Cleanup encryption methods

Removed asymmetric decryption/encryption because it is limited to key size.
openssl_seal/openssl_open would the choice when needed.
This commit is contained in:
djmaze 2020-12-02 11:25:11 +01:00
parent 605f3acbf4
commit 755fcf43b7
3 changed files with 159 additions and 242 deletions

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@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ class Crypt
return '';
if ($sCipher && \is_callable('openssl_encrypt')) {
$iv = str_pad('', openssl_cipher_iv_length($sCipher), sha1($sKey));
return openssl_encrypt($sString, $sCipher, $sKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
$iv = \str_pad('', \openssl_cipher_iv_length($sCipher), \sha1($sKey));
return \openssl_encrypt($sString, $sCipher, $sKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
return static::XxteaEncrypt($sString, $sKey);
if (\is_callable('xxtea_encrypt')) {
return \xxtea_encrypt($sString, $sKey);
return Xxtea::encrypt($sString, $sKey);
public static function Decrypt(string $sString, string $sKey, string $sCipher = '') : string
@ -36,136 +39,13 @@ class Crypt
return '';
if ($sCipher && \is_callable('openssl_encrypt')) {
$iv = str_pad('', openssl_cipher_iv_length($sCipher), sha1($sKey));
return openssl_decrypt($sString, $sCipher, $sKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
$iv = \str_pad('', \openssl_cipher_iv_length($sCipher), \sha1($sKey));
return \openssl_decrypt($sString, $sCipher, $sKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
return static::XxteaDecrypt($sString, $sKey);
private static function XxteaEncrypt(string $sString, string $sKey) : string
if (\is_callable('xxtea_encrypt')) {
return xxtea_encrypt($sString, $sKey);
$aV = self::str2long($sString, true);
$aK = self::str2long($sKey, false);
if (\count($aK) < 4)
for ($iIndex = \count($aK); $iIndex < 4; $iIndex++)
$aK[$iIndex] = 0;
$iN = \count($aV) - 1;
$iZ = $aV[$iN];
$iY = $aV[0];
$iDelta = 0x9E3779B9;
$iQ = \floor(6 + 52 / ($iN + 1));
$iSum = 0;
while (0 < $iQ--)
$iSum = self::int32($iSum + $iDelta);
$iE = $iSum >> 2 & 3;
for ($iPIndex = 0; $iPIndex < $iN; $iPIndex++)
$iY = $aV[$iPIndex + 1];
$iMx = self::int32((($iZ >> 5 & 0x07ffffff) ^ $iY << 2) +
(($iY >> 3 & 0x1fffffff) ^ $iZ << 4)) ^ self::int32(($iSum ^ $iY) + ($aK[$iPIndex & 3 ^ $iE] ^ $iZ));
$iZ = $aV[$iPIndex] = self::int32($aV[$iPIndex] + $iMx);
$iY = $aV[0];
$iMx = self::int32((($iZ >> 5 & 0x07ffffff) ^ $iY << 2) +
(($iY >> 3 & 0x1fffffff) ^ $iZ << 4)) ^ self::int32(($iSum ^ $iY) + ($aK[$iPIndex & 3 ^ $iE] ^ $iZ));
$iZ = $aV[$iN] = self::int32($aV[$iN] + $iMx);
return self::long2str($aV, false);
private static function XxteaDecrypt(string $sEncryptedString, string $sKey) : string
if (\is_callable('xxtea_decrypt')) {
return xxtea_decrypt($sEncryptedString, $sKey);
return \xxtea_decrypt($sEncryptedString, $sKey);
$aV = self::str2long($sEncryptedString, false);
$aK = self::str2long($sKey, false);
if (\count($aK) < 4)
for ($iIndex = \count($aK); $iIndex < 4; $iIndex++)
$aK[$iIndex] = 0;
$iN = \count($aV) - 1;
$iZ = $aV[$iN];
$iY = $aV[0];
$iDelta = 0x9E3779B9;
$iQ = \floor(6 + 52 / ($iN + 1));
$iSum = self::int32($iQ * $iDelta);
while ($iSum != 0)
$iE = $iSum >> 2 & 3;
for ($iPIndex = $iN; $iPIndex > 0; $iPIndex--)
$iZ = $aV[$iPIndex - 1];
$iMx = self::int32((($iZ >> 5 & 0x07ffffff) ^ $iY << 2) +
(($iY >> 3 & 0x1fffffff) ^ $iZ << 4)) ^ self::int32(($iSum ^ $iY) + ($aK[$iPIndex & 3 ^ $iE] ^ $iZ));
$iY = $aV[$iPIndex] = self::int32($aV[$iPIndex] - $iMx);
$iZ = $aV[$iN];
$iMx = self::int32((($iZ >> 5 & 0x07ffffff) ^ $iY << 2) +
(($iY >> 3 & 0x1fffffff) ^ $iZ << 4)) ^ self::int32(($iSum ^ $iY) + ($aK[$iPIndex & 3 ^ $iE] ^ $iZ));
$iY = $aV[0] = self::int32($aV[0] - $iMx);
$iSum = self::int32($iSum - $iDelta);
return self::long2str($aV, true);
return Xxtea::decrypt($sEncryptedString, $sKey);
private static function long2str(array $aV, bool $aW) : string
$iLen = \count($aV);
$iN = ($iLen - 1) << 2;
if ($aW)
$iM = $aV[$iLen - 1];
if (($iM < $iN - 3) || ($iM > $iN))
return false;
$iN = $iM;
$aS = array();
for ($iIndex = 0; $iIndex < $iLen; $iIndex++)
$aS[$iIndex] = \pack('V', $aV[$iIndex]);
if ($aW)
return \substr(\join('', $aS), 0, $iN);
return \join('', $aS);
private static function str2long(string $sS, string $sW) : array
$aV = \unpack('V*', $sS . \str_repeat("\0", (4 - \strlen($sS) % 4) & 3));
$aV = \array_values($aV);
if ($sW)
$aV[\count($aV)] = \strlen($sS);
return $aV;
private static function int32(int $iN) : int
return $iN & 0xffffffff;

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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
* This file is part of MailSo.
* (c) 2014 Usenko Timur
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace MailSo\Base;
* @category MailSo
* @package Base
class Xxtea
public static function Encrypt(string $sString, string $sKey) : string
$aV = self::str2long($sString, true);
$aK = self::str2long($sKey, false);
if (\count($aK) < 4)
for ($iIndex = \count($aK); $iIndex < 4; $iIndex++)
$aK[$iIndex] = 0;
$iN = \count($aV) - 1;
$iZ = $aV[$iN];
$iY = $aV[0];
$iDelta = 0x9E3779B9;
$iQ = \floor(6 + 52 / ($iN + 1));
$iSum = 0;
while (0 < $iQ--)
$iSum = self::int32($iSum + $iDelta);
$iE = $iSum >> 2 & 3;
for ($iPIndex = 0; $iPIndex < $iN; $iPIndex++)
$iY = $aV[$iPIndex + 1];
$iMx = self::int32((($iZ >> 5 & 0x07ffffff) ^ $iY << 2) +
(($iY >> 3 & 0x1fffffff) ^ $iZ << 4)) ^ self::int32(($iSum ^ $iY) + ($aK[$iPIndex & 3 ^ $iE] ^ $iZ));
$iZ = $aV[$iPIndex] = self::int32($aV[$iPIndex] + $iMx);
$iY = $aV[0];
$iMx = self::int32((($iZ >> 5 & 0x07ffffff) ^ $iY << 2) +
(($iY >> 3 & 0x1fffffff) ^ $iZ << 4)) ^ self::int32(($iSum ^ $iY) + ($aK[$iPIndex & 3 ^ $iE] ^ $iZ));
$iZ = $aV[$iN] = self::int32($aV[$iN] + $iMx);
return self::long2str($aV, false);
public static function Decrypt(string $sEncryptedString, string $sKey) : string
$aV = self::str2long($sEncryptedString, false);
$aK = self::str2long($sKey, false);
if (\count($aK) < 4)
for ($iIndex = \count($aK); $iIndex < 4; $iIndex++)
$aK[$iIndex] = 0;
$iN = \count($aV) - 1;
$iZ = $aV[$iN];
$iY = $aV[0];
$iDelta = 0x9E3779B9;
$iQ = \floor(6 + 52 / ($iN + 1));
$iSum = self::int32($iQ * $iDelta);
while ($iSum != 0)
$iE = $iSum >> 2 & 3;
for ($iPIndex = $iN; $iPIndex > 0; $iPIndex--)
$iZ = $aV[$iPIndex - 1];
$iMx = self::int32((($iZ >> 5 & 0x07ffffff) ^ $iY << 2) +
(($iY >> 3 & 0x1fffffff) ^ $iZ << 4)) ^ self::int32(($iSum ^ $iY) + ($aK[$iPIndex & 3 ^ $iE] ^ $iZ));
$iY = $aV[$iPIndex] = self::int32($aV[$iPIndex] - $iMx);
$iZ = $aV[$iN];
$iMx = self::int32((($iZ >> 5 & 0x07ffffff) ^ $iY << 2) +
(($iY >> 3 & 0x1fffffff) ^ $iZ << 4)) ^ self::int32(($iSum ^ $iY) + ($aK[$iPIndex & 3 ^ $iE] ^ $iZ));
$iY = $aV[0] = self::int32($aV[0] - $iMx);
$iSum = self::int32($iSum - $iDelta);
return self::long2str($aV, true);
private static function long2str(array $aV, bool $aW) : string
$iLen = \count($aV);
$iN = ($iLen - 1) << 2;
if ($aW)
$iM = $aV[$iLen - 1];
if (($iM < $iN - 3) || ($iM > $iN))
return false;
$iN = $iM;
$aS = array();
for ($iIndex = 0; $iIndex < $iLen; $iIndex++)
$aS[$iIndex] = \pack('V', $aV[$iIndex]);
if ($aW)
return \substr(\join('', $aS), 0, $iN);
return \join('', $aS);
private static function str2long(string $sS, string $sW) : array
$aV = \unpack('V*', $sS . \str_repeat("\0", (4 - \strlen($sS) % 4) & 3));
$aV = \array_values($aV);
if ($sW)
$aV[\count($aV)] = \strlen($sS);
return $aV;
private static function int32(int $iN) : int
return $iN & 0xffffffff;

View file

@ -16,90 +16,6 @@ class Utils
static $Cookies = null;
static $RsaKey = null;
public static function RsaPrivateKey() : string
if (!empty(static::$RsaKey))
return static::$RsaKey;
static::$RsaKey = \file_exists(APP_PRIVATE_DATA.'rsa/private') ?
\file_get_contents(APP_PRIVATE_DATA.'rsa/private') : '';
static::$RsaKey = \is_string(static::$RsaKey) ? static::$RsaKey : '';
public static function EncryptStringRSA(string $sString, string $sKey = '') : string
$sResult = '';
$sKey = \md5($sKey);
$sPrivateKey = static::RsaPrivateKey();
if (!empty($sPrivateKey))
$oPrivKey = \openssl_pkey_get_private($sPrivateKey);
$oKeyDetails = \openssl_pkey_get_details($oPrivKey);
if (!empty($oKeyDetails['key']) && !empty($oKeyDetails['bits']))
$oPubKey = \openssl_pkey_get_public($oKeyDetails['key']);
$iC = (($oKeyDetails['bits'] / 8) - 15);
$aString = \str_split($sString, $iC);
foreach ($aString as $iIndex => $sLine)
$sEncrypted = '';
\openssl_public_encrypt($sLine, $sEncrypted, $oPubKey);
$aString[$iIndex] = $sEncrypted;
$aString[] = $sKey;
$sResult = \serialize($aString);
return $sResult;
public static function DecryptStringRSA(string $sString, string $sKey = '') : string
$sResult = '';
$sKey = \md5($sKey);
$sPrivateKey = static::RsaPrivateKey();
if (!empty($sPrivateKey) && !empty($sString))
$oPrivKey = \openssl_pkey_get_private($sPrivateKey);
$aString = \unserialize($sString);
if (\is_array($aString))
if ($sKey === \array_pop($aString))
foreach ($aString as $iIndex => $sLine)
$sDecrypted = '';
\openssl_private_decrypt($sLine, $sDecrypted, $oPrivKey);
$aString[$iIndex] = $sDecrypted;
$sResult = \implode('', $aString);
return $sResult;
public static function EncryptString(string $sString, string $sKey) : string
return \MailSo\Base\Crypt::Encrypt($sString, $sKey);
@ -112,26 +28,12 @@ class Utils
public static function EncryptStringQ(string $sString, string $sKey) : string
// if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('openssl_pkey_get_private'))
// {
// return static::EncryptStringRSA($sString,
// $sKey.'Q'.static::GetShortToken());
// }
return \MailSo\Base\Crypt::Encrypt($sString,
return \MailSo\Base\Crypt::Encrypt($sString, $sKey.'Q'.static::GetShortToken());
public static function DecryptStringQ(string $sEncryptedString, string $sKey) : string
// if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('openssl_pkey_get_private'))
// {
// return static::DecryptStringRSA($sEncryptedString,
// $sKey.'Q'.static::GetShortToken());
// }
return \MailSo\Base\Crypt::Decrypt($sEncryptedString,
return \MailSo\Base\Crypt::Decrypt($sEncryptedString, $sKey.'Q'.static::GetShortToken());
public static function EncodeKeyValues(array $aValues, string $sCustomKey = '') : string
@ -235,14 +137,14 @@ class Utils
if (\file_exists($sFileName))
if ('.yml' === substr($sFileName, -4))
if ('.yml' === \substr($sFileName, -4))
$aLang = \yaml_parse_file($sFileName);
if (\is_array($aLang))
$sLangKey = key($aLang);
if (isset($aLang[$sLangKey]) && is_array($aLang[$sLangKey]))
$sLangKey = \key($aLang);
if (isset($aLang[$sLangKey]) && \is_array($aLang[$sLangKey]))
$aLang = $aLang[$sLangKey];
@ -336,7 +238,7 @@ class Utils
if (null === static::$Cookies)
static::$Cookies = is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
static::$Cookies = \is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
return isset(static::$Cookies[$sName]) ? static::$Cookies[$sName] : $mDefault;
@ -346,7 +248,7 @@ class Utils
if (null === static::$Cookies)
static::$Cookies = is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
static::$Cookies = \is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
if (null === $sPath)
@ -375,7 +277,7 @@ class Utils
if (null === static::$Cookies)
static::$Cookies = is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
static::$Cookies = \is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
$sPath = static::$CookieDefaultPath;
@ -430,11 +332,7 @@ class Utils
public static function CustomParseIniFile(string $sFileName, bool $bProcessSections = false) : array
// if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('parse_ini_file'))
// {
// return \parse_ini_file($sFileName, !!$bProcessSections);
// }
return @\parse_ini_string(\file_get_contents($sFileName), $bProcessSections) ?: array();
return @\parse_ini_file($sFileName, !!$bProcessSections) ?: array();
// return @\parse_ini_string(\file_get_contents($sFileName), $bProcessSections) ?: array();