Added missing knockoutjs checked.js binding

This commit is contained in:
the-djmaze 2023-01-30 14:16:10 +01:00
parent 08a082a190
commit bc196bcd1a

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
ko.bindingHandlers['checked'] = {
'after': ['value', 'attr'],
'init': function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings) {
var isCheckbox = element.type == "checkbox",
isRadio = element.type == "radio";
// Only bind to check boxes and radio buttons
if (isCheckbox || isRadio) {
const checkedValue = ko.pureComputed(()=>{
if (isRadio) {
return allBindings['has']('value')
? ko.utils.unwrapObservable(allBindings.get('value'))
: element.value;
// Set up two computeds to update the binding:
// The first responds to element clicks
element.addEventListener("click", () => {
// When we're first setting up this computed, don't change any model state.
if (ko.dependencyDetection.isInitial()) {
// This updates the model value from the view value.
// It runs in response to DOM events (click) and changes in checkedValue.
var isChecked = element.checked;
// We can ignore unchecked radio buttons, because some other radio
// button will be checked, and that one can take care of updating state.
// Also ignore value changes to an already unchecked checkbox.
if (!isChecked && (isRadio || ko.dependencyDetection.getDependenciesCount())) {
var elemValue = isCheckbox ? isChecked : checkedValue(),
modelValue = ko.dependencyDetection.ignore(valueAccessor);
ko.expressionRewriting.writeValueToProperty(modelValue, allBindings, 'checked', elemValue, true);
// The second responds to changes in the model value (the one associated with the checked binding)
ko.computed(() => {
// This updates the view value from the model value.
// It runs in response to changes in the bound (checked) value.
var modelValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
element.checked = isCheckbox ? !!modelValue : (checkedValue() === modelValue);
}, null, { disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: element });
ko.expressionRewriting.twoWayBindings['checked'] = true;