add($key, $value); $foundDuplicates = true; } elseif ($paramIsPhpStyleArray) { $q[$key] = array($value); } else { $q[$key] = $value; } } else { $q->add($key, null); } } // Use the duplicate aggregator if duplicates were found and not using // PHP style arrays. if ($foundDuplicates && !$foundPhpStyle) { $q->setAggregator(self::duplicateAggregator()); } return $q; } /** * Convert the query string parameters to a query string string * * @return string */ public function __toString() { if (!$this->data) { return ''; } // The default aggregator is statically cached static $defaultAggregator; if (!$this->aggregator) { if (!$defaultAggregator) { $defaultAggregator = self::phpAggregator(); } $this->aggregator = $defaultAggregator; } $result = ''; $aggregator = $this->aggregator; foreach ($aggregator($this->data) as $key => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { if ($result) { $result .= '&'; } if ($this->encoding == self::RFC1738) { $result .= urlencode($key); if ($value !== null) { $result .= '=' . urlencode($value); } } elseif ($this->encoding == self::RFC3986) { $result .= rawurlencode($key); if ($value !== null) { $result .= '=' . rawurlencode($value); } } else { $result .= $key; if ($value !== null) { $result .= '=' . $value; } } } } return $result; } /** * Controls how multi-valued query string parameters are aggregated into a * string. * * $query->setAggregator($query::duplicateAggregator()); * * @param callable $aggregator Callable used to convert a deeply nested * array of query string variables into a flattened array of key value * pairs. The callable accepts an array of query data and returns a * flattened array of key value pairs where each value is an array of * strings. * * @return self */ public function setAggregator(callable $aggregator) { $this->aggregator = $aggregator; return $this; } /** * Specify how values are URL encoded * * @param string|bool $type One of 'RFC1738', 'RFC3986', or false to disable encoding * * @return self * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function setEncodingType($type) { if ($type === false || $type === self::RFC1738 || $type === self::RFC3986) { $this->encoding = $type; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid URL encoding type'); } return $this; } /** * Query string aggregator that does not aggregate nested query string * values and allows duplicates in the resulting array. * * Example: * * @return callable */ public static function duplicateAggregator() { return function (array $data) { return self::walkQuery($data, '', function ($key, $prefix) { return is_int($key) ? $prefix : "{$prefix}[{$key}]"; }); }; } /** * Aggregates nested query string variables using the same technique as * ``http_build_query()``. * * @param bool $numericIndices Pass false to not include numeric indices * when multi-values query string parameters are present. * * @return callable */ public static function phpAggregator($numericIndices = true) { return function (array $data) use ($numericIndices) { return self::walkQuery( $data, '', function ($key, $prefix) use ($numericIndices) { return !$numericIndices && is_int($key) ? "{$prefix}[]" : "{$prefix}[{$key}]"; } ); }; } /** * Easily create query aggregation functions by providing a key prefix * function to this query string array walker. * * @param array $query Query string to walk * @param string $keyPrefix Key prefix (start with '') * @param callable $prefixer Function used to create a key prefix * * @return array */ public static function walkQuery(array $query, $keyPrefix, callable $prefixer) { $result = []; foreach ($query as $key => $value) { if ($keyPrefix) { $key = $prefixer($key, $keyPrefix); } if (is_array($value)) { $result += self::walkQuery($value, $key, $prefixer); } elseif (isset($result[$key])) { $result[$key][] = $value; } else { $result[$key] = array($value); } } return $result; } }