#!/bin/sh set -eu DEBUG=${DEBUG:-} if [ "$DEBUG" = 'true' ]; then set -x fi UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE=${UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE:-25M} MEMORY_LIMIT=${MEMORY_LIMIT:-128M} SECURE_COOKIES=${SECURE_COOKIES:-true} # Set attachment size limit sed -i "s//$UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE/g" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/php-fpm.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sed -i "s//$MEMORY_LIMIT/g" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/php-fpm.conf # Secure cookies if [ "${SECURE_COOKIES}" = 'true' ]; then echo "[INFO] Secure cookies activated" { echo 'session.cookie_httponly = On'; echo 'session.cookie_secure = On'; echo 'session.use_only_cookies = On'; } > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/cookies.ini; fi echo "[INFO] Snappymail version: $( ls /snappymail/snappymail/v )" # Set permissions on snappymail data echo "[INFO] Setting permissions on /var/lib/snappymail" chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/snappymail/ chmod 550 /var/lib/snappymail/ find /var/lib/snappymail/ -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \; # Create snappymail default config if absent SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE=/var/lib/snappymail/_data_/_default_/configs/application.ini if [ ! -f "$SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then echo "[INFO] Creating default Snappymail configuration: $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE" # Run snappymail and exit. This populates the snappymail data directory and generates the config file # On error, print php exception and exit EXITCODE= su - www-data -s /bin/sh -c 'php /snappymail/index.php' > /tmp/out || EXITCODE=$? if [ -n "$EXITCODE" ]; then cat /tmp/out exit "$EXITCODE" fi fi echo "[INFO] Overriding values in snappymail configuration: $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE" # Enable output of snappymail logs sed '/^\; Enable logging/{ N s/enable = Off/enable = On/ }' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE # Redirect snappymail logs to stderr /stdout sed 's/^filename = .*/filename = "stderr"/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^write_on_error_only = .*/write_on_error_only = Off/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^write_on_php_error_only = .*/write_on_php_error_only = On/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE # Always enable snappymail Auth logging sed 's/^auth_logging = .*/auth_logging = On/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^auth_logging_filename = .*/auth_logging_filename = "auth.log"/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^auth_logging_format = .*/auth_logging_format = "[{date:Y-m-d H:i:s}] Auth failed: ip={request:ip} user={imap:login} host={imap:host} port={imap:port}"/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^auth_syslog = .*/auth_syslog = Off/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE ( while ! nc -vz -w 1 8888 > /dev/null 2>&1; do echo "[INFO] Checking whether nginx is alive"; sleep 1; done while ! nc -vz -w 1 9000 > /dev/null 2>&1; do echo "[INFO] Checking whether php-fpm is alive"; sleep 1; done # Create snappymail admin password if absent SNAPPYMAIL_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE=/var/lib/snappymail/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt if [ ! -f "$SNAPPYMAIL_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then echo "[INFO] Creating Snappymail admin password file: $SNAPPYMAIL_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE" wget -T 1 -qO- '' > /dev/null echo "[INFO] Snappymail Admin Panel ready at http://localhost:8888/?admin. Login using password in $SNAPPYMAIL_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE" fi wget -T 1 -qO- '' > /dev/null echo "[INFO] Snappymail ready at http://localhost:8888/" ) & # RUN ! exec /usr/bin/supervisord -c /supervisor.conf --pidfile /run/supervisord.pid