[ * 'http://www.foo.com/{version}/', * ['version' => '123'] * ], * 'defaults' => [ * 'timeout' => 10, * 'allow_redirects' => false, * 'proxy' => '' * ] * ]); * * @param array $config Client configuration settings * - base_url: Base URL of the client that is merged into relative URLs. * Can be a string or an array that contains a URI template followed * by an associative array of expansion variables to inject into the * URI template. * - adapter: Adapter used to transfer requests * - parallel_adapter: Adapter used to transfer requests in parallel * - message_factory: Factory used to create request and response object * - defaults: Default request options to apply to each request * - emitter: Event emitter used for request events */ public function __construct(array $config = []) { $this->configureBaseUrl($config); $this->configureDefaults($config); $this->configureAdapter($config); if (isset($config['emitter'])) { $this->emitter = $config['emitter']; } } /** * Get the default User-Agent string to use with Guzzle * * @return string */ public static function getDefaultUserAgent() { static $defaultAgent = ''; if (!$defaultAgent) { $defaultAgent = 'Guzzle/' . self::VERSION; if (extension_loaded('curl')) { $defaultAgent .= ' curl/' . curl_version()['version']; } $defaultAgent .= ' PHP/' . PHP_VERSION; } return $defaultAgent; } public function __call($name, $arguments) { return \GuzzleHttp\deprecation_proxy( $this, $name, $arguments, ['getEventDispatcher' => 'getEmitter'] ); } public function getDefaultOption($keyOrPath = null) { return $keyOrPath === null ? $this->defaults : \GuzzleHttp\get_path($this->defaults, $keyOrPath); } public function setDefaultOption($keyOrPath, $value) { \GuzzleHttp\set_path($this->defaults, $keyOrPath, $value); } public function getBaseUrl() { return (string) $this->baseUrl; } public function createRequest($method, $url = null, array $options = []) { // Merge in default options $options = array_replace_recursive($this->defaults, $options); // Use a clone of the client's emitter $options['config']['emitter'] = clone $this->getEmitter(); $request = $this->messageFactory->createRequest( $method, $url ? (string) $this->buildUrl($url) : (string) $this->baseUrl, $options ); return $request; } public function get($url = null, $options = []) { return $this->send($this->createRequest('GET', $url, $options)); } public function head($url = null, array $options = []) { return $this->send($this->createRequest('HEAD', $url, $options)); } public function delete($url = null, array $options = []) { return $this->send($this->createRequest('DELETE', $url, $options)); } public function put($url = null, array $options = []) { return $this->send($this->createRequest('PUT', $url, $options)); } public function patch($url = null, array $options = []) { return $this->send($this->createRequest('PATCH', $url, $options)); } public function post($url = null, array $options = []) { return $this->send($this->createRequest('POST', $url, $options)); } public function options($url = null, array $options = []) { return $this->send($this->createRequest('OPTIONS', $url, $options)); } public function send(RequestInterface $request) { $transaction = new Transaction($this, $request); try { if ($response = $this->adapter->send($transaction)) { return $response; } throw new \LogicException('No response was associated with the transaction'); } catch (RequestException $e) { throw $e; } catch (\Exception $e) { // Wrap exceptions in a RequestException to adhere to the interface throw new RequestException($e->getMessage(), $request, null, $e); } } public function sendAll($requests, array $options = []) { if (!($requests instanceof TransactionIterator)) { $requests = new TransactionIterator($requests, $this, $options); } $this->parallelAdapter->sendAll( $requests, isset($options['parallel']) ? $options['parallel'] : self::DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY ); } /** * Get an array of default options to apply to the client * * @return array */ protected function getDefaultOptions() { $settings = [ 'allow_redirects' => true, 'exceptions' => true, 'verify' => __DIR__ . '/cacert.pem' ]; // Use the bundled cacert if it is a regular file, or set to true if // using a phar file (because curL and the stream wrapper can't read // cacerts from the phar stream wrapper). Favor the ini setting over // the system's cacert. if (substr(__FILE__, 0, 7) == 'phar://') { $settings['verify'] = ini_get('openssl.cafile') ?: true; } // Use the standard Linux HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY if set if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROXY'])) { $settings['proxy']['http'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_PROXY']; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS_PROXY'])) { $settings['proxy']['https'] = $_SERVER['HTTPS_PROXY']; } return $settings; } /** * Expand a URI template and inherit from the base URL if it's relative * * @param string|array $url URL or URI template to expand * * @return string */ private function buildUrl($url) { if (!is_array($url)) { if (strpos($url, '://')) { return (string) $url; } return (string) $this->baseUrl->combine($url); } elseif (strpos($url[0], '://')) { return \GuzzleHttp\uri_template($url[0], $url[1]); } return (string) $this->baseUrl->combine( \GuzzleHttp\uri_template($url[0], $url[1]) ); } /** * Get a default parallel adapter to use based on the environment * * @return ParallelAdapterInterface */ private function getDefaultParallelAdapter() { return extension_loaded('curl') ? new MultiAdapter($this->messageFactory) : new FakeParallelAdapter($this->adapter); } /** * Create a default adapter to use based on the environment * @throws \RuntimeException */ private function getDefaultAdapter() { if (extension_loaded('curl')) { $this->parallelAdapter = new MultiAdapter($this->messageFactory); $this->adapter = function_exists('curl_reset') ? new CurlAdapter($this->messageFactory) : $this->parallelAdapter; if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $this->adapter = new StreamingProxyAdapter( $this->adapter, new StreamAdapter($this->messageFactory) ); } } elseif (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $this->adapter = new StreamAdapter($this->messageFactory); } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Guzzle requires cURL, the ' . 'allow_url_fopen ini setting, or a custom HTTP adapter.'); } } private function configureBaseUrl(&$config) { if (!isset($config['base_url'])) { $this->baseUrl = new Url('', ''); } elseif (is_array($config['base_url'])) { $this->baseUrl = Url::fromString( \GuzzleHttp\uri_template( $config['base_url'][0], $config['base_url'][1] ) ); $config['base_url'] = (string) $this->baseUrl; } else { $this->baseUrl = Url::fromString($config['base_url']); } } private function configureDefaults($config) { if (!isset($config['defaults'])) { $this->defaults = $this->getDefaultOptions(); } else { $this->defaults = array_replace( $this->getDefaultOptions(), $config['defaults'] ); } // Add the default user-agent header if (!isset($this->defaults['headers'])) { $this->defaults['headers'] = [ 'User-Agent' => static::getDefaultUserAgent() ]; } elseif (!isset(array_change_key_case($this->defaults['headers'])['user-agent'])) { // Add the User-Agent header if one was not already set $this->defaults['headers']['User-Agent'] = static::getDefaultUserAgent(); } } private function configureAdapter(&$config) { if (isset($config['message_factory'])) { $this->messageFactory = $config['message_factory']; } else { $this->messageFactory = new MessageFactory(); } if (isset($config['adapter'])) { $this->adapter = $config['adapter']; } else { $this->getDefaultAdapter(); } // If no parallel adapter was explicitly provided and one was not // defaulted when creating the default adapter, then create one now. if (isset($config['parallel_adapter'])) { $this->parallelAdapter = $config['parallel_adapter']; } elseif (!$this->parallelAdapter) { $this->parallelAdapter = $this->getDefaultParallelAdapter(); } } }