Experimental support for wildcards in the domain name.

This commit is contained in:
RainLoop Team 2014-02-08 03:28:11 +04:00
parent ab07d102f9
commit 93e09effba
5 changed files with 276 additions and 253 deletions

View file

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ function PopupsDomainViewModel()
this.smtpServerFocus = ko.observable(false);
this.name = ko.observable('');
this.name.focused = ko.observable(false);
this.imapServer = ko.observable('');
this.imapPort = ko.observable(Consts.Values.ImapDefaulPort);
this.imapSecure = ko.observable(Enums.ServerSecure.None);
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ function PopupsDomainViewModel()
this.imapServerFocus.subscribe(function (bValue) {
if (bValue && '' !== this.name() && '' === this.imapServer())
this.imapServer(this.name().replace(/[.]?[*][.]?/g, ''));
}, this);
@ -186,6 +188,14 @@ PopupsDomainViewModel.prototype.onShow = function (oDomain)
PopupsDomainViewModel.prototype.onFocus = function ()
if ('' === this.name())
PopupsDomainViewModel.prototype.onBuild = function ()
var self = this;
@ -208,6 +218,8 @@ PopupsDomainViewModel.prototype.clearForm = function ()

View file

@ -1,247 +1,246 @@
namespace RainLoop\Providers\Domain;
class DefaultDomain implements \RainLoop\Providers\Domain\DomainAdminInterface
* @var string
protected $sDomainPath;
* @param string $sDomainPath
* @return void
public function __construct($sDomainPath)
$this->sDomainPath = \rtrim(\trim($sDomainPath), '\\/');
* @param string $sName
* @param bool $bBack = false
* @return string
public function codeFileName($sName, $bBack = false)
if ($bBack && 'default' === $sName)
return '*';
else if (!$bBack && '*' === $sName)
return 'default';
$sName = \strtolower($sName);
return $bBack ? \str_replace('_wildcard_', '*', $sName) : \str_replace('*', '_wildcard_', $sName);
* @param string $sName
* @param bool $bDisable
* @return bool
public function Disable($sName, $bDisable)
$sFile = '';
if (\file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled'))
$sFile = @\file_get_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled');
$aResult = array();
$aNames = \explode(',', $sFile);
if ($bDisable)
\array_push($aNames, $sName);
$aResult = $aNames;
foreach ($aNames as $sItem)
if ($sName !== $sItem)
$aResult[] = $sItem;
$aResult = \array_unique($aResult);
return false !== \file_put_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled', \trim(\implode(',', $aResult), ', '));
* @param string $sName
* @param bool $bFindWithWildCard = false
* @return \RainLoop\Domain | null
public function Load($sName, $bFindWithWildCard = false)
$mResult = null;
$sName = \strtolower($sName);
$sRealFileName = $this->codeFileName($sName);
if (\file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini'))
$mResult = \RainLoop\Domain::NewInstanceFromDomainConfigArray(
$sName, @\parse_ini_file($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini'));
if ($mResult instanceof \RainLoop\Domain)
if (\file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled'))
$sDisabled = @\file_get_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled');
if (false !== $sDisabled && 0 < \strlen($sDisabled))
$mResult->SetDisabled(false !== \strpos(strtolower(','.$sDisabled.','), \strtolower(','.$sName.',')));
else if ($bFindWithWildCard)
// $sNames = '';
// $aNames = array();
// $aList = \glob($this->sDomainPath.'/*.ini');
// foreach ($aList as $sFile)
// {
// $sName = \strtolower(\substr(\basename($sFile), 0, -4));
// if ('default' === $sName || false !== strpos($sName, '_wildcard_'))
// {
// $aNames[] = $this->codeFileName($sName, true);
// }
// }
// if (0 < \count($aNames))
// {
// \rsort($sNames, SORT_STRING);
// $sNames = \implode(' ', $aNames);
// }
// if (0 < \strlen($sNames))
// {
// $sFoundedValue = '';
// if (\RainLoop\Plugins\Helper::ValidateWildcardValues($sName, $sNames, $sFoundedValue) && 0 < \strlen($sFoundedValue))
// {
// $mResult = $this->Load($sFoundedValue, false);
// }
// }
$mResult = $this->Load('default', false);
return $mResult;
* @param \RainLoop\Domain $oDomain
* @return bool
public function Save(\RainLoop\Domain $oDomain)
$sName = \strtolower($oDomain->Name());
$sRealFileName = $this->codeFileName($sName);
$mResult = \file_put_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini', $oDomain->ToIniString());
return \is_int($mResult) && 0 < $mResult;
* @param string $sName
* @return bool
public function Delete($sName)
$bResult = true;
$sName = \strtolower($sName);
$sRealFileName = $this->codeFileName($sName);
if (0 < \strlen($sName) && \file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini'))
$bResult = \unlink($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini');
if ($bResult)
$this->Disable($sName, false);
return $bResult;
* @param int $iOffset
* @param int $iLimit = 20
* @return array
public function GetList($iOffset, $iLimit = 20)
$aResult = array();
$aWildCards = array();
$aList = \glob($this->sDomainPath.'/*.ini');
foreach ($aList as $sFile)
$sName = \strtolower(\substr(\basename($sFile), 0, -4));
$sName = $this->codeFileName($sName, true);
if (false === \strpos($sName, '*'))
$aResult[] = $sName;
$aWildCards[] = $sName;
\sort($aResult, SORT_STRING);
\rsort($aWildCards, SORT_STRING);
$aResult = \array_merge($aResult, $aWildCards);
$iOffset = (0 > $iOffset) ? 0 : $iOffset;
$iLimit = (0 > $iLimit) ? 0 : ((999 < $iLimit) ? 999 : $iLimit);
$aResult = \array_slice($aResult, $iOffset, $iLimit);
$aDisabledNames = array();
if (0 < \count($aResult) && \file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled'))
$sDisabled = @\file_get_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled');
if (false !== $sDisabled && 0 < strlen($sDisabled))
$aDisabledNames = \explode(',', strtolower($sDisabled));
$aDisabledNames = \array_unique($aDisabledNames);
$aReturn = array();
foreach ($aResult as $sName)
$aReturn[$sName] = !\in_array(\strtolower($sName), $aDisabledNames);
return $aReturn;
* @param string $sSearch = ''
* @return int
public function Count()
return \count($this->GetList(0, 999));
namespace RainLoop\Providers\Domain;
class DefaultDomain implements \RainLoop\Providers\Domain\DomainAdminInterface
* @var string
protected $sDomainPath;
* @param string $sDomainPath
* @return void
public function __construct($sDomainPath)
$this->sDomainPath = \rtrim(\trim($sDomainPath), '\\/');
* @param string $sName
* @param bool $bBack = false
* @return string
public function codeFileName($sName, $bBack = false)
if ($bBack && 'default' === $sName)
return '*';
else if (!$bBack && '*' === $sName)
return 'default';
$sName = \strtolower($sName);
return $bBack ? \str_replace('_wildcard_', '*', $sName) : \str_replace('*', '_wildcard_', $sName);
* @param string $sName
* @param bool $bDisable
* @return bool
public function Disable($sName, $bDisable)
$sFile = '';
if (\file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled'))
$sFile = @\file_get_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled');
$aResult = array();
$aNames = \explode(',', $sFile);
if ($bDisable)
\array_push($aNames, $sName);
$aResult = $aNames;
foreach ($aNames as $sItem)
if ($sName !== $sItem)
$aResult[] = $sItem;
$aResult = \array_unique($aResult);
return false !== \file_put_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled', \trim(\implode(',', $aResult), ', '));
* @param string $sName
* @param bool $bFindWithWildCard = false
* @return \RainLoop\Domain | null
public function Load($sName, $bFindWithWildCard = false)
$mResult = null;
$sName = \strtolower($sName);
$sRealFileName = $this->codeFileName($sName);
if (\file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini'))
$mResult = \RainLoop\Domain::NewInstanceFromDomainConfigArray(
$sName, @\parse_ini_file($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini'));
else if ($bFindWithWildCard)
$sNames = '';
$aNames = array();
$aList = \glob($this->sDomainPath.'/*.ini');
foreach ($aList as $sFile)
$sName = \strtolower(\substr(\basename($sFile), 0, -4));
if ('default' === $sName || false !== strpos($sName, '_wildcard_'))
$aNames[] = $this->codeFileName($sName, true);
if (0 < \count($aNames))
\rsort($aNames, SORT_STRING);
$sNames = \implode(' ', $aNames);
if (0 < \strlen($sNames))
$sFoundedValue = '';
if (\RainLoop\Plugins\Helper::ValidateWildcardValues($sName, $sNames, $sFoundedValue) && 0 < \strlen($sFoundedValue))
$mResult = $this->Load($sFoundedValue, false);
if ($mResult instanceof \RainLoop\Domain)
if (\file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled'))
$sDisabled = @\file_get_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled');
if (false !== $sDisabled && 0 < \strlen($sDisabled))
$mResult->SetDisabled(false !== \strpos(strtolower(','.$sDisabled.','), \strtolower(','.$sName.',')));
return $mResult;
* @param \RainLoop\Domain $oDomain
* @return bool
public function Save(\RainLoop\Domain $oDomain)
$sName = \strtolower($oDomain->Name());
$sRealFileName = $this->codeFileName($sName);
$mResult = \file_put_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini', $oDomain->ToIniString());
return \is_int($mResult) && 0 < $mResult;
* @param string $sName
* @return bool
public function Delete($sName)
$bResult = true;
$sName = \strtolower($sName);
$sRealFileName = $this->codeFileName($sName);
if (0 < \strlen($sName) && \file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini'))
$bResult = \unlink($this->sDomainPath.'/'.$sRealFileName.'.ini');
if ($bResult)
$this->Disable($sName, false);
return $bResult;
* @param int $iOffset
* @param int $iLimit = 20
* @return array
public function GetList($iOffset, $iLimit = 20)
$aResult = array();
$aWildCards = array();
$aList = \glob($this->sDomainPath.'/*.ini');
foreach ($aList as $sFile)
$sName = \strtolower(\substr(\basename($sFile), 0, -4));
$sName = $this->codeFileName($sName, true);
if (false === \strpos($sName, '*'))
$aResult[] = $sName;
$aWildCards[] = $sName;
\sort($aResult, SORT_STRING);
\rsort($aWildCards, SORT_STRING);
$aResult = \array_merge($aResult, $aWildCards);
$iOffset = (0 > $iOffset) ? 0 : $iOffset;
$iLimit = (0 > $iLimit) ? 0 : ((999 < $iLimit) ? 999 : $iLimit);
$aResult = \array_slice($aResult, $iOffset, $iLimit);
$aDisabledNames = array();
if (0 < \count($aResult) && \file_exists($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled'))
$sDisabled = @\file_get_contents($this->sDomainPath.'/disabled');
if (false !== $sDisabled && 0 < strlen($sDisabled))
$aDisabledNames = \explode(',', strtolower($sDisabled));
$aDisabledNames = \array_unique($aDisabledNames);
$aReturn = array();
foreach ($aResult as $sName)
$aReturn[$sName] = !\in_array(\strtolower($sName), $aDisabledNames);
return $aReturn;
* @param string $sSearch = ''
* @return int
public function Count()
return \count($this->GetList(0, 999));

View file

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
<form class="form-horizontal domain-form" action="#/" onsubmit="return false;">
<div class="row" data-bind="visible: !edit()">
<div class="span8">
Name <span style="color: #aaa">(wildcard supported)</span>
<br />
<input type="text" data-bind="value: name, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'" />
<input type="text" data-bind="value: name, hasfocus: name.focused, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'" />
<span class="error-desc" data-bind="text: savingError"></span>
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
List of users webmail is allowed to access.
Use a space as delimiter.
<textarea class="input-xxlarge" style="width: 600px" rows="8" data-bind="value: whiteList"></textarea>
<textarea class="input-xxlarge" style="width: 600px" rows="8" data-bind="value: whiteList" tabindex="-1"></textarea>

View file

@ -4498,6 +4498,8 @@ function PopupsDomainViewModel()
this.smtpServerFocus = ko.observable(false);
this.name = ko.observable('');
this.name.focused = ko.observable(false);
this.imapServer = ko.observable('');
this.imapPort = ko.observable(Consts.Values.ImapDefaulPort);
this.imapSecure = ko.observable(Enums.ServerSecure.None);
@ -4512,7 +4514,7 @@ function PopupsDomainViewModel()
this.imapServerFocus.subscribe(function (bValue) {
if (bValue && '' !== this.name() && '' === this.imapServer())
this.imapServer(this.name().replace(/[.]?[*][.]?/g, ''));
}, this);
@ -4662,6 +4664,14 @@ PopupsDomainViewModel.prototype.onShow = function (oDomain)
PopupsDomainViewModel.prototype.onFocus = function ()
if ('' === this.name())
PopupsDomainViewModel.prototype.onBuild = function ()
var self = this;
@ -4684,6 +4694,8 @@ PopupsDomainViewModel.prototype.clearForm = function ()

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long