addCss('style.css'); $this->addJs('avatars.js'); $this->addJsonHook('Avatar', 'DoAvatar'); $this->addPartHook('Avatar', 'ServiceAvatar'); } /** * POST method handling */ public function DoAvatar() : array { $bBimi = !empty($this->jsonParam('bimi')); $sEmail = $this->jsonParam('email'); $aResult = $this->getAvatar(\urldecode($sEmail), !empty($sEmail)); if ($aResult) { $aResult = [ 'type' => $aResult[0], 'data' => \base64_encode($aResult[1]) ]; } return $this->jsonResponse(__FUNCTION__, $aResult); } /** * GET /?Avatar/${bimi}/${} * Not fond of this idea because email address is exposed * Maybe use btoa( or Crypto.subtle.encrypt({name:'AES-GCM',iv:''}, token, */ // public function ServiceAvatar(...$aParts) public function ServiceAvatar(string $sServiceName, string $sBimi, string $sEmail) { $aResult = $this->getAvatar(\urldecode($sEmail), !empty($sEmail)); if ($aResult) { \header('Content-Type: '.$aResult[0]); echo $aResult[1]; return true; } return false; } protected function configMapping() : array { return array( \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('bimi')->SetLabel('Use BIMI (') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::BOOL) ->SetDefaultValue(false), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('gravatar')->SetLabel('Use Gravatar') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::BOOL) ->SetDefaultValue(false) ); } private function getAvatar(string $sEmail, bool $bBimi) : ?array { if (!\strpos($sEmail, '@')) { return null; } $oActions = \RainLoop\Api::Actions(); $oActions->verifyCacheByKey($sEmail); $aResult = null; $sAsciiEmail = \MailSo\Base\Utils::IdnToAscii($sEmail, true); $sEmailId = \sha1(\strtolower($sAsciiEmail)); $sFile = \APP_PRIVATE_DATA . 'avatars/' . $sEmailId; $aFiles = \glob("{$sFile}.*"); if ($aFiles) { $aResult = [ \mime_content_type($aFiles[0]), \file_get_contents($aFiles[0]) ]; $oActions->cacheByKey($sEmail); return $aResult; } // TODO: lookup contacts vCard and return PHOTO value /* if (!$aResult) { $oAccount = $oActions->getAccountFromToken(); if ($oAccount) { $oAddressBookProvider = $oActions->AddressBookProvider($oAccount); if ($oAddressBookProvider) { $oContact = $oAddressBookProvider->GetContactByEmail($sEmail); if ($oContact && $oContact->vCard && $oContact->vCard['PHOTO']) { $aResult = [ 'text/vcard', $oContact->vCard ]; } } } } */ if (!$aResult) { $sDomain = \explode('@', $sEmail); $sDomain = \array_pop($sDomain); $aUrls = []; if ($this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'bimi', false)) { $BIMI = $bBimi ? \SnappyMail\DNS::BIMI($sDomain) : null; if ($BIMI) { $aUrls[] = $BIMI; // $aResult = ['text/uri-list', $BIMI]; \SnappyMail\Log::debug('Avatar', "BIMI {$sDomain} for {$sUrl}"); } else { \SnappyMail\Log::notice('Avatar', "BIMI 404 for {$sDomain}"); } } if ($this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'gravatar', false)) { $aUrls[] = ''.\md5(\strtolower($sAsciiEmail)).'?s=80&d=404'; } foreach ($aUrls as $sUrl) { if ($aResult = static::getUrl($sUrl)) { break; } } } if ($aResult) { if (!\is_dir(\APP_PRIVATE_DATA . 'avatars')) { \mkdir(\APP_PRIVATE_DATA . 'avatars', 0700); } \file_put_contents( $sFile . \SnappyMail\File\MimeType::toExtension($aResult[0]), $aResult[1] ); } if (!$aResult) { $aServices = [ "services/{$sDomain}", 'services/' . \preg_replace('/^.+\\.([^.]+\\.[^.]+)$/D', '$1', $sDomain), 'empty-contact' // DATA_IMAGE_USER_DOT_PIC ]; foreach ($aServices as $service) { if (\file_exists(__DIR__ . "/images/{$service}.png")) { $aResult = [ 'image/png', \file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/images/{$service}.png") ]; break; } } } $oActions->cacheByKey($sEmail); return $aResult; } private static function getUrl(string $sUrl) : ?array { $oHTTP = \SnappyMail\HTTP\Request::factory(/*'socket' or 'curl'*/); $oHTTP->proxy = \RainLoop\Api::Config()->Get('labs', 'curl_proxy', ''); $oHTTP->proxy_auth = \RainLoop\Api::Config()->Get('labs', 'curl_proxy_auth', ''); $oHTTP->max_response_kb = 0; $oHTTP->timeout = 15; // timeout in seconds. $oResponse = $oHTTP->doRequest('GET', $sUrl); if ($oResponse) { if (200 === $oResponse->status && \str_starts_with($oResponse->getHeader('content-type'), 'image/')) { return [ $oResponse->getHeader('content-type'), $oResponse->body ]; } \SnappyMail\Log::notice('Avatar', "error {$oResponse->status} for {$sUrl}"); } else { \SnappyMail\Log::warning('Avatar', "failed for {$sUrl}"); } return null; } }