import { decodeEncodedWords } from 'Mime/Encoding'; /** * Parses structured e-mail addresses from an address/mailbox(-list) field * * * Example: * * "Name " * * will be converted to * * [{name: "Name", email: "address@domain"}] * * @param {String} str Address field * @return {Array} An array of address objects */ export function addressparser(str) { str = (str || '').toString(); let endOperator = '', node = { type: 'text', value: '' }, escaped = false, address = [], addresses = []; const /* * Operator tokens and which tokens are expected to end the sequence */ OPERATORS = { '"': '"', '(': ')', '<': '>', ',': '', // Groups are ended by semicolons ':': ';', // Semicolons are not a legal delimiter per the RFC2822 grammar other // than for terminating a group, but they are also not valid for any // other use in this context. Given that some mail clients have // historically allowed the semicolon as a delimiter equivalent to the // comma in their UI, it makes sense to treat them the same as a comma // when used outside of a group. ';': '' }, pushToken = token => { token.value = (token.value || '').toString().trim(); token.value.length && address.push(token); node = { type: 'text', value: '' }, escaped = false; }, pushAddress = () => { if (address.length) { address = _handleAddress(address); if (address.length) { addresses = addresses.concat(address); } } address = []; }; [...str].forEach(chr => { if (!escaped && (chr === endOperator || (!endOperator && chr in OPERATORS))) { pushToken(node); if (',' === chr || ';' === chr) { pushAddress(); } else { endOperator = endOperator ? '' : OPERATORS[chr]; if ('<' === chr) { node.type = 'email'; } else if ('(' === chr) { node.type = 'comment'; } else if (':' === chr) { node.type = 'group'; } } } else { node.value += chr; escaped = !escaped && '\\' === chr; } }); pushToken(node); pushAddress(); return addresses; } /** * Converts tokens for a single address into an address object * * @param {Array} tokens Tokens object * @return {Object} Address object */ function _handleAddress(tokens) { let isGroup = false, address = {}, addresses = [], data = { email: [], comment: [], group: [], text: [] }; tokens.forEach(token => { isGroup = isGroup || 'group' === token.type; data[token.type].push(token.value); }); // If there is no text but a comment, replace the two if (!data.text.length && data.comment.length) { data.text = data.comment; data.comment = []; } if (isGroup) { // /* addresses.push({ email: '', name: data.text.join(' ').trim(), group: addressparser(',')) // ,comment: data.comment.join(' ').trim() }); */ addresses = addresses.concat(addressparser(','))); } else { // If no address was found, try to detect one from regular text if (! && data.text.length) { var i = data.text.length; while (i--) { if (data.text[i].match(/^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+$/)) { = data.text.splice(i, 1); break; } } // still no address if (! { i = data.text.length; while (i--) { data.text[i] = data.text[i].replace(/\s*\b[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\b\s*/, address => { if (! { = [address.trim()]; return ''; } return address.trim(); }); if ( { break; } } } } // If there's still no text but a comment exists, replace the two if (!data.text.length && data.comment.length) { data.text = data.comment; data.comment = []; } // Keep only the first address occurence, push others to regular text if ( > 1) { data.text = data.text.concat(; } address = { // Join values with spaces email: decodeEncodedWords(' ').trim()), name: decodeEncodedWords(data.text.join(' ').trim()) // ,comment: data.comment.join(' ').trim() }; if ( === { if ('@')) { = ''; } else { = ''; } } // =^[<]+(.*)[>]+$/g, '$1'); addresses.push(address); } return addresses; }