import { AbstractModel } from 'Knoin/AbstractModel'; import { addObservablesTo } from 'External/ko'; import Remote from 'Remote/User/Fetch'; import { SettingsUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Settings'; export class AccountModel extends AbstractModel { /** * @param {string} email * @param {boolean=} canBeDelete = true * @param {number=} count = 0 */ constructor(email, name, isAdditional = true) { super(); = name; = email; this.displayName = name ? name + ' <' + email + '>' : email; addObservablesTo(this, { unreadEmails: null, askDelete: false, isAdditional: isAdditional }); // Load at random between 3 and 30 seconds SettingsUserStore.showUnreadCount() && isAdditional && setTimeout(()=>this.fetchUnread(), (Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10)) * 3000); } /** * Get INBOX unread messages */ fetchUnread() { Remote.request('AccountUnread', (iError, oData) => { iError || this.unreadEmails(oData?.Result?.unreadEmails || null); }, { email: }); } /** * Imports all mail to main account *//* importAll(account) { Remote.streamPerLine(line => { try { line = JSON.parse(line); console.dir(line); } catch (e) { // OOPS } }, 'AccountImport', { Action: 'AccountImport', email: }); } */ }