Avatars plugin now supports Identicons

and added draft code for Nextcloud Contacts
This commit is contained in:
the-djmaze 2022-11-29 11:49:26 +01:00
parent 0863976859
commit a492b5bdf9
3 changed files with 903 additions and 17 deletions

View file

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
(rl => {
queue = [],
avatars = new Map,
ncAvatars = new Map,
templateId = 'MailMessageView',
getAvatarUid = msg => {
let from = msg.from[0],
bimi = 'pass' == from.dkimStatus ? 1 : 0;
return `${bimi}/${from.email.toLowerCase()}`;
getAvatar = msg => avatars.get(getAvatarUid(msg)),
getAvatar = msg => ncAvatars.get(msg.from[0].email.toLowerCase()) || avatars.get(getAvatarUid(msg)),
runQueue = (() => {
let item = queue.shift();
while (item) {
@ -17,15 +19,18 @@
item = queue.shift();
} else {
// TODO: fetch vCard from Nextcloud contacts
// let cfg = rl.settings.get('Nextcloud'),
let from = item[0].from[0];
rl.pluginRemoteRequest((iError, data) => {
if (!iError && data?.Result.type) {
url = `data:${data.Result.type};base64,${data.Result.data}`;
avatars.set(getAvatarUid(item[0]), url);
} else if (window.identiconSvg) {
window.identiconSvg(from.email).then(svg => {
url = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+btoa(svg);
avatars.set(getAvatarUid(item[0]), url);
}, 'Avatar', {
@ -37,6 +42,57 @@
* Loads images from Nextcloud contacts
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
if (parent.OC) {
const OC = () => parent.OC,
nsDAV = 'DAV:',
nsNC = 'http://nextcloud.com/ns',
nsCard = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav',
getElementsByTagName = (parent, namespace, localName) => parent.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace, localName),
getElementValue = (parent, namespace, localName) =>
getElementsByTagName(parent, namespace, localName)?.item(0)?.textContent,
generateUrl = path => OC().webroot + '/remote.php' + path;
if (OC().requestToken) {
fetch(generateUrl(`/dav/addressbooks/users/${OC().currentUser}/contacts/`), {
mode: 'same-origin',
cache: 'no-cache',
redirect: 'error',
credentials: 'same-origin',
method: 'REPORT',
headers: {
requesttoken: OC().requestToken,
'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset=utf-8',
Depth: 1
body: '<x4:addressbook-query xmlns:x4="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav"><x0:prop xmlns:x0="DAV:"><x4:address-data><x4:prop name="EMAIL"/></x4:address-data><x3:has-photo xmlns:x3="http://nextcloud.com/ns"/></x0:prop></x4:addressbook-query>'
.then(response => (response.status < 400) ? response.text() : Promise.reject(new Error({ response })))
.then(text => {
xmlParser = new DOMParser(),
responseList = getElementsByTagName(
xmlParser.parseFromString(text, 'application/xml').documentElement,
for (let i = 0; i < responseList.length; ++i) {
const item = responseList.item(i);
if (1 == getElementValue(item, nsNC, 'has-photo')) {
[...getElementValue(item, nsCard, 'address-data').matchAll(/EMAIL.*?:([^@\r\n]+@[^@\r\n]+)/g)].forEach(match => {
getElementValue(item, nsDAV, 'href') + '?photo'
ko.bindingHandlers.fromPic = {
init: (element, self, dummy, msg) => {
if (msg) {
@ -46,6 +102,13 @@
} else if (msg.avatar) {
let bimi = 'pass' == msg.from[0].dkimStatus ? 1 : 0;
if (window.identiconSvg) {
element.onerror = () => {
window.identiconSvg(msg.from[0].email).then(svg =>
} else {
queue.push([msg, fn]);

View file

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ class AvatarsPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
NAME = 'Avatars',
AUTHOR = 'SnappyMail',
URL = 'https://snappymail.eu/',
VERSION = '1.1',
RELEASE = '2022-11-27',
VERSION = '1.2',
RELEASE = '2022-11-29',
REQUIRED = '2.22.4',
CATEGORY = 'Contacts',
@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ class AvatarsPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
$this->addJsonHook('Avatar', 'DoAvatar');
$this->addPartHook('Avatar', 'ServiceAvatar');
// $this->addHook('filter.app-data', 'FilterAppData');
// https://github.com/the-djmaze/snappymail/issues/714
$this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'delay', true)
|| $this->addHook('filter.json-response', 'FilterJsonResponse');
$this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'delay', true) || $this->addHook('filter.json-response', 'FilterJsonResponse');
$this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'identicon', false) && $this->addJs('jdenticon.js');
public function FilterJsonResponse(string $sAction, array &$aResponseItem)
@ -73,24 +75,50 @@ class AvatarsPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
if ($sEmail && ($aResult = $this->getAvatar($sEmail, !empty($sBimi)))) {
\header('Content-Type: '.$aResult[0]);
echo $aResult[1];
return true;
} else {
public function FilterAppData($bAdmin, &$aResult) : void
if (!$bAdmin && \is_array($aResult)) {
$aResult['Avatars'] = [
'bimi' => $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'bimi', false),
'gravatar' => $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'gravatar', false),
'nextcloud' => $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'nextcloud', false)
return false;
protected function configMapping() : array
return array(
$aResult = array(
\RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('delay')->SetLabel('Delay loading')
\RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('bimi')->SetLabel('Use BIMI (https://bimigroup.org/)')
\RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('gravatar')->SetLabel('Use Gravatar')
\RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('bimi')->SetLabel('Lookup BIMI')
\RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('gravatar')->SetLabel('Lookup Gravatar')
if (\class_exists('OC') && isset(\OC::$server)) {
$aResult[] = \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('nextcloud')->SetLabel('Lookup Nextcloud Contacts')
$aResult[] = \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('identicon')->SetLabel('Else create Identicon')
return $aResult;
private function getAvatar(string $sEmail, bool $bBimi) : ?array
@ -182,9 +210,11 @@ class AvatarsPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
$aServices = [
'services/' . \preg_replace('/^.+\\.([^.]+\\.[^.]+)$/D', '$1', $sDomain),
'services/' . \preg_replace('/^(.+\\.)?(paypal\\.[a-z][a-z])$/D', 'paypal.com', $sDomain),
'empty-contact' // DATA_IMAGE_USER_DOT_PIC
'services/' . \preg_replace('/^(.+\\.)?(paypal\\.[a-z][a-z])$/D', 'paypal.com', $sDomain)
if (!$this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'identicon', false)) {
$aServices[] = 'empty-contact'; // DATA_IMAGE_USER_DOT_PIC
foreach ($aServices as $service) {
$file = __DIR__ . "/images/{$service}.png";
if (\file_exists($file)) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
* Jdenticon 3.2.0
* http://jdenticon.com
* Built: 2022-08-07T11:23:11.640Z
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Daniel Mester Pirttijärvi
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Parses a substring of the hash as a number.
* @param {number} startPosition
* @param {number=} octets
class HSLColor
constructor(h, s, l)
this.h = h;
this.s = s;
this.l = l;
// this.a = a;
const h = this.h, s = this.s, l = this.l/*, a = this.a*/,
hex = v => {
v = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, v * 255)).toString(16);
return v.slice(0,2).padStart(2, "0");
let r=l, g=l, b=l;
if (0 != s) {
let q=l<0.5?l*(s+1):l+s-l*s,
hue2rgb = h => {
h += h<0 ? 1 : (h>1 ? -1 : 0);
return (h*6<1) ? (p+(q-p)*h*6) : ((h*2<1) ? q : ((h*3<2) ? p+(q-p)*(2/3-h)*6 : p));
r = hue2rgb(h+1/3);
g = hue2rgb(h);
b = hue2rgb(h-1/3);
return '#' + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b) // isNaN(a)?100:a*100);
parseHex = (hash, startPosition, octets) => parseInt(hash.substr(startPosition, octets), 16),
* Converts an HSL color to a hexadecimal RGB color. This function will correct the lightness for the "dark" hues
* @param {number} hue Hue in range [0, 1]
* @param {number} saturation Saturation in range [0, 1]
* @param {number} lightness Lightness in range [0, 1]
* @returns {string}
correctedHsl = (hue, saturation, lightness) => {
// The corrector specifies the perceived middle lightness for each hue
var correctors = [ 0.55, 0.5, 0.5, 0.46, 0.6, 0.55, 0.55 ],
corrector = correctors[(hue * 6 + 0.5) | 0];
// Adjust the input lightness relative to the corrector
lightness = lightness < 0.5 ? lightness * corrector * 2 : corrector + (lightness - 0.5) * (1 - corrector) * 2;
return new HSLColor(hue, saturation, lightness).toString();
* Gets the normalized current Jdenticon color configuration. Missing fields have default values.
* @param {Object|number|undefined} paddingOrLocalConfig - Configuration passed to the called API method. A
* local configuration overrides the global configuration in it entirety. This parameter can for backward
* compatibility also contain a padding value. A padding value only overrides the global padding, not the
* entire global configuration.
* @param {number} defaultPadding - Padding used if no padding is specified in neither the configuration nor
* explicitly to the API method.
* @returns {ParsedConfiguration}
getConfiguration = (paddingOrLocalConfig, defaultPadding) => {
const configObject =
typeof paddingOrLocalConfig == "object" && paddingOrLocalConfig ||
{ },
lightnessConfig = configObject["lightness"] || { },
// In versions < 2.1.0 there was no grayscale saturation -
// saturation was the color saturation.
saturation = configObject["saturation"] || { },
colorSaturation = "color" in saturation ? saturation["color"] : saturation,
grayscaleSaturation = saturation["grayscale"],
padding = configObject["padding"],
* Creates a lightness range.
lightness = (configName, defaultRange) => {
var range = lightnessConfig[configName];
// Check if the lightness range is an array-like object. This way we ensure the
// array contain two values at the same time.
if (!(range && range.length > 1)) {
range = defaultRange;
* Gets a lightness relative the specified value in the specified lightness range.
return function (value) {
value = range[0] + value * (range[1] - range[0]);
return value < 0 ? 0 : value > 1 ? 1 : value;
return {
* Gets a hue allowed by the configured hue restriction,
* provided the originally computed hue.
X/*hue*/: originalHue => {
var hueConfig = configObject["hues"];
var hue;
// Check if 'hues' is an array-like object. This way we also ensure that
// the array is not empty, which would mean no hue restriction.
if (hueConfig && hueConfig.length > 0) {
// originalHue is in the range [0, 1]
// Multiply with 0.999 to change the range to [0, 1) and then truncate the index.
hue = hueConfig[0 | (0.999 * originalHue * hueConfig.length)];
return typeof hue == "number" ?
// A hue was specified. We need to convert the hue from
// degrees on any turn - e.g. 746° is a perfectly valid hue -
// to turns in the range [0, 1).
((((hue / 360) % 1) + 1) % 1) :
// No hue configured => use original hue
p/*colorSaturation*/: typeof colorSaturation == "number" ? colorSaturation : 0.5,
H/*grayscaleSaturation*/: typeof grayscaleSaturation == "number" ? grayscaleSaturation : 0,
q/*colorLightness*/: lightness("color", [0.4, 0.8]),
I/*grayscaleLightness*/: lightness("grayscale", [0.3, 0.9]),
typeof paddingOrLocalConfig == "number" ? paddingOrLocalConfig :
typeof padding == "number" ? padding :
* Represents a point.
function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
* Translates and rotates a point before being passed on to the canvas context. This was previously done by the canvas context itself,
* but this caused a rendering issue in Chrome on sizes > 256 where the rotation transformation of inverted paths was not done properly.
class Transform
constructor(x, y, size, rotation) {
this.u/*_x*/ = x;
this.v/*_y*/ = y;
this.K/*_size*/ = size;
this.Z/*_rotation*/ = rotation;
* Transforms the specified point based on the translation and rotation specification for this Transform.
* @param {number} x x-coordinate
* @param {number} y y-coordinate
* @param {number=} w The width of the transformed rectangle. If greater than 0, this will ensure the returned point is of the upper left corner of the transformed rectangle.
* @param {number=} h The height of the transformed rectangle. If greater than 0, this will ensure the returned point is of the upper left corner of the transformed rectangle.
L/*transformIconPoint*/(x, y, w, h) {
var right = this.u/*_x*/ + this.K/*_size*/,
bottom = this.v/*_y*/ + this.K/*_size*/,
rotation = this.Z/*_rotation*/;
return rotation === 1 ? new Point(right - y - (h || 0), this.v/*_y*/ + x) :
rotation === 2 ? new Point(right - x - (w || 0), bottom - y - (h || 0)) :
rotation === 3 ? new Point(this.u/*_x*/ + y, bottom - x - (w || 0)) :
new Point(this.u/*_x*/ + x, this.v/*_y*/ + y);
var NO_TRANSFORM = new Transform(0, 0, 0, 0);
* Provides helper functions for rendering common basic shapes.
class Graphics
constructor(renderer) {
* @type {Renderer}
* @private
this.M/*_renderer*/ = renderer;
* @type {Transform}
this.A/*currentTransform*/ = NO_TRANSFORM;
* Adds a polygon to the underlying renderer.
* @param {Array<number>} points The points of the polygon clockwise on the format [ x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., xn, yn ]
* @param {boolean=} invert Specifies if the polygon will be inverted.
g/*addPolygon*/(points, invert) {
var this$1 = this;
var di = invert ? -2 : 2,
transformedPoints = [];
for (var i = invert ? points.length - 2 : 0; i < points.length && i >= 0; i += di) {
transformedPoints.push(this$1.A/*currentTransform*/.L/*transformIconPoint*/(points[i], points[i + 1]));
* Adds a polygon to the underlying renderer.
* Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2173084
* @param {number} x The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle holding the entire ellipse.
* @param {number} y The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle holding the entire ellipse.
* @param {number} size The size of the ellipse.
* @param {boolean=} invert Specifies if the ellipse will be inverted.
h/*addCircle*/(x, y, size, invert) {
var p = this.A/*currentTransform*/.L/*transformIconPoint*/(x, y, size, size);
this.M/*_renderer*/.h/*addCircle*/(p, size, invert);
* Adds a rectangle to the underlying renderer.
* @param {number} x The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
* @param {number} y The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
* @param {number} w The width of the rectangle.
* @param {number} h The height of the rectangle.
* @param {boolean=} invert Specifies if the rectangle will be inverted.
i/*addRectangle*/(x, y, w, h, invert) {
x, y,
x + w, y,
x + w, y + h,
x, y + h
], invert);
* Adds a right triangle to the underlying renderer.
* @param {number} x The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle holding the triangle.
* @param {number} y The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle holding the triangle.
* @param {number} w The width of the triangle.
* @param {number} h The height of the triangle.
* @param {number} r The rotation of the triangle (clockwise). 0 = right corner of the triangle in the lower left corner of the bounding rectangle.
* @param {boolean=} invert Specifies if the triangle will be inverted.
j/*addTriangle*/(x, y, w, h, r, invert) {
var points = [
x + w, y,
x + w, y + h,
x, y + h,
x, y
points.splice(((r || 0) % 4) * 2, 2);
this.g/*addPolygon*/(points, invert);
* Adds a rhombus to the underlying renderer.
* @param {number} x The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle holding the rhombus.
* @param {number} y The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle holding the rhombus.
* @param {number} w The width of the rhombus.
* @param {number} h The height of the rhombus.
* @param {boolean=} invert Specifies if the rhombus will be inverted.
N/*addRhombus*/(x, y, w, h, invert) {
x + w / 2, y,
x + w, y + h / 2,
x + w / 2, y + h,
x, y + h / 2
], invert);
* @param {number} index
* @param {Graphics} g
* @param {number} cell
* @param {number} positionIndex
function centerShape(index, g, cell, positionIndex) {
index = index % 14;
var k, m, w, h, inner, outer;
!index ? (
k = cell * 0.42,
0, 0,
cell, 0,
cell, cell - k * 2,
cell - k, cell,
0, cell
])) :
index == 1 ? (
w = 0 | (cell * 0.5),
h = 0 | (cell * 0.8),
g.j/*addTriangle*/(cell - w, 0, w, h, 2)) :
index == 2 ? (
w = 0 | (cell / 3),
g.i/*addRectangle*/(w, w, cell - w, cell - w)) :
index == 3 ? (
inner = cell * 0.1,
// Use fixed outer border widths in small icons to ensure the border is drawn
outer =
cell < 6 ? 1 :
cell < 8 ? 2 :
(0 | (cell * 0.25)),
inner =
inner > 1 ? (0 | inner) : // large icon => truncate decimals
inner > 0.5 ? 1 : // medium size icon => fixed width
inner, // small icon => anti-aliased border
g.i/*addRectangle*/(outer, outer, cell - inner - outer, cell - inner - outer)) :
index == 4 ? (
m = 0 | (cell * 0.15),
w = 0 | (cell * 0.5),
g.h/*addCircle*/(cell - w - m, cell - w - m, w)) :
index == 5 ? (
inner = cell * 0.1,
outer = inner * 4,
// Align edge to nearest pixel in large icons
outer > 3 && (outer = 0 | outer),
g.i/*addRectangle*/(0, 0, cell, cell),
outer, outer,
cell - inner, outer,
outer + (cell - outer - inner) / 2, cell - inner
], true)) :
index == 6 ?
0, 0,
cell, 0,
cell, cell * 0.7,
cell * 0.4, cell * 0.4,
cell * 0.7, cell,
0, cell
]) :
index == 7 ?
g.j/*addTriangle*/(cell / 2, cell / 2, cell / 2, cell / 2, 3) :
index == 8 ? (
g.i/*addRectangle*/(0, 0, cell, cell / 2),
g.i/*addRectangle*/(0, cell / 2, cell / 2, cell / 2),
g.j/*addTriangle*/(cell / 2, cell / 2, cell / 2, cell / 2, 1)) :
index == 9 ? (
inner = cell * 0.14,
// Use fixed outer border widths in small icons to ensure the border is drawn
outer =
cell < 4 ? 1 :
cell < 6 ? 2 :
(0 | (cell * 0.35)),
inner =
cell < 8 ? inner : // small icon => anti-aliased border
(0 | inner), // large icon => truncate decimals
g.i/*addRectangle*/(0, 0, cell, cell),
g.i/*addRectangle*/(outer, outer, cell - outer - inner, cell - outer - inner, true)) :
index == 10 ? (
inner = cell * 0.12,
outer = inner * 3,
g.i/*addRectangle*/(0, 0, cell, cell),
g.h/*addCircle*/(outer, outer, cell - inner - outer, true)) :
index == 11 ?
g.j/*addTriangle*/(cell / 2, cell / 2, cell / 2, cell / 2, 3) :
index == 12 ? (
m = cell * 0.25,
g.i/*addRectangle*/(0, 0, cell, cell),
g.N/*addRhombus*/(m, m, cell - m, cell - m, true)) :
// 13
!positionIndex && (
m = cell * 0.4, w = cell * 1.2,
g.h/*addCircle*/(m, m, w)
* @param {number} index
* @param {Graphics} g
* @param {number} cell
function outerShape(index, g, cell) {
index = index % 4;
var m;
!index ?
g.j/*addTriangle*/(0, 0, cell, cell, 0) :
index == 1 ?
g.j/*addTriangle*/(0, cell / 2, cell, cell / 2, 0) :
index == 2 ?
g.N/*addRhombus*/(0, 0, cell, cell) :
// 3
m = cell / 6,
g.h/*addCircle*/(m, m, cell - 2 * m)
* Gets a set of identicon color candidates for a specified hue and config.
* @param {number} hue
* @param {ParsedConfiguration} config
function colorTheme(hue, config) {
hue = config.X/*hue*/(hue);
return [
// Dark gray
correctedHsl(hue, config.H/*grayscaleSaturation*/, config.I/*grayscaleLightness*/(0)),
// Mid color
correctedHsl(hue, config.p/*colorSaturation*/, config.q/*colorLightness*/(0.5)),
// Light gray
correctedHsl(hue, config.H/*grayscaleSaturation*/, config.I/*grayscaleLightness*/(1)),
// Light color
correctedHsl(hue, config.p/*colorSaturation*/, config.q/*colorLightness*/(1)),
// Dark color
correctedHsl(hue, config.p/*colorSaturation*/, config.q/*colorLightness*/(0))
* Draws an identicon to a specified renderer.
* @param {Renderer} renderer
* @param {string} hash
* @param {Object|number=} config
function iconGenerator(renderer, hash, config) {
var parsedConfig = getConfiguration(config, 0.08);
// Calculate padding and round to nearest integer
var size = renderer.k/*iconSize*/;
var padding = (0.5 + size * parsedConfig.Y/*iconPadding*/) | 0;
size -= padding * 2;
var graphics = new Graphics(renderer);
// Calculate cell size and ensure it is an integer
var cell = 0 | (size / 4);
// Since the cell size is integer based, the actual icon will be slightly smaller than specified => center icon
var x = 0 | (padding + size / 2 - cell * 2);
var y = 0 | (padding + size / 2 - cell * 2);
function renderShape(colorIndex, shapes, index, rotationIndex, positions) {
var shapeIndex = parseHex(hash, index, 1);
var r = rotationIndex ? parseHex(hash, rotationIndex, 1) : 0;
for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
= new Transform(x + positions[i][0] * cell, y + positions[i][1] * cell, cell, r++ % 4);
shapes(shapeIndex, graphics, cell, i);
var hue = parseHex(hash, -7) / 0xfffffff,
// Available colors for this icon
availableColors = colorTheme(hue, parsedConfig),
// The index of the selected colors
selectedColorIndexes = [];
var index;
function isDuplicate(values) {
if (values.indexOf(index) >= 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (selectedColorIndexes.indexOf(values[i]) >= 0) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
index = parseHex(hash, 8 + i, 1) % availableColors.length;
if (isDuplicate([0, 4]) || // Disallow dark gray and dark color combo
isDuplicate([2, 3])) { // Disallow light gray and light color combo
index = 1;
// Sides
renderShape(0, outerShape, 2, 3, [[1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 3], [1, 3], [0, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [0, 2]]);
// Corners
renderShape(1, outerShape, 4, 5, [[0, 0], [3, 0], [3, 3], [0, 3]]);
// Center
renderShape(2, centerShape, 1, null, [[1, 1], [2, 1], [2, 2], [1, 2]]);
* Computes a SHA1 hash for any value and returns it as a hexadecimal string.
* This function is optimized for minimal code size and rather short messages.
* @param {string} message
async function computeHash(message) {
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(
// await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', (new TextEncoder()).encode(message))
await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-1', (new TextEncoder()).encode(message))
return hashArray.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''); // convert bytes to hex string
* Prepares a measure to be used as a measure in an SVG path, by
* rounding the measure to a single decimal. This reduces the file
* size of the generated SVG with more than 50% in some cases.
function svgValue(value) {
return ((value * 10 + 0.5) | 0) / 10;
* Represents an SVG path element.
class SvgPath
constructor() {
* This property holds the data string (path.d) of the SVG path.
* @type {string}
this.B/*dataString*/ = "";
* Adds a polygon with the current fill color to the SVG path.
* @param points An array of Point objects.
g/*addPolygon*/(points) {
var dataString = "";
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
dataString += (i ? "L" : "M") + svgValue(points[i].x) + " " + svgValue(points[i].y);
this.B/*dataString*/ += dataString + "Z";
* Adds a circle with the current fill color to the SVG path.
* @param {Point} point The upper left corner of the circle bounding box.
* @param {number} diameter The diameter of the circle.
* @param {boolean} counterClockwise True if the circle is drawn counter-clockwise (will result in a hole if rendered on a clockwise path).
h/*addCircle*/(point, diameter, counterClockwise) {
var sweepFlag = counterClockwise ? 0 : 1,
svgRadius = svgValue(diameter / 2),
svgDiameter = svgValue(diameter),
svgArc = "a" + svgRadius + "," + svgRadius + " 0 1," + sweepFlag + " ";
this.B/*dataString*/ +=
"M" + svgValue(point.x) + " " + svgValue(point.y + diameter / 2) +
svgArc + svgDiameter + ",0" +
svgArc + (-svgDiameter) + ",0";
* Renderer producing SVG output.
* @implements {Renderer}
class SvgRenderer
constructor(target) {
* @type {SvgPath}
* @private
* @type {Object.<string,SvgPath>}
* @private
this.D/*_pathsByColor*/ = { };
* @type {SvgElement|SvgWriter}
* @private
this.R/*_target*/ = target;
* @type {number}
this.k/*iconSize*/ = target.k/*iconSize*/;
* Fills the background with the specified color.
* @param {string} fillColor Fill color on the format #rrggbb[aa].
m/*setBackground*/(fillColor) {
var match = /^(#......)(..)?/.exec(fillColor),
opacity = match[2] ? parseHex(match[2], 0) / 255 : 1;
this.R/*_target*/.m/*setBackground*/(match[1], opacity);
* Marks the beginning of a new shape of the specified color. Should be ended with a call to endShape.
* @param {string} color Fill color on format #xxxxxx.
O/*beginShape*/(color) {
this.C/*_path*/ = this.D/*_pathsByColor*/[color] || (this.D/*_pathsByColor*/[color] = new SvgPath());
* Marks the end of the currently drawn shape.
P/*endShape*/() { }
* Adds a polygon with the current fill color to the SVG.
* @param points An array of Point objects.
g/*addPolygon*/(points) {
* Adds a circle with the current fill color to the SVG.
* @param {Point} point The upper left corner of the circle bounding box.
* @param {number} diameter The diameter of the circle.
* @param {boolean} counterClockwise True if the circle is drawn counter-clockwise (will result in a hole if rendered on a clockwise path).
h/*addCircle*/(point, diameter, counterClockwise) {
this.C/*_path*/.h/*addCircle*/(point, diameter, counterClockwise);
* Called when the icon has been completely drawn.
finish() {
var pathsByColor = this.D/*_pathsByColor*/;
for (var color in pathsByColor) {
// hasOwnProperty cannot be shadowed in pathsByColor
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (pathsByColor.hasOwnProperty(color)) {
this.R/*_target*/.S/*appendPath*/(color, pathsByColor[color].B/*dataString*/);
* Renderer producing SVG output.
class SvgWriter
constructor(iconSize) {
* @type {number}
this.k/*iconSize*/ = iconSize;
* @type {string}
* @private
this.F =
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="' +
iconSize + '" height="' + iconSize + '" viewBox="0 0 ' +
iconSize + ' ' + iconSize + '">';
* Fills the background with the specified color.
* @param {string} fillColor Fill color on the format #rrggbb.
* @param {number} opacity Opacity in the range [0.0, 1.0].
m/*setBackground*/(fillColor, opacity) {
if (opacity) {
this.F += '<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="' +
fillColor + '" opacity="' + opacity.toFixed(2) + '"/>';
* Writes a path to the SVG string.
* @param {string} color Fill color on format #rrggbb.
* @param {string} dataString The SVG path data string.
S/*appendPath*/(color, dataString) {
this.F += '<path fill="' + color + '" d="' + dataString + '"/>';
* Gets the rendered image as an SVG string.
toString() {
return this.F + "</svg>";
* Draws an identicon as an SVG string.
* @param {*} hashOrValue - A hexadecimal hash string or any value that will be hashed by Jdenticon.
* @param {number} size - Icon size in pixels.
* @param {Object|number=} config - Optional configuration. If specified, this configuration object overrides any
* global configuration in its entirety. For backward compatibility a padding value in the range [0.0, 0.5) can be
* specified in place of a configuration object.
* @returns {string} SVG string
window.identiconSvg = async (hashOrValue, config) => {
var writer = new SvgWriter(50);
iconGenerator(new SvgRenderer(writer),
(/^[0-9a-f]{11,}$/i.test(hashOrValue) && hashOrValue)
|| await computeHash(hashOrValue == null ? "" : "" + hashOrValue),
return writer.toString();