CKEditor Samples » Quicktable example

Default Configuration:

Configuration Example:

	<script type="text/javascript">
		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', {
			extraPlugins: 'quicktable',
			qtRows: 20, // Count of rows in the quicktable (default: 8)
			qtColumns: 20, // Count of columns in the quicktable (default: 10)
			qtBorder: '0', // Border of the inserted table (default: '1')
			qtWidth: '90%', // Width of the inserted table (default: '500px')
			qtStyle: { 'border-collapse' : 'collapse' }, // Content of the style-attribute of the inserted table (default: null)
			qtClass: 'test', // Class of the inserted table (default: '')
			qtCellPadding: '0', // Cell padding of the inserted table (default: '1')
			qtCellSpacing: '0', // Cell spacing of the inserted table (default: '1')
			qtPreviewBorder: '4px double black', // Border of the preview table (default: '1px solid #aaa')
			qtPreviewSize: '4px', // Cell size of the preview table (default: '14px')
			qtPreviewBackground: '#c8def4' // Cell background of the preview table on hover (default: '#e5e5e5')