(aRecur) { + return aRecur.toJSON(); + } + }, + + time: { + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + // from: MMHHSS(Z)? + // to: HH:MM:SS(Z)? + if (aValue.length < 6) { + // TODO: parser exception? + return aValue; + } + + // HH::MM::SSZ? + let result = aValue.slice(0, 2) + ':' + + aValue.slice(2, 4) + ':' + + aValue.slice(4, 6); + + if (aValue[6] === 'Z') { + result += 'Z'; + } + + return result; + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + // from: HH:MM:SS(Z)? + // to: MMHHSS(Z)? + if (aValue.length < 8) { + //TODO: error + return aValue; + } + + let result = aValue.slice(0, 2) + + aValue.slice(3, 5) + + aValue.slice(6, 8); + + if (aValue[8] === 'Z') { + result += 'Z'; + } + + return result; + } + } +}); + +let icalProperties = extend(commonProperties, { + + "action": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "attach": { defaultType: "uri" }, + "attendee": { defaultType: "cal-address" }, + "calscale": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "class": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "comment": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "completed": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME, + "contact": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "created": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME, + "description": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "dtend": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME_DATE, + "dtstamp": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME, + "dtstart": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME_DATE, + "due": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME_DATE, + "duration": { defaultType: "duration" }, + "exdate": { + defaultType: "date-time", + allowedTypes: ["date-time", "date"], + multiValue: ',' + }, + "exrule": DEFAULT_TYPE_RECUR, + "freebusy": { defaultType: "period", multiValue: "," }, + "geo": { defaultType: "float", structuredValue: ";" }, + "last-modified": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME, + "location": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "method": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "organizer": { defaultType: "cal-address" }, + "percent-complete": DEFAULT_TYPE_INTEGER, + "priority": DEFAULT_TYPE_INTEGER, + "prodid": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "related-to": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "repeat": DEFAULT_TYPE_INTEGER, + "rdate": { + defaultType: "date-time", + allowedTypes: ["date-time", "date", "period"], + multiValue: ',', + detectType: function(string) { + if (string.indexOf('/') !== -1) { + return 'period'; + } + return (string.indexOf('T') === -1) ? 'date' : 'date-time'; + } + }, + "recurrence-id": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATETIME_DATE, + "resources": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_MULTI, + "request-status": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_STRUCTURED, + "rrule": DEFAULT_TYPE_RECUR, + "sequence": DEFAULT_TYPE_INTEGER, + "status": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "summary": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "transp": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "trigger": { defaultType: "duration", allowedTypes: ["duration", "date-time"] }, + "tzoffsetfrom": DEFAULT_TYPE_UTCOFFSET, + "tzoffsetto": DEFAULT_TYPE_UTCOFFSET, + "tzurl": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "tzid": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "tzname": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT +}); + +// When adding a value here, be sure to add it to the parameter types! +const vcardValues = extend(commonValues, { + text: createTextType(FROM_VCARD_NEWLINE, TO_VCARD_NEWLINE), + uri: createTextType(FROM_VCARD_NEWLINE, TO_VCARD_NEWLINE), + + date: { + decorate: function(aValue) { + return VCardTime.fromDateAndOrTimeString(aValue, "date"); + }, + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + }, + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + if (aValue.length == 8) { + return icalValues.date.fromICAL(aValue); + } else if (aValue[0] == '-' && aValue.length == 6) { + return aValue.slice(0, 4) + '-' + aValue.slice(4); + } else { + return aValue; + } + }, + toICAL: function(aValue) { + if (aValue.length == 10) { + return icalValues.date.toICAL(aValue); + } else if (aValue[0] == '-' && aValue.length == 7) { + return aValue.slice(0, 4) + aValue.slice(5); + } else { + return aValue; + } + } + }, + + time: { + decorate: function(aValue) { + return VCardTime.fromDateAndOrTimeString("T" + aValue, "time"); + }, + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + }, + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + let splitzone = vcardValues.time._splitZone(aValue, true); + let zone = splitzone[0], value = splitzone[1]; + + //console.log("SPLIT: ",splitzone); + + if (value.length == 6) { + value = value.slice(0, 2) + ':' + + value.slice(2, 4) + ':' + + value.slice(4, 6); + } else if (value.length == 4 && value[0] != '-') { + value = value.slice(0, 2) + ':' + value.slice(2, 4); + } else if (value.length == 5) { + value = value.slice(0, 3) + ':' + value.slice(3, 5); + } + + if (zone.length == 5 && (zone[0] == '-' || zone[0] == '+')) { + zone = zone.slice(0, 3) + ':' + zone.slice(3); + } + + return value + zone; + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + let splitzone = vcardValues.time._splitZone(aValue); + let zone = splitzone[0], value = splitzone[1]; + + if (value.length == 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 2) + + value.slice(3, 5) + + value.slice(6, 8); + } else if (value.length == 5 && value[0] != '-') { + value = value.slice(0, 2) + value.slice(3, 5); + } else if (value.length == 6) { + value = value.slice(0, 3) + value.slice(4, 6); + } + + if (zone.length == 6 && (zone[0] == '-' || zone[0] == '+')) { + zone = zone.slice(0, 3) + zone.slice(4); + } + + return value + zone; + }, + + _splitZone: function(aValue, isFromIcal) { + let lastChar = aValue.length - 1; + let signChar = aValue.length - (isFromIcal ? 5 : 6); + let sign = aValue[signChar]; + let zone, value; + + if (aValue[lastChar] == 'Z') { + zone = aValue[lastChar]; + value = aValue.slice(0, Math.max(0, lastChar)); + } else if (aValue.length > 6 && (sign == '-' || sign == '+')) { + zone = aValue.slice(signChar); + value = aValue.slice(0, Math.max(0, signChar)); + } else { + zone = ""; + value = aValue; + } + + return [zone, value]; + } + }, + + "date-time": { + decorate: function(aValue) { + return VCardTime.fromDateAndOrTimeString(aValue, "date-time"); + }, + + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + }, + + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + return vcardValues['date-and-or-time'].fromICAL(aValue); + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + return vcardValues['date-and-or-time'].toICAL(aValue); + } + }, + + "date-and-or-time": { + decorate: function(aValue) { + return VCardTime.fromDateAndOrTimeString(aValue, "date-and-or-time"); + }, + + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + }, + + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + let parts = aValue.split('T'); + return (parts[0] ? vcardValues.date.fromICAL(parts[0]) : '') + + (parts[1] ? 'T' + vcardValues.time.fromICAL(parts[1]) : ''); + }, + + toICAL: function(aValue) { + let parts = aValue.split('T'); + return vcardValues.date.toICAL(parts[0]) + + (parts[1] ? 'T' + vcardValues.time.toICAL(parts[1]) : ''); + + } + }, + timestamp: icalValues['date-time'], + "language-tag": { + matches: /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/ // Could go with a more strict regex here + }, + "phone-number": { + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + return Array.from(aValue).filter(function(c) { + return c === '\\' ? undefined : c; + }).join(''); + }, + toICAL: function(aValue) { + return Array.from(aValue).map(function(c) { + return c === ',' || c === ";" ? '\\' + c : c; + }).join(''); + } + } +}); + +let vcardParams = { + "type": { + valueType: "text", + multiValue: "," + }, + "value": { + // since the value here is a 'type' lowercase is used. + values: ["text", "uri", "date", "time", "date-time", "date-and-or-time", + "timestamp", "boolean", "integer", "float", "utc-offset", + "language-tag"], + allowXName: true, + allowIanaToken: true + } +}; + +let vcardProperties = extend(commonProperties, { + "adr": { defaultType: "text", structuredValue: ";", multiValue: "," }, + "anniversary": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATE_ANDOR_TIME, + "bday": DEFAULT_TYPE_DATE_ANDOR_TIME, + "caladruri": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "caluri": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "clientpidmap": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_STRUCTURED, + "email": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "fburl": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "fn": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "gender": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_STRUCTURED, + "geo": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "impp": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "key": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "kind": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "lang": { defaultType: "language-tag" }, + "logo": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "member": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "n": { defaultType: "text", structuredValue: ";", multiValue: "," }, + "nickname": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_MULTI, + "note": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "org": { defaultType: "text", structuredValue: ";" }, + "photo": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "related": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "rev": { defaultType: "timestamp" }, + "role": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "sound": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "source": DEFAULT_TYPE_URI, + "tel": { defaultType: "uri", allowedTypes: ["uri", "text"] }, + "title": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + "tz": { defaultType: "text", allowedTypes: ["text", "utc-offset", "uri"] }, + "xml": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT +}); + +let vcard3Values = extend(commonValues, { + binary: icalValues.binary, + date: vcardValues.date, + "date-time": vcardValues["date-time"], + "phone-number": vcardValues["phone-number"], + uri: icalValues.uri, + text: icalValues.text, + time: icalValues.time, + vcard: icalValues.text, + "utc-offset": { + toICAL: function(aValue) { + return aValue.slice(0, 7); + }, + + fromICAL: function(aValue) { + return aValue.slice(0, 7); + }, + + decorate: function(aValue) { + return UtcOffset.fromString(aValue); + }, + + undecorate: function(aValue) { + return aValue.toString(); + } + } +}); + +let vcard3Params = { + "type": { + valueType: "text", + multiValue: "," + }, + "value": { + // since the value here is a 'type' lowercase is used. + values: ["text", "uri", "date", "date-time", "phone-number", "time", + "boolean", "integer", "float", "utc-offset", "vcard", "binary"], + allowXName: true, + allowIanaToken: true + } +}; + +let vcard3Properties = extend(commonProperties, { + fn: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + n: { defaultType: "text", structuredValue: ";", multiValue: "," }, + nickname: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_MULTI, + photo: { defaultType: "binary", allowedTypes: ["binary", "uri"] }, + bday: { + defaultType: "date-time", + allowedTypes: ["date-time", "date"], + detectType: function(string) { + return (string.indexOf('T') === -1) ? 'date' : 'date-time'; + } + }, + + adr: { defaultType: "text", structuredValue: ";", multiValue: "," }, + label: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + + tel: { defaultType: "phone-number" }, + email: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + mailer: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + + tz: { defaultType: "utc-offset", allowedTypes: ["utc-offset", "text"] }, + geo: { defaultType: "float", structuredValue: ";" }, + + title: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + role: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + logo: { defaultType: "binary", allowedTypes: ["binary", "uri"] }, + agent: { defaultType: "vcard", allowedTypes: ["vcard", "text", "uri"] }, + org: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_STRUCTURED, + + note: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT_MULTI, + prodid: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + rev: { + defaultType: "date-time", + allowedTypes: ["date-time", "date"], + detectType: function(string) { + return (string.indexOf('T') === -1) ? 'date' : 'date-time'; + } + }, + "sort-string": DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + sound: { defaultType: "binary", allowedTypes: ["binary", "uri"] }, + + class: DEFAULT_TYPE_TEXT, + key: { defaultType: "binary", allowedTypes: ["binary", "text"] } +}); + +/** + * iCalendar design set + * @type {designSet} + */ +let icalSet = { + value: icalValues, + param: icalParams, + property: icalProperties, + propertyGroups: false +}; + +/** + * vCard 4.0 design set + * @type {designSet} + */ +let vcardSet = { + value: vcardValues, + param: vcardParams, + property: vcardProperties, + propertyGroups: true +}; + +/** + * vCard 3.0 design set + * @type {designSet} + */ +let vcard3Set = { + value: vcard3Values, + param: vcard3Params, + property: vcard3Properties, + propertyGroups: true +}; + +/** + * The design data, used by the parser to determine types for properties and + * other metadata needed to produce correct jCard/jCal data. + * + * @alias ICAL.design + * @exports module:ICAL.design + */ +const design = { + /** + * Can be set to false to make the parser more lenient. + */ + strict: true, + + /** + * The default set for new properties and components if none is specified. + * @type {designSet} + */ + defaultSet: icalSet, + + /** + * The default type for unknown properties + * @type {String} + */ + defaultType: 'unknown', + + /** + * Holds the design set for known top-level components + * + * @type {Object} + * @property {designSet} vcard vCard VCARD + * @property {designSet} vevent iCalendar VEVENT + * @property {designSet} vtodo iCalendar VTODO + * @property {designSet} vjournal iCalendar VJOURNAL + * @property {designSet} valarm iCalendar VALARM + * @property {designSet} vtimezone iCalendar VTIMEZONE + * @property {designSet} daylight iCalendar DAYLIGHT + * @property {designSet} standard iCalendar STANDARD + * + * @example + * let propertyName = 'fn'; + * let componentDesign = ICAL.design.components.vcard; + * let propertyDetails = componentDesign.property[propertyName]; + * if (propertyDetails.defaultType == 'text') { + * // Yep, sure is... + * } + */ + components: { + vcard: vcardSet, + vcard3: vcard3Set, + vevent: icalSet, + vtodo: icalSet, + vjournal: icalSet, + valarm: icalSet, + vtimezone: icalSet, + daylight: icalSet, + standard: icalSet + }, + + + /** + * The design set for iCalendar (rfc5545/rfc7265) components. + * @type {designSet} + */ + icalendar: icalSet, + + /** + * The design set for vCard (rfc6350/rfc7095) components. + * @type {designSet} + */ + vcard: vcardSet, + + /** + * The design set for vCard (rfc2425/rfc2426/rfc7095) components. + * @type {designSet} + */ + vcard3: vcard3Set, + + /** + * Gets the design set for the given component name. + * + * @param {String} componentName The name of the component + * @return {designSet} The design set for the component + */ + getDesignSet: function(componentName) { + let isInDesign = componentName && componentName in design.components; + return isInDesign ? design.components[componentName] : design.defaultSet; + } +}; +var design$1 = design; + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").designSet} designSet + * Imports the 'designSet' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +const LINE_ENDING = '\r\n'; +const DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = 'unknown'; +const RFC6868_REPLACE_MAP = { '"': "^'", "\n": "^n", "^": "^^" }; + +/** + * Convert a full jCal/jCard array into a iCalendar/vCard string. + * + * @function ICAL.stringify + * @variation function + * @param {Array} jCal The jCal/jCard document + * @return {String} The stringified iCalendar/vCard document + */ +function stringify(jCal) { + if (typeof jCal[0] == "string") { + // This is a single component + jCal = [jCal]; + } + + let i = 0; + let len = jCal.length; + let result = ''; + + for (; i < len; i++) { + result += stringify.component(jCal[i]) + LINE_ENDING; + } + + return result; +} + +/** + * Converts an jCal component array into a ICAL string. + * Recursive will resolve sub-components. + * + * Exact component/property order is not saved all + * properties will come before subcomponents. + * + * @function ICAL.stringify.component + * @param {Array} component + * jCal/jCard fragment of a component + * @param {designSet} designSet + * The design data to use for this component + * @return {String} The iCalendar/vCard string + */ +stringify.component = function(component, designSet) { + let name = component[0].toUpperCase(); + let result = 'BEGIN:' + name + LINE_ENDING; + + let props = component[1]; + let propIdx = 0; + let propLen = props.length; + + let designSetName = component[0]; + // rfc6350 requires that in vCard 4.0 the first component is the VERSION + // component with as value 4.0, note that 3.0 does not have this requirement. + if (designSetName === 'vcard' && component[1].length > 0 && + !(component[1][0][0] === "version" && component[1][0][3] === "4.0")) { + designSetName = "vcard3"; + } + designSet = designSet || design$1.getDesignSet(designSetName); + + for (; propIdx < propLen; propIdx++) { + result += stringify.property(props[propIdx], designSet) + LINE_ENDING; + } + + // Ignore subcomponents if none exist, e.g. in vCard. + let comps = component[2] || []; + let compIdx = 0; + let compLen = comps.length; + + for (; compIdx < compLen; compIdx++) { + result += stringify.component(comps[compIdx], designSet) + LINE_ENDING; + } + + result += 'END:' + name; + return result; +}; + +/** + * Converts a single jCal/jCard property to a iCalendar/vCard string. + * + * @function ICAL.stringify.property + * @param {Array} property + * jCal/jCard property array + * @param {designSet} designSet + * The design data to use for this property + * @param {Boolean} noFold + * If true, the line is not folded + * @return {String} The iCalendar/vCard string + */ +stringify.property = function(property, designSet, noFold) { + let name = property[0].toUpperCase(); + let jsName = property[0]; + let params = property[1]; + + if (!designSet) { + designSet = design$1.defaultSet; + } + + let groupName = params.group; + let line; + if (designSet.propertyGroups && groupName) { + line = groupName.toUpperCase() + "." + name; + } else { + line = name; + } + + for (let [paramName, value] of Object.entries(params)) { + if (designSet.propertyGroups && paramName == 'group') { + continue; + } + + let paramDesign = designSet.param[paramName]; + let multiValue = paramDesign && paramDesign.multiValue; + if (multiValue && Array.isArray(value)) { + value = value.map(function(val) { + val = stringify._rfc6868Unescape(val); + val = stringify.paramPropertyValue(val, paramDesign.multiValueSeparateDQuote); + return val; + }); + value = stringify.multiValue(value, multiValue, "unknown", null, designSet); + } else { + value = stringify._rfc6868Unescape(value); + value = stringify.paramPropertyValue(value); + } + + line += ';' + paramName.toUpperCase() + '=' + value; + } + + if (property.length === 3) { + // If there are no values, we must assume a blank value + return line + ':'; + } + + let valueType = property[2]; + + let propDetails; + let multiValue = false; + let structuredValue = false; + let isDefault = false; + + if (jsName in designSet.property) { + propDetails = designSet.property[jsName]; + + if ('multiValue' in propDetails) { + multiValue = propDetails.multiValue; + } + + if (('structuredValue' in propDetails) && Array.isArray(property[3])) { + structuredValue = propDetails.structuredValue; + } + + if ('defaultType' in propDetails) { + if (valueType === propDetails.defaultType) { + isDefault = true; + } + } else { + if (valueType === DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE) { + isDefault = true; + } + } + } else { + if (valueType === DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE) { + isDefault = true; + } + } + + // push the VALUE property if type is not the default + // for the current property. + if (!isDefault) { + // value will never contain ;/:/, so we don't escape it here. + line += ';VALUE=' + valueType.toUpperCase(); + } + + line += ':'; + + if (multiValue && structuredValue) { + line += stringify.multiValue( + property[3], structuredValue, valueType, multiValue, designSet, structuredValue + ); + } else if (multiValue) { + line += stringify.multiValue( + property.slice(3), multiValue, valueType, null, designSet, false + ); + } else if (structuredValue) { + line += stringify.multiValue( + property[3], structuredValue, valueType, null, designSet, structuredValue + ); + } else { + line += stringify.value(property[3], valueType, designSet, false); + } + + return noFold ? line : foldline(line); +}; + +/** + * Handles escaping of property values that may contain: + * + * COLON (:), SEMICOLON (;), or COMMA (,) + * + * If any of the above are present the result is wrapped + * in double quotes. + * + * @function ICAL.stringify.paramPropertyValue + * @param {String} value Raw property value + * @param {boolean} force If value should be escaped even when unnecessary + * @return {String} Given or escaped value when needed + */ +stringify.paramPropertyValue = function(value, force) { + if (!force && + (value.indexOf(',') === -1) && + (value.indexOf(':') === -1) && + (value.indexOf(';') === -1)) { + + return value; + } + + return '"' + value + '"'; +}; + +/** + * Converts an array of ical values into a single + * string based on a type and a delimiter value (like ","). + * + * @function ICAL.stringify.multiValue + * @param {Array} values List of values to convert + * @param {String} delim Used to join the values (",", ";", ":") + * @param {String} type Lowecase ical value type + * (like boolean, date-time, etc..) + * @param {?String} innerMulti If set, each value will again be processed + * Used for structured values + * @param {designSet} designSet + * The design data to use for this property + * + * @return {String} iCalendar/vCard string for value + */ +stringify.multiValue = function(values, delim, type, innerMulti, designSet, structuredValue) { + let result = ''; + let len = values.length; + let i = 0; + + for (; i < len; i++) { + if (innerMulti && Array.isArray(values[i])) { + result += stringify.multiValue(values[i], innerMulti, type, null, designSet, structuredValue); + } else { + result += stringify.value(values[i], type, designSet, structuredValue); + } + + if (i !== (len - 1)) { + result += delim; + } + } + + return result; +}; + +/** + * Processes a single ical value runs the associated "toICAL" method from the + * design value type if available to convert the value. + * + * @function ICAL.stringify.value + * @param {String|Number} value A formatted value + * @param {String} type Lowercase iCalendar/vCard value type + * (like boolean, date-time, etc..) + * @return {String} iCalendar/vCard value for single value + */ +stringify.value = function(value, type, designSet, structuredValue) { + if (type in designSet.value && 'toICAL' in designSet.value[type]) { + return designSet.value[type].toICAL(value, structuredValue); + } + return value; +}; + +/** + * Internal helper for rfc6868. Exposing this on ICAL.stringify so that + * hackers can disable the rfc6868 parsing if the really need to. + * + * @param {String} val The value to unescape + * @return {String} The escaped value + */ +stringify._rfc6868Unescape = function(val) { + return val.replace(/[\n^"]/g, function(x) { + return RFC6868_REPLACE_MAP[x]; + }); +}; + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +const NAME_INDEX$1 = 0; +const PROP_INDEX = 1; +const TYPE_INDEX = 2; +const VALUE_INDEX = 3; + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").designSet} designSet + * Imports the 'designSet' type from the "types.js" module + * @typedef {import("./types.js").Geo} Geo + * Imports the 'Geo' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +/** + * Provides a layer on top of the raw jCal object for manipulating a single property, with its + * parameters and value. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class Property { + /** + * Create an {@link ICAL.Property} by parsing the passed iCalendar string. + * + * @param {String} str The iCalendar string to parse + * @param {designSet=} designSet The design data to use for this property + * @return {Property} The created iCalendar property + */ + static fromString(str, designSet) { + return new Property(parse.property(str, designSet)); + } + + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Property instance. + * + * It is important to note that mutations done in the wrapper directly mutate the jCal object used + * to initialize. + * + * Can also be used to create new properties by passing the name of the property (as a String). + * + * @param {Array|String} jCal Raw jCal representation OR the new name of the property + * @param {Component=} parent Parent component + */ + constructor(jCal, parent) { + this._parent = parent || null; + + if (typeof(jCal) === 'string') { + // We are creating the property by name and need to detect the type + this.jCal = [jCal, {}, design$1.defaultType]; + this.jCal[TYPE_INDEX] = this.getDefaultType(); + } else { + this.jCal = jCal; + } + this._updateType(); + } + + /** + * The value type for this property + * @type {String} + */ + get type() { + return this.jCal[TYPE_INDEX]; + } + + /** + * The name of this property, in lowercase. + * @type {String} + */ + get name() { + return this.jCal[NAME_INDEX$1]; + } + + /** + * The parent component for this property. + * @type {Component} + */ + get parent() { + return this._parent; + } + + set parent(p) { + // Before setting the parent, check if the design set has changed. If it + // has, we later need to update the type if it was unknown before. + let designSetChanged = !this._parent || (p && p._designSet != this._parent._designSet); + + this._parent = p; + + if (this.type == design$1.defaultType && designSetChanged) { + this.jCal[TYPE_INDEX] = this.getDefaultType(); + this._updateType(); + } + } + + /** + * The design set for this property, e.g. icalendar vs vcard + * + * @type {designSet} + * @private + */ + get _designSet() { + return this.parent ? this.parent._designSet : design$1.defaultSet; + } + + /** + * Updates the type metadata from the current jCal type and design set. + * + * @private + */ + _updateType() { + let designSet = this._designSet; + + if (this.type in designSet.value) { + if ('decorate' in designSet.value[this.type]) { + this.isDecorated = true; + } else { + this.isDecorated = false; + } + + if (this.name in designSet.property) { + this.isMultiValue = ('multiValue' in designSet.property[this.name]); + this.isStructuredValue = ('structuredValue' in designSet.property[this.name]); + } + } + } + + /** + * Hydrate a single value. The act of hydrating means turning the raw jCal + * value into a potentially wrapped object, for example {@link ICAL.Time}. + * + * @private + * @param {Number} index The index of the value to hydrate + * @return {?Object} The decorated value. + */ + _hydrateValue(index) { + if (this._values && this._values[index]) { + return this._values[index]; + } + + // for the case where there is no value. + if (this.jCal.length <= (VALUE_INDEX + index)) { + return null; + } + + if (this.isDecorated) { + if (!this._values) { + this._values = []; + } + return (this._values[index] = this._decorate( + this.jCal[VALUE_INDEX + index] + )); + } else { + return this.jCal[VALUE_INDEX + index]; + } + } + + /** + * Decorate a single value, returning its wrapped object. This is used by + * the hydrate function to actually wrap the value. + * + * @private + * @param {?} value The value to decorate + * @return {Object} The decorated value + */ + _decorate(value) { + return this._designSet.value[this.type].decorate(value, this); + } + + /** + * Undecorate a single value, returning its raw jCal data. + * + * @private + * @param {Object} value The value to undecorate + * @return {?} The undecorated value + */ + _undecorate(value) { + return this._designSet.value[this.type].undecorate(value, this); + } + + /** + * Sets the value at the given index while also hydrating it. The passed + * value can either be a decorated or undecorated value. + * + * @private + * @param {?} value The value to set + * @param {Number} index The index to set it at + */ + _setDecoratedValue(value, index) { + if (!this._values) { + this._values = []; + } + + if (typeof(value) === 'object' && 'icaltype' in value) { + // decorated value + this.jCal[VALUE_INDEX + index] = this._undecorate(value); + this._values[index] = value; + } else { + // undecorated value + this.jCal[VALUE_INDEX + index] = value; + this._values[index] = this._decorate(value); + } + } + + /** + * Gets a parameter on the property. + * + * @param {String} name Parameter name (lowercase) + * @return {Array|String} Parameter value + */ + getParameter(name) { + if (name in this.jCal[PROP_INDEX]) { + return this.jCal[PROP_INDEX][name]; + } else { + return undefined; + } + } + + /** + * Gets first parameter on the property. + * + * @param {String} name Parameter name (lowercase) + * @return {String} Parameter value + */ + getFirstParameter(name) { + let parameters = this.getParameter(name); + + if (Array.isArray(parameters)) { + return parameters[0]; + } + + return parameters; + } + + /** + * Sets a parameter on the property. + * + * @param {String} name The parameter name + * @param {Array|String} value The parameter value + */ + setParameter(name, value) { + let lcname = name.toLowerCase(); + if (typeof value === "string" && + lcname in this._designSet.param && + 'multiValue' in this._designSet.param[lcname]) { + value = [value]; + } + this.jCal[PROP_INDEX][name] = value; + } + + /** + * Removes a parameter + * + * @param {String} name The parameter name + */ + removeParameter(name) { + delete this.jCal[PROP_INDEX][name]; + } + + /** + * Get the default type based on this property's name. + * + * @return {String} The default type for this property + */ + getDefaultType() { + let name = this.jCal[NAME_INDEX$1]; + let designSet = this._designSet; + + if (name in designSet.property) { + let details = designSet.property[name]; + if ('defaultType' in details) { + return details.defaultType; + } + } + return design$1.defaultType; + } + + /** + * Sets type of property and clears out any existing values of the current + * type. + * + * @param {String} type New iCAL type (see design.*.values) + */ + resetType(type) { + this.removeAllValues(); + this.jCal[TYPE_INDEX] = type; + this._updateType(); + } + + /** + * Finds the first property value. + * + * @return {Binary | Duration | Period | + * Recur | Time | UtcOffset | Geo | string | null} First property value + */ + getFirstValue() { + return this._hydrateValue(0); + } + + /** + * Gets all values on the property. + * + * NOTE: this creates an array during each call. + * + * @return {Array} List of values + */ + getValues() { + let len = this.jCal.length - VALUE_INDEX; + + if (len < 1) { + // it is possible for a property to have no value. + return []; + } + + let i = 0; + let result = []; + + for (; i < len; i++) { + result[i] = this._hydrateValue(i); + } + + return result; + } + + /** + * Removes all values from this property + */ + removeAllValues() { + if (this._values) { + this._values.length = 0; + } + this.jCal.length = 3; + } + + /** + * Sets the values of the property. Will overwrite the existing values. + * This can only be used for multi-value properties. + * + * @param {Array} values An array of values + */ + setValues(values) { + if (!this.isMultiValue) { + throw new Error( + this.name + ': does not not support mulitValue.\n' + + 'override isMultiValue' + ); + } + + let len = values.length; + let i = 0; + this.removeAllValues(); + + if (len > 0 && + typeof(values[0]) === 'object' && + 'icaltype' in values[0]) { + this.resetType(values[0].icaltype); + } + + if (this.isDecorated) { + for (; i < len; i++) { + this._setDecoratedValue(values[i], i); + } + } else { + for (; i < len; i++) { + this.jCal[VALUE_INDEX + i] = values[i]; + } + } + } + + /** + * Sets the current value of the property. If this is a multi-value + * property, all other values will be removed. + * + * @param {String|Object} value New property value. + */ + setValue(value) { + this.removeAllValues(); + if (typeof(value) === 'object' && 'icaltype' in value) { + this.resetType(value.icaltype); + } + + if (this.isDecorated) { + this._setDecoratedValue(value, 0); + } else { + this.jCal[VALUE_INDEX] = value; + } + } + + /** + * Returns the Object representation of this component. The returned object + * is a live jCal object and should be cloned if modified. + * @return {Object} + */ + toJSON() { + return this.jCal; + } + + /** + * The string representation of this component. + * @return {String} + */ + toICALString() { + return stringify.property( + this.jCal, this._designSet, true + ); + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").designSet} designSet + * Imports the 'designSet' type from the "types.js" module + * @typedef {import("./types.js").Geo} Geo + * Imports the 'Geo' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +const NAME_INDEX = 0; +const PROPERTY_INDEX = 1; +const COMPONENT_INDEX = 2; + +/** + * Wraps a jCal component, adding convenience methods to add, remove and update subcomponents and + * properties. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class Component { + /** + * Create an {@link ICAL.Component} by parsing the passed iCalendar string. + * + * @param {String} str The iCalendar string to parse + */ + static fromString(str) { + return new Component(parse.component(str)); + } + + /** + * Creates a new Component instance. + * + * @param {Array|String} jCal Raw jCal component data OR name of new + * component + * @param {Component=} parent Parent component to associate + */ + constructor(jCal, parent) { + if (typeof(jCal) === 'string') { + // jCal spec (name, properties, components) + jCal = [jCal, [], []]; + } + + // mostly for legacy reasons. + this.jCal = jCal; + + this.parent = parent || null; + + if (!this.parent && this.name === 'vcalendar') { + this._timezoneCache = new Map(); + } + } + + /** + * Hydrated properties are inserted into the _properties array at the same + * position as in the jCal array, so it is possible that the array contains + * undefined values for unhydrdated properties. To avoid iterating the + * array when checking if all properties have been hydrated, we save the + * count here. + * + * @type {Number} + * @private + */ + _hydratedPropertyCount = 0; + + /** + * The same count as for _hydratedPropertyCount, but for subcomponents + * + * @type {Number} + * @private + */ + _hydratedComponentCount = 0; + + /** + * A cache of hydrated time zone objects which may be used by consumers, keyed + * by time zone ID. + * + * @type {Map} + * @private + */ + _timezoneCache = null; + + /** + * @private + */ + _components = null; + + /** + * @private + */ + _properties = null; + + /** + * The name of this component + * + * @type {String} + */ + get name() { + return this.jCal[NAME_INDEX]; + } + + /** + * The design set for this component, e.g. icalendar vs vcard + * + * @type {designSet} + * @private + */ + get _designSet() { + let parentDesign = this.parent && this.parent._designSet; + return parentDesign || design$1.getDesignSet(this.name); + } + + /** + * @private + */ + _hydrateComponent(index) { + if (!this._components) { + this._components = []; + this._hydratedComponentCount = 0; + } + + if (this._components[index]) { + return this._components[index]; + } + + let comp = new Component( + this.jCal[COMPONENT_INDEX][index], + this + ); + + this._hydratedComponentCount++; + return (this._components[index] = comp); + } + + /** + * @private + */ + _hydrateProperty(index) { + if (!this._properties) { + this._properties = []; + this._hydratedPropertyCount = 0; + } + + if (this._properties[index]) { + return this._properties[index]; + } + + let prop = new Property( + this.jCal[PROPERTY_INDEX][index], + this + ); + + this._hydratedPropertyCount++; + return (this._properties[index] = prop); + } + + /** + * Finds first sub component, optionally filtered by name. + * + * @param {String=} name Optional name to filter by + * @return {?Component} The found subcomponent + */ + getFirstSubcomponent(name) { + if (name) { + let i = 0; + let comps = this.jCal[COMPONENT_INDEX]; + let len = comps.length; + + for (; i < len; i++) { + if (comps[i][NAME_INDEX] === name) { + let result = this._hydrateComponent(i); + return result; + } + } + } else { + if (this.jCal[COMPONENT_INDEX].length) { + return this._hydrateComponent(0); + } + } + + // ensure we return a value (strict mode) + return null; + } + + /** + * Finds all sub components, optionally filtering by name. + * + * @param {String=} name Optional name to filter by + * @return {Component[]} The found sub components + */ + getAllSubcomponents(name) { + let jCalLen = this.jCal[COMPONENT_INDEX].length; + let i = 0; + + if (name) { + let comps = this.jCal[COMPONENT_INDEX]; + let result = []; + + for (; i < jCalLen; i++) { + if (name === comps[i][NAME_INDEX]) { + result.push( + this._hydrateComponent(i) + ); + } + } + return result; + } else { + if (!this._components || + (this._hydratedComponentCount !== jCalLen)) { + for (; i < jCalLen; i++) { + this._hydrateComponent(i); + } + } + + return this._components || []; + } + } + + /** + * Returns true when a named property exists. + * + * @param {String} name The property name + * @return {Boolean} True, when property is found + */ + hasProperty(name) { + let props = this.jCal[PROPERTY_INDEX]; + let len = props.length; + + let i = 0; + for (; i < len; i++) { + // 0 is property name + if (props[i][NAME_INDEX] === name) { + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * Finds the first property, optionally with the given name. + * + * @param {String=} name Lowercase property name + * @return {?Property} The found property + */ + getFirstProperty(name) { + if (name) { + let i = 0; + let props = this.jCal[PROPERTY_INDEX]; + let len = props.length; + + for (; i < len; i++) { + if (props[i][NAME_INDEX] === name) { + let result = this._hydrateProperty(i); + return result; + } + } + } else { + if (this.jCal[PROPERTY_INDEX].length) { + return this._hydrateProperty(0); + } + } + + return null; + } + + /** + * Returns first property's value, if available. + * + * @param {String=} name Lowercase property name + * @return {Binary | Duration | Period | + * Recur | Time | UtcOffset | Geo | string | null} The found property value. + */ + getFirstPropertyValue(name) { + let prop = this.getFirstProperty(name); + if (prop) { + return prop.getFirstValue(); + } + + return null; + } + + /** + * Get all properties in the component, optionally filtered by name. + * + * @param {String=} name Lowercase property name + * @return {Property[]} List of properties + */ + getAllProperties(name) { + let jCalLen = this.jCal[PROPERTY_INDEX].length; + let i = 0; + + if (name) { + let props = this.jCal[PROPERTY_INDEX]; + let result = []; + + for (; i < jCalLen; i++) { + if (name === props[i][NAME_INDEX]) { + result.push( + this._hydrateProperty(i) + ); + } + } + return result; + } else { + if (!this._properties || + (this._hydratedPropertyCount !== jCalLen)) { + for (; i < jCalLen; i++) { + this._hydrateProperty(i); + } + } + + return this._properties || []; + } + } + + /** + * @private + */ + _removeObjectByIndex(jCalIndex, cache, index) { + cache = cache || []; + // remove cached version + if (cache[index]) { + let obj = cache[index]; + if ("parent" in obj) { + obj.parent = null; + } + } + + cache.splice(index, 1); + + // remove it from the jCal + this.jCal[jCalIndex].splice(index, 1); + } + + /** + * @private + */ + _removeObject(jCalIndex, cache, nameOrObject) { + let i = 0; + let objects = this.jCal[jCalIndex]; + let len = objects.length; + let cached = this[cache]; + + if (typeof(nameOrObject) === 'string') { + for (; i < len; i++) { + if (objects[i][NAME_INDEX] === nameOrObject) { + this._removeObjectByIndex(jCalIndex, cached, i); + return true; + } + } + } else if (cached) { + for (; i < len; i++) { + if (cached[i] && cached[i] === nameOrObject) { + this._removeObjectByIndex(jCalIndex, cached, i); + return true; + } + } + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * @private + */ + _removeAllObjects(jCalIndex, cache, name) { + let cached = this[cache]; + + // Unfortunately we have to run through all children to reset their + // parent property. + let objects = this.jCal[jCalIndex]; + let i = objects.length - 1; + + // descending search required because splice + // is used and will effect the indices. + for (; i >= 0; i--) { + if (!name || objects[i][NAME_INDEX] === name) { + this._removeObjectByIndex(jCalIndex, cached, i); + } + } + } + + /** + * Adds a single sub component. + * + * @param {Component} component The component to add + * @return {Component} The passed in component + */ + addSubcomponent(component) { + if (!this._components) { + this._components = []; + this._hydratedComponentCount = 0; + } + + if (component.parent) { + component.parent.removeSubcomponent(component); + } + + let idx = this.jCal[COMPONENT_INDEX].push(component.jCal); + this._components[idx - 1] = component; + this._hydratedComponentCount++; + component.parent = this; + return component; + } + + /** + * Removes a single component by name or the instance of a specific + * component. + * + * @param {Component|String} nameOrComp Name of component, or component + * @return {Boolean} True when comp is removed + */ + removeSubcomponent(nameOrComp) { + let removed = this._removeObject(COMPONENT_INDEX, '_components', nameOrComp); + if (removed) { + this._hydratedComponentCount--; + } + return removed; + } + + /** + * Removes all components or (if given) all components by a particular + * name. + * + * @param {String=} name Lowercase component name + */ + removeAllSubcomponents(name) { + let removed = this._removeAllObjects(COMPONENT_INDEX, '_components', name); + this._hydratedComponentCount = 0; + return removed; + } + + /** + * Adds an {@link ICAL.Property} to the component. + * + * @param {Property} property The property to add + * @return {Property} The passed in property + */ + addProperty(property) { + if (!(property instanceof Property)) { + throw new TypeError('must be instance of ICAL.Property'); + } + + if (!this._properties) { + this._properties = []; + this._hydratedPropertyCount = 0; + } + + if (property.parent) { + property.parent.removeProperty(property); + } + + let idx = this.jCal[PROPERTY_INDEX].push(property.jCal); + this._properties[idx - 1] = property; + this._hydratedPropertyCount++; + property.parent = this; + return property; + } + + /** + * Helper method to add a property with a value to the component. + * + * @param {String} name Property name to add + * @param {String|Number|Object} value Property value + * @return {Property} The created property + */ + addPropertyWithValue(name, value) { + let prop = new Property(name); + prop.setValue(value); + + this.addProperty(prop); + + return prop; + } + + /** + * Helper method that will update or create a property of the given name + * and sets its value. If multiple properties with the given name exist, + * only the first is updated. + * + * @param {String} name Property name to update + * @param {String|Number|Object} value Property value + * @return {Property} The created property + */ + updatePropertyWithValue(name, value) { + let prop = this.getFirstProperty(name); + + if (prop) { + prop.setValue(value); + } else { + prop = this.addPropertyWithValue(name, value); + } + + return prop; + } + + /** + * Removes a single property by name or the instance of the specific + * property. + * + * @param {String|Property} nameOrProp Property name or instance to remove + * @return {Boolean} True, when deleted + */ + removeProperty(nameOrProp) { + let removed = this._removeObject(PROPERTY_INDEX, '_properties', nameOrProp); + if (removed) { + this._hydratedPropertyCount--; + } + return removed; + } + + /** + * Removes all properties associated with this component, optionally + * filtered by name. + * + * @param {String=} name Lowercase property name + * @return {Boolean} True, when deleted + */ + removeAllProperties(name) { + let removed = this._removeAllObjects(PROPERTY_INDEX, '_properties', name); + this._hydratedPropertyCount = 0; + return removed; + } + + /** + * Returns the Object representation of this component. The returned object + * is a live jCal object and should be cloned if modified. + * @return {Object} + */ + toJSON() { + return this.jCal; + } + + /** + * The string representation of this component. + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + return stringify.component( + this.jCal, this._designSet + ); + } + + /** + * Retrieve a time zone definition from the component tree, if any is present. + * If the tree contains no time zone definitions or the TZID cannot be + * matched, returns null. + * + * @param {String} tzid The ID of the time zone to retrieve + * @return {Timezone} The time zone corresponding to the ID, or null + */ + getTimeZoneByID(tzid) { + // VTIMEZONE components can only appear as a child of the VCALENDAR + // component; walk the tree if we're not the root. + if (this.parent) { + return this.parent.getTimeZoneByID(tzid); + } + + // If there is no time zone cache, we are probably parsing an incomplete + // file and will have no time zone definitions. + if (!this._timezoneCache) { + return null; + } + + if (this._timezoneCache.has(tzid)) { + return this._timezoneCache.get(tzid); + } + + // If the time zone is not already cached, hydrate it from the + // subcomponents. + const zones = this.getAllSubcomponents('vtimezone'); + for (const zone of zones) { + if (zone.getFirstProperty('tzid').getFirstValue() === tzid) { + const hydratedZone = new Timezone({ + component: zone, + tzid: tzid, + }); + + this._timezoneCache.set(tzid, hydratedZone); + + return hydratedZone; + } + } + + // Per the standard, we should always have a time zone defined in a file + // for any referenced TZID, but don't blow up if the file is invalid. + return null; + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * Primary class for expanding recurring rules. Can take multiple rrules, rdates, exdate(s) and + * iterate (in order) over each next occurrence. + * + * Once initialized this class can also be serialized saved and continue iteration from the last + * point. + * + * NOTE: it is intended that this class is to be used with {@link ICAL.Event} which handles recurrence + * exceptions. + * + * @example + * // assuming event is a parsed ical component + * var event; + * + * var expand = new ICAL.RecurExpansion({ + * component: event, + * dtstart: event.getFirstPropertyValue('dtstart') + * }); + * + * // remember there are infinite rules so it is a good idea to limit the scope of the iterations + * // then resume later on. + * + * // next is always an ICAL.Time or null + * var next; + * + * while (someCondition && (next = expand.next())) { + * // do something with next + * } + * + * // save instance for later + * var json = JSON.stringify(expand); + * + * //... + * + * // NOTE: if the component's properties have changed you will need to rebuild the class and start + * // over. This only works when the component's recurrence info is the same. + * var expand = new ICAL.RecurExpansion(JSON.parse(json)); + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class RecurExpansion { + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.RecurExpansion instance. + * + * The options object can be filled with the specified initial values. It can also contain + * additional members, as a result of serializing a previous expansion state, as shown in the + * example. + * + * @param {Object} options + * Recurrence expansion options + * @param {Time} options.dtstart + * Start time of the event + * @param {Component=} options.component + * Component for expansion, required if not resuming. + */ + constructor(options) { + this.ruleDates = []; + this.exDates = []; + this.fromData(options); + } + + /** + * True when iteration is fully completed. + * @type {Boolean} + */ + complete = false; + + /** + * Array of rrule iterators. + * + * @type {RecurIterator[]} + * @private + */ + ruleIterators = null; + + /** + * Array of rdate instances. + * + * @type {Time[]} + * @private + */ + ruleDates = null; + + /** + * Array of exdate instances. + * + * @type {Time[]} + * @private + */ + exDates = null; + + /** + * Current position in ruleDates array. + * @type {Number} + * @private + */ + ruleDateInc = 0; + + /** + * Current position in exDates array + * @type {Number} + * @private + */ + exDateInc = 0; + + /** + * Current negative date. + * + * @type {Time} + * @private + */ + exDate = null; + + /** + * Current additional date. + * + * @type {Time} + * @private + */ + ruleDate = null; + + /** + * Start date of recurring rules. + * + * @type {Time} + */ + dtstart = null; + + /** + * Last expanded time + * + * @type {Time} + */ + last = null; + + /** + * Initialize the recurrence expansion from the data object. The options + * object may also contain additional members, see the + * {@link ICAL.RecurExpansion constructor} for more details. + * + * @param {Object} options + * Recurrence expansion options + * @param {Time} options.dtstart + * Start time of the event + * @param {Component=} options.component + * Component for expansion, required if not resuming. + */ + fromData(options) { + let start = formatClassType(options.dtstart, Time); + + if (!start) { + throw new Error('.dtstart (ICAL.Time) must be given'); + } else { + this.dtstart = start; + } + + if (options.component) { + this._init(options.component); + } else { + this.last = formatClassType(options.last, Time) || start.clone(); + + if (!options.ruleIterators) { + throw new Error('.ruleIterators or .component must be given'); + } + + this.ruleIterators = options.ruleIterators.map(function(item) { + return formatClassType(item, RecurIterator); + }); + + this.ruleDateInc = options.ruleDateInc; + this.exDateInc = options.exDateInc; + + if (options.ruleDates) { + this.ruleDates = options.ruleDates.map(item => formatClassType(item, Time)); + this.ruleDate = this.ruleDates[this.ruleDateInc]; + } + + if (options.exDates) { + this.exDates = options.exDates.map(item => formatClassType(item, Time)); + this.exDate = this.exDates[this.exDateInc]; + } + + if (typeof(options.complete) !== 'undefined') { + this.complete = options.complete; + } + } + } + + /** + * Retrieve the next occurrence in the series. + * @return {Time} + */ + next() { + let iter; + let next; + let compare; + + let maxTries = 500; + let currentTry = 0; + + while (true) { + if (currentTry++ > maxTries) { + throw new Error( + 'max tries have occurred, rule may be impossible to fulfill.' + ); + } + + next = this.ruleDate; + iter = this._nextRecurrenceIter(this.last); + + // no more matches + // because we increment the rule day or rule + // _after_ we choose a value this should be + // the only spot where we need to worry about the + // end of events. + if (!next && !iter) { + // there are no more iterators or rdates + this.complete = true; + break; + } + + // no next rule day or recurrence rule is first. + if (!next || (iter && next.compare(iter.last) > 0)) { + // must be cloned, recur will reuse the time element. + next = iter.last.clone(); + // move to next so we can continue + iter.next(); + } + + // if the ruleDate is still next increment it. + if (this.ruleDate === next) { + this._nextRuleDay(); + } + + this.last = next; + + // check the negative rules + if (this.exDate) { + compare = this.exDate.compare(this.last); + + if (compare < 0) { + this._nextExDay(); + } + + // if the current rule is excluded skip it. + if (compare === 0) { + this._nextExDay(); + continue; + } + } + + //XXX: The spec states that after we resolve the final + // list of dates we execute exdate this seems somewhat counter + // intuitive to what I have seen most servers do so for now + // I exclude based on the original date not the one that may + // have been modified by the exception. + return this.last; + } + } + + /** + * Converts object into a serialize-able format. This format can be passed + * back into the expansion to resume iteration. + * @return {Object} + */ + toJSON() { + function toJSON(item) { + return item.toJSON(); + } + + let result = Object.create(null); + result.ruleIterators = this.ruleIterators.map(toJSON); + + if (this.ruleDates) { + result.ruleDates = this.ruleDates.map(toJSON); + } + + if (this.exDates) { + result.exDates = this.exDates.map(toJSON); + } + + result.ruleDateInc = this.ruleDateInc; + result.exDateInc = this.exDateInc; + result.last = this.last.toJSON(); + result.dtstart = this.dtstart.toJSON(); + result.complete = this.complete; + + return result; + } + + /** + * Extract all dates from the properties in the given component. The + * properties will be filtered by the property name. + * + * @private + * @param {Component} component The component to search in + * @param {String} propertyName The property name to search for + * @return {Time[]} The extracted dates. + */ + _extractDates(component, propertyName) { + let result = []; + let props = component.getAllProperties(propertyName); + + for (let i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; i++) { + for (let prop of props[i].getValues()) { + let idx = binsearchInsert( + result, + prop, + (a, b) => a.compare(b) + ); + + // ordered insert + result.splice(idx, 0, prop); + } + } + + return result; + } + + /** + * Initialize the recurrence expansion. + * + * @private + * @param {Component} component The component to initialize from. + */ + _init(component) { + this.ruleIterators = []; + + this.last = this.dtstart.clone(); + + // to provide api consistency non-recurring + // events can also use the iterator though it will + // only return a single time. + if (!component.hasProperty('rdate') && + !component.hasProperty('rrule') && + !component.hasProperty('recurrence-id')) { + this.ruleDate = this.last.clone(); + this.complete = true; + return; + } + + if (component.hasProperty('rdate')) { + this.ruleDates = this._extractDates(component, 'rdate'); + + // special hack for cases where first rdate is prior + // to the start date. We only check for the first rdate. + // This is mostly for google's crazy recurring date logic + // (contacts birthdays). + if ((this.ruleDates[0]) && + (this.ruleDates[0].compare(this.dtstart) < 0)) { + + this.ruleDateInc = 0; + this.last = this.ruleDates[0].clone(); + } else { + this.ruleDateInc = binsearchInsert( + this.ruleDates, + this.last, + (a, b) => a.compare(b) + ); + } + + this.ruleDate = this.ruleDates[this.ruleDateInc]; + } + + if (component.hasProperty('rrule')) { + let rules = component.getAllProperties('rrule'); + let i = 0; + let len = rules.length; + + let rule; + let iter; + + for (; i < len; i++) { + rule = rules[i].getFirstValue(); + iter = rule.iterator(this.dtstart); + this.ruleIterators.push(iter); + + // increment to the next occurrence so future + // calls to next return times beyond the initial iteration. + // XXX: I find this suspicious might be a bug? + iter.next(); + } + } + + if (component.hasProperty('exdate')) { + this.exDates = this._extractDates(component, 'exdate'); + // if we have a .last day we increment the index to beyond it. + this.exDateInc = binsearchInsert( + this.exDates, + this.last, + (a, b) => a.compare(b) + ); + + this.exDate = this.exDates[this.exDateInc]; + } + } + + /** + * Advance to the next exdate + * @private + */ + _nextExDay() { + this.exDate = this.exDates[++this.exDateInc]; + } + + /** + * Advance to the next rule date + * @private + */ + _nextRuleDay() { + this.ruleDate = this.ruleDates[++this.ruleDateInc]; + } + + /** + * Find and return the recurrence rule with the most recent event and + * return it. + * + * @private + * @return {?RecurIterator} Found iterator. + */ + _nextRecurrenceIter() { + let iters = this.ruleIterators; + + if (iters.length === 0) { + return null; + } + + let len = iters.length; + let iter; + let iterTime; + let iterIdx = 0; + let chosenIter; + + // loop through each iterator + for (; iterIdx < len; iterIdx++) { + iter = iters[iterIdx]; + iterTime = iter.last; + + // if iteration is complete + // then we must exclude it from + // the search and remove it. + if (iter.completed) { + len--; + if (iterIdx !== 0) { + iterIdx--; + } + iters.splice(iterIdx, 1); + continue; + } + + // find the most recent possible choice + if (!chosenIter || chosenIter.last.compare(iterTime) > 0) { + // that iterator is saved + chosenIter = iter; + } + } + + // the chosen iterator is returned but not mutated + // this iterator contains the most recent event. + return chosenIter; + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * This lets typescript resolve our custom types in the + * generated d.ts files (jsdoc typedefs are converted to typescript types). + * Ignore prevents the typedefs from being documented more than once. + * @ignore + * @typedef {import("./types.js").frequencyValues} frequencyValues + * Imports the 'frequencyValues' type from the "types.js" module + * @typedef {import("./types.js").occurrenceDetails} occurrenceDetails + * Imports the 'occurrenceDetails' type from the "types.js" module + */ + +/** + * ICAL.js is organized into multiple layers. The bottom layer is a raw jCal + * object, followed by the component/property layer. The highest level is the + * event representation, which this class is part of. See the + * {@tutorial layers} guide for more details. + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class Event { + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.Event instance. + * + * @param {Component=} component The ICAL.Component to base this event on + * @param {Object} [options] Options for this event + * @param {Boolean=} options.strictExceptions When true, will verify exceptions are related by + * their UUID + * @param {Array=} options.exceptions + * Exceptions to this event, either as components or events. If not + * specified exceptions will automatically be set in relation of + * component's parent + */ + constructor(component, options) { + if (!(component instanceof Component)) { + options = component; + component = null; + } + + if (component) { + this.component = component; + } else { + this.component = new Component('vevent'); + } + + this._rangeExceptionCache = Object.create(null); + this.exceptions = Object.create(null); + this.rangeExceptions = []; + + if (options && options.strictExceptions) { + this.strictExceptions = options.strictExceptions; + } + + if (options && options.exceptions) { + options.exceptions.forEach(this.relateException, this); + } else if (this.component.parent && !this.isRecurrenceException()) { + this.component.parent.getAllSubcomponents('vevent').forEach(function(event) { + if (event.hasProperty('recurrence-id')) { + this.relateException(event); + } + }, this); + } + } + + + static THISANDFUTURE = 'THISANDFUTURE'; + + /** + * List of related event exceptions. + * + * @type {Event[]} + */ + exceptions = null; + + /** + * When true, will verify exceptions are related by their UUID. + * + * @type {Boolean} + */ + strictExceptions = false; + + /** + * Relates a given event exception to this object. If the given component + * does not share the UID of this event it cannot be related and will throw + * an exception. + * + * If this component is an exception it cannot have other exceptions + * related to it. + * + * @param {Component|Event} obj Component or event + */ + relateException(obj) { + if (this.isRecurrenceException()) { + throw new Error('cannot relate exception to exceptions'); + } + + if (obj instanceof Component) { + obj = new Event(obj); + } + + if (this.strictExceptions && obj.uid !== this.uid) { + throw new Error('attempted to relate unrelated exception'); + } + + let id = obj.recurrenceId.toString(); + + // we don't sort or manage exceptions directly + // here the recurrence expander handles that. + this.exceptions[id] = obj; + + // index RANGE=THISANDFUTURE exceptions so we can + // look them up later in getOccurrenceDetails. + if (obj.modifiesFuture()) { + let item = [ + obj.recurrenceId.toUnixTime(), id + ]; + + // we keep them sorted so we can find the nearest + // value later on... + let idx = binsearchInsert( + this.rangeExceptions, + item, + compareRangeException + ); + + this.rangeExceptions.splice(idx, 0, item); + } + } + + /** + * Checks if this record is an exception and has the RANGE=THISANDFUTURE + * value. + * + * @return {Boolean} True, when exception is within range + */ + modifiesFuture() { + if (!this.component.hasProperty('recurrence-id')) { + return false; + } + + let range = this.component.getFirstProperty('recurrence-id').getParameter('range'); + return range === Event.THISANDFUTURE; + } + + /** + * Finds the range exception nearest to the given date. + * + * @param {Time} time usually an occurrence time of an event + * @return {?Event} the related event/exception or null + */ + findRangeException(time) { + if (!this.rangeExceptions.length) { + return null; + } + + let utc = time.toUnixTime(); + let idx = binsearchInsert( + this.rangeExceptions, + [utc], + compareRangeException + ); + + idx -= 1; + + // occurs before + if (idx < 0) { + return null; + } + + let rangeItem = this.rangeExceptions[idx]; + + /* c8 ignore next 4 */ + if (utc < rangeItem[0]) { + // sanity check only + return null; + } + + return rangeItem[1]; + } + + /** + * Returns the occurrence details based on its start time. If the + * occurrence has an exception will return the details for that exception. + * + * NOTE: this method is intend to be used in conjunction + * with the {@link ICAL.Event#iterator iterator} method. + * + * @param {Time} occurrence time occurrence + * @return {occurrenceDetails} Information about the occurrence + */ + getOccurrenceDetails(occurrence) { + let id = occurrence.toString(); + let utcId = occurrence.convertToZone(Timezone.utcTimezone).toString(); + let item; + let result = { + //XXX: Clone? + recurrenceId: occurrence + }; + + if (id in this.exceptions) { + item = result.item = this.exceptions[id]; + result.startDate = item.startDate; + result.endDate = item.endDate; + result.item = item; + } else if (utcId in this.exceptions) { + item = this.exceptions[utcId]; + result.startDate = item.startDate; + result.endDate = item.endDate; + result.item = item; + } else { + // range exceptions (RANGE=THISANDFUTURE) have a + // lower priority then direct exceptions but + // must be accounted for first. Their item is + // always the first exception with the range prop. + let rangeExceptionId = this.findRangeException( + occurrence + ); + let end; + + if (rangeExceptionId) { + let exception = this.exceptions[rangeExceptionId]; + + // range exception must modify standard time + // by the difference (if any) in start/end times. + result.item = exception; + + let startDiff = this._rangeExceptionCache[rangeExceptionId]; + + if (!startDiff) { + let original = exception.recurrenceId.clone(); + let newStart = exception.startDate.clone(); + + // zones must be same otherwise subtract may be incorrect. + original.zone = newStart.zone; + startDiff = newStart.subtractDate(original); + + this._rangeExceptionCache[rangeExceptionId] = startDiff; + } + + let start = occurrence.clone(); + start.zone = exception.startDate.zone; + start.addDuration(startDiff); + + end = start.clone(); + end.addDuration(exception.duration); + + result.startDate = start; + result.endDate = end; + } else { + // no range exception standard expansion + end = occurrence.clone(); + end.addDuration(this.duration); + + result.endDate = end; + result.startDate = occurrence; + result.item = this; + } + } + + return result; + } + + /** + * Builds a recur expansion instance for a specific point in time (defaults + * to startDate). + * + * @param {Time=} startTime Starting point for expansion + * @return {RecurExpansion} Expansion object + */ + iterator(startTime) { + return new RecurExpansion({ + component: this.component, + dtstart: startTime || this.startDate + }); + } + + /** + * Checks if the event is recurring + * + * @return {Boolean} True, if event is recurring + */ + isRecurring() { + let comp = this.component; + return comp.hasProperty('rrule') || comp.hasProperty('rdate'); + } + + /** + * Checks if the event describes a recurrence exception. See + * {@tutorial terminology} for details. + * + * @return {Boolean} True, if the event describes a recurrence exception + */ + isRecurrenceException() { + return this.component.hasProperty('recurrence-id'); + } + + /** + * Returns the types of recurrences this event may have. + * + * Returned as an object with the following possible keys: + * + * - YEARLY + * - MONTHLY + * - WEEKLY + * - DAILY + * - MINUTELY + * - SECONDLY + * + * @return {Object.} + * Object of recurrence flags + */ + getRecurrenceTypes() { + let rules = this.component.getAllProperties('rrule'); + let i = 0; + let len = rules.length; + let result = Object.create(null); + + for (; i < len; i++) { + let value = rules[i].getFirstValue(); + result[value.freq] = true; + } + + return result; + } + + /** + * The uid of this event + * @type {String} + */ + get uid() { + return this._firstProp('uid'); + } + + set uid(value) { + this._setProp('uid', value); + } + + /** + * The start date + * @type {Time} + */ + get startDate() { + return this._firstProp('dtstart'); + } + + set startDate(value) { + this._setTime('dtstart', value); + } + + /** + * The end date. This can be the result directly from the property, or the + * end date calculated from start date and duration. Setting the property + * will remove any duration properties. + * @type {Time} + */ + get endDate() { + let endDate = this._firstProp('dtend'); + if (!endDate) { + let duration = this._firstProp('duration'); + endDate = this.startDate.clone(); + if (duration) { + endDate.addDuration(duration); + } else if (endDate.isDate) { + endDate.day += 1; + } + } + return endDate; + } + + set endDate(value) { + if (this.component.hasProperty('duration')) { + this.component.removeProperty('duration'); + } + this._setTime('dtend', value); + } + + /** + * The duration. This can be the result directly from the property, or the + * duration calculated from start date and end date. Setting the property + * will remove any `dtend` properties. + * @type {Duration} + */ + get duration() { + let duration = this._firstProp('duration'); + if (!duration) { + return this.endDate.subtractDateTz(this.startDate); + } + return duration; + } + + set duration(value) { + if (this.component.hasProperty('dtend')) { + this.component.removeProperty('dtend'); + } + + this._setProp('duration', value); + } + + /** + * The location of the event. + * @type {String} + */ + get location() { + return this._firstProp('location'); + } + + set location(value) { + this._setProp('location', value); + } + + /** + * The attendees in the event + * @type {Property[]} + */ + get attendees() { + //XXX: This is way lame we should have a better + // data structure for this later. + return this.component.getAllProperties('attendee'); + } + + /** + * The event summary + * @type {String} + */ + get summary() { + return this._firstProp('summary'); + } + + set summary(value) { + this._setProp('summary', value); + } + + /** + * The event description. + * @type {String} + */ + get description() { + return this._firstProp('description'); + } + + set description(value) { + this._setProp('description', value); + } + + /** + * The event color from [rfc7986](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7986) + * @type {String} + */ + get color() { + return this._firstProp('color'); + } + + set color(value) { + this._setProp('color', value); + } + + /** + * The organizer value as an uri. In most cases this is a mailto: uri, but + * it can also be something else, like urn:uuid:... + * @type {String} + */ + get organizer() { + return this._firstProp('organizer'); + } + + set organizer(value) { + this._setProp('organizer', value); + } + + /** + * The sequence value for this event. Used for scheduling + * see {@tutorial terminology}. + * @type {Number} + */ + get sequence() { + return this._firstProp('sequence'); + } + + set sequence(value) { + this._setProp('sequence', value); + } + + /** + * The recurrence id for this event. See {@tutorial terminology} for details. + * @type {Time} + */ + get recurrenceId() { + return this._firstProp('recurrence-id'); + } + + set recurrenceId(value) { + this._setTime('recurrence-id', value); + } + + /** + * Set/update a time property's value. + * This will also update the TZID of the property. + * + * TODO: this method handles the case where we are switching + * from a known timezone to an implied timezone (one without TZID). + * This does _not_ handle the case of moving between a known + * (by TimezoneService) timezone to an unknown timezone... + * + * We will not add/remove/update the VTIMEZONE subcomponents + * leading to invalid ICAL data... + * @private + * @param {String} propName The property name + * @param {Time} time The time to set + */ + _setTime(propName, time) { + let prop = this.component.getFirstProperty(propName); + + if (!prop) { + prop = new Property(propName); + this.component.addProperty(prop); + } + + // utc and local don't get a tzid + if ( + time.zone === Timezone.localTimezone || + time.zone === Timezone.utcTimezone + ) { + // remove the tzid + prop.removeParameter('tzid'); + } else { + prop.setParameter('tzid', time.zone.tzid); + } + + prop.setValue(time); + } + + _setProp(name, value) { + this.component.updatePropertyWithValue(name, value); + } + + _firstProp(name) { + return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue(name); + } + + /** + * The string representation of this event. + * @return {String} + */ + toString() { + return this.component.toString(); + } +} + +function compareRangeException(a, b) { + if (a[0] > b[0]) return 1; + if (b[0] > a[0]) return -1; + return 0; +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * The ComponentParser is used to process a String or jCal Object, + * firing callbacks for various found components, as well as completion. + * + * @example + * var options = { + * // when false no events will be emitted for type + * parseEvent: true, + * parseTimezone: true + * }; + * + * var parser = new ICAL.ComponentParser(options); + * + * parser.onevent(eventComponent) { + * //... + * } + * + * // ontimezone, etc... + * + * parser.oncomplete = function() { + * + * }; + * + * parser.process(stringOrComponent); + * + * @memberof ICAL + */ +class ComponentParser { + /** + * Creates a new ICAL.ComponentParser instance. + * + * @param {Object=} options Component parser options + * @param {Boolean} options.parseEvent Whether events should be parsed + * @param {Boolean} options.parseTimezeone Whether timezones should be parsed + */ + constructor(options) { + if (typeof(options) === 'undefined') { + options = {}; + } + + for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) { + this[key] = value; + } + } + + /** + * When true, parse events + * + * @type {Boolean} + */ + parseEvent = true; + + /** + * When true, parse timezones + * + * @type {Boolean} + */ + parseTimezone = true; + + + /* SAX like events here for reference */ + + /** + * Fired when parsing is complete + * @callback + */ + oncomplete = /* c8 ignore next */ function() {}; + + /** + * Fired if an error occurs during parsing. + * + * @callback + * @param {Error} err details of error + */ + onerror = /* c8 ignore next */ function(err) {}; + + /** + * Fired when a top level component (VTIMEZONE) is found + * + * @callback + * @param {Timezone} component Timezone object + */ + ontimezone = /* c8 ignore next */ function(component) {}; + + /** + * Fired when a top level component (VEVENT) is found. + * + * @callback + * @param {Event} component Top level component + */ + onevent = /* c8 ignore next */ function(component) {}; + + /** + * Process a string or parse ical object. This function itself will return + * nothing but will start the parsing process. + * + * Events must be registered prior to calling this method. + * + * @param {Component|String|Object} ical The component to process, + * either in its final form, as a jCal Object, or string representation + */ + process(ical) { + //TODO: this is sync now in the future we will have a incremental parser. + if (typeof(ical) === 'string') { + ical = parse(ical); + } + + if (!(ical instanceof Component)) { + ical = new Component(ical); + } + + let components = ical.getAllSubcomponents(); + let i = 0; + let len = components.length; + let component; + + for (; i < len; i++) { + component = components[i]; + + switch (component.name) { + case 'vtimezone': + if (this.parseTimezone) { + let tzid = component.getFirstPropertyValue('tzid'); + if (tzid) { + this.ontimezone(new Timezone({ + tzid: tzid, + component: component + })); + } + } + break; + case 'vevent': + if (this.parseEvent) { + this.onevent(new Event(component)); + } + break; + default: + continue; + } + } + + //XXX: ideally we should do a "nextTick" here + // so in all cases this is actually async. + this.oncomplete(); + } +} + +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + * Portions Copyright (C) Philipp Kewisch */ + +/** + * The main ICAL module. Provides access to everything else. + * + * @alias ICAL + * @namespace ICAL + * @property {ICAL.design} design + * @property {ICAL.helpers} helpers + */ +var ICALmodule = { + /** + * The number of characters before iCalendar line folding should occur + * @type {Number} + * @default 75 + */ + foldLength: 75, + + debug: false, + + /** + * The character(s) to be used for a newline. The default value is provided by + * rfc5545. + * @type {String} + * @default "\r\n" + */ + newLineChar: '\r\n', + + Binary, + Component, + ComponentParser, + Duration, + Event, + Period, + Property, + Recur, + RecurExpansion, + RecurIterator, + Time, + Timezone, + TimezoneService, + UtcOffset, + VCardTime, + + parse, + stringify, + + design: design$1, + helpers +}; + +return ICALmodule; + +})(); diff --git a/plugins/ics-viewer/index.php b/plugins/ics-viewer/index.php index 75ee7040a..591288392 100644 --- a/plugins/ics-viewer/index.php +++ b/plugins/ics-viewer/index.php @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ class ICSViewerPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin { const NAME = 'ICS Viewer', - VERSION = '1', + AUTHOR = 'PhieF', + VERSION = '1.0', RELEASE = '2024-09-17', CATEGORY = 'Messages', DESCRIPTION = 'Display ICS attachment using ical lib, or JSON-LD details, based on viewICS', @@ -14,7 +15,8 @@ class ICSViewerPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin { // $this->UseLangs(true); $this->addJs('message.js'); - $this->addJs('ical.es5.min.cjs'); $this->addJs('windowsZones.js'); + // Load https://github.com/kewisch/ical.js/releases + $this->addJs('ical.js'); } }