rConnect = null; $this->bUnreadBuffer = false; $this->oLogger = null; $this->sResponseBuffer = ''; $this->iSecurityType = \MailSo\Net\Enumerations\ConnectionSecurityType::NONE; $this->sConnectedHost = ''; $this->iConnectedPort = 0; $this->bSecure = false; $this->iConnectTimeOut = 10; $this->iSocketTimeOut = 10; $this->Clear(); } /** * @return void */ public function __destruct() { $this->LogoutAndDisconnect(); } /** * @return void */ public function Clear() { $this->sResponseBuffer = ''; $this->sConnectedHost = ''; $this->iConnectedPort = 0; $this->iStartConnectTime = 0; $this->bSecure = false; } /** * @return string */ public function GetConnectedHost() { return $this->sConnectedHost; } /** * @return int */ public function GetConnectedPort() { return $this->iConnectedPort; } /** * @param int $iConnectTimeOut = 10 * @param int $iSocketTimeOut = 10 * * @return void */ public function SetTimeOuts($iConnectTimeOut = 10, $iSocketTimeOut = 10) { $this->iConnectTimeOut = $iConnectTimeOut; $this->iSocketTimeOut = $iSocketTimeOut; } /** * @return resource|null */ public function ConnectionResource() { return $this->rConnect; } /** * @param string $sServerName * @param int $iPort * @param int $iSecurityType = \MailSo\Net\Enumerations\ConnectionSecurityType::AUTO_DETECT * * @return void * * @throws \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\SocketAlreadyConnectedException * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\SocketCanNotConnectToHostException */ public function Connect($sServerName, $iPort, $iSecurityType = \MailSo\Net\Enumerations\ConnectionSecurityType::AUTO_DETECT) { if (!\MailSo\Base\Validator::NotEmptyString($sServerName, true) || !\MailSo\Base\Validator::PortInt($iPort)) { $this->writeLogException( new \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException(), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR, true); } if ($this->IsConnected()) { $this->writeLogException( new Exceptions\SocketAlreadyConnectedException(), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR, true); } $sServerName = \trim($sServerName); $sErrorStr = ''; $iErrorNo = 0; $this->iSecurityType = $iSecurityType; $this->iConnectedPort = $iPort; $this->bSecure = \MailSo\Net\Enumerations\ConnectionSecurityType::UseSSL($iPort, $iSecurityType); $this->sConnectedHost = $this->bSecure ? 'ssl://'.$sServerName : $sServerName; if (!$this->bSecure && \MailSo\Net\Enumerations\ConnectionSecurityType::SSL === $this->iSecurityType) { $this->writeLogException( new \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\SocketUnsuppoterdSecureConnectionException('SSL isn\'t supported'), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR, true); } $this->iStartConnectTime = \microtime(true); $this->writeLog('Start connection to "'.$this->sConnectedHost.':'.$this->iConnectedPort.'"', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::NOTE); $this->rConnect = @\fsockopen($this->sConnectedHost, $this->iConnectedPort, $iErrorNo, $sErrorStr, $this->iConnectTimeOut); if (!is_resource($this->rConnect)) { $this->writeLogException( new Exceptions\SocketCanNotConnectToHostException( $sErrorStr, $iErrorNo, 'Can\'t connect to host "'.$this->sConnectedHost.':'.$this->iConnectedPort.'"' ), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::NOTICE, true); } $this->writeLog((\microtime(true) - $this->iStartConnectTime).' (raw connection)', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::TIME); if ($this->rConnect) { if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('stream_set_timeout')) { @\stream_set_timeout($this->rConnect, $this->iSocketTimeOut); } if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('stream_set_blocking')) { @\stream_set_blocking($this->rConnect, 1); } } } /** * @return void */ public function Disconnect() { if (\is_resource($this->rConnect)) { $bResult = \fclose($this->rConnect); $this->writeLog('Disconnected from "'.$this->sConnectedHost.':'.$this->iConnectedPort.'" ('. (($bResult) ? 'success' : 'unsuccess').')', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::NOTE); if (0 !== $this->iStartConnectTime) { $this->writeLog((\microtime(true) - $this->iStartConnectTime).' (net session)', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::TIME); $this->iStartConnectTime = 0; } $this->rConnect = null; } } /** * @retun void * * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\Exception */ public function LogoutAndDisconnect() { if (\method_exists($this, 'Logout') && !$this->bUnreadBuffer) { $this->Logout(); } $this->Disconnect(); } /** * @param bool $bThrowExceptionOnFalse = false * * @return bool */ public function IsConnected($bThrowExceptionOnFalse = false) { $bResult = \is_resource($this->rConnect); if (!$bResult && $bThrowExceptionOnFalse) { $this->writeLogException( new Exceptions\SocketConnectionDoesNotAvailableException(), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR, true); } return $bResult; } /** * @return void * * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\SocketConnectionDoesNotAvailableException */ public function IsConnectedWithException() { $this->IsConnected(true); } /** * @param string $sRaw * @param bool $bWriteToLog = true * @param string $sFakeRaw = '' * * @return void * * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\SocketConnectionDoesNotAvailableException * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\SocketWriteException */ protected function sendRaw($sRaw, $bWriteToLog = true, $sFakeRaw = '') { if ($this->bUnreadBuffer) { $this->writeLogException( new Exceptions\SocketUnreadBufferException(), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR, true); } $bFake = 0 < \strlen($sFakeRaw); $sRaw .= "\r\n"; if ($bFake) { $sFakeRaw .= "\r\n"; } $mResult = @\fwrite($this->rConnect, $sRaw); if (false === $mResult) { $this->IsConnected(true); $this->writeLogException( new Exceptions\SocketWriteException(), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR, true); } else { \MailSo\Base\Loader::IncStatistic('NetWrite', $mResult); if ($bWriteToLog) { $this->writeLogWithCrlf('> '.($bFake ? $sFakeRaw : $sRaw), //.' ['.$iWriteSize.']', $bFake ? \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::SECURE : \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::INFO); } } } /** * @param mixed $mReadLen = null * @param bool $bForceLogin = false * * @return void * * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\SocketConnectionDoesNotAvailableException * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\SocketReadException */ protected function getNextBuffer($mReadLen = null, $bForceLogin = false) { if (null === $mReadLen) { $this->sResponseBuffer = @\fgets($this->rConnect); } else { $this->sResponseBuffer = ''; $iRead = $mReadLen; while (0 < $iRead) { $sAddRead = @\fread($this->rConnect, $iRead); if (false === $sAddRead) { $this->sResponseBuffer = false; break; } $this->sResponseBuffer .= $sAddRead; $iRead -= \strlen($sAddRead); } } if (false === $this->sResponseBuffer) { $this->IsConnected(true); $this->bUnreadBuffer = true; $aSocketStatus = @\stream_get_meta_data($this->rConnect); if (isset($aSocketStatus['timed_out']) && $aSocketStatus['timed_out']) { $this->writeLogException( new Exceptions\SocketReadTimeoutException(), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR, true); } else { $this->writeLogException( new Exceptions\SocketReadException(), \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR, true); } } else { $iReadedLen = \strlen($this->sResponseBuffer); if (null === $mReadLen || $bForceLogin) { $this->writeLogWithCrlf('< '.$this->sResponseBuffer, //.' ['.$iReadedLen.']', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::INFO); } else { $this->writeLog('Received '.$iReadedLen.'/'.$mReadLen.' bytes.', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::INFO); } \MailSo\Base\Loader::IncStatistic('NetRead', $iReadedLen); } } /** * @return string */ protected function getLogName() { return 'NET'; } /** * @param string $sDesc * @param int $iDescType = \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::INFO * * @return void */ protected function writeLog($sDesc, $iDescType = \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::INFO) { if ($this->oLogger) { $this->oLogger->Write($sDesc, $iDescType, $this->getLogName()); } } /** * @param string $sDesc * @param int $iDescType = \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::INFO * * @return void */ protected function writeLogWithCrlf($sDesc, $iDescType = \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::INFO) { $this->writeLog(\strtr($sDesc, array("\r" => '\r', "\n" => '\n')), $iDescType); } /** * @param \Exception $oException * @param int $iDescType = \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::NOTICE * @param bool $bThrowException = false * * @return void */ protected function writeLogException($oException, $iDescType = \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::NOTICE, $bThrowException = false) { if ($this->oLogger) { $this->oLogger->WriteException($oException, $iDescType, $this->getLogName()); } if ($bThrowException) { throw $oException; } } /** * @param \MailSo\Log\Logger $oLogger * * @return void * * @throws \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException */ public function SetLogger($oLogger) { if (!($oLogger instanceof \MailSo\Log\Logger)) { throw new \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException(); } $this->oLogger = $oLogger; } /** * @return \MailSo\Log\Logger|null */ public function Logger() { return $this->oLogger; } }