Compare commits


9 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mohammad rezaei f6054cbfc0
Merge 6294925678 into 9be861dbc0 2024-09-15 09:42:14 +00:00
Mohammad Rezaei 6294925678 The dompurify removed from gulp config 2024-09-15 13:12:00 +03:30
Mohammad Rezaei f4883a9fed The dompurify removed 2024-09-15 13:10:05 +03:30
Mohammad Rezaei f1468cb08b Upgraded squire 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 2024-09-14 09:44:46 +03:30
Mohammad Rezaei de042ed365 Removed squire v1 2024-09-14 09:20:50 +03:30
Mohammad Rezaei 7c434a618b Editor display improved for nextcloud theme 2024-09-11 14:42:02 +03:30
Mohammad Rezaei 1c7f166021 Fix: display correct text for rtl languages 2024-09-11 14:31:53 +03:30
Mohammad Rezaei a5d461483b The editor has been upgraded and improved using the new version of squire 2024-09-11 14:15:22 +03:30
Mohammad Rezaei a6a83fa2df Squire upgraded to v2.3 2024-09-11 12:49:29 +03:30
65 changed files with 9306 additions and 3260 deletions

View file

@ -68,7 +68,12 @@ class SquireUI = input.offsetWidth + 'px';
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// Chrome 110+
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Georgia: "'URW Palladio L', Georgia, Times, serif"
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// TODO: maybe consider using
// example:
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@ -130,16 +136,6 @@ class SquireUI
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undo: {
html: '↶',
cmd: () => squire.undo(),
cmd: () => this.squire.undo(),
key: 'Z'
redo: {
html: '↷',
cmd: () => squire.redo(),
cmd: () => this.squire.redo(),
key: 'Y'
source: {
@ -275,7 +434,7 @@ class SquireUI
clear: {
removeStyle: {
html: '⎚',
cmd: () => squire.setStyle()
cmd: () => this.squire.setStyle()
@ -317,7 +476,7 @@ class SquireUI
if (browseImage.files.length) {
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => reader.result && squire.insertImage(reader.result);
reader.onloadend = () => reader.result && this.squire.insertImage(reader.result);
@ -403,12 +562,12 @@ class SquireUI
this.modeSelect = actions.mode.plain.input;
let changes = actions.changes;
changes.undo.input.disabled = changes.redo.input.disabled = true;
squire.addEventListener('undoStateChange', e => {
changes.undo.input.disabled = !e.detail.canUndo;
changes.redo.input.disabled = !e.detail.canRedo;
// let changes = actions.changes;
// changes.undo.input.disabled = changes.redo.input.disabled = true;
// squire.addEventListener('undoStateChange', state => {
// changes.undo.input.disabled = !state.canUndo;
// changes.redo.input.disabled = !state.canRedo;
// });
actions.font.fontSize.input.selectedIndex = actions.font.fontSize.defaultValueIndex;
@ -540,9 +699,8 @@ class SquireUI
doList(type) {
let parent = this.squire.getSelectionClosest('UL,OL')?.nodeName,
fn = {UL:'makeUnorderedList',OL:'makeOrderedList'};
(parent == type) ? this.squire.removeList() : this.squire[fn[type]]();
let fn = {ul:'makeUnorderedList',ol:'makeOrderedList'};
this.squire.hasFormat(type) ? this.squire.removeList() : this.squire[fn[type]]()
testPresenceinSelection(format, validation) {

View file

@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
.squire-toolbar {
border-bottom: 1px solid #b6b6b6;
min-height: 28px;
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
padding: 2px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 10px 5px;
position: relative;
white-space: nowrap;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: center;
box-sizing: content-box;
.squire-toolbar input[type="color"] {
@ -17,18 +21,31 @@
width: 40px;
.squire-toolbar input[type="color"][list="squire-colors"] {
top: 10px;
.squire-toolbar select {
font-size: 85%;
padding: 4px 1.5em 4px 6px;
text-align: var(--left, left);
text-align: left;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 7em;
width: fit-content;;
background-color: unset;
border: unset;
text-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none !important;
.squire-toolbar select[data-action="fontSize"] {
width: 5em;
.squire-toolbar button {
font-family: snappymail, var(--fontSans)
font-family: snappymail, var(--fontSans);
padding: 2px 10px 4px 10px !important;
background-color: unset;
border: unset;
text-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none !important;
.squire-toolbar button[data-action="bold"] {
font-weight: bold;
@ -44,6 +61,25 @@
text-decoration: line-through;
.squire-toolbar button:hover {
transform: scale(1.2);
.squire-toolbar button img {
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
.squire-toolbar button svg {
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
margin-top: 8px;
[dir="rtl"] .squire-toolbar.btn-toolbar div.btn-group {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row-reverse;
.squire-wysiwyg, .squire-plain {
height: 100%;
@ -55,16 +91,19 @@
.squire-wysiwyg {
font-family: var(--fontSans);
line-height: 1.6;
ul {
padding-left: 40px;
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
li {
list-style-type: disc !important;
ol {
padding-left: 40px;
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
li {
list-style-type: decimal !important;

View file

@ -428,7 +428,11 @@
"IMAGEUPLOAD": "Image select",
"UNDO": "Undo",
"REDO": "Redo",
"REMOVESTYLE": "Remove style"
"REMOVESTYLE": "Remove style",
"LEFTALIGN": "Right",
"CENTERALIGN": "Center",
"GENERAL": "General",

View file

@ -428,7 +428,11 @@
"IMAGEUPLOAD": "Image select",
"UNDO": "Undo",
"REDO": "Redo",
"REMOVESTYLE": "Remove style"
"REMOVESTYLE": "Remove style",
"LEFTALIGN": "Right",
"CENTERALIGN": "Center",
"GENERAL": "عمومی",
@ -465,8 +469,8 @@
"SHOW_NEXT_MESSAGE": "Show next message when (re)move current message",
"EDITOR": "ویرایشگر پیش‌فرض",
"EDITOR_HTML": "تحت فرمت Html",
"EDITOR_PLAIN": "ساده",
"EDITOR_PLAIN": "فرمت ساده",
"VIEW_OPTIONS": "مشاهده گزینه‌ها",
"USE_PREVIEW_PANE": "استفاده از پنجره پیش‌نمایش",
"HIDE_DELETED_MESSAGES": "پنهان کردن پیام های علامت گذاری شده برای حذف",

View file

@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
<div class="bodyText"></div>
<div class="bodyText" dir="auto"></div>

View file

@ -342,9 +342,9 @@
/* #region button */
#rl-app .btn,
#rl-app button,
#rl-app button.btn:not(.button-vue) {
#rl-app .btn:not(.squire-toolbar *),
#rl-app button:not(.squire-toolbar *),
#rl-app button.btn:not(.button-vue):not(.squire-toolbar *) {
min-height: 36px;
height: 36px;
box-sizing: border-box;
@ -514,20 +514,20 @@
margin-left: 0.5px;
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(n+2 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):nth-last-child(n+2 of :not([style*="display: none;"])) {
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(n+2 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):nth-last-child(n+2 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):not(.squire-toolbar *) {
border-radius: 0 !important;
margin-right: 0.5px;
margin-left: 0.5px;
/* fallback */
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:not(:first-of-type):not(:last-of-type) {
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:not(:first-of-type):not(:last-of-type):not(.squire-toolbar *) {
border-radius: 0;
margin: 0 0.5px;
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])),
[dir="rtl"] #rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-last-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])) {
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):not(.squire-toolbar *),
[dir="rtl"] #rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-last-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):not(.squire-toolbar *) {
border-radius: 0 !important;
border-top-left-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-pill) !important;
border-bottom-left-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-pill) !important;
@ -541,8 +541,8 @@
border-bottom-left-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-pill);
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-last-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])),
[dir="rtl"] #rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])) {
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-last-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):not(.squire-toolbar *),
[dir="rtl"] #rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):not(.squire-toolbar *) {
border-radius: 0 !important;
border-top-right-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-pill) !important;
border-bottom-right-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-pill) !important;
@ -556,14 +556,14 @@
border-bottom-right-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-pill);
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):nth-last-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])),
[dir="rtl"] #rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):nth-last-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])) {
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):nth-last-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):not(.squire-toolbar *),
[dir="rtl"] #rl-app .btn-group .btn:nth-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):nth-last-child(1 of :not([style*="display: none;"])):not(.squire-toolbar *) {
border-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-pill) !important;
/* fallback */
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:first-of-type:last-of-type,
[dir="rtl"] #rl-app .btn-group .btn:first-of-type:last-of-type {
#rl-app .btn-group .btn:first-of-type:last-of-type:not(.squire-toolbar *),
[dir="rtl"] #rl-app .btn-group .btn:first-of-type:last-of-type:not(.squire-toolbar *) {
border-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-pill) !important;
@ -612,17 +612,15 @@
/* #region input & select */
#rl-app select,
#rl-app .select,
#rl-app .emailaddresses,
#rl-app input:not([type="checkbox"]) {
#rl-app select:not(.squire-toolbar *),
#rl-app .select:not(.squire-toolbar *),
#rl-app .emailaddresses:not(.squire-toolbar *),
#rl-app input:not([type="checkbox"]):not(.squire-toolbar *) {
padding: 0 12px;
font-size: var(--nc-default-font-size);
color: var(--nc-color-main-text);
background-color: unset;
height: 36px;
border: 2px solid var(--nc-color-border-maxcontrast);
border-radius: var(--nc-border-radius-large);
line-height: 32px;
outline: none;
@ -842,8 +840,6 @@ input[type="checkbox"] {
/* #region textarea */
#rl-app .squire-toolbar {
height: 50px;
padding: 5px;
box-sizing: content-box;
border: none;

View file

@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ config.paths.js = {
// 'vendors/knockout/build/output/knockout-latest.debug.js',
// 'vendors/dompurify/dist/purify.js',

vendors/squire-rte/ vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, starting from v2.0.0.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [2.3.2] - 2024-08-16
### Fixed
- Fix "pathChange" event not being fired on selection change.
- Fix backspace at beginning of quote was deleting the contents, not just
removing the quote.
## [2.3.1] - 2024-07-23
### Fixed
- Fix crash extracting contents of range.
## [2.3.0] - 2024-07-18
### Fixed
- Fix text nodes sometimes incorrectly merged after delete.
### Added
- HTML copied from the editor now includes a `<!-- squire -->` comment
- The willPaste event now includes an `html` property in the details, with the
raw HTML that is being pasted.
## [2.2.9] - 2024-07-17
### Fixed
- Fix incorrect styles can be applied after splitting at the end of inline
formatting, blurring, and focusing again.
- Fix font info sometimes not returned even when selection within a single
text span.
## [2.2.8] - 2024-02-21
### Fixed
- Fix some keyboard shortcuts not working on some platforms.
- Fix unable to paste text with new line on Android.
## [2.2.7] - 2024-02-21
### Fixed
- Fix handling of Japanese IME input.
- Fix willPaste event not cancelable.
## [2.2.6] - 2024-02-01
### Fixed
- Fix Firefox cursor position after paste.
- Fix keyboard handling on some Android browsers
### Added
- Add undo point for automatic list creation.
## [2.2.5] - 2023-11-08
### Fixed
- Return focus to the editor after undo/redo.
## [2.2.4] - 2023-10-24
### Fixed
- Fixed the type definition of the "setKeyHandler" method "key" parameter.
## [2.2.3] - 2023-10-09
### Fixed
- Fixed a null-deref crash that could occur when removing inline formatting.
## [2.2.2] - 2023-10-04
### Fixed
- Added a workaround for a bug in Chrome that resulted in text in the editor
not being rendered in certain circumstances.
## [2.2.1] - 2023-10-03
### Fixed
- Fixed a bug in the exported extractRangeToClipboard fn if used in a certain
## [2.2.0] - 2023-10-02
### Added
- The Squire config now has support for a toPlainText function, that takes an
HTML string and should return the plain text version of that content to be
added to the clipboard when cutting/copying.
### Changed
- The default conversion of the HTML to plain text when cutting/copying now
uses the same algorithm as the getSelectedText method.
## [2.1.1] - 2023-09-27
### Fixed
- If you changed inline formatting in Chrome and then hit space, the formatting
would be lost. This is now fixed.
## [2.1.0] - 2023-09-19
### Added
- If you start a new line with "\*" then a space, Squire will now automatically
set the format to an unordered list.
- If you start a new line with "1." then a space, Squire will now automatically
set the format to an ordered list.
## [2.0.3] - 2023-04-20
### Fixed
- Fixed an error being thrown when you typed a URL in the middle of a text
## [2.0.2] - 2023-03-20
### Changed
- Let ArrowRight key always break out of <code> if at end. It will add a
space afterwards if needed.
- Added documentation for pasteImage event.
### Fixed
- Fix backspace can delete two characters.
- Consistently focus after calling removeAllFormatting.
- Performance improvements.
## [2.0.1] - 2023-02-14
### Changed
- Auto delink if backspacing inside auto-linked URL. This means if you make a
mistake and backspace, you don't end up accidentally fixing the text but
leaving the link to the wrong URL.
### Fixed
- Fix duplicate CSS created when replacing styles
- Support browsers without Selection#setBaseAndExtent API. This includes some
older Firefox versions.
## [2.0.0] - 2023-01-23
### Added
- Builds as an ES module.
### Changed
- All code ported to Typescript and ES modules for compatibility with modern
frontend projects and future maintainability.
- New off-the-shelf tooling for the build process and code quality assurance.
- Config option `sanitizeToDOMFragment` no longer takes an `isPaste`
- Custom events (e.g. `pathChange`) use the browser native CustomEvent class,
which means the custom properties (e.g. `path`) are now available on the
`detail` property of the event object, rather than directly added to the
event object.
- When the user pastes an image, instead of simulating drag/drop events,
Squire now fires a custom `pasteImage` event, with a `clipboardData`
property on the `detail`
- When there is a selection and you paste text that looks like a URL, it will
now make the selection a link rather than replacing it with the URL text.
- In the object returned by the `getFontInfo` method, the font size property
is now called "fontSize" instead of "size", and the font family property is
now called "fontFamily" instead of "family". This means all properties now
use the same name as in the CSSStyleDeclaration API.
- The `key` function for setKeyHandler now uses the same names
(including case) as the KeyboardEvent.key property
For example, `"enter"` is now `"Enter"` and `"left"` is now `"ArrowLeft"`.
### Fixed
- Fixed iOS autocorrect/text substitution fails to activate when hitting
- Fixed Samsung keyboard on Android causes bizarre changes to the input,
making it unusable.
- Fixed bug trimming insignificant trailing white space, which could result
in some formatting actions behaving oddly.
- Fixed spaces "vanish" sometimes after deleting text.
### Removed
- Support for any version of IE.
- Support for using an iframe document as the editor, rather than just a
normal DOM node.
- Support for using it without an HTML sanitiser - this is essential for
security, so it's now required.
- `isInsertedHTMLSanitized` and `isSetHTMLSanitized` config options - as per
the above, the HTML is always sanitised on insertion for security.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 20112014 by Neil Jenkins
Copyright © 20112023 by Neil Jenkins
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to

View file

@ -1,81 +1,64 @@
# Squire
Squire is an HTML5 rich text editor, which provides powerful cross-browser normalisation in a flexible lightweight package (only 16.5KB of JS after minification and gzip, with no dependencies!).
Squire is an HTML5 rich text editor, which provides powerful cross-browser normalisation in a flexible lightweight package (only 16KB of JS after minification and gzip, with no dependencies!).
It was designed to handle email composition for the [Fastmail]( web app. The most important consequence of this (and where Squire differs from most other modern rich text editors) is that it must handle arbitrary HTML, because it may be used to forward or quote emails from third-parties and must be able to preserve their HTML without breaking the formatting. This means that it can't use a more structured (but limited) internal data model (as most other modern HTML editors do) and the HTML remains the source-of-truth. The other consequence is excellent handling of multiple levels of blockquotes.
Squire was designed to be integrated with your own UI framework, and so does not provide its own UI toolbar, widgets or overlays. Instead, you get a component you can insert in place of a `<textarea>` and manipulate programatically, allowing you to integrate seamlessly with the rest of your application and lose the bloat of having two UI toolkits loaded.
Squire is designed to be integrated with your own UI framework, and so does not provide its own UI toolbar, widgets or overlays. Instead, you get a component you can insert in place of a `<textarea>` and manipulate programmatically, allowing you to integrate seamlessly with the rest of your application and lose the bloat of having two UI toolkits loaded.
Squire supports all reasonably recent, and even moderately old, browsers (even IE11, although this is not tested much these days).
Squire supports all reasonably recent browsers. It no longer supports any version of IE.
In addition to its use at [Fastmail](, it is also currently used in production at [ProtonMail](, [SnappyMail](, [StartMail](, [Tutanota](, [Zoho Mail]( and [Superhuman](, as well as other non-mail apps including [Google Earth]( (drop me a line if you're using Squire elsewhere, I'm always interested to hear about it!).
In addition to its use at [Fastmail](, it is also currently used in production at [ProtonMail](, [SnappyMail](, [StartMail](, [Tutanota](, [Zoho Mail](, [Superhuman]( and [Teamwork Desk](, as well as other non-mail apps including [Google Earth]( (drop me a line if you're using Squire elsewhere, I'm always interested to hear about it!).
An example UI integration can be tried at Please note though, this is an out-of-date version of Squire and a slightly buggy implementation written by an intern many years ago. For a demo of the latest version with a production-level UI integration, [sign up for a free Fastmail trial]( :). There's also a very bare-bones integration in the repo; just clone it and open `Demo.html`. If you are reporting a bug, please report the steps to reproduce using `Demo.html`, to make sure it's not a bug in your integration.
For a demo of the latest version with a production-level UI integration, [sign up for a free Fastmail trial]( :). There's also a very bare-bones integration in the repo; just clone it and open `Demo.html`. If you are reporting a bug, please report the steps to reproduce using `Demo.html`, to make sure it's not a bug in your integration.
Installation and usage
## Installation and usage
1. Copy the contents of the `build/` directory onto your server.
2. Edit the `<style>` block in document.html to add the default styles you
would like the editor to use (or link to an external stylesheet).
3. In your application, instead of a `<textarea>`, use an
`<iframe src="path/to/document.html">`.
4. In your JS, attach an event listener to the [`load` event]( of the iframe. When
this fires you can grab a reference to the editor object through
5. Use the API below with the `editor` object to set and get data and integrate
with your application or framework.
1. Add Squire to your project: `npm install squire-rte`
2. In your code, `import Squire from 'squire-rte';`
3. Create your editor by calling `editor = new Squire(node);`.
### Using Squire without an iframe.
### Invoke with script tag
Squire can also be used without an iframe for the document. To use it this way:
Squire can also be used in a script tag:
1. Add a `<script>` tag to load in `build/squire.js` (or `squire-raw.js` for the debuggable unminified version).
2. Get a reference to the DOM node in the document that you want to make into the rich textarea, e.g. `node = document.getElementById( 'editor-div' )`.
3. Call `editor = new Squire( node )`. This will instantiate a new Squire instance. Please note, this will remove any current children of the node; you must use the `setHTML` command after initialising to set any content.
1. Add a `<script>` tag to load in `dist/squire.js` (or `squire-raw.js` for the debuggable unminified version):
You can have multiple squire instances in a single page without issue. If you are using the editor as part of a long lived single-page app, be sure to call `editor.destroy()` once you have finished using an instance to ensure it doesn't leak resources.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/squire.js"></script>
2. Get a reference to the DOM node in the document that you want to make into the rich textarea, e.g. `node = document.getElementById('editor-div')`.
3. Call `editor = new Squire(node)`. This will instantiate a new Squire instance. Please note, this will remove any current children of the node; you must use the `setHTML` command after initialising to set any content.
## Editor lifecycle
You can have multiple Squire instances in a single page without issue. If you are using the editor as part of a long lived single-page app, be sure to call `editor.destroy()` once you have finished using an instance to ensure it doesn't leak resources.
### Security
Malicious HTML can be a source of XSS and other security issues. I highly recommended you use [DOMPurify]( with Squire to prevent these security issues. If DOMPurify is included in the page (with the standard global variable), Squire will automatically sanitise any HTML passed in via `setHTML` or `insertHTML` (which includes HTML the user pastes from the clipboard).
Malicious HTML can be a source of XSS and other security issues. You MUST provide a method to safely convert raw HTML into DOM nodes to use Squire. Squire will automatically integrate with [DOMPurify]( to do this if present in the page. Otherwise you must set a custom `sanitizeToDOMFragment` function in your config.
You can override this by setting properties on the config object (the second argument passed to the constructor, see below). The properties are:
- **sanitizeToDOMFragment**: `(html: string, editor: Squire) => DocumentFragment`
A custom sanitization function. This will be called instead of the default call to DOMPurify to sanitize the potentially dangerous HTML. It is passed two arguments: the first is the string of HTML, the second is the Squire instance. It must return a DOM Fragment node belonging to the same document as the editor's root node, with the contents being clean DOM nodes to set/insert.
* **isSetHTMLSanitized**: `Boolean`
Should the HTML passed via calls to `setHTML` be passed to the sanitizer? If your app always sanitizes the HTML in some other way before calling this, you may wish to set this to `false` to avoid the overhead.
* **isInsertedHTMLSanitized**: `Boolean` (defaults to `true`) Should the HTML passed via calls to `insertHTML` be passed to the sanitizer? This includes when the user pastes from the clipboard. Since you cannot control what other apps put on the clipboard, it is highly recommended you do not set this to `false`.
* **sanitizeToDOMFragment**: `(html: String, isPaste: Boolean, self: Squire) -> DOMFragment`
A custom sanitization function. This will be called instead of the default call to DOMPurify to sanitize the potentially dangerous HTML. It is passed three arguments: the first is the string of HTML, the second is a boolean indicating if this content has come from the clipboard, rather than an explicit call by your own code, the third is the squire instance. It must return a DOM Fragment node belonging to the same document as the editor's root node, with the contents being clean DOM nodes to set/insert.
Advanced usage
## Advanced usage
Squire provides an engine that handles the heavy work for you, making it easy to add extra features. With the `changeFormat` method you can easily add or remove any inline formatting you wish. And the `modifyBlocks` method can be used to make complicated block-level changes in a relatively easy manner.
If you load the library into a top-level document (rather than an iframe), or load it in an iframe without the `data-squireinit="true"` attribute on its `<html>` element, it will not turn the page into an editable document, but will instead add a constructor named `Squire` to the global scope.
You can also require the NPM package [squire-rte]( to import `Squire` in a modular program without adding names to the global namespace.
Call `new Squire( document )`, with the `document` from an iframe to instantiate multiple rich text areas on the same page efficiently. Note, for compatibility with all browsers (particularly Firefox), you MUST wait for the iframe's `onload` event to fire before instantiating Squire.
If you need more commands than in the simple API, I suggest you check out the source code (it's not very long), and see how a lot of the other API methods are implemented in terms of these two methods.
The general philosophy of Squire is to allow the browser to do as much as it can (which unfortunately is not very much), but take control anywhere it deviates from what is required, or there are significant cross-browser differences. As such, the [`document.execCommand`]( method is not used at all; instead all formatting is done via custom functions, and certain keys, such as 'enter' and 'backspace' are handled by the editor.
### Setting the default block style
By default, the editor will use a `<div>` for blank lines, as most users have been conditioned by Microsoft Word to expect <kbd>Enter</kbd> to act like pressing <kbd>return</kbd> on a typewriter. If you would like to use `<p>` tags (or anything else) for the default block type instead, you can pass a config object as the second parameter to the squire constructor. You can also
By default, the editor will use a `<div>` for blank lines, as most users have been conditioned by Microsoft Word to expect <kbd>Enter</kbd> to act like pressing <kbd>return</kbd> on a typewriter. If you would like to use `<p>` tags (or anything else) for the default block type instead, you can pass a config object as the second parameter to the Squire constructor. You can also
pass a set of attributes to apply to each default block:
var editor = new Squire( document, {
var editor = new Squire(document, {
blockTag: 'P',
blockAttributes: { style: 'font-size: 16px;' }
If using the simple setup, call `editor.setConfig(…);` with your
config object instead. Be sure to do this *before* calling `editor.setHTML()`.
### Determining button state
@ -83,35 +66,33 @@ If you are adding a UI to Squire, you'll probably want to show a button in diffe
The efficient way to determine the state for most buttons is to monitor the "pathChange" event in the editor, and determine the state from the new path. If the selection goes across nodes, you will need to call the `hasFormat` method for each of your buttons to determine whether the styles are active. See the `getPath` and `hasFormat` documentation for more information.
## License
Squire is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for full license.
## API
### addEventListener
Attach an event listener to the editor. The handler can be either a function or an object with a `handleEvent` method. This function or method will be called whenever the event fires, with an event object as the sole argument. The following events may be observed:
* **focus**: The editor gained focus.
* **blur**: The editor lost focus
* **keydown**: Standard [DOM keydown event](
* **keypress**: Standard [DOM keypress event](
* **keyup**: Standard [DOM keyup event](
* **input**: The user inserted, deleted or changed the style of some text; in other words, the result for `editor.getHTML()` will have changed.
* **pathChange**: The path (see getPath documentation) to the cursor has changed. The new path is available as the `path` property on the event object.
* **select**: The user selected some text.
* **cursor**: The user cleared their selection or moved the cursor to a
different position.
* **undoStateChange**: The availability of undo and/or redo has changed. The event object has two boolean properties, `canUndo` and `canRedo` to let you know the new state.
* **willPaste**: The user is pasting content into the document. The content that will be inserted is available as either the `fragment` property on the event object, or the `text` property for plain text being inserted into a `<pre>`. You can modify this text/fragment in your event handler to change what will be pasted. You can also call the `preventDefault` on the event object to cancel the paste operation.
- **focus**: The editor gained focus.
- **blur**: The editor lost focus
- **keydown**: Standard [DOM keydown event](
- **keypress**: Standard [DOM keypress event](
- **keyup**: Standard [DOM keyup event](
- **input**: The user inserted, deleted or changed the style of some text; in other words, the result for `editor.getHTML()` will have changed.
- **pathChange**: The path (see getPath documentation) to the cursor has changed. The new path is available as the `path` property on the event's `detail` property object.
- **select**: The user selected some text.
- **cursor**: The user cleared their selection or moved the cursor to a different position.
- **undoStateChange**: The availability of undo and/or redo has changed. The event object has a `detail` property, which is an object with two boolean properties, `canUndo` and `canRedo` to let you know the new state.
- **willPaste**: The user is pasting content into the document. The content that will be inserted is available as either the `fragment` property, or the `text` property for plain text, on the `detail` property of the event. You can modify this text/fragment in your event handler to change what will be pasted. You can also call the `preventDefault` on the event object to cancel the paste operation.
- **pasteImage**: The user is pasting image content into the document.
The method takes two arguments:
* **type**: The event to listen for. e.g. 'focus'.
* **handler**: The callback function to invoke
- **type**: The event to listen for. e.g. 'focus'.
- **handler**: The callback function to invoke
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -121,22 +102,22 @@ Remove an event listener attached via the addEventListener method.
The method takes two arguments:
* **type**: The event type the handler was registered for.
* **handler**: The handler to remove.
- **type**: The event type the handler was registered for.
- **handler**: The handler to remove.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
### setKeyHandler
Adds or removes a keyboard shortcut. You can use this to override the default keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-B for bold see the bottom of KeyHandlers.js for the list).
Adds or removes a keyboard shortcut. You can use this to override the default keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-B for bold  see the bottom of KeyHandlers.js for the list).
This method takes two arguments:
* **key**: The key to handle, including any modifiers in alphabetical order. e.g. `"alt-ctrl-meta-shift-enter"`
* **fn**: The function to be called when this key is pressed, or `null` if removing a key handler. The function will be passed three arguments when called:
* **self**: A reference to the Squire instance.
* **event**: The key event object.
* **range**: A Range object representing the current selection.
- **key**: The key to handle, including any modifiers in alphabetical order. e.g. `"Alt-Ctrl-Meta-Shift-Enter"`
- **fn**: The function to be called when this key is pressed, or `null` if removing a key handler. The function will be passed three arguments when called:
- **self**: A reference to the Squire instance.
- **event**: The key event object.
- **range**: A Range object representing the current selection.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -156,10 +137,6 @@ The method takes no arguments.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
### getDocument
Returns the `document` object of the editable area. May be useful to do transformations outside the realm of the API.
### getHTML
Returns the HTML value of the editor in its current state. This value is equivalent to the contents of the `<body>` tag and does not include any surrounding boilerplate.
@ -170,7 +147,7 @@ Sets the HTML value for the editor. The value supplied should not contain `<body
The method takes one argument:
* **html**: The html to set.
- **html**: The html to set.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -184,8 +161,8 @@ Inserts an image at the current cursor location.
The method takes two arguments:
* **src**: The source path for the image.
* **attributes**: (optional) An object containing other attributes to set on the `<img>` node. e.g. `{ class: 'class-name' }`. Any `src` attribute will be overwritten by the url given as the first argument.
- **src**: The source path for the image.
- **attributes**: (optional) An object containing other attributes to set on the `<img>` node. e.g. `{ class: 'class-name' }`. Any `src` attribute will be overwritten by the url given as the first argument.
Returns a reference to the newly inserted image element.
@ -195,7 +172,7 @@ Inserts an HTML fragment at the current cursor location, or replaces the selecti
The method takes one argument:
* **html**: The html to insert.
- **html**: The html to insert.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -205,16 +182,16 @@ Returns the path through the DOM tree from the `<body>` element to the current c
### getFontInfo
Returns an object containing the active font family, size, color and background color for the the current cursor position, if any are set. The property names are respectively `family`, `size`, `color` and `backgroundColor`. It looks at style attributes to detect this, so will not detect `<FONT>` tags or non-inline styles. If a selection across multiple elements has been made, it will return an empty object.
Returns an object containing the active font family, size, color and background color for the the current cursor position, if any are set. The property names are respectively `fontFamily`, `fontSize`, `color` and `backgroundColor` (matching the CSS property names). It looks at style attributes to detect this, so will not detect `<FONT>` tags or non-inline styles. If a selection across multiple elements has been made, it will return an empty object.
### createRange
Creates a range in the document belonging to the editor. Takes 4 arguments, matching the [W3C Range properties]( they set:
* **startContainer**
* **startOffset**
* **endContainer** (optional; if not collapsed)
* **endOffset** (optional; if not collapsed)
- **startContainer**
- **startOffset**
- **endContainer** (optional; if not collapsed)
- **endOffset** (optional; if not collapsed)
### getCursorPosition
@ -231,7 +208,7 @@ Changes the current selection/cursor position.
The method takes one argument:
* **range**: The [W3C Range object]( representing the desired selection.
- **range**: The [W3C Range object]( representing the desired selection.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -276,8 +253,8 @@ Queries the editor for whether a particular format is applied anywhere in the cu
The method takes two arguments:
* **tag**: The tag of the format
* **attributes**: (optional) Any attributes the format.
- **tag**: The tag of the format
- **attributes**: (optional) Any attributes the format.
Returns `true` if the entire selection is contained within an element with the specified tag and attributes, otherwise returns `false`.
@ -323,8 +300,8 @@ Makes the currently selected text a link. If no text is selected, the URL or ema
This method takes two arguments:
* **url**: The url or email to link to.
* **attributes**: (optional) An object containing other attributes to set on the `<a>` node. e.g. `{ target: '_blank' }`. Any `href` attribute will be overwritten by the url given as the first argument.
- **url**: The url or email to link to.
- **attributes**: (optional) An object containing other attributes to set on the `<a>` node. e.g. `{ target: '_blank' }`. Any `href` attribute will be overwritten by the url given as the first argument.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -340,7 +317,7 @@ Sets the font face for the selected text.
This method takes one argument:
* **font**: A comma-separated list of fonts (in order of preference) to set.
- **font**: A comma-separated list of fonts (in order of preference) to set.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -350,7 +327,7 @@ Sets the font size for the selected text.
This method takes one argument:
* **size**: A size to set. Any CSS [length value]( or [absolute-size value]( is accepted, e.g. '13px', or 'small'.
- **size**: A size to set. Any CSS [length value]( or [absolute-size value]( is accepted, e.g. '13px', or 'small'.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -360,7 +337,7 @@ Sets the color of the selected text.
This method takes one argument:
* **color**: The color to set. Any [CSS color value]( is accepted, e.g. '#f00', or 'hsl(0,0,0)'.
- **color**: The color to set. Any [CSS color value]( is accepted, e.g. '#f00', or 'hsl(0,0,0)'.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -370,7 +347,7 @@ Sets the color of the background of the selected text.
This method takes one argument:
* **color**: The color to set. Any [CSS color value]( is accepted, e.g. '#f00', or 'hsl(0,0,0)'.
- **color**: The color to set. Any [CSS color value]( is accepted, e.g. '#f00', or 'hsl(0,0,0)'.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -380,7 +357,7 @@ Sets the text alignment in all blocks at least partially contained by the select
This method takes one argument:
* **alignment**: The direction to align to. Can be 'left', 'right', 'center' or 'justify'.
- **alignment**: The direction to align to. Can be 'left', 'right', 'center' or 'justify'.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -390,7 +367,7 @@ Sets the text direction in all blocks at least partially contained by the select
This method takes one argument:
* **direction**: The text direction. Can be 'ltr' or 'rtl'.
- **direction**: The text direction. Can be 'ltr' or 'rtl'.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -400,8 +377,8 @@ Executes a function on each block in the current selection, or until the functio
This method takes two arguments:
* **fn** The function to execute on each block node at least partially contained in the current selection. The function will be called with the block node as the only argument.
* **mutates** A boolean indicating whether your function may modify anything in the document in any way.
- **fn** The function to execute on each block node at least partially contained in the current selection. The function will be called with the block node as the only argument.
- **mutates** A boolean indicating whether your function may modify anything in the document in any way.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -411,7 +388,7 @@ Extracts a portion of the DOM tree (up to the block boundaries of the current se
This method takes one argument:
* **modify** The function to apply to the extracted DOM tree; gets a document fragment as a sole argument. `this` is bound to the Squire instance. Should return the node or fragment to be reinserted in the DOM.
- **modify** The function to apply to the extracted DOM tree; gets a document fragment as a sole argument. `this` is bound to the Squire instance. Should return the node or fragment to be reinserted in the DOM.
Returns self (the Squire instance).
@ -498,4 +475,4 @@ This is useful when the document needs to be changed programmatically, but those
### linkRegExp
This is the regular expression used to automatically mark up links when inserting HTML or after pressing space. You can change it if you want to use a custom regular expression for detecting links, or set to `null` to turn off link detection.
This is the regular expression used to automatically mark up links when inserting HTML or after pressing space. You can change it if you want to use a custom regular expression for detecting links, or set to `/[]/` to turn off link detection.

vendors/squire-rte/build.js vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
import esbuild from 'esbuild';
entryPoints: ['source/Legacy.ts'],
bundle: true,
target: 'es6',
format: 'iife',
outfile: 'dist/squire-raw.js',
entryPoints: ['source/Legacy.ts'],
bundle: true,
minify: true,
sourcemap: 'linked',
target: 'es6',
format: 'iife',
outfile: 'dist/squire.js',
entryPoints: ['source/Squire.ts'],
bundle: true,
target: 'esnext',
format: 'esm',
outfile: 'dist/squire-raw.mjs',
entryPoints: ['source/Squire.ts'],
bundle: true,
minify: true,
sourcemap: 'linked',
target: 'esnext',
format: 'esm',
outfile: 'dist/squire.mjs',
]).catch(() => process.exit(1));

vendors/squire-rte/dist/squire-raw.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

vendors/squire-rte/dist/squire-raw.mjs vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

vendors/squire-rte/dist/squire.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

vendors/squire-rte/dist/ vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

vendors/squire-rte/dist/squire.mjs vendored Normal file

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import { isLineBreak } from './node/Whitespace';
import type { SquireConfig } from './Editor';
declare const cleanTree: (node: Node, config: SquireConfig, preserveWS?: boolean) => Node;
declare const removeEmptyInlines: (node: Node) => void;
declare const cleanupBRs: (node: Element | DocumentFragment, root: Element, keepForBlankLine: boolean) => void;
declare const escapeHTML: (text: string) => string;
export { cleanTree, cleanupBRs, isLineBreak, removeEmptyInlines, escapeHTML };

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import type { Squire } from './Editor';
declare const extractRangeToClipboard: (event: ClipboardEvent, range: Range, root: HTMLElement, removeRangeFromDocument: boolean, toCleanHTML: null | ((html: string) => string), toPlainText: null | ((html: string) => string), plainTextOnly: boolean) => boolean;
declare const _onCut: (this: Squire, event: ClipboardEvent) => void;
declare const _onCopy: (this: Squire, event: ClipboardEvent) => void;
declare const _monitorShiftKey: (this: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent) => void;
declare const _onPaste: (this: Squire, event: ClipboardEvent) => void;
declare const _onDrop: (this: Squire, event: DragEvent) => void;
export { extractRangeToClipboard, _onCut, _onCopy, _monitorShiftKey, _onPaste, _onDrop, };

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
declare const ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
declare const TEXT_NODE = 3;
declare const DOCUMENT_NODE = 9;
declare const DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11;
declare const ZWS = "\u200B";
declare const ua: string;
declare const isMac: boolean;
declare const isWin: boolean;
declare const isIOS: boolean;
declare const isAndroid: boolean;
declare const isGecko: boolean;
declare const isLegacyEdge: boolean;
declare const isWebKit: boolean;
declare const ctrlKey: string;
declare const cantFocusEmptyTextNodes: boolean;
declare const supportsInputEvents: boolean;
declare const notWS: RegExp;
export { DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING, ELEMENT_NODE, TEXT_NODE, DOCUMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, notWS, ZWS, ua, isMac, isWin, isIOS, isAndroid, isGecko, isLegacyEdge, isWebKit, ctrlKey, cantFocusEmptyTextNodes, supportsInputEvents, };

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
type EventHandler = {
handleEvent: (e: Event) => void;
} | ((e: Event) => void);
type KeyHandlerFunction = (x: Squire, y: KeyboardEvent, z: Range) => void;
type TagAttributes = {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: string;
interface SquireConfig {
blockTag: string;
blockAttributes: null | Record<string, string>;
tagAttributes: TagAttributes;
classNames: {
color: string;
fontFamily: string;
fontSize: string;
highlight: string;
undo: {
documentSizeThreshold: number;
undoLimit: number;
addLinks: boolean;
willCutCopy: null | ((html: string) => string);
toPlainText: null | ((html: string) => string);
sanitizeToDOMFragment: (html: string, editor: Squire) => DocumentFragment;
didError: (x: any) => void;
declare class Squire {
_root: HTMLElement;
_config: SquireConfig;
_isFocused: boolean;
_lastSelection: Range;
_willRestoreSelection: boolean;
_mayHaveZWS: boolean;
_lastAnchorNode: Node | null;
_lastFocusNode: Node | null;
_path: string;
_events: Map<string, Array<EventHandler>>;
_undoIndex: number;
_undoStack: Array<string>;
_undoStackLength: number;
_isInUndoState: boolean;
_ignoreChange: boolean;
_ignoreAllChanges: boolean;
_isShiftDown: boolean;
_keyHandlers: Record<string, KeyHandlerFunction>;
_mutation: MutationObserver;
constructor(root: HTMLElement, config?: Partial<SquireConfig>);
destroy(): void;
_makeConfig(userConfig?: object): SquireConfig;
setKeyHandler(key: string, fn: KeyHandlerFunction): this;
_beforeInput(event: InputEvent): void;
handleEvent(event: Event): void;
fireEvent(type: string, detail?: Event | object): Squire;
* Subscribing to these events won't automatically add a listener to the
* document node, since these events are fired in a custom manner by the
* editor code.
customEvents: Set<string>;
addEventListener(type: string, fn: EventHandler): Squire;
removeEventListener(type: string, fn?: EventHandler): Squire;
focus(): Squire;
blur(): Squire;
_enableRestoreSelection(): void;
_disableRestoreSelection(): void;
_restoreSelection(): void;
_removeZWS(): void;
startSelectionId: string;
endSelectionId: string;
_saveRangeToBookmark(range: Range): void;
_getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range?: Range): Range | null;
getSelection(): Range;
setSelection(range: Range): Squire;
_moveCursorTo(toStart: boolean): Squire;
moveCursorToStart(): Squire;
moveCursorToEnd(): Squire;
getCursorPosition(): DOMRect;
getPath(): string;
_updatePathOnEvent(): void;
_updatePath(range: Range, force?: boolean): void;
_getPath(node: Node): string;
modifyDocument(modificationFn: () => void): Squire;
_docWasChanged(): void;
* Leaves bookmark.
_recordUndoState(range: Range, replace?: boolean): Squire;
saveUndoState(range?: Range): Squire;
undo(): Squire;
redo(): Squire;
getRoot(): HTMLElement;
_getRawHTML(): string;
_setRawHTML(html: string): Squire;
getHTML(withBookmark?: boolean): string;
setHTML(html: string): Squire;
* Insert HTML at the cursor location. If the selection is not collapsed
* insertTreeFragmentIntoRange will delete the selection so that it is
* replaced by the html being inserted.
insertHTML(html: string, isPaste?: boolean): Squire;
insertElement(el: Element, range?: Range): Squire;
insertImage(src: string, attributes: Record<string, string>): HTMLImageElement;
insertPlainText(plainText: string, isPaste: boolean): Squire;
getSelectedText(range?: Range): string;
* Extracts the font-family and font-size (if any) of the element
* holding the cursor. If there's a selection, returns an empty object.
getFontInfo(range?: Range): Record<string, string | undefined>;
* Looks for matching tag and attributes, so won't work if <strong>
* instead of <b> etc.
hasFormat(tag: string, attributes?: Record<string, string> | null, range?: Range): boolean;
changeFormat(add: {
tag: string;
attributes?: Record<string, string>;
} | null, remove?: {
tag: string;
attributes?: Record<string, string>;
} | null, range?: Range, partial?: boolean): Squire;
_addFormat(tag: string, attributes: Record<string, string> | null, range: Range): Range;
_removeFormat(tag: string, attributes: Record<string, string>, range: Range, partial?: boolean): Range;
bold(): Squire;
removeBold(): Squire;
italic(): Squire;
removeItalic(): Squire;
underline(): Squire;
removeUnderline(): Squire;
strikethrough(): Squire;
removeStrikethrough(): Squire;
subscript(): Squire;
removeSubscript(): Squire;
superscript(): Squire;
removeSuperscript(): Squire;
makeLink(url: string, attributes?: Record<string, string>): Squire;
removeLink(): Squire;
linkRegExp: RegExp;
addDetectedLinks(searchInNode: DocumentFragment | Node, root?: DocumentFragment | HTMLElement): Squire;
setFontFace(name: string | null): Squire;
setFontSize(size: string | null): Squire;
setTextColor(color: string | null): Squire;
setHighlightColor(color: string | null): Squire;
_ensureBottomLine(): void;
createDefaultBlock(children?: Node[]): HTMLElement;
tagAfterSplit: Record<string, string>;
splitBlock(lineBreakOnly: boolean, range?: Range): Squire;
forEachBlock(fn: (el: HTMLElement) => any, mutates: boolean, range?: Range): Squire;
modifyBlocks(modify: (x: DocumentFragment) => Node, range?: Range): Squire;
setTextAlignment(alignment: string): Squire;
setTextDirection(direction: string | null): Squire;
_getListSelection(range: Range, root: Element): [Node, Node | null, Node | null] | null;
increaseListLevel(range?: Range): Squire;
decreaseListLevel(range?: Range): Squire;
_makeList(frag: DocumentFragment, type: string): DocumentFragment;
makeUnorderedList(): Squire;
makeOrderedList(): Squire;
removeList(): Squire;
increaseQuoteLevel(range?: Range): Squire;
decreaseQuoteLevel(range?: Range): Squire;
removeQuote(range?: Range): Squire;
replaceWithBlankLine(range?: Range): Squire;
code(): Squire;
removeCode(): Squire;
toggleCode(): Squire;
_removeFormatting(root: DocumentFragment | Element, clean: DocumentFragment | Element): DocumentFragment | Element;
removeAllFormatting(range?: Range): Squire;
export { Squire };
export type { SquireConfig };

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export {};

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import { Squire } from './Editor';
export default Squire;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import type { Squire } from '../Editor';
declare const Backspace: (self: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent, range: Range) => void;
export { Backspace };

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import type { Squire } from '../Editor';
declare const Delete: (self: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent, range: Range) => void;
export { Delete };

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import type { Squire } from '../Editor';
declare const Enter: (self: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent, range: Range) => void;
export { Enter };

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import type { Squire } from '../Editor';
declare const _onKey: (this: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent) => void;
type KeyHandler = (self: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent, range: Range) => void;
declare const keyHandlers: Record<string, KeyHandler>;
export { _onKey, keyHandlers };

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import type { Squire } from '../Editor';
declare const afterDelete: (self: Squire, range?: Range) => void;
declare const detachUneditableNode: (node: Node, root: Element) => void;
declare const linkifyText: (self: Squire, textNode: Text, offset: number) => void;
export { afterDelete, detachUneditableNode, linkifyText };

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import type { Squire } from '../Editor';
declare const Space: (self: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent, range: Range) => void;
export { Space };

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import type { Squire } from '../Editor';
declare const Tab: (self: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent, range: Range) => void;
declare const ShiftTab: (self: Squire, event: KeyboardEvent, range: Range) => void;
export { Tab, ShiftTab };

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import { TreeIterator } from './TreeIterator';
declare const getBlockWalker: (node: Node, root: Element | DocumentFragment) => TreeIterator<HTMLElement>;
declare const getPreviousBlock: (node: Node, root: Element | DocumentFragment) => HTMLElement | null;
declare const getNextBlock: (node: Node, root: Element | DocumentFragment) => HTMLElement | null;
declare const isEmptyBlock: (block: Element) => boolean;
export { getBlockWalker, getPreviousBlock, getNextBlock, isEmptyBlock };

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
declare const leafNodeNames: Set<string>;
declare const resetNodeCategoryCache: () => void;
declare const isLeaf: (node: Node) => boolean;
declare const getNodeCategory: (node: Node) => number;
declare const isInline: (node: Node) => boolean;
declare const isBlock: (node: Node) => boolean;
declare const isContainer: (node: Node) => boolean;
export { getNodeCategory, isBlock, isContainer, isInline, isLeaf, leafNodeNames, resetNodeCategoryCache, };

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
declare const fixCursor: (node: Node) => Node;
declare const fixContainer: (container: Node, root: Element | DocumentFragment) => Node;
declare const split: (node: Node, offset: number | Node | null, stopNode: Node, root: Element | DocumentFragment) => Node | null;
declare const mergeInlines: (node: Node, range: Range) => void;
declare const mergeWithBlock: (block: Node, next: Node, range: Range, root: Element) => void;
declare const mergeContainers: (node: Node, root: Element) => void;
export { fixContainer, fixCursor, mergeContainers, mergeInlines, mergeWithBlock, split, };

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
declare const createElement: (tag: string, props?: Record<string, string> | null, children?: Node[]) => HTMLElement;
declare const areAlike: (node: HTMLElement | Node, node2: HTMLElement | Node) => boolean;
declare const hasTagAttributes: (node: Node | Element, tag: string, attributes?: Record<string, string> | null) => boolean;
declare const getNearest: (node: Node | null, root: Element | DocumentFragment, tag: string, attributes?: Record<string, string> | null) => Node | null;
declare const getNodeBeforeOffset: (node: Node, offset: number) => Node;
declare const getNodeAfterOffset: (node: Node, offset: number) => Node | null;
declare const getLength: (node: Node) => number;
declare const empty: (node: Node) => DocumentFragment;
declare const detach: (node: Node) => Node;
declare const replaceWith: (node: Node, node2: Node) => void;
export { areAlike, createElement, detach, empty, getLength, getNearest, getNodeAfterOffset, getNodeBeforeOffset, hasTagAttributes, replaceWith, };

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type NODE_TYPE = 1 | 4 | 5;
declare const SHOW_ELEMENT = 1;
declare const SHOW_TEXT = 4;
declare const SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT = 5;
declare class TreeIterator<T extends Node> {
root: Node;
currentNode: Node;
nodeType: NODE_TYPE;
filter: (n: T) => boolean;
constructor(root: Node, nodeType: NODE_TYPE, filter?: (n: T) => boolean);
isAcceptableNode(node: Node): boolean;
nextNode(): T | null;
previousNode(): T | null;
previousPONode(): T | null;

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declare const isLineBreak: (br: Element, isLBIfEmptyBlock: boolean) => boolean;
declare const removeZWS: (root: Node, keepNode?: Node | null) => void;
export { isLineBreak, removeZWS };

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declare const getStartBlockOfRange: (range: Range, root: Element | DocumentFragment) => HTMLElement | null;
declare const getEndBlockOfRange: (range: Range, root: Element | DocumentFragment) => HTMLElement | null;
declare const rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary: (range: Range, root: Element) => boolean;
declare const rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary: (range: Range, root: Element) => boolean;
declare const expandRangeToBlockBoundaries: (range: Range, root: Element) => void;
export { getStartBlockOfRange, getEndBlockOfRange, rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary, rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary, expandRangeToBlockBoundaries, };

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declare const isNodeContainedInRange: (range: Range, node: Node, partial: boolean) => boolean;
* Moves the range to an equivalent position with the start/end as deep in
* the tree as possible.
declare const moveRangeBoundariesDownTree: (range: Range) => void;
declare const moveRangeBoundariesUpTree: (range: Range, startMax: Node, endMax: Node, root: Node) => void;
declare const moveRangeBoundaryOutOf: (range: Range, tag: string, root: Element) => Range;
export { isNodeContainedInRange, moveRangeBoundariesDownTree, moveRangeBoundariesUpTree, moveRangeBoundaryOutOf, };

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declare const getTextContentsOfRange: (range: Range) => string;
export { getTextContentsOfRange };

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declare function createRange(startContainer: Node, startOffset: number): Range;
declare function createRange(startContainer: Node, startOffset: number, endContainer: Node, endOffset: number): Range;
declare const insertNodeInRange: (range: Range, node: Node) => void;
* Removes the contents of the range and returns it as a DocumentFragment.
* The range at the end will be at the same position, with the edges just
* before/after the split. If the start/end have the same parents, it will
* be collapsed.
declare const extractContentsOfRange: (range: Range, common: Node | null, root: Element) => DocumentFragment;
declare const deleteContentsOfRange: (range: Range, root: Element) => DocumentFragment;
declare const insertTreeFragmentIntoRange: (range: Range, frag: DocumentFragment, root: Element) => void;
export { createRange, deleteContentsOfRange, extractContentsOfRange, insertNodeInRange, insertTreeFragmentIntoRange, };

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vendors/squire-rte/package.json vendored Normal file
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"name": "squire-rte",
"version": "2.3.2",
"description": "Squire is an HTML5 rich text editor, which provides powerful cross-browser normalisation, whilst being supremely lightweight and flexible.",
"main": "dist/squire.mjs",
"types": "dist/types/Squire.d.ts",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"test": "jest",
"build": "./build.js && tsc",
"lint": "eslint source",
"fix": "eslint --fix source && prettier --write source"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"keywords": [
"author": "Neil Jenkins",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.24.9",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.24.8",
"@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.24.7",
"@types/jest": "^29.5.12",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.16.1",
"babel-jest": "^29.7.0",
"esbuild": "^0.23.0",
"eslint": "^8.57.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^9.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.1.3",
"jest": "^29.7.0",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "^29.7.0",
"prettier": "^3.3.3",
"tslib": "^2.6.3",
"typescript": "^5.5.3"

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