(rl => { // if (rl.settings.get('Nextcloud')) const templateId = 'MailMessageView'; addEventListener('rl-view-model.create', e => { if (templateId === e.detail.viewModelTemplateID) { const template = document.getElementById(templateId), cfg = rl.settings.get('Nextcloud'), attachmentsControls = template.content.querySelector('.attachmentsControls'), msgMenu = template.content.querySelector('#more-view-dropdown-id + menu'); if (attachmentsControls) { attachmentsControls.append(Element.fromHTML(` 💾 `)); // https://github.com/nextcloud/calendar/issues/4684 if (cfg.CalDAV) { attachmentsControls.append(Element.fromHTML(` `)); } } /* // https://github.com/the-djmaze/snappymail/issues/592 if (cfg.CalDAV) { const attachmentsPlace = template.content.querySelector('.attachmentsPlace'); attachmentsPlace.after(Element.fromHTML(`
`)); } */ if (msgMenu) { msgMenu.append(Element.fromHTML(`
  • `)); } let view = e.detail; view.saveNextcloudError = ko.observable(false).extend({ falseTimeout: 7000 }); view.saveNextcloudLoading = ko.observable(false); view.saveNextcloud = () => { const hashes = (view.message()?.attachments || []) .map(item => item?.checked() /*&& !item?.isLinked()*/ ? item.download : '') .filter(v => v); if (hashes.length) { view.saveNextcloudLoading(true); rl.nextcloud.selectFolder().then(folder => { if (folder) { rl.fetchJSON('./?/Json/&q[]=/0/', {}, { Action: 'AttachmentsActions', Do: 'nextcloud', Hashes: hashes, NcFolder: folder }) .then(result => { view.saveNextcloudLoading(false); if (result?.Result) { // success } else { view.saveNextcloudError(true); } }) .catch(() => { view.saveNextcloudLoading(false); view.saveNextcloudError(true); }); } else { view.saveNextcloudLoading(false); } }); } }; view.nextcloudSaveMsg = () => { rl.nextcloud.selectFolder().then(folder => { let msg = view.message(); folder && rl.pluginRemoteRequest( (iError, data) => { console.dir({ iError:iError, data:data }); }, 'NextcloudSaveMsg', { 'msgHash': msg.requestHash, 'folder': folder, 'filename': msg.subject() } ); }); }; view.nextcloudICS = ko.observable(null); view.nextcloudSaveICS = () => { let VEVENT = view.nextcloudICS(); VEVENT && rl.nextcloud.selectCalendar() .then(href => href && rl.nextcloud.calendarPut(href, VEVENT)); } /** * TODO */ view.message.subscribe(msg => { view.nextcloudICS(null); if (msg && cfg.CalDAV) { let ics = msg.attachments.find(attachment => 'text/calendar' == attachment.mimeType); if (ics && ics.download) { // fetch it and parse the VEVENT rl.fetch(ics.linkDownload()) .then(response => (response.status < 400) ? response.text() : Promise.reject(new Error({ response }))) .then(text => { let VEVENT, VALARM, multiple = ['ATTACH','ATTENDEE','CATEGORIES','COMMENT','CONTACT','EXDATE', 'EXRULE','RSTATUS','RELATED','RESOURCES','RDATE','RRULE'], lines = text.split(/\r?\n/), i = lines.length; while (i--) { let line = lines[i]; if (VEVENT) { while (line.startsWith(' ') && i--) { line = lines[i] + line.slice(1); } if (line.startsWith('END:VALARM')) { VALARM = {}; continue; } else if (line.startsWith('BEGIN:VALARM')) { VEVENT.VALARM || (VEVENT.VALARM = []); VEVENT.VALARM.push(VALARM); VALARM = null; continue; } else if (line.startsWith('BEGIN:VEVENT')) { break; } line = line.match(/^([^:;]+)[:;](.+)$/); if (line) { if (VALARM) { VALARM[line[1]] = line[2]; } else if (multiple.includes(line[1]) || 'X-' == line[1].slice(0,2)) { VEVENT[line[1]] || (VEVENT[line[1]] = []); VEVENT[line[1]].push(line[2]); } else { VEVENT[line[1]] = line[2]; } } } else if (line.startsWith('END:VEVENT')) { VEVENT = {}; } } // METHOD:REPLY || METHOD:REQUEST // console.dir({VEVENT:VEVENT}); if (VEVENT) { VEVENT.rawText = text; VEVENT.isCancelled = () => VEVENT.STATUS?.includes('CANCELLED'); VEVENT.isConfirmed = () => VEVENT.STATUS?.includes('CONFIRMED'); VEVENT.shouldReply = () => VEVENT.METHOD?.includes('REPLY'); console.dir({ isCancelled: VEVENT.isCancelled(), shouldReply: VEVENT.shouldReply() }); view.nextcloudICS(VEVENT); } }); } } }); } }); })(window.rl);