Move SquireUI into libs.js

This commit is contained in:
djmaze 2020-09-11 12:39:56 +02:00
parent ecb9bd8ac1
commit a7cc115bfb
6 changed files with 340 additions and 312 deletions

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module.exports = {
'openpgp': "readonly",
'CKEDITOR': "readonly",
'Squire': "readonly",
'SquireUI': "readonly",
// node_modules/knockout but dev/External/ko.js is used
// 'ko': "readonly",
// node_modules/simplestatemanager

View file

@ -88,23 +88,23 @@ Things might work in Edge 18, Firefox 50-62 and Chrome 54-68 due to one polyfill
|js/* |1.14.0 |native |
|----------- |--------: |--------: |
|admin.js |2.130.942 |1.000.931 |
|app.js |4.184.455 |2.618.339 |
|admin.js |2.130.942 | 941.623 |
|app.js |4.184.455 |2.559.130 |
|boot.js | 671.522 | 5.834 |
|libs.js | 647.614 | 312.343 |
|libs.js | 647.614 | 326.686 |
|polyfills.js | 325.834 | 0 |
|TOTAL |7.960.367 |3.937.447 |
|TOTAL |7.960.367 |3.833.273 |
|js/min/* |1.14.0 |native |gzip 1.14 |gzip |brotli |
|--------------- |--------: |--------: |--------: |--------: |--------: |
|admin.min.js | 252.147 | 136.658 | 73.657 | 40.569 | 34.783 |
|app.min.js | 511.202 | 357.183 |140.462 | 94.834 | 76.231 |
|admin.min.js | 252.147 | 128.739 | 73.657 | 37.549 | 32.265 |
|app.min.js | 511.202 | 349.263 |140.462 | 91.754 | 73.588 |
|boot.min.js | 66.007 | 3.166 | 22.567 | 1.571 | 1.345 |
|libs.min.js | 572.545 | 295.754 |176.720 | 91.521 | 80.871 |
|libs.min.js | 572.545 | 303.770 |176.720 | 94.774 | 83.577 |
|polyfills.min.js | 32.452 | 0 | 11.312 | 0 | 0 |
|TOTAL |1.434.353 | 792.761 |424.718 |228.495 |193.230 |
|TOTAL |1.434.353 | 784.938 |424.718 |225.648 |190.775 |
641.592 bytes (196.223 gzip) is not much, but it feels faster.
649.415 bytes (199.070 gzip) is not much, but it feels faster.
### CSS changes

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { EventKeyCode } from 'Common/Enums';
import { SquireUI } from 'External/SquireUI';
* @type {Object}

View file

@ -1,309 +1,322 @@
/* eslint max-len: 0 */
(() => {
'use strict';
const doc = document,
allowedAttributes = 'abbr,align,background,bgcolor,border,cellpadding,cellspacing,class,color,colspan,dir,face,frame,height,href,hspace,id,lang,rowspan,rules,scope,size,src,style,target,type,usemap,valign,vspace,width'.split(','),
allowedAttributes = 'abbr,align,background,bgcolor,border,cellpadding,cellspacing,class,color,colspan,dir,face,frame,height,href,hspace,id,lang,rowspan,rules,scope,size,src,style,target,type,usemap,valign,vspace,width'.split(','),
i18n = (str, def) => rl.i18n(str) || def,
i18n = (str, def) => rl.i18n(str) || def,
SquireDefaultConfig = {
blockTag: 'P',
blockAttributes: null,
tagAttributes: {
blockquote: null,
ul: null,
ol: null,
li: null,
a: null
classNames: {
colour: 'colour',
fontFamily: 'font',
fontSize: 'size',
highlight: 'highlight'
leafNodeNames: leafNodeNames,
undo: {
documentSizeThreshold: -1, // -1 means no threshold
undoLimit: -1 // -1 means no limit
isInsertedHTMLSanitized: true,
isSetHTMLSanitized: true,
willCutCopy: null,
addLinks: true // allow_smart_html_links
sanitizeToDOMFragment: (html, isPaste/*, squire*/) => {
const frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(),
tpl = doc.createElement('div');
tpl.innerHTML = html;
if (isPaste) {
tpl.querySelectorAll(':not('+allowedElements+',signature)').forEach(el => el.remove());
tpl.querySelectorAll(allowedElements).forEach(el => {
if (el.hasAttributes()) {
Array.from(el.attributes).forEach(attr => {
let name =;
if (!allowedAttributes.includes(name)) {
ctrlKey = /Mac OS X/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ? 'meta + ' : 'Ctrl + ',
getFragmentOfChildren = parent => {
let frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
return frag;
rl_signature_replacer = (editor, text, signature, isHtml, insertBefore) => {
prevSignature = editor.__previous_signature,
skipInsert = false,
isEmptyText = false,
newLine = (isHtml ? '<br />' : "\n"),
clearHtmlLine = html => rl.Utils.htmlToPlain(html).trim();
SquireDefaultConfig = {
blockTag: 'P',
blockAttributes: null,
tagAttributes: {
blockquote: null,
ul: null,
ol: null,
li: null,
a: null
classNames: {
colour: 'colour',
fontFamily: 'font',
fontSize: 'size',
highlight: 'highlight'
leafNodeNames: leafNodeNames,
undo: {
documentSizeThreshold: -1, // -1 means no threshold
undoLimit: -1 // -1 means no limit
isInsertedHTMLSanitized: true,
isSetHTMLSanitized: true,
willCutCopy: null,
addLinks: true // allow_smart_html_links
sanitizeToDOMFragment: (html, isPaste/*, squire*/) => {
let tpl = doc.createElement('div');
tpl.innerHTML = html
if (isPaste) {
tpl.querySelectorAll(removeElements).forEach(el => el.remove());
tpl.querySelectorAll(':not('+allowedElements+',signature)').forEach(el => el.replaceWith(getFragmentOfChildren(el)));
tpl.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(el => {
if (el.hasAttributes()) {
Array.from(el.attributes).forEach(attr => {
let name =;
if (!allowedAttributes.includes(name)) {
return getFragmentOfChildren(tpl);
isEmptyText = !text.trim();
if (!isEmptyText && isHtml) {
isEmptyText = !clearHtmlLine(text);
rl_signature_replacer = (editor, text, signature, isHtml, insertBefore) => {
prevSignature = editor.__previous_signature,
skipInsert = false,
isEmptyText = false,
newLine = (isHtml ? '<br />' : "\n"),
clearHtmlLine = html => rl.Utils.htmlToPlain(html).trim();
if (prevSignature && !isEmptyText) {
if (isHtml && !prevSignature.isHtml) {
prevSignature = {
body: rl.Utils.plainToHtml(prevSignature.body),
isHtml: true
} else if (!isHtml && prevSignature.isHtml) {
prevSignature = {
body: rl.Utils.htmlToPlain(prevSignature.body),
isHtml: true
isEmptyText = !text.trim();
if (!isEmptyText && isHtml) {
isEmptyText = !clearHtmlLine(text);
if (isHtml) {
var clearSig = clearHtmlLine(prevSignature.body);
text = text.replace(/<signature>([\s\S]*)<\/signature>/igm, all => {
var c = clearSig === clearHtmlLine(all);
if (!c) {
skipInsert = true;
return c ? '' : all;
} else {
var textLen = text.length;
text = text
.replace('' + prevSignature.body, '')
.replace('' + prevSignature.body, '');
skipInsert = textLen === text.length;
if (prevSignature && !isEmptyText) {
if (isHtml && !prevSignature.isHtml) {
prevSignature = {
body: rl.Utils.plainToHtml(prevSignature.body),
isHtml: true
} else if (!isHtml && prevSignature.isHtml) {
prevSignature = {
body: rl.Utils.htmlToPlain(prevSignature.body),
isHtml: true
if (isHtml) {
var clearSig = clearHtmlLine(prevSignature.body);
text = text.replace(/<signature>([\s\S]*)<\/signature>/igm, all => {
var c = clearSig === clearHtmlLine(all);
if (!c) {
skipInsert = true;
return c ? '' : all;
} else {
var textLen = text.length;
text = text
.replace('' + prevSignature.body, '')
.replace('' + prevSignature.body, '');
skipInsert = textLen === text.length;
if (!skipInsert) {
signature = newLine + newLine + (isHtml ? '<signature>' : '') + signature + (isHtml ? '</signature>' : '');
if (!skipInsert) {
signature = newLine + newLine + (isHtml ? '<signature>' : '') + signature + (isHtml ? '</signature>' : '');
text = insertBefore ? signature + text : text + signature;
text = insertBefore ? signature + text : text + signature;
if (10 < signature.length) {
prevSignature = {
body: signature,
isHtml: isHtml
if (10 < signature.length) {
prevSignature = {
body: signature,
isHtml: isHtml
editor.__previous_signature = prevSignature;
editor.__previous_signature = prevSignature;
return text;
return text;
class SquireUI
constructor(container) {
ctrlKey = /Mac OS X/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ? 'meta + ' : 'Ctrl + ',
actions = {
mode: {
plain: {
html: '〈〉',
cmd: () => this.setMode('plain' == this.mode ? 'wysiwyg' : 'plain'),
font: {
fontFamily: {
select: {
'sans-serif': {
Arial: "'Nimbus Sans L', 'Liberation sans', 'Arial Unicode MS', Arial, Helvetica, Garuda, Utkal, FreeSans, sans-serif",
Tahoma: "'Luxi Sans', Tahoma, Loma, Geneva, Meera, sans-serif",
Trebuchet: "'DejaVu Sans Condensed', Trebuchet, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif",
Lucida: "'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Sans', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'DejaVu LGC Sans', sans-serif",
Verdana: "'DejaVu Sans', Verdana, Geneva, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'DejaVu LGC Sans', sans-serif"
actions = {
mode: {
plain: {
html: '〈〉',
cmd: () => this.setMode('plain' == this.mode ? 'wysiwyg' : 'plain'),
font: {
fontFamily: {
select: {
'sans-serif': {
Arial: "'Nimbus Sans L', 'Liberation sans', 'Arial Unicode MS', Arial, Helvetica, Garuda, Utkal, FreeSans, sans-serif",
Tahoma: "'Luxi Sans', Tahoma, Loma, Geneva, Meera, sans-serif",
Trebuchet: "'DejaVu Sans Condensed', Trebuchet, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif",
Lucida: "'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Sans', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'DejaVu LGC Sans', sans-serif",
Verdana: "'DejaVu Sans', Verdana, Geneva, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'DejaVu LGC Sans', sans-serif"
monospace: {
Courier: "'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', FreeMono, Courier, monospace",
Lucida: "'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'DejaVu LGC Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace"
sans: {
Times: "'Nimbus Roman No9 L', 'Times New Roman', Times, FreeSerif, serif",
Palatino: "'Bitstream Charter', 'Palatino Linotype', Palatino, Palladio, 'URW Palladio L', 'Book Antiqua', Times, serif",
Georgia: "'URW Palladio L', Georgia, Times, serif"
monospace: {
Courier: "'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', FreeMono, Courier, monospace",
Lucida: "'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'DejaVu LGC Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace"
sans: {
Times: "'Nimbus Roman No9 L', 'Times New Roman', Times, FreeSerif, serif",
Palatino: "'Bitstream Charter', 'Palatino Linotype', Palatino, Palladio, 'URW Palladio L', 'Book Antiqua', Times, serif",
Georgia: "'URW Palladio L', Georgia, Times, serif"
cmd: s => squire.setFontFace(s.value)
cmd: s => squire.setFontFace(s.value)
fontSize: {
select: ['11px','13px','16px','20px','24px','30px'],
cmd: s => squire.setFontSize(s.value)
fontSize: {
select: ['11px','13px','16px','20px','24px','30px'],
cmd: s => squire.setFontSize(s.value)
colors: {
textColor: {
input: 'color',
cmd: s => squire.setTextColour(s.value),
hint: 'Text color'
colors: {
textColor: {
input: 'color',
cmd: s => squire.setTextColour(s.value),
hint: 'Text color'
backgroundColor: {
input: 'color',
cmd: s => squire.setHighlightColour(s.value),
hint: 'Background color'
backgroundColor: {
input: 'color',
cmd: s => squire.setHighlightColour(s.value),
hint: 'Background color'
bidi: {
bidi: {
inline: {
bold: {
html: '𝐁',
cmd: () => this.doAction('bold','B'),
key: 'B',
hint: 'Bold'
italic: {
html: '𝐼',
cmd: () => this.doAction('italic','I'),
key: 'I',
hint: 'Italic'
underline: {
html: '<u>U</u>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('underline','U'),
key: 'U',
hint: 'Underline'
strike: {
html: '<s>S</s>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('strikethrough','S'),
key: 'Shift + 7',
hint: 'Strikethrough'
sub: {
html: 'S<sub>x</sub>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('subscript','SUB'),
key: 'Shift + 5',
hint: 'Subscript'
sup: {
html: 'S<sup>x</sup>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('superscript','SUP'),
key: 'Shift + 6',
hint: 'Superscript'
block: {
ol: {
html: '#',
cmd: () => this.doList('OL'),
key: 'Shift + 8',
hint: 'Ordered list'
ul: {
html: '⋮',
cmd: () => this.doList('UL'),
key: 'Shift + 9',
hint: 'Unordered list'
quote: {
html: '"',
cmd: () => {
let parent = this.getParentNodeName('UL,OL');
(parent && 'BLOCKQUOTE' == parent) ? squire.decreaseQuoteLevel() : squire.increaseQuoteLevel();
inline: {
bold: {
html: '𝐁',
cmd: () => this.doAction('bold','B'),
key: 'B',
hint: 'Bold'
hint: 'Blockquote'
indentDecrease: {
html: '⇤',
cmd: () => squire.changeIndentationLevel('decrease'),
key: ']',
hint: 'Decrease indent'
indentIncrease: {
html: '⇥',
cmd: () => squire.changeIndentationLevel('increase'),
key: '[',
hint: 'Increase indent'
targets: {
link: {
html: '🔗',
cmd: () => {
if ('A' === this.getParentNodeName()) {
} else {
let url = prompt("Link","https://");
url != null && url.length && squire.makeLink(url);
italic: {
html: '𝐼',
cmd: () => this.doAction('italic','I'),
key: 'I',
hint: 'Italic'
hint: 'Link'
image: {
html: '🖼️',
cmd: () => {
if ('IMG' === this.getParentNodeName()) {
// squire.removeLink();
} else {
let src = prompt("Image","https://");
src != null && src.length && squire.insertImage(src);
underline: {
html: '<u>U</u>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('underline','U'),
key: 'U',
hint: 'Underline'
hint: 'Image'
strike: {
html: '<s>S</s>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('strikethrough','S'),
key: 'Shift + 7',
hint: 'Strikethrough'
sub: {
html: 'S<sub>x</sub>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('subscript','SUB'),
key: 'Shift + 5',
hint: 'Subscript'
sup: {
html: 'S<sup>x</sup>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('superscript','SUP'),
key: 'Shift + 6',
hint: 'Superscript'
block: {
ol: {
html: '#',
cmd: () => this.doList('OL'),
key: 'Shift + 8',
hint: 'Ordered list'
ul: {
html: '⋮',
cmd: () => this.doList('UL'),
key: 'Shift + 9',
hint: 'Unordered list'
quote: {
html: '"',
cmd: () => {
let parent = this.getParentNodeName('UL,OL');
(parent && 'BLOCKQUOTE' == parent) ? squire.decreaseQuoteLevel() : squire.increaseQuoteLevel();
hint: 'Blockquote'
indentDecrease: {
html: '⇤',
cmd: () => squire.changeIndentationLevel('decrease'),
key: ']',
hint: 'Decrease indent'
indentIncrease: {
html: '⇥',
cmd: () => squire.changeIndentationLevel('increase'),
key: '[',
hint: 'Increase indent'
targets: {
link: {
html: '🔗',
cmd: () => {
if ('A' === this.getParentNodeName()) {
} else {
let url = prompt("Link","https://");
url != null && url.length && squire.makeLink(url);
hint: 'Link'
image: {
html: '🖼️',
cmd: () => {
if ('IMG' === this.getParentNodeName()) {
// squire.removeLink();
} else {
let src = prompt("Image","https://");
src != null && src.length && squire.insertImage(src);
hint: 'Image'
imageUpload: {
imageUpload: {
table: {
table: {
changes: {
undo: {
html: '↶',
cmd: () => squire.undo(),
key: 'Z',
hint: 'Undo'
redo: {
html: '↷',
cmd: () => squire.redo(),
key: 'Y',
hint: 'Redo'
changes: {
undo: {
html: '↶',
cmd: () => squire.undo(),
key: 'Z',
hint: 'Undo'
redo: {
html: '↷',
cmd: () => squire.redo(),
key: 'Y',
hint: 'Redo'
plain = doc.createElement('textarea'),
wysiwyg = doc.createElement('div'),
toolbar = doc.createElement('div'),
squire = new Squire(wysiwyg, SquireDefaultConfig);
plain = doc.createElement('textarea'),
wysiwyg = doc.createElement('div'),
toolbar = doc.createElement('div'),
squire = new Squire(wysiwyg, SquireDefaultConfig);
plain.className = 'squire-plain cke_plain cke_editable';
wysiwyg.className = 'squire-wysiwyg cke_wysiwyg_div cke_editable';
@ -331,7 +344,7 @@ class SquireUI
if (cfg.input) {
input = doc.createElement('input');
input.type = cfg.input;
input.addEventListener('input', () => cfg.cmd(input));
input.addEventListener('change', () => cfg.cmd(input));
} else if ( {
input = doc.createElement('select');
if (Array.isArray( {
@ -372,12 +385,10 @@ class SquireUI
toolbar.addEventListener('click', e => {
let t =;
if ('plain' != this.mode || 'plain' == t.dataset.action) {
t.action_cmd && t.action_cmd(t);
t.action_cmd && t.action_cmd(t);
let changes = actions.changes
let changes = actions.changes;
changes.undo.input.disabled = changes.redo.input.disabled = true;
squire.addEventListener('undoStateChange', state => {
changes.undo.input.disabled = !state.canUndo;
@ -502,7 +513,7 @@ squire-raw.js:4089: this.fireEvent( 'willPaste', event );
focus() {
('plain' == this.editor.mode ? this.plain : this.squire).focus();
('plain' == this.mode ? this.plain : this.squire).focus();
resize(width, height) {
@ -517,4 +528,6 @@ squire-raw.js:4089: this.fireEvent( 'willPaste', event );
export { SquireUI, SquireUI as default };
window.SquireUI = SquireUI;

View file

@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ config.paths.js = {
app: {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
/* Copyright © 2011-2015 by Neil Jenkins. MIT Licensed. */
/* eslint max-len: 0 */
TODO: modifyBlocks function doesn't work very good.
For example you have: UL > LI > [cursor here in text]
Then create blockquote at cursor, the result is: BLOCKQUOTE > UL > LI
( doc => {
"use strict";
@ -58,8 +65,7 @@ const
11: 1024
leafNodeNames = {
BR: 1,
@ -110,10 +116,12 @@ const
return walker;
getPreviousBlock = ( node, root ) => {
// node = getClosest( node, root, blockElementNames );
node = getBlockWalker( node, root ).previousNode();
return node !== root ? node : null;
getNextBlock = ( node, root ) => {
// node = getClosest( node, root, blockElementNames );
node = getBlockWalker( node, root ).nextNode();
return node !== root ? node : null;
@ -261,7 +269,7 @@ const
child = node.firstChild;
while ( isWebKit && child &&
child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && ! ) {
node.removeChild( child );
child.remove( );
child = node.firstChild;
if ( !child ) {
@ -467,7 +475,7 @@ const
// Remove extra <BR> fixer if present.
last = block.lastChild;
if ( last && last.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
block.removeChild( last );
last.remove( );
@ -817,7 +825,7 @@ const
moveRangeBoundariesDownTree( range );
isNodeContainedInRange = ( range, node, partial ) => {
isNodeContainedInRange = ( range, node, partial = true ) => {
let nodeRange = doc.createRange();
nodeRange.selectNode( node );
@ -970,7 +978,7 @@ const
block = getNextBlock( block, root );
// Check the block actually intersects the range
return block && isNodeContainedInRange( range, block, true ) ? block : null;
return block && isNodeContainedInRange( range, block ) ? block : null;
// Returns the last block at least partially contained by the range,
@ -995,7 +1003,7 @@ const
block = getPreviousBlock( block, root );
// Check the block actually intersects the range
return block && isNodeContainedInRange( range, block, true ) ? block : null;
return block && isNodeContainedInRange( range, block ) ? block : null;
newContentWalker = root => doc.createTreeWalker( root,
@ -1065,10 +1073,12 @@ const
if ( start && end ) {
parent = start.parentNode;
range.setStart( parent, indexOf( parent.childNodes, start ) );
parent = end.parentNode;
range.setEnd( parent, indexOf( parent.childNodes, end ) + 1 );
range.setStart( start, 0 );
range.setEnd( end, end.childNodes.length );
// parent = start.parentNode;
// range.setStart( parent, indexOf( parent.childNodes, start ) );
// parent = end.parentNode;
// range.setEnd( parent, indexOf( parent.childNodes, end ) + 1 );
@ -1185,7 +1195,7 @@ let afterDelete = ( self, range ) => {
indexOf( parent.childNodes, node ) );
range.collapse( true );
// Remove empty inline(s)
parent.removeChild( node );
node.remove( );
// Fix cursor in block
if ( !isBlock( parent ) ) {
parent = getPreviousBlock( parent, self._root );
@ -1785,6 +1795,10 @@ let stylesRewriters = {
newTreeBottom.append( empty( node ) );
return newTreeBottom;
// KBD:
// VAR:
// CODE:
// SAMP:
TT: ( node, parent, config ) => {
let el = createElement( doc, 'SPAN', {
'class': config.classNames.fontFamily,
@ -1822,13 +1836,13 @@ let cleanTree = ( node, config, preserveWS ) => {
child = children[i];
nodeName = child.nodeName;
nodeType = child.nodeType;
rewriter = stylesRewriters[ nodeName ];
if ( nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) {
rewriter = stylesRewriters[ nodeName ];
childLength = child.childNodes.length;
if ( rewriter ) {
child = rewriter( child, node, config );
} else if ( blacklist.test( nodeName ) ) {
node.removeChild( child );
child.remove( );
@ -1888,7 +1902,7 @@ let cleanTree = ( node, config, preserveWS ) => {
node.removeChild( child );
child.remove( );
@ -1907,10 +1921,10 @@ let removeEmptyInlines = node => {
if ( child.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && !isLeaf( child ) ) {
removeEmptyInlines( child );
if ( isInline( child ) && !child.firstChild ) {
node.removeChild( child );
child.remove( );
} else if ( child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && ! ) {
node.removeChild( child );
child.remove( );
@ -1996,7 +2010,7 @@ let setClipboardData =
body.append( node );
text = node.innerText || node.textContent;
text = text.replace( NBSP, ' ' ); // Replace nbsp with regular space
body.removeChild( node );
node.remove( );
// Firefox (and others?) returns unix line endings (\n) even on Windows.
// If on Windows, normalise to \r\n, since Notepad and some other crappy
@ -2668,7 +2682,7 @@ proto.getCursorPosition = function ( range ) {
insertNodeInRange( range, node );
rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
parent = node.parentNode;
parent.removeChild( node );
node.remove( );
mergeInlines( parent, range );
return rect;
@ -2749,7 +2763,7 @@ proto.selectionContains = function (selector) {
node = range && range.commonAncestorContainer;
if (node && !range.collapsed) {
node = node.querySelector ? node : node.parentElement;
// TODO: startContainer / endContainer for real selection match?
// TODO: isNodeContainedInRange( range, node ) for real selection match?
return !!(node && node.querySelector(selector));
return false;
@ -2763,7 +2777,7 @@ proto.getSelectedText = function () {
let walker = doc.createTreeWalker(
node => isNodeContainedInRange( range, node, true )
node => isNodeContainedInRange( range, node )
let startContainer = range.startContainer;
let endContainer = range.endContainer;
@ -2821,7 +2835,7 @@ let removeZWS = ( root, keepNode ) => {
if ( node.length === 1 ) {
do {
parent = node.parentNode;
parent.removeChild( node );
node.remove( );
node = parent;
walker.currentNode = parent;
} while ( isInline( node ) && !getLength( node ) );
@ -3146,7 +3160,7 @@ proto.hasFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range ) {
// Otherwise, check each text node at least partially contained within
// the selection and make sure all of them have the format we want.
walker = doc.createTreeWalker( common, SHOW_TEXT, node => isNodeContainedInRange( range, node, true ) );
walker = doc.createTreeWalker( common, SHOW_TEXT, node => isNodeContainedInRange( range, node ) );
let seenNode = false;
while ( node = walker.nextNode() ) {
@ -3248,7 +3262,7 @@ proto._addFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range ) {
node => ( node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ||
node.nodeName === 'BR' ||
node.nodeName === 'IMG'
) && isNodeContainedInRange( range, node, true )
) && isNodeContainedInRange( range, node )
// Start at the beginning node of the range and iterate through
@ -3356,7 +3370,7 @@ proto._removeFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range, partial ) {
// If not at least partially contained, wrap entire contents
// in a clone of the tag we're removing and we're done.
if ( !isNodeContainedInRange( range, node, true ) ) {
if ( !isNodeContainedInRange( range, node ) ) {
// Ignore bookmarks and empty text nodes
if ( node.nodeName !== 'INPUT' &&
( !isText || ) ) {
@ -3387,7 +3401,7 @@ proto._removeFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range, partial ) {
formatTags =
root.getElementsByTagName( tag ), function ( el ) {
return isNodeContainedInRange( range, el, true ) &&
return isNodeContainedInRange( range, el ) &&
hasTagAttributes( el, tag, attributes );
@ -3758,7 +3772,7 @@ proto.decreaseListLevel = function ( range ) {
makeNotList = !/^[OU]L$/.test( newParent.nodeName );
do {
next = startLi === endLi ? null : startLi.nextSibling;
list.removeChild( startLi );
startLi.remove( );
if ( makeNotList && startLi.nodeName === 'LI' ) {
startLi = this.createDefaultBlock([ empty( startLi ) ]);
@ -3859,7 +3873,7 @@ proto.setHTML = function ( html ) {
// Remove existing root children
while ( child = root.lastChild ) {
root.removeChild( child );
child.remove( );
// And insert new content