# Magnific Popup Repository [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup.png)](https://travis-ci.org/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup) Fast, light and responsive lightbox plugin, for jQuery and Zepto.js. - [Documentation and getting started guide](http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/documentation.html). - [Examples and plugin home page](http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/). - More examples in [CodePen collection](http://codepen.io/collection/nLcqo). Optionally, install via Bower: `bower install magnific-popup`. ## Extensions - WordPress plugin - [under development](http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/wordpress.html). - [Drupal module](https://drupal.org/project/magnific_popup). - [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/magnific-popup-rails), `gem install magnific-popup-rails`. If you created a popup extension for something, email me and I'll add it to this list. ## Location of stuff - Generated popup JS and CSS files are in folder [dist/](https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/tree/master/dist). (Online build tool is on [documentation page](http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/documentation.html)). - Source files are in folder [src/](https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/tree/master/src). They include [Sass CSS file](https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/blob/master/src/css/main.scss) and js parts (edit them if you wish to submit commit). - Website (examples & documentation) is in folder [website/](https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/tree/master/website). - Documentation page itself is in [website/documentation.md](https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/blob/master/website/documentation.md) (contributions to it are very welcome). ## Build To compile Magnific Popup by yourself, first of make sure that you have [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/), [Grunt.js](https://github.com/cowboy/grunt), [Ruby](http://www.ruby-lang.org/) and [Jekyll](https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/) installed, then: 1) Copy repository git clone https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup.git 2) Go inside Magnific Popup folder that you fetched and install Node dependencies cd Magnific-Popup && npm install 3) Now simply run `grunt` to generate JS and CSS in folder `dist` and site in folder `_site/`. grunt Optionally: - Run `grunt watch` to automatically rebuild script when you change files in `src/` or in `website/`. - If you don't have and don't want to install Jekyll, run `grunt nosite` to just build JS and CSS files related to popup in `dist/`. ## Changelog ### 0.9.8 (Oct 26, 2013) - Added figure and figcaption elements to image markup (#233, thanks to @pjackson28). - To avoid "jump" of content background, gap from right side (that "replaces" the scrollbar) is added with help of `margin`, instead of `padding`, (closes #125, thanks to @chodorowicz). - Function that checks if the clicked element should close popup or not is now public (so it can be overridden with your own logic). - Working on a new module: the exact copy of native fullscreen Android/iOS gallery, with touch/zoom/pan e.t.c., will publish branch soon (©Blizzard). ### 0.9.7 (Oct 10, 2013) - CSS: removed outline on buttons (thanks to @OriginalEXE). - Allow multiple string tokens to be passed in gallery variables like `%curr% of %total%` and `%title%` (#234, thanks to Petr Marek). - A few small changes to Grunt build, `grunt-contrib-sass` > `grunt-sass`. (thanks to @nschonni). ### 0.9.6 (Sep 29, 2013) - Fixed bug: options object that you pass to popup gets modified after the initialization (#217, #203). - Fixed bug: zoom module creates global variable (#226). - Fixed bug: gallery from AJAX popups stacks content if it's switched before loading has finished. - Indented and combined SCSS classes (thanks to @nschonni). - `$.magnificPopup.close()` now doesn't throw an exception if there's no instance (#221, thanks to @mjlescano). ### 0.9.5 (Aug 21, 2013) - Fixed bug: built-in tab focus in popup works incorrectly (caused by 0.9.3 update). ### 0.9.4 (Aug 7, 2013) - Fixed bug: error in IE7 when minified version of script is used with some versions of jQuery, #156. - Fixed bug: DOM exception in Chrome when using gallery mode with some versions of jQuery, #177. ### 0.9.3 (Jul 16, 2013) - Fixed blurry arrows in FF (#142) - Added `lazyLoadError` callback. - Popup now prevents closing if the clicked element is remvoved from DOM. - `overflow:hidden` is now applied to `html` instead of `body`. - Increased default z-index to from 500 to 1040. ### 0.9.2 (Jul 5, 2013) - Fixed bug in new zoom module, that could cause incorrect calculation of image height, when jQuery is used instead of Zepto. ### 0.9.1 (Jul 4, 2013) - Added zoom module effect for images, go to Magnific Popup [website](http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/) to view demos. More info in [docs](http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/documentation.html#zoom_effect). - `removalDelay` now applies only when browser supports CSS transitions. - Fix: removed tiny blink when switching between gallery images, or opening images that are already cached. - Changed the default appearance of gallery arrows (now its white triangle with black border, was vice-versa). - Added solid background to the image when its loading. ### 0.9.0 (Jul 3, 2013) - Added `modal` option which disables all default ways to close the popup, learn more in [docs](http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/documentation.html#modal). Thanks to [Julen Ruiz Aizpuru](https://github.com/julen). - Added `beforeClose` event. - Added `imageLoadComplete` event. - Removed jQuery event alias calls. Thanks to [Albert Casademont](https://github.com/acasademont). - Cleaned some duplicate styles in CSS. Thanks to [Yann Abgrall](https://github.com/yannabgrall). ### 0.8.9 (Jun 4, 2013) - Fix: inline element that is created dynamically causes exception in jQuery 1.8.x. - Fix: incorrect detection of `_hasScrollBar` if body has defined height style. - Fix: body styles are kept after popup is closed. - Fix: close icon is aligned incorrectly with iframe type. - **responseText is deprected**. Argument of callback `parseAjax` - `obj.responseText` is now deprected, but you can still access it via `obj.xhr.responseText`. Instead of it, please use `obj.data` to modify your output. - Sass: changed variables to be default declarations to support front-loaded settings. i.e. You can override options by adding `_settings.scss` file near `main.scss` with your new options. - Added: `afterClose` event. - Added: `ajaxContentLoaded` event. - Added: [Bower](https://github.com/bower/bower) support. ### 0.8.8 (May 24, 2013) - Fix: you can now put link inside popup that will open another popup - http://codepen.io/dimsemenov/pen/hwIng - Fix: incorrect index when opening popup that is already opened from multiple DOM elements. ### 0.8.7 (May 19, 2013) - Fixed #62 - IE9 HTML5 YouTube player playing audio after pop up closed ### 0.8.6 (May 18, 2013) - Controls are now removed when there is only one element in gallery. - Fixed issue that could cause incorrect main event element. - Public property `items` is now always an array (previously it could be jQuery object collection). - Added `word-break: break-word` to caption. ### 0.8.5 (May 15, 2013) - Fix #43 - In IE8 whole window becomes black when YouTube iframe is closed. - Fix #51 - In IE9 YouTube HTML5 video keeps playing after iframe is removed from page. - Bugfix - box-sizing on IMG in low IE behaves incorrectly. - Fix #57 - padding on body is not added with overflowY:'scroll'. - removalDelay option is now ignored in IE. - Added an option closeOnBgClick. - Added BeforeChange callback. - Added AfterChange callback. ### 0.8.4 (May 13, 2013) - You can now call any public method directly from jQuery DOM element, e.g.: `$('.some-el-with-popup').magnificPopup('methodName', /*, arguments */)`. - Optimized inline module. Now target element is replaced with placeholder only when it has a defined parent node. - `inline` type is now set as a default, so you may skip it. - Now content is just replaced when you call `open()` on popup that is already opened. ### 0.8.3 (May 9, 2013) - Added: `goTo` public method. - Custom events that are added to popup are now not lost when navigating through gallery. - If `delegate` option is used, events are now dispatched on main element instead of children. ### 0.8.2 (May 5, 2013) - Added !important to mfp-hide class. - Fix gallery rendering issue in Opera. - Fix padding to body with overflow:scroll. ## License Script is MIT licensed and free and will always be kept this way. But has a small restriction from me - please do not create public WordPress plugin based on it(or at least contact me before creating it), because I will make it and it'll be open source too ([want to get notified?](http://dimsemenov.com/subscribe.html)). Created by [@dimsemenov](http://twitter.com/dimsemenov) & [contributors](https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/contributors).