[].flat||document.location.replace('./?/BadBrowser'); (win => { const doc = document, eId = id => doc.getElementById('rl-'+id), app = eId('app'), css = eId('css'), admin = app && '1' == app.dataset.admin, getCookie = name => { let data = doc.cookie.match('(^|;) ?'+name+'=([^;]*)(;|$)'); return data ? decodeURIComponent(data[2]) : null; }, showError = msg => { let div = eId('loading-error'); div.append(' ' + msg); eId('loading').hidden = true; div.hidden = false; }, loadScript = src => { if (!src) { throw new Error('src should not be empty.'); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const script = doc.createElement('script'); script.onload = () => resolve(); script.onerror = () => reject(new Error('Failed loading ' + src)); script.src = src; // script.async = true; doc.head.append(script); }); }, layout = getCookie('rllayout'), sName = 'localStorage'; if (!navigator || !navigator.cookieEnabled) { doc.location.href = './?/NoCookie'; } doc.documentElement.classList.toggle('rl-mobile', 'mobile' === layout || (!layout && 1000 > innerWidth)); let RL_APP_DATA = {}; win.rl = { data: () => RL_APP_DATA, adminArea: () => admin, settings: { get: name => null == RL_APP_DATA[name] ? null : RL_APP_DATA[name], set: (name, value) => RL_APP_DATA[name] = value, app: name => { const APP_SETTINGS = RL_APP_DATA.System || {}; return null == APP_SETTINGS[name] ? null : APP_SETTINGS[name]; }, capa: name => null != name && Array.isArray(RL_APP_DATA.Capa) && RL_APP_DATA.Capa.includes(name) }, setWindowTitle: title => { title = null == title ? '' : '' + title; doc.title = RL_APP_DATA.Title ? title + (title ? ' - ' : '') + RL_APP_DATA.Title : title; }, initData: appData => { RL_APP_DATA = appData; appData ? loadScript(appData.StaticLibJsLink) .then(() => loadScript(appData.StaticAppJsLink)) .then(() => appData.PluginsLink ? loadScript(appData.PluginsLink) : Promise.resolve()) .then(() => win.__APP_BOOT()) .catch(e => { showError(e.message); throw e; }) : showError(); } }; // Storage try { win[sName].setItem(sName, ''); win[sName].getItem(sName); win[sName].removeItem(sName); } catch (e) { console.error(e); // initialise if there's already data let data = getCookie(sName); data = data ? JSON.parse(data) : {}; win[sName] = { getItem: key => data[key] === undefined ? null : data[key], setItem: (key, value) => { data[key] = ''+value; // forces the value to a string doc.cookie = sName+'='+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data)) +"; expires="+((new Date(Date.now()+(365*24*60*60*1000))).toGMTString()) +"; path=/; samesite=strict"; } }; } css.href = css.dataset.href; loadScript(`./?/${admin ? 'Admin' : ''}AppData/0/${Math.random().toString().substr(2)}/`) .then(() => 0); })(this);