import ko from 'ko'; import { Scope, Notification, UploadErrorCode } from 'Common/Enums'; import { ComposeType, EditorDefaultType, SetSystemFoldersNotification } from 'Common/EnumsUser'; import { inFocus, pInt, isArray, arrayLength, forEachObjectEntry } from 'Common/Utils'; import { delegateRunOnDestroy, initFullscreen } from 'Common/UtilsUser'; import { encodeHtml, HtmlEditor } from 'Common/Html'; import { UNUSED_OPTION_VALUE } from 'Common/Consts'; import { serverRequest } from 'Common/Links'; import { i18n, getNotification, getUploadErrorDescByCode } from 'Common/Translator'; import { timestampToString } from 'Common/Momentor'; import { MessageFlagsCache, setFolderHash } from 'Common/Cache'; import { doc, Settings, SettingsGet, getFullscreenElement, exitFullscreen } from 'Common/Globals'; import { AppUserStore } from 'Stores/User/App'; import { SettingsUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Settings'; import { IdentityUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Identity'; import { AccountUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Account'; import { FolderUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Folder'; import { PgpUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Pgp'; import { MessageUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Message'; import Remote from 'Remote/User/Fetch'; import { ComposeAttachmentModel } from 'Model/ComposeAttachment'; import { EmailModel } from 'Model/Email'; import { decorateKoCommands, isPopupVisible, showScreenPopup } from 'Knoin/Knoin'; import { AbstractViewPopup } from 'Knoin/AbstractViews'; import { FolderSystemPopupView } from 'View/Popup/FolderSystem'; import { AskPopupView } from 'View/Popup/Ask'; import { ContactsPopupView } from 'View/Popup/Contacts'; import { ThemeStore } from 'Stores/Theme'; const /** * @param {string} prefix * @param {string} subject * @returns {string} */ replySubjectAdd = (prefix, subject) => { prefix = prefix.toUpperCase().trim(); subject = subject.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); let drop = false, re = 'RE' === prefix, fwd = 'FWD' === prefix; const parts = [], prefixIsRe = !fwd; if (subject) { subject.split(':').forEach(part => { const trimmedPart = part.trim(); if (!drop && (/^(RE|FWD)$/i.test(trimmedPart) || /^(RE|FWD)[[(][\d]+[\])]$/i.test(trimmedPart))) { if (!re) { re = !!/^RE/i.test(trimmedPart); } if (!fwd) { fwd = !!/^FWD/i.test(trimmedPart); } } else { parts.push(part); drop = true; } }); } if (prefixIsRe) { re = false; } else { fwd = false; } return ((prefixIsRe ? 'Re: ' : 'Fwd: ') + (re ? 'Re: ' : '') + (fwd ? 'Fwd: ' : '') + parts.join(':').trim()).trim(); }; ko.extenders.toggleSubscribe = (target, options) => { target.subscribe(options[1], options[0], 'beforeChange'); target.subscribe(options[2], options[0]); return target; }; class ComposePopupView extends AbstractViewPopup { constructor() { super('Compose'); const fEmailOutInHelper = (context, identity, name, isIn) => { if (identity && context && identity[name]() && (isIn ? true : context[name]())) { const identityEmail = identity[name](); let list = context[name]().trim().split(','); list = list.filter(email => { email = email.trim(); return email && identityEmail.trim() !== email; }); if (isIn) { list.push(identityEmail); } context[name](list.join(',')); } }; this.oLastMessage = null; this.oEditor = null; this.aDraftInfo = null; this.sInReplyTo = ''; this.bFromDraft = false; this.sReferences = ''; this.sLastFocusedField = 'to'; this.allowContacts = AppUserStore.allowContacts(); this.bSkipNextHide = false; this.capaOpenPGP = PgpUserStore.isSupported(); this.addObservables({ identitiesDropdownTrigger: false, to: '', cc: '', bcc: '', replyTo: '', subject: '', isHtml: false, requestDsn: false, requestReadReceipt: false, markAsImportant: false, sendError: false, sendSuccessButSaveError: false, savedError: false, sendErrorDesc: '', savedErrorDesc: '', savedTime: 0, emptyToError: false, attachmentsInProcessError: false, attachmentsInErrorError: false, showCc: false, showBcc: false, showReplyTo: false, pgpSign: false, pgpEncrypt: false, canPgpSign: false, canPgpEncrypt: false, draftsFolder: '', draftUid: 0, sending: false, saving: false, attachmentsPlace: false, composeUploaderButton: null, composeUploaderDropPlace: null, attacheMultipleAllowed: false, addAttachmentEnabled: false, // div.textAreaParent composeEditorArea: null, currentIdentity: IdentityUserStore()[0] || null }); // => console.log(v)); // Used by ko.bindingHandlers.emailsTags = ko.observable(false); => value && (this.sLastFocusedField = 'to')); = ko.observable(false); => value && (this.sLastFocusedField = 'cc')); this.bcc.focused = ko.observable(false); this.bcc.focused.subscribe(value => value && (this.sLastFocusedField = 'bcc')); this.attachments = ko.observableArray(); this.dragAndDropOver = ko.observable(false).extend({ debounce: 1 }); this.dragAndDropVisible = ko.observable(false).extend({ debounce: 1 }); this.currentIdentity.extend({ toggleSubscribe: [ this, (identity) => { fEmailOutInHelper(this, identity, 'bcc'); fEmailOutInHelper(this, identity, 'replyTo'); }, (identity) => { fEmailOutInHelper(this, identity, 'bcc', true); fEmailOutInHelper(this, identity, 'replyTo', true); } ] }); this.bDisabeCloseOnEsc = true; this.tryToClosePopup = this.tryToClosePopup.debounce(200); this.iTimer = 0; this.addComputables({ sendButtonSuccess: () => !this.sendError() && !this.sendSuccessButSaveError(), savedTimeText: () => this.savedTime() ? i18n('COMPOSE/SAVED_TIME', { TIME: this.savedTime().format('LT') }) : '', emptyToErrorTooltip: () => (this.emptyToError() ? i18n('COMPOSE/EMPTY_TO_ERROR_DESC') : ''), attachmentsErrorTooltip: () => { let result = ''; switch (true) { case this.attachmentsInProcessError(): result = i18n('COMPOSE/ATTACHMENTS_UPLOAD_ERROR_DESC'); break; case this.attachmentsInErrorError(): result = i18n('COMPOSE/ATTACHMENTS_ERROR_DESC'); break; // no default } return result; }, attachmentsInProcess: () => this.attachments.filter(item => item && !item.complete()), attachmentsInError: () => this.attachments.filter(item => item && item.error()), attachmentsCount: () => this.attachments.length, attachmentsInErrorCount: () => this.attachmentsInError.length, attachmentsInProcessCount: () => this.attachmentsInProcess.length, isDraftFolderMessage: () => this.draftsFolder() && this.draftUid(), identitiesOptions: () => => ({ item: item, optValue:, optText: item.formattedName() })), currentIdentityView: () => { const item = this.currentIdentity(); return item ? item.formattedName() : 'unknown'; }, canBeSentOrSaved: () => !this.sending() && !this.saving() }); this.addSubscribables({ sendError: value => !value && this.sendErrorDesc(''), savedError: value => !value && this.savedErrorDesc(''), sendSuccessButSaveError: value => !value && this.savedErrorDesc(''), currentIdentity: value => { this.canPgpSign(false); value && PgpUserStore.getKeyForSigning( => { console.log({canPgpSign:result}); this.canPgpSign(!!result) }); }, cc: value => { if (false === this.showCc() && value.length) { this.showCc(true); } this.initPgpEncrypt(); }, bcc: value => { if (false === this.showBcc() && value.length) { this.showBcc(true); } this.initPgpEncrypt(); }, replyTo: value => { if (false === this.showReplyTo() && value.length) { this.showReplyTo(true); } }, attachmentsInErrorCount: value => { if (0 === value) { this.attachmentsInErrorError(false); } }, to: value => { if (this.emptyToError() && value.length) { this.emptyToError(false); } this.initPgpEncrypt(); }, attachmentsInProcess: value => { if (this.attachmentsInProcessError() && arrayLength(value)) { this.attachmentsInProcessError(false); } } }); decorateKoCommands(this, { sendCommand: self => self.canBeSentOrSaved(), saveCommand: self => self.canBeSentOrSaved(), deleteCommand: self => self.isDraftFolderMessage(), skipCommand: self => self.canBeSentOrSaved(), contactsCommand: self => self.allowContacts }); } getMessageRequestParams(sSaveFolder) { let TextIsHtml = this.oEditor.isHtml(), Text = this.oEditor.getData(true); if (TextIsHtml) { let l; do { l = Text.length; Text = Text // Remove Microsoft Office styling .replace(/(<[^>]+[;"'])\s*mso-[a-z-]+\s*:[^;"']+/gi, '$1') // Remove hubspot data-hs- attributes .replace(/(<[^>]+)\s+data-hs-[a-z-]+=("[^"]+"|'[^']+')/gi, '$1'); } while (l != Text.length) } return { IdentityID: this.currentIdentity() ? this.currentIdentity().id() : '', MessageFolder: this.draftsFolder(), MessageUid: this.draftUid(), SaveFolder: sSaveFolder, To:, Cc:, Bcc: this.bcc(), ReplyTo: this.replyTo(), Subject: this.subject(), TextIsHtml: TextIsHtml ? 1 : 0, Text: Text, DraftInfo: this.aDraftInfo, InReplyTo: this.sInReplyTo, References: this.sReferences, MarkAsImportant: this.markAsImportant() ? 1 : 0, Attachments: this.prepareAttachmentsForSendOrSave(), // Only used at send, not at save: Dsn: this.requestDsn() ? 1 : 0, ReadReceiptRequest: this.requestReadReceipt() ? 1 : 0 }; } sendCommand() { let sSentFolder = FolderUserStore.sentFolder(); this.attachmentsInProcessError(false); this.attachmentsInErrorError(false); this.emptyToError(false); if (this.attachmentsInProcess().length) { this.attachmentsInProcessError(true); this.attachmentsPlace(true); } else if (this.attachmentsInError().length) { this.attachmentsInErrorError(true); this.attachmentsPlace(true); } if (! && ! && !this.bcc().trim()) { this.emptyToError(true); } if (!this.emptyToError() && !this.attachmentsInErrorError() && !this.attachmentsInProcessError()) { if (SettingsUserStore.replySameFolder()) { if ( 3 === arrayLength(this.aDraftInfo) && null != this.aDraftInfo[2] && this.aDraftInfo[2].length ) { sSentFolder = this.aDraftInfo[2]; } } if (!sSentFolder) { showScreenPopup(FolderSystemPopupView, [SetSystemFoldersNotification.Sent]); } else { this.sendError(false); this.sending(true); if (3 === arrayLength(this.aDraftInfo)) { const flagsCache = MessageFlagsCache.getFor(this.aDraftInfo[2], this.aDraftInfo[1]); if (isArray(flagsCache)) { flagsCache.push(('forward' === this.aDraftInfo[0]) ? '$forwarded' : '\\answered'); MessageFlagsCache.setFor(this.aDraftInfo[2], this.aDraftInfo[1], flagsCache);; setFolderHash(this.aDraftInfo[2], ''); } } sSentFolder = UNUSED_OPTION_VALUE === sSentFolder ? '' : sSentFolder; setFolderHash(this.draftsFolder(), ''); setFolderHash(sSentFolder, ''); const params = this.getMessageRequestParams(sSentFolder), sign = this.pgpSign() && this.canPgpSign(), encrypt = this.pgpEncrypt() && this.canPgpEncrypt(), send = () => Remote.request('SendMessage', (iError, data) => { this.sending(false); if (this.modalVisibility()) { if (iError) { if (Notification.CantSaveMessage === iError) { this.sendSuccessButSaveError(true); this.savedErrorDesc(i18n('COMPOSE/SAVED_ERROR_ON_SEND').trim()); } else { this.sendError(true); this.sendErrorDesc(getNotification(iError, data && data.ErrorMessage) || getNotification(Notification.CantSendMessage)); } } else { this.closeCommand(); } } this.reloadDraftFolder(); }, params, 30000 ); let pgpPromise = null, cfg = { data: params.Text, }; if ('openpgp' == sign) { let privateKey; try { const keys = PgpUserStore.getOpenPGPPrivateKeyFor(this.currentIdentity().email()); if (keys[0]) { keys[0].decrypt(window.prompt('Password', '')); cfg.privateKey = privateKey = keys[0]; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); privateKey = null; } if (!privateKey) { this.sendError(true); this.sendErrorDesc(i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/NO_PRIVATE_KEY_FOUND')); return; } } if (encrypt && sign && encrypt != sign) { // error 'sign and encrypt must be same engine'; } else if ('openpgp' == encrypt) { this.allRecipients().forEach(recEmail => { cfg.publicKeys = cfg.publicKeys.concat(PgpUserStore.getOpenPGPPublicKeyFor(recEmail)); }); pgpPromise = openpgp.encrypt(cfg); } else if ('openpgp' == sign) { pgpPromise = openpgp.sign(cfg); } else { params.Sign = sign; params.Encrypt = encrypt; } pgpPromise ? pgpPromise .then(mData => { params.Text =; send(); }) .catch(e => { this.sendError(true); this.sendErrorDesc(i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/PGP_ERROR', { ERROR: '' + e })); }) : send(); } } } saveCommand() { if (FolderUserStore.draftsFolderNotEnabled()) { showScreenPopup(FolderSystemPopupView, [SetSystemFoldersNotification.Draft]); } else { this.savedError(false); this.saving(true); this.autosaveStart(); setFolderHash(FolderUserStore.draftsFolder(), ''); Remote.request('SaveMessage', (iError, oData) => { let result = false; this.saving(false); if (!iError) { if (oData.Result.NewFolder && oData.Result.NewUid) { result = true; if (this.bFromDraft) { const message = MessageUserStore.message(); if (message && this.draftsFolder() === message.folder && this.draftUid() == message.uid) { MessageUserStore.message(null); } } this.draftsFolder(oData.Result.NewFolder); this.draftUid(oData.Result.NewUid); this.savedTime(new Date); if (this.bFromDraft) { setFolderHash(this.draftsFolder(), ''); } } } if (!result) { this.savedError(true); this.savedErrorDesc(getNotification(Notification.CantSaveMessage)); } this.reloadDraftFolder(); }, this.getMessageRequestParams(FolderUserStore.draftsFolder()), 200000 ); } return true; } deleteCommand() { if (!isPopupVisible(AskPopupView) && this.modalVisibility()) { showScreenPopup(AskPopupView, [ i18n('POPUPS_ASK/DESC_WANT_DELETE_MESSAGES'), () => { if (this.modalVisibility()) {, [this.draftUid()]); this.closeCommand(); } } ]); } } skipCommand() { this.bSkipNextHide = true; if ( this.modalVisibility() && !this.saving() && !this.sending() && !FolderUserStore.draftsFolderNotEnabled() && SettingsUserStore.allowDraftAutosave() ) { this.saveCommand(); } this.tryToClosePopup(); } contactsCommand() { if (this.allowContacts) { this.skipCommand(); setTimeout(() => { showScreenPopup(ContactsPopupView, [true, this.sLastFocusedField]); }, 200); } } autosaveStart() { clearTimeout(this.iTimer); this.iTimer = setTimeout(()=>{ if (this.modalVisibility() && !FolderUserStore.draftsFolderNotEnabled() && SettingsUserStore.allowDraftAutosave() && !this.isEmptyForm(false) && !this.saving() && !this.sending() && !this.savedError() ) { this.saveCommand(); } this.autosaveStart(); }, 60000); } emailsSource(oData, fResponse) {, aData => fResponse( => oEmailItem.toLine(false)))); } reloadDraftFolder() { const draftsFolder = FolderUserStore.draftsFolder(); if (draftsFolder && UNUSED_OPTION_VALUE !== draftsFolder) { setFolderHash(draftsFolder, ''); if (FolderUserStore.currentFolderFullName() === draftsFolder) {; } else {; } } } findIdentityByMessage(composeType, message) { let resultIndex = 1000, resultIdentity = null; const identities = IdentityUserStore(), identitiesCache = {}, fEachHelper = (item) => { if (item && && identitiesCache[]) { if (!resultIdentity || resultIndex > identitiesCache[][1]) { resultIdentity = identitiesCache[][0]; resultIndex = identitiesCache[][1]; } } }; identities.forEach((item, index) => identitiesCache[] = [item, index]); if (message) { switch (composeType) { case ComposeType.Empty: break; case ComposeType.Reply: case ComposeType.ReplyAll: case ComposeType.Forward: case ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment:, message.bcc).forEach(fEachHelper); if (!resultIdentity) { message.deliveredTo.forEach(fEachHelper); } break; case ComposeType.Draft: message.from.concat(message.replyTo).forEach(fEachHelper); break; // no default } } return resultIdentity || identities[0] || null; } selectIdentity(identity) { if (identity && identity.item) { this.currentIdentity(identity.item); this.setSignatureFromIdentity(identity.item); } } onHide() { // Stop autosave clearTimeout(this.iTimer); AppUserStore.composeInEdit(this.bSkipNextHide); this.bSkipNextHide || this.reset(); this.bSkipNextHide = false;; rl.route.on(); (getFullscreenElement() === this.oContent) && exitFullscreen(); } editor(fOnInit) { if (fOnInit && this.composeEditorArea()) { if (this.oEditor) { fOnInit(this.oEditor); } else { // setTimeout(() => { this.oEditor = new HtmlEditor( this.composeEditorArea(), null, () => fOnInit(this.oEditor), bHtml => this.isHtml(!!bHtml) ); // }, 1000); } } } convertSignature(signature) { let fromLine = this.oLastMessage ? this.emailArrayToStringLineHelper(this.oLastMessage.from, true) : ''; if (fromLine) { signature = signature.replace(/{{FROM-FULL}}/g, fromLine); if (!fromLine.includes(' ') && 0 < fromLine.indexOf('@')) { fromLine = fromLine.replace(/@\S+/, ''); } signature = signature.replace(/{{FROM}}/g, fromLine); } return signature .replace(/\r/g, '') .replace(/\s{1,2}?{{FROM}}/g, '') .replace(/\s{1,2}?{{FROM-FULL}}/g, '') .replace(/{{DATE}}/g, new Date().format('LLLL')) .replace(/{{TIME}}/g, new Date().format('LT')) .replace(/{{MOMENT:[^}]+}}/g, ''); } setSignatureFromIdentity(identity) { if (identity) { this.editor(editor => { let signature = identity.signature(), isHtml = signature && ':HTML:' === signature.slice(0, 6); editor.setSignature( this.convertSignature(isHtml ? signature.slice(6) : signature), isHtml, !!identity.signatureInsertBefore()); }); } } /** * @param {string=} type = ComposeType.Empty * @param {?MessageModel|Array=} oMessageOrArray = null * @param {Array=} aToEmails = null * @param {Array=} aCcEmails = null * @param {Array=} aBccEmails = null * @param {string=} sCustomSubject = null * @param {string=} sCustomPlainText = null */ onShow(type, oMessageOrArray, aToEmails, aCcEmails, aBccEmails, sCustomSubject, sCustomPlainText) {; this.autosaveStart(); this.viewModelDom.dataset.wysiwyg = SettingsUserStore.editorDefaultType(); if (AppUserStore.composeInEdit()) { type = type || ComposeType.Empty; if (ComposeType.Empty !== type) { showScreenPopup(AskPopupView, [ i18n('COMPOSE/DISCARD_UNSAVED_DATA'), () => { this.initOnShow(type, oMessageOrArray, aToEmails, aCcEmails, aBccEmails, sCustomSubject, sCustomPlainText); }, null, null, null, false ]); } else { this.addEmailsTo(, aToEmails); this.addEmailsTo(, aCcEmails); this.addEmailsTo(this.bcc, aBccEmails); if (sCustomSubject && !this.subject()) { this.subject(sCustomSubject); } } } else { this.initOnShow(type, oMessageOrArray, aToEmails, aCcEmails, aBccEmails, sCustomSubject, sCustomPlainText); } // (navigator.standalone || matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches || matchMedia('(display-mode: fullscreen)').matches) && ThemeStore.isMobile() && this.oContent.requestFullscreen && this.oContent.requestFullscreen(); } /** * @param {Function} fKoValue * @param {Array} emails */ addEmailsTo(fKoValue, emails) { if (arrayLength(emails)) { const value = fKoValue().trim(), values = => item ? item.toLine(false) : null) .validUnique(); fKoValue(value + (value ? ', ' : '') + values.join(', ').trim()); } } /** * * @param {Array} aList * @param {boolean} bFriendly * @returns {string} */ emailArrayToStringLineHelper(aList, bFriendly) { bFriendly = !!bFriendly; return => item.toLine(bFriendly)).join(', '); } isPlainEditor() { let type = SettingsUserStore.editorDefaultType(); return EditorDefaultType.Html !== type && EditorDefaultType.HtmlForced !== type; } /** * @param {string=} sType = ComposeType.Empty * @param {?MessageModel|Array=} oMessageOrArray = null * @param {Array=} aToEmails = null * @param {Array=} aCcEmails = null * @param {Array=} aBccEmails = null * @param {string=} sCustomSubject = null * @param {string=} sCustomPlainText = null */ initOnShow(sType, oMessageOrArray, aToEmails, aCcEmails, aBccEmails, sCustomSubject, sCustomPlainText) { let sFrom = '', sTo = '', sCc = '', sDate = '', sSubject = '', sText = '', sReplyTitle = '', identity = null, aDraftInfo = null, message = null; const excludeEmail = {}, mEmail =, lineComposeType = sType || ComposeType.Empty; oMessageOrArray = oMessageOrArray || null; if (oMessageOrArray) { message = 1 === arrayLength(oMessageOrArray) ? oMessageOrArray[0] : isArray(oMessageOrArray) ? null : oMessageOrArray; } this.oLastMessage = message; if (null !== mEmail) { excludeEmail[mEmail] = true; } this.reset(); identity = this.findIdentityByMessage(lineComposeType, message); if (identity) { excludeEmail[] = true; } if (arrayLength(aToEmails)) {; } if (arrayLength(aCcEmails)) {; } if (arrayLength(aBccEmails)) { this.bcc(this.emailArrayToStringLineHelper(aBccEmails)); } if (lineComposeType && message) { sDate = timestampToString(message.dateTimeStampInUTC(), 'FULL'); sSubject = message.subject(); aDraftInfo = message.aDraftInfo; sText = message.bodyAsHTML(); let resplyAllParts = null; switch (lineComposeType) { case ComposeType.Empty: break; case ComposeType.Reply:; this.subject(replySubjectAdd('Re', sSubject)); this.prepareMessageAttachments(message, lineComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = ['reply', message.uid, message.folder]; this.sInReplyTo = message.sMessageId; this.sReferences = (this.sInReplyTo + ' ' + message.sReferences).trim(); break; case ComposeType.ReplyAll: resplyAllParts = message.replyAllEmails(excludeEmail);[0]));[1])); this.subject(replySubjectAdd('Re', sSubject)); this.prepareMessageAttachments(message, lineComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = ['reply', message.uid, message.folder]; this.sInReplyTo = message.sMessageId; this.sReferences = (this.sInReplyTo + ' ' + message.references).trim(); break; case ComposeType.Forward: this.subject(replySubjectAdd('Fwd', sSubject)); this.prepareMessageAttachments(message, lineComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = ['forward', message.uid, message.folder]; this.sInReplyTo = message.sMessageId; this.sReferences = (this.sInReplyTo + ' ' + message.sReferences).trim(); break; case ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment: this.subject(replySubjectAdd('Fwd', sSubject)); this.prepareMessageAttachments(message, lineComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = ['forward', message.uid, message.folder]; this.sInReplyTo = message.sMessageId; this.sReferences = (this.sInReplyTo + ' ' + message.sReferences).trim(); break; case ComposeType.Draft:;; this.bcc(this.emailArrayToStringLineHelper(message.bcc)); this.replyTo(this.emailArrayToStringLineHelper(message.replyTo)); this.bFromDraft = true; this.draftsFolder(message.folder); this.draftUid(message.uid); this.subject(sSubject); this.prepareMessageAttachments(message, lineComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = 3 === arrayLength(aDraftInfo) ? aDraftInfo : null; this.sInReplyTo = message.sInReplyTo; this.sReferences = message.sReferences; break; case ComposeType.EditAsNew:;; this.bcc(this.emailArrayToStringLineHelper(message.bcc)); this.replyTo(this.emailArrayToStringLineHelper(message.replyTo)); this.subject(sSubject); this.prepareMessageAttachments(message, lineComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = 3 === arrayLength(aDraftInfo) ? aDraftInfo : null; this.sInReplyTo = message.sInReplyTo; this.sReferences = message.sReferences; break; // no default } switch (lineComposeType) { case ComposeType.Reply: case ComposeType.ReplyAll: sFrom = message.fromToLine(false, true); sReplyTitle = i18n('COMPOSE/REPLY_MESSAGE_TITLE', { DATETIME: sDate, EMAIL: sFrom }); sText = sText.replace(/]+>/g, '').replace(/]+><\/a>/g, '').trim(); sText = '

' + sReplyTitle + ':

' + sText + '
'; break; case ComposeType.Forward: sFrom = message.fromToLine(false, true); sTo = message.toToLine(false, true); sCc = message.ccToLine(false, true); sText = '

' + i18n('GLOBAL/FROM') + ': ' + sFrom + '
' + i18n('GLOBAL/TO') + ': ' + sTo + (sCc.length ? '
' + i18n('GLOBAL/CC') + ': ' + sCc : '') + '
' + i18n('COMPOSE/FORWARD_MESSAGE_TOP_SENT') + ': ' + encodeHtml(sDate) + '
' + i18n('GLOBAL/SUBJECT') + ': ' + encodeHtml(sSubject) + '

' + sText.trim() + '

'; break; case ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment: sText = ''; break; // no default } this.editor(editor => { editor.setHtml(sText); if ( EditorDefaultType.PlainForced === SettingsUserStore.editorDefaultType() || (!message.isHtml() && EditorDefaultType.HtmlForced !== SettingsUserStore.editorDefaultType()) ) { editor.modePlain(); } if (identity && ComposeType.Draft !== lineComposeType && ComposeType.EditAsNew !== lineComposeType) { this.setSignatureFromIdentity(identity); } this.setFocusInPopup(); }); } else if (ComposeType.Empty === lineComposeType) { this.subject(null != sCustomSubject ? '' + sCustomSubject : ''); sText = null != sCustomPlainText ? '' + sCustomPlainText : ''; this.editor(editor => { editor.setHtml(sText); if (this.isPlainEditor()) { editor.modePlain(); } if (identity) { this.setSignatureFromIdentity(identity); } this.setFocusInPopup(); }); } else if (arrayLength(oMessageOrArray)) { oMessageOrArray.forEach(item => this.addMessageAsAttachment(item)); this.editor(editor => { if (this.isPlainEditor()) { editor.setPlain('') } else { editor.setHtml(''); } if (identity && ComposeType.Draft !== lineComposeType && ComposeType.EditAsNew !== lineComposeType) { this.setSignatureFromIdentity(identity); } this.setFocusInPopup(); }); } else { this.setFocusInPopup(); } const downloads = this.getAttachmentsDownloadsForUpload(); if (arrayLength(downloads)) { Remote.request('MessageUploadAttachments', (iError, oData) => { if (!iError) { forEachObjectEntry(oData.Result, (tempName, id) => { const attachment = this.getAttachmentById(id); if (attachment) { attachment.tempName(tempName); attachment .waiting(false) .uploading(false) .complete(true); } }); } else { this.attachments.forEach(attachment => { if (attachment && attachment.fromMessage) { attachment .waiting(false) .uploading(false) .complete(true) .error(getUploadErrorDescByCode(UploadErrorCode.NoFileUploaded)); } }); } }, { Attachments: downloads }, 999000 ); } if (identity) { this.currentIdentity(identity); } } setFocusInPopup() { setTimeout(() => { if (! {; } else if (! { this.oEditor && this.oEditor.focus(); } }, 100); } tryToClosePopup() { if (!isPopupVisible(AskPopupView) && this.modalVisibility()) { if (this.bSkipNextHide || (this.isEmptyForm() && !this.draftUid())) { this.closeCommand(); } else { showScreenPopup(AskPopupView, [ i18n('POPUPS_ASK/DESC_WANT_CLOSE_THIS_WINDOW'), () => this.closeCommand() ]); } } } popupMenu(event) { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || 'ContextMenu' == event.key || (this.oEditor && !this.oEditor.hasFocus() && !inFocus())) { this.identitiesDropdownTrigger(true); return false; } } onBuild() { // initUploader if (this.composeUploaderButton()) { const uploadCache = {}, attachmentSizeLimit = pInt(SettingsGet('AttachmentLimit')), oJua = new Jua({ action: serverRequest('Upload'), clickElement: this.composeUploaderButton(), dragAndDropElement: this.composeUploaderDropPlace() }); oJua // .on('onLimitReached', (limit) => { // alert(limit); // }) .on('onDragEnter', () => { this.dragAndDropOver(true); }) .on('onDragLeave', () => { this.dragAndDropOver(false); }) .on('onBodyDragEnter', () => { this.attachmentsPlace(true); this.dragAndDropVisible(true); }) .on('onBodyDragLeave', () => { this.dragAndDropVisible(false); }) .on('onProgress', (id, loaded, total) => { let item = uploadCache[id]; if (!item) { item = this.getAttachmentById(id); if (item) { uploadCache[id] = item; } } if (item) { item.progress(Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100)); } }) .on('onSelect', (sId, oData) => { this.dragAndDropOver(false); const fileName = undefined === oData.FileName ? '' : oData.FileName.toString(), size = pInt(oData.Size, null), attachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel(sId, fileName, size); attachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(sId, oJua); this.attachments.push(attachment); this.attachmentsPlace(true); if (0 < size && 0 < attachmentSizeLimit && attachmentSizeLimit < size) { attachment .waiting(false) .uploading(true) .complete(true) .error(i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_FILE_IS_TOO_BIG')); return false; } return true; }) .on('onStart', (id) => { let item = uploadCache[id]; if (!item) { item = this.getAttachmentById(id); if (item) { uploadCache[id] = item; } } if (item) { item .waiting(false) .uploading(true) .complete(false); } }) .on('onComplete', (id, result, data) => { const attachment = this.getAttachmentById(id), response = (data && data.Result) || {}, errorCode = response.ErrorCode, attachmentJson = result && response.Attachment; let error = ''; if (null != errorCode) { error = getUploadErrorDescByCode(errorCode); } else if (!attachmentJson) { error = i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_UNKNOWN'); } if (attachment) { if (error) { attachment .waiting(false) .uploading(false) .complete(true) .error(error + '\n' + response.ErrorMessage); } else if (attachmentJson) { attachment .waiting(false) .uploading(false) .complete(true); attachment.initByUploadJson(attachmentJson); } if (undefined === uploadCache[id]) { delete uploadCache[id]; } } }); this.addAttachmentEnabled(true); } shortcuts.add('q', 'meta', Scope.Compose, ()=>false); shortcuts.add('w', 'meta', Scope.Compose, ()=>false); shortcuts.add('contextmenu', '', Scope.Compose, e => this.popupMenu(e)); shortcuts.add('m', 'meta', Scope.Compose, e => this.popupMenu(e)); shortcuts.add('escape,close', '', Scope.Compose, () => { this.skipCommand(); return false; }); shortcuts.add('arrowdown', 'meta', Scope.Compose, () => { this.skipCommand(); return false; }); shortcuts.add('s', 'meta', Scope.Compose, () => { this.saveCommand(); return false; }); shortcuts.add('save', '', Scope.Compose, () => { this.saveCommand(); return false; }); if ('allowCtrlEnterOnCompose')) { shortcuts.add('enter', 'meta', Scope.Compose, () => { this.sendCommand(); return false; }); } shortcuts.add('mailsend', '', Scope.Compose, () => { this.sendCommand(); return false; }); shortcuts.add('escape,close', 'shift', Scope.Compose, () => { this.modalVisibility() && this.tryToClosePopup(); return false; }); this.editor(editor => editor[this.isPlainEditor()?'modePlain':'modeWysiwyg']()); // Fullscreen must be on app, else other popups fail const el = doc.getElementById('rl-app'); this.oContent = initFullscreen(el, () => ThemeStore.isMobile() && this.modalVisibility() && (getFullscreenElement() !== el) && this.skipCommand() ); } /** * @param {string} id * @returns {?Object} */ getAttachmentById(id) { return this.attachments.find(item => item && id ===; } cancelAttachmentHelper(id, oJua) { return () => { const attachment = this.getAttachmentById(id); if (attachment) { this.attachments.remove(attachment); delegateRunOnDestroy(attachment); oJua && oJua.cancel(id); } }; } /** * @returns {Object} */ prepareAttachmentsForSendOrSave() { const result = {}; this.attachments.forEach(item => { if (item && item.complete() && item.tempName() && item.enabled()) { result[item.tempName()] = [item.fileName(), item.isInline ? '1' : '0', item.CID, item.contentLocation]; } }); return result; } /** * @param {MessageModel} message */ addMessageAsAttachment(message) { if (message) { let temp = message.subject(); temp = '.eml' === temp.slice(-4).toLowerCase() ? temp : temp + '.eml'; const attachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel(message.requestHash, temp, message.size()); attachment.fromMessage = true; attachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(message.requestHash); attachment .waiting(false) .uploading(true) .complete(true); this.attachments.push(attachment); } } /** * @param {string} url * @param {string} name * @param {number} size * @returns {ComposeAttachmentModel} */ addAttachmentHelper(url, name, size) { const attachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel(url, name, size); attachment.fromMessage = false; attachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(url); attachment .waiting(false) .uploading(true) .complete(false); this.attachments.push(attachment); this.attachmentsPlace(true); return attachment; } /** * @param {MessageModel} message * @param {string} type */ prepareMessageAttachments(message, type) { if (message) { if (ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment === type) { this.addMessageAsAttachment(message); } else { message.attachments.forEach(item => { let add = false; switch (type) { case ComposeType.Reply: case ComposeType.ReplyAll: break; case ComposeType.Forward: case ComposeType.Draft: case ComposeType.EditAsNew: add = true; break; // no default } if (add) { const attachment = ComposeAttachmentModel.fromAttachment(item); attachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(; attachment .waiting(false) .uploading(true) .complete(false); this.attachments.push(attachment); } }); } } } /** * @param {boolean=} includeAttachmentInProgress = true * @returns {boolean} */ isEmptyForm(includeAttachmentInProgress = true) { const withoutAttachment = includeAttachmentInProgress ? !this.attachments.length : !this.attachments.some(item => item && item.complete()); return ( ! && ! && !this.bcc.length && !this.replyTo.length && !this.subject.length && withoutAttachment && (!this.oEditor || !this.oEditor.getData()) ); } reset() {'');''); this.bcc(''); this.replyTo(''); this.subject(''); this.requestDsn(false); this.requestReadReceipt(false); this.markAsImportant(false); this.attachmentsPlace(false); this.aDraftInfo = null; this.sInReplyTo = ''; this.bFromDraft = false; this.sReferences = ''; this.sendError(false); this.sendSuccessButSaveError(false); this.savedError(false); this.savedTime(0); this.emptyToError(false); this.attachmentsInProcessError(false); this.showCc(false); this.showBcc(false); this.showReplyTo(false); this.pgpSign(false); this.pgpEncrypt(false); delegateRunOnDestroy(this.attachments()); this.attachments([]); this.dragAndDropOver(false); this.dragAndDropVisible(false); this.draftsFolder(''); this.draftUid(0); this.sending(false); this.saving(false); this.oEditor && this.oEditor.clear(); } /** * @returns {Array} */ getAttachmentsDownloadsForUpload() { return this.attachments.filter(item => item && !item.tempName()).map( item => ); } allRecipients() { const email = new EmailModel(); return [ // From/sender is also recipient (Sent mailbox) this.currentIdentity().email(),,, this.bcc() ].join(',').split(',').map(value => { email.clear(); email.parse(value.trim()); return || false; }).filter(v => v); } initPgpEncrypt() { return PgpUserStore.hasPublicKeyForEmails(this.allRecipients(), 1).then(result => { console.log({canPgpEncrypt:result}); this.canPgpEncrypt(result); }); } togglePgpSign() { this.pgpSign(!this.pgpSign()/* && this.canPgpSign()*/); } togglePgpEncrypt() { this.pgpEncrypt(!this.pgpEncrypt()/* && this.canPgpEncrypt()*/); } } export { ComposePopupView, ComposePopupView as default };