/*! Knockout projections plugin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ (function(global, undefined) { 'use strict'; var exclusionMarker = {}; function StateItem(ko, inputItem, initialStateArrayIndex, initialOutputArrayIndex, mapping, arrayOfState, outputObservableArray) { // Capture state for later use this.inputItem = inputItem; this.stateArrayIndex = initialStateArrayIndex; this.mapping = mapping; this.arrayOfState = arrayOfState; this.outputObservableArray = outputObservableArray; this.outputArray = this.outputObservableArray.peek(); this.isIncluded = null; // Means 'not yet determined' this.suppressNotification = false; // TODO: Instead of this technique, consider raising a sparse diff with a "mutated" entry when a single item changes, and not having any other change logic inside StateItem // Set up observables this.outputArrayIndex = ko.observable(initialOutputArrayIndex); // When excluded, it's the position the item would go if it became included this.mappedValueComputed = ko.computed(this.mappingEvaluator, this); this.mappedValueComputed.subscribe(this.onMappingResultChanged, this); this.previousMappedValue = this.mappedValueComputed.peek(); } StateItem.prototype.dispose = function() { this.mappedValueComputed.dispose(); }; StateItem.prototype.mappingEvaluator = function() { var mappedValue = this.mapping(this.inputItem, this.outputArrayIndex), newInclusionState = mappedValue !== exclusionMarker; // Inclusion state changes can *only* happen as a result of changing an individual item. // Structural changes to the array can't cause this (because they don't cause any remapping; // they only map newly added items which have no earlier inclusion state to change). if (this.isIncluded !== newInclusionState) { if (this.isIncluded !== null) { // i.e., not first run this.moveSubsequentItemsBecauseInclusionStateChanged(newInclusionState); } this.isIncluded = newInclusionState; } return mappedValue; }; StateItem.prototype.onMappingResultChanged = function(newValue) { if (newValue !== this.previousMappedValue) { if (this.isIncluded) { this.outputArray.splice(this.outputArrayIndex.peek(), 1, newValue); } if (!this.suppressNotification) { this.outputObservableArray.valueHasMutated(); } this.previousMappedValue = newValue; } }; StateItem.prototype.moveSubsequentItemsBecauseInclusionStateChanged = function(newInclusionState) { var outputArrayIndex = this.outputArrayIndex.peek(), iterationIndex, stateItem; if (newInclusionState) { // Shift all subsequent items along by one space, and increment their indexes. // Note that changing their indexes might cause remapping, but won't affect their // inclusion status (by definition, inclusion status must not be affected by index, // otherwise you get undefined results) so there's no risk of a chain reaction. this.outputArray.splice(outputArrayIndex, 0, null); for (iterationIndex = this.stateArrayIndex + 1; iterationIndex < this.arrayOfState.length; iterationIndex++) { stateItem = this.arrayOfState[iterationIndex]; stateItem.setOutputArrayIndexSilently(stateItem.outputArrayIndex.peek() + 1); } } else { // Shift all subsequent items back by one space, and decrement their indexes this.outputArray.splice(outputArrayIndex, 1); for (iterationIndex = this.stateArrayIndex + 1; iterationIndex < this.arrayOfState.length; iterationIndex++) { stateItem = this.arrayOfState[iterationIndex]; stateItem.setOutputArrayIndexSilently(stateItem.outputArrayIndex.peek() - 1); } } }; StateItem.prototype.setOutputArrayIndexSilently = function(newIndex) { // We only want to raise one output array notification per input array change, // so during processing, we suppress notifications this.suppressNotification = true; this.outputArrayIndex(newIndex); this.suppressNotification = false; }; function getDiffEntryPostOperationIndex(diffEntry, editOffset) { // The diff algorithm's "index" value refers to the output array for additions, // but the "input" array for deletions. Get the output array position. if (!diffEntry) { return null; } switch (diffEntry.status) { case 'added': return diffEntry.index; case 'deleted': return diffEntry.index + editOffset; default: throw new Error('Unknown diff status: ' + diffEntry.status); } } function insertOutputItem(ko, diffEntry, movedStateItems, stateArrayIndex, outputArrayIndex, mapping, arrayOfState, outputObservableArray, outputArray) { // Retain the existing mapped value if this is a move, otherwise perform mapping var isMoved = typeof diffEntry.moved === 'number', stateItem = isMoved ? movedStateItems[diffEntry.moved] : new StateItem(ko, diffEntry.value, stateArrayIndex, outputArrayIndex, mapping, arrayOfState, outputObservableArray); arrayOfState.splice(stateArrayIndex, 0, stateItem); if (stateItem.isIncluded) { outputArray.splice(outputArrayIndex, 0, stateItem.mappedValueComputed.peek()); } // Update indexes if (isMoved) { // We don't change the index until *after* updating this item's position in outputObservableArray, // because changing the index may trigger re-mapping, which in turn would cause the new // value to be written to the 'index' position in the output array stateItem.stateArrayIndex = stateArrayIndex; stateItem.setOutputArrayIndexSilently(outputArrayIndex); } return stateItem; } function deleteOutputItem(diffEntry, arrayOfState, stateArrayIndex, outputArrayIndex, outputArray) { var stateItem = arrayOfState.splice(stateArrayIndex, 1)[0]; if (stateItem.isIncluded) { outputArray.splice(outputArrayIndex, 1); } if (typeof diffEntry.moved !== 'number') { // Be careful to dispose only if this item really was deleted and not moved stateItem.dispose(); } } function updateRetainedOutputItem(stateItem, stateArrayIndex, outputArrayIndex) { // Just have to update its indexes stateItem.stateArrayIndex = stateArrayIndex; stateItem.setOutputArrayIndexSilently(outputArrayIndex); // Return the new value for outputArrayIndex return outputArrayIndex + (stateItem.isIncluded ? 1 : 0); } function makeLookupOfMovedStateItems(diff, arrayOfState) { // Before we mutate arrayOfComputedMappedValues at all, grab a reference to each moved item var movedStateItems = {}; for (var diffIndex = 0; diffIndex < diff.length; diffIndex++) { var diffEntry = diff[diffIndex]; if (diffEntry.status === 'added' && (typeof diffEntry.moved === 'number')) { movedStateItems[diffEntry.moved] = arrayOfState[diffEntry.moved]; } } return movedStateItems; } function getFirstModifiedOutputIndex(firstDiffEntry, arrayOfState, outputArray) { // Work out where the first edit will affect the output array // Then we can update outputArrayIndex incrementally while walking the diff list if (!outputArray.length || !arrayOfState[firstDiffEntry.index]) { // The first edit is beyond the end of the output or state array, so we must // just be appending items. return outputArray.length; } else { // The first edit corresponds to an existing state array item, so grab // the first output array index from it. return arrayOfState[firstDiffEntry.index].outputArrayIndex.peek(); } } function respondToArrayStructuralChanges(ko, inputObservableArray, arrayOfState, outputArray, outputObservableArray, mapping) { return inputObservableArray.subscribe(function(diff) { if (!diff.length) { return; } var movedStateItems = makeLookupOfMovedStateItems(diff, arrayOfState), diffIndex = 0, diffEntry = diff[0], editOffset = 0, // A running total of (num(items added) - num(items deleted)) not accounting for filtering outputArrayIndex = diffEntry && getFirstModifiedOutputIndex(diffEntry, arrayOfState, outputArray); // Now iterate over the state array, at each stage checking whether the current item // is the next one to have been edited. We can skip all the state array items whose // indexes are less than the first edit index (i.e., diff[0].index). for (var stateArrayIndex = diffEntry.index; diffEntry || (stateArrayIndex < arrayOfState.length); stateArrayIndex++) { // Does the current diffEntry correspond to this position in the state array? if (getDiffEntryPostOperationIndex(diffEntry, editOffset) === stateArrayIndex) { // Yes - insert or delete the corresponding state and output items switch (diffEntry.status) { case 'added': // Add to output, and update indexes var stateItem = insertOutputItem(ko, diffEntry, movedStateItems, stateArrayIndex, outputArrayIndex, mapping, arrayOfState, outputObservableArray, outputArray); if (stateItem.isIncluded) { outputArrayIndex++; } editOffset++; break; case 'deleted': // Just erase from the output, and update indexes deleteOutputItem(diffEntry, arrayOfState, stateArrayIndex, outputArrayIndex, outputArray); editOffset--; stateArrayIndex--; // To compensate for the "for" loop incrementing it break; default: throw new Error('Unknown diff status: ' + diffEntry.status); } // We're done with this diff entry. Move on to the next one. diffIndex++; diffEntry = diff[diffIndex]; } else if (stateArrayIndex < arrayOfState.length) { // No - the current item was retained. Just update its index. outputArrayIndex = updateRetainedOutputItem(arrayOfState[stateArrayIndex], stateArrayIndex, outputArrayIndex); } } outputObservableArray.valueHasMutated(); }, null, 'arrayChange'); } // Mapping function observableArrayMap(ko, mapping) { var inputObservableArray = this, arrayOfState = [], outputArray = [], outputObservableArray = ko.observableArray(outputArray), originalInputArrayContents = inputObservableArray.peek(); // Initial state: map each of the inputs for (var i = 0; i < originalInputArrayContents.length; i++) { var inputItem = originalInputArrayContents[i], stateItem = new StateItem(ko, inputItem, i, outputArray.length, mapping, arrayOfState, outputObservableArray), mappedValue = stateItem.mappedValueComputed.peek(); arrayOfState.push(stateItem); if (stateItem.isIncluded) { outputArray.push(mappedValue); } } // If the input array changes structurally (items added or removed), update the outputs var inputArraySubscription = respondToArrayStructuralChanges(ko, inputObservableArray, arrayOfState, outputArray, outputObservableArray, mapping); // Return value is a readonly computed which can track its own changes to permit chaining. // When disposed, it cleans up everything it created. var returnValue = ko.computed(outputObservableArray).extend({ trackArrayChanges: true }), originalDispose = returnValue.dispose; returnValue.dispose = function() { inputArraySubscription.dispose(); ko.utils.arrayForEach(arrayOfState, function(stateItem) { stateItem.dispose(); }); originalDispose.call(this, arguments); }; // Make projections chainable addProjectionFunctions(ko, returnValue); return returnValue; } // Filtering function observableArrayFilter(ko, predicate) { return observableArrayMap.call(this, ko, function(item) { return predicate(item) ? item : exclusionMarker; }); } // Attaching projection functions // ------------------------------ // // Builds a collection of projection functions that can quickly be attached to any object. // The functions are predefined to retain 'this' and prefix the arguments list with the // relevant 'ko' instance. var projectionFunctionsCacheName = '_ko.projections.cache'; function attachProjectionFunctionsCache(ko) { // Wraps callback so that, when invoked, its arguments list is prefixed by 'ko' and 'this' function makeCaller(ko, callback) { return function() { return callback.apply(this, [ko].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0))); }; } ko[projectionFunctionsCacheName] = { map: makeCaller(ko, observableArrayMap), filter: makeCaller(ko, observableArrayFilter) }; } function addProjectionFunctions(ko, target) { ko.utils.extend(target, ko[projectionFunctionsCacheName]); return target; // Enable chaining } // Module initialisation // --------------------- // // When this script is first evaluated, it works out what kind of module loading scenario // it is in (Node.js or a browser `