diff --git a/rainloop/v/0.0.0/langs/admin/nl.ini b/rainloop/v/0.0.0/langs/admin/nl.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11d86e5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rainloop/v/0.0.0/langs/admin/nl.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+LABEL_LOGIN = "Inlognaam"
+LABEL_PASSWORD = "Wachtwoord"
+BUTTON_LOGIN = "Aanmelden in het beheer paneel"
+LABEL_PREMIUM = "Premium"
+LABEL_ADMIN_PANEL = "Beheer paneel"
+LABEL_LOGIN_NAME = "Inlognaam"
+LABEL_CONTACTS_NAME = "Contactpersonen"
+LABEL_SECURITY_NAME = "Beveiliging"
+LABEL_PLUGINS_NAME = "Invoegtoepassingen"
+LABEL_LICENSING_NAME = "Licentieovereenkomst"
+LABEL_LANGUAGE_ADMIN = "Taal (admin)"
+LABEL_THEME = "Thema"
+LABEL_ALLOW_LANGUAGES_ON_SETTINGS = "Sta taalselectie toe in het instellingen scherm"
+LABEL_ALLOW_THEMES_ON_SETTINGS = "Sta thema selectie toe in het instellingen scherm"
+LABEL_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_ON_SETTINGS = "Sta achtergrond selectie toe in het instellingen scherm"
+LABEL_SHOW_THUMBNAILS = "Toon miniaturen (bijlage)"
+LEGEND_MAIN = "Diverse"
+LABEL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE_LIMIT = "Maximale bijlage grootte"
+LABEL_ALLOW_ADDITIONAL_ACCOUNTS = "Sta extra accounts toe"
+LABEL_ALLOW_TEMPLATES = "Sta templates toe"
+ALERT_WARNING = "Waarschuwing!"
+HTML_ALERT_WEAK_PASSWORD = "U gebruikt het standaard beheer wachtwoord.
+a.u.b. voor uw veiligheid direct het wachtwoord."
+LEGEND_LOGIN_SCREEN = "Login scherm"
+LABEL_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "Standaard domein"
+LABEL_DETERMINE_USER_DOMAIN = "Probeer gebruikersdomein te bepalen"
+LABEL_ALLOW_LANGUAGES_ON_LOGIN = "Sta taal selectie toe in het login scherm"
+LABEL_DETERMINE_USER_LANGUAGE = "Probeer gebruiker taal te bepalen"
+LEGEND_BRANDING = "Huisstijl"
+LABEL_PAGE_TITLE = "Pagina titel"
+LABEL_LOADING_DESCRIPTION = "Beschrijving tijdens laden"
+LEGEND_LOGIN = "Login scherm"
+LABEL_LOGIN_SHOW_POWERED_LINK = "Toon \"Powered by RainLoop\" link"
+LEGEND_USER = "Gebruiker"
+LEGEND_WELCOME_PAGE = "Welcom pagina"
+HTML_ALERT_PREMIUM = "Deze functionaliteit is alleen beschikbaar voor Premium abonnees."
+LEGEND_CONTACTS = "Contactpersonen"
+LABEL_ENABLE_CONTACTS = "Contactpersonen inschakelen"
+LABEL_ALLOW_SYNC = "Contactpersoon synchronisatie (met externe CardDAV server) inschakelen"
+LABEL_STORAGE_USER = "Gebruikersnaam"
+ALERT_NOTICE = "Aandacht!"
+HTML_ALERT_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_DATABASE = "Gegruik deze database soort niet met een groot aantal actieve gebrukers."
+HTML_ALERT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Uw systeem ondersteund geen contactpersonen.
+U moet een PDO (SQLite / MySQL / PostgreSQL) extentie op uw server installeren of activeren."
+LEGEND_DOMAINS = "Domeinen"
+BUTTON_ADD_DOMAIN = "Domein toevoegen"
+DELETE_ARE_YOU_SURE = "Weet u het zeker?"
+HTML_DOMAINS_HELPER = "Lijst van toegestane domeinen.
Klik op de domeinnaam om deze te configureren."
+LEGEND_SECURITY = "Beveiliging"
+LABEL_ALLOW_TWO_STEP = "2-Stap verificatie toestaan"
+LABEL_FORCE_TWO_STEP = "2-Stap verificatie afdwingen"
+LABEL_USE_IMAGE_PROXY = "Gebruik de server als proxy voor externe afbeeldingen"
+LABEL_ALLOW_OPEN_PGP = "OpenPGP toestaan"
+LABEL_SHOW_PHP_INFO = "PHP informatie tonen"
+LEGEND_ADMIN_PANEL_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS = "Toegangsgegevens beheer paneel"
+LABEL_CURRENT_PASSWORD = "Huidig wachtwoord"
+LABEL_NEW_LOGIN = "Nieuwe gebruikersnaam"
+LABEL_NEW_PASSWORD = "Nieuw wachtwoord"
+LABEL_REPEAT_PASSWORD = "Herhaal nieuw wachtwoord"
+BUTTON_UPDATE_PASSWORD = "Gegevens bijwerken"
+LABEL_REQUIRE_VERIFICATION = "Verificatie van SSL certificaten (IMAP/SMTP)"
+LABEL_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED = "Sta zelf ondertekende certificaten toe"
+LABEL_ENABLE_GOOGLE = "Google integratie inschakelen"
+LABEL_GOOGLE_AUTH = "Autorisatie"
+LABEL_GOOGLE_DRIVE = "Google Drive integratie (tijdens bericht opstellen)"
+LABEL_GOOGLE_PREVIEW = "Google Viewer integratie (Microsoft Word, Excel en PowerPoint voorbeelweergave)"
+HINT_GOOGLE_API_KEY = "Vereist voor Google Drive bestand verkenner"
+LABEL_ENABLE_FACEBOOK = "Facebook integratie (autorisatie) inschakelen"
+LABEL_ENABLE_TWITTER = "Twitter integratie (autorisatie) inschakelen"
+LABEL_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = "Consumer sleutel"
+LABEL_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = "Consumer geheime sleutel"
+LABEL_ENABLE_DROPBOX = "Dropbox integratie"
+TOP_ALERT = "Gedetaileerde informatie over integraties is te vinden op"
+LEGEND_PLUGINS = "Invoegtoepassingen"
+LABEL_ENABLE_PLUGINS = "Invoegtoepassingen inschakelen"
+ALERT_NO_PLUGINS = "Er zijn nog geen invoegtoepassingen geïnstalleerd"
+LINK_INSTALL_NEW = "Klik hier om een invoegtoepassing te installeren!"
+HINT_CLICK_NAME = "Klik op de naam om de invoegtoepassing te configuren."
+LEGEND_AVAILABLE_FOR_UPDATE = "Available for Update"
+LEGEND_AVAILABLE_FOR_INSTALLATION = "Available for Installation"
+ALERT_CANNOT_ACCESS_REPOSITORY = "Cannot access the repository at the moment."
+LABEL_YOUR_DOMAIN = "Your domain"
+LABEL_VERSION = "Version"
+LABEL_CHECKING = "Checking"
+TYPE_BASIC_HINT = "This domain isn't licensed for commercial use (with additional features)."
+TYPE_BASIC_HINT_2 = "This domain can't be licensed."
+HTML_ALERT_TOP_1 = "RainLoop Webmail is licensed under"
+HTML_ALERT_TOP_2 = "You are free to use it for your personal projects."
+HTML_ALERT_TOP_3 = "Commercial use (with additional features) of RainLoop Webmail requires getting a
+TYPE_PREMIUM_HINT = "This domain isn't licensed for commercial use (with additional features)."
+LABEL_SUB_EXPIRES = "Subscription expires:"
+BUTTON_ACTIVATE = "Activate Subscription Key for this domain"
+LABEL_TAG_HINT = "Simple, modern & fast web-based email client"
+LABEL_ALL_RIGHTS_RESERVED = "All Rights Reserved."
+HINT_READ_CHANGE_LOG = "Please read the change log before updating."
+HINT_IS_UP_TO_DATE = "RainLoop is up to date."
+HTML_NEW_VERSION = "New %VERSION% version is available."
+LABEL_UPDATING = "Updating"
+LABEL_CHECKING = "Checking for updates"
+TITLE_ACTIVATE = "Activate Subscription Key?"
+TITLE_ACTIVATION = "Activation..."
+LABEL_DOMAIN = "Domain"
+LABEL_SUB_KEY = "Subscription Key"
+LABEL_ACTIVATED = "Activated"
+ERROR_INVALID_SUBS_KEY = "Invalid Subscription Key"
+SUBS_KEY_ACTIVATED = "Subscription Key Activated Successfully"
+HTML_DESC = "After activation, premium subscription for %DOMAIN% will be extended.
+Note that subscription key can be activated for a single domain only.
+Once started, the process of activation cannot be aborted or cancelled."
+TITLE_ADD_DOMAIN = "Add Domain"
+TITLE_EDIT_DOMAIN = "Edit Domain \"%NAME%\""
+LABEL_NAME = "Name"
+NAME_HELPER = "wildcard supported"
+LABEL_SERVER = "Server"
+LABEL_PORT = "Port"
+LABEL_SECURE = "Secure"
+LABEL_WHITE_LIST = "White List"
+LABEL_ALLOW_SIEVE_SCRIPTS = "Allow sieve scripts"
+LABEL_ALLOW_USER_SCRIPT = "Allow custom user script"
+LABEL_USE_SHORT_LOGIN = "Use short login"
+LABEL_USE_AUTH = "Use authentication"
+LABEL_USE_PHP_MAIL = "Use php mail() function"
+BUTTON_SIEVE_CONFIGURATION = "Sieve configuration"
+BUTTON_BACK_TO_IMAP = "Back to IMAP settings"
+WHITE_LIST_ALERT = "List of domain users webmail is allowed to access.
+Use a space as delimiter."
+TITLE_PLUGIN = "Plugin"
+DESC_NOTHING_TO_CONFIGURE = "Nothing to configure"
+DESC_WANT_CLOSE_THIS_WINDOW = "Are you sure you want to close this window?"
+DESC_WANT_DELETE_MESSAGES = "Are you sure you want to delete the message(s)?"
+TITLE_LANGUAGES = "Choose your language"
+BETA = "beta"
+UNSTABLE = "unstable"
+WARNING = "Warning!"
+NOT_SUPPORTED = "not supported"
+REQUIRES_PHP_54 = "requires PHP 5.4 or greater"
+DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Domain already exists"
+UNKNOWN_ERROR = "Unknown error"
+INVALID_TOKEN = "Invalid token"
+AUTH_ERROR = "Authentication failed"
+ACCESS_ERROR = "Access error"
+CONNECTION_ERROR = "Can't connect to server"
+SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE = "This social ID is not assigned for any email account yet. Log in using email credentials and enable this feature in account settings."
+SOCIAL_TWITTER_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE = "This social ID is not assigned for any email account yet. Log in using email credentials and enable this feature in account settings."
+SOCIAL_GOOGLE_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE = "This social ID is not assigned for any email account yet. Log in using email credentials and enable this feature in account settings."
+DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWED = "Domain is not allowed"
+ACCOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED = "Account is not allowed"
+ACCOUNT_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_REQUIRED = "Two factor verification required"
+ACCOUNT_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_ERROR = "Two factor verification error"
+COULD_NOT_SAVE_NEW_PASSWORD = "Could not save new password"
+CURRENT_PASSWORD_INCORRECT = "Current password incorrect"
+NEW_PASSWORD_SHORT = "Password is too short"
+NEW_PASSWORD_WEAK = "Password is too easy"
+NEW_PASSWORD_FORBIDDENT = "Password contains forbidden characters"
+CONTACTS_SYNC_ERROR = "Contacts synchronization error"
+CANT_GET_MESSAGE_LIST = "Can't get message list"
+CANT_GET_MESSAGE = "Can't get message"
+CANT_DELETE_MESSAGE = "Can't delete message"
+CANT_MOVE_MESSAGE = "Can't move message"
+CANT_SAVE_MESSAGE = "Can't save message"
+CANT_SEND_MESSAGE = "Can't send message"
+INVALID_RECIPIENTS = "Invalid recipients"
+CANT_SAVE_FILTERS = "Can't save filters"
+CANT_GET_FILTERS = "Can't get filters"
+FILTERS_ARE_NOT_CORRECT = "Filters are not correct"
+CANT_CREATE_FOLDER = "Can't create folder"
+CANT_RENAME_FOLDER = "Can't rename folder"
+CANT_DELETE_FOLDER = "Can't delete folder"
+CANT_DELETE_NON_EMPTY_FOLDER = "Can't delete non-empty directory"
+CANT_SUBSCRIBE_FOLDER = "Can't subscribe folder"
+CANT_UNSUBSCRIBE_FOLDER = "Can't unsubscribe folder"
+CANT_SAVE_SETTINGS = "Can't save settings"
+CANT_SAVE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS = "Can't save settings"
+DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Domain already exists"
+CANT_INSTALL_PACKAGE = "Failed to install package"
+CANT_DELETE_PACKAGE = "Failed to remove package"
+INVALID_PLUGIN_PACKAGE = "Invalid plugin package"
+UNSUPPORTED_PLUGIN_PACKAGE = "Unsupported plugin package"
+LICENSING_SERVER_IS_UNAVAILABLE = "Subscription server is unvailable"
+LICENSING_DOMAIN_EXPIRED = "Subscription for this domain has expired."
+LICENSING_DOMAIN_BANNED = "Subscription for this domain is banned."
+DEMO_SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR = "For security purposes, this account is not allowed to send messages to external e-mail addresses!"
+DEMO_ACCOUNT_ERROR = "For security purposes, this account is not allowed for this action!"
+ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Account already exists"
+MAIL_SERVER_ERROR = "An error has occured while accessing mail server"
+INVALID_INPUT_ARGUMENT = "Invalid input argument"
+UNKNOWN_ERROR = "Unknown error"
+BACK_LINK = "Reload"
+DOMAIN_LIST_DESC = "List of domains webmail is allowed to access."
+PHP_EXSTENSIONS_ERROR_DESC = "Required PHP extension are not available in your PHP configuration!"
+PHP_VERSION_ERROR_DESC = "Your PHP version (%VERSION%) is lower than the minimal required 5.3.0!"
+NO_SCRIPT_TITLE = "JavaScript is required for this application."
+NO_SCRIPT_DESC = "JavaScript support is not available in your browser.
+Please enable JavaScript support in your browser settings and retry."
+NO_COOKIE_TITLE = "Cookies support is required for this application."
+NO_COOKIE_DESC = "Cookies support is not available in your browser.
+Please enable Cookie support in your browser settings and retry."
+BAD_BROWSER_TITLE = "Your browser is outdated."
+BAD_BROWSER_DESC = "To use all the features of the application,
+download and install one of these browsers:"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rainloop/v/0.0.0/langs/nl.ini b/rainloop/v/0.0.0/langs/nl.ini
index e26234d81..6dd376ef4 100644
--- a/rainloop/v/0.0.0/langs/nl.ini
+++ b/rainloop/v/0.0.0/langs/nl.ini
@@ -397,17 +397,17 @@ BUTTON_CREATE = "Nieuwe geheime sleutel aanmaken"
+BUTTON_DONE = "Klaar"
LINK_TEST = "test"
BUTTON_SHOW_SECRET = "Bekijk geheime sleutel"
BUTTON_HIDE_SECRET = "Verberg geheime sleutel"
-TWO_FACTOR_REQUIRE_DESC = "Your account requires 2-Step verification configuration."
+TWO_FACTOR_REQUIRE_DESC = "Uw account vereist 2-Stap verificatie configuratie."
TWO_FACTOR_SECRET_DESC = "Importeer deze informatie in uw Google Authenticator-client (of andere TOTP-client) door gebruik te maken van de QR code hier beneden of door de code handmatig in te voeren."
-TWO_FACTOR_BACKUP_CODES_DESC = "Als u geen codes ontvangt via de Google Authenticator kan je de backup codes gebruiken om in te loggen. Na gebruik van de backup code wordt deze inactief."
-TWO_FACTOR_SECRET_TEST_BEFORE_DESC = "You can't change this setting before test."
+TWO_FACTOR_BACKUP_CODES_DESC = "Als u geen codes ontvangt via de Google Authenticator kunt u de backup codes gebruiken om in te loggen. Na gebruik van de backup code wordt deze inactief."
+TWO_FACTOR_SECRET_TEST_BEFORE_DESC = "U kunt deze instelling niet wijzigen voor het testen."
LOADING = "Ophalen..."