/** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-8 */ import { getMatchTypes } from 'Sieve/Utils'; import { BRACKET_COMMENT, HASH_COMMENT, IDENTIFIER, MULTI_LINE, NUMBER, QUOTED_STRING, STRING_LIST, TAG } from 'Sieve/RegEx'; import { GrammarBracketComment, GrammarCommand, GrammarComment, GrammarHashComment, GrammarMultiLine, GrammarNumber, GrammarQuotedString, GrammarStringList, TestCommand, GrammarTestList } from 'Sieve/Grammar'; import { availableCommands } from 'Sieve/Commands'; import { ConditionalCommand, IfCommand, RequireCommand } from 'Sieve/Commands/Controls'; import { NotTest } from 'Sieve/Commands/Tests'; const T_UNKNOWN = 0, T_STRING_LIST = 1, T_QUOTED_STRING = 2, T_MULTILINE_STRING = 3, T_HASH_COMMENT = 4, T_BRACKET_COMMENT = 5, T_BLOCK_START = 6, T_BLOCK_END = 7, T_LEFT_PARENTHESIS = 8, T_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = 9, T_COMMA = 10, T_SEMICOLON = 11, T_TAG = 12, T_IDENTIFIER = 13, T_NUMBER = 14, T_WHITESPACE = 15, TokensRegEx = '(' + [ /* T_STRING_LIST */ STRING_LIST, /* T_QUOTED_STRING */ QUOTED_STRING, /* T_MULTILINE_STRING */ MULTI_LINE, /* T_HASH_COMMENT */ HASH_COMMENT, /* T_BRACKET_COMMENT */ BRACKET_COMMENT, /* T_BLOCK_START */ '\\{', /* T_BLOCK_END */ '\\}', /* T_LEFT_PARENTHESIS */ '\\(', // anyof / allof /* T_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS */ '\\)', // anyof / allof /* T_COMMA */ ',', /* T_SEMICOLON */ ';', /* T_TAG */ TAG, /* T_IDENTIFIER */ IDENTIFIER, /* T_NUMBER */ NUMBER, /* T_WHITESPACE */ '(?: |\\r\\n|\\t)+', /* T_UNKNOWN */ '[^ \\r\\n\\t]+' ].join(')|(') + ')', TokenError = [ /* T_STRING_LIST */ '', /* T_QUOTED_STRING */ '', /* T_MULTILINE_STRING */ '', /* T_HASH_COMMENT */ '', /* T_BRACKET_COMMENT */ '', /* T_BLOCK_START */ 'Block start not part of control command', /* T_BLOCK_END */ 'Block end has no matching block start', /* T_LEFT_PARENTHESIS */ 'Test start not part of anyof/allof test', /* T_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS */ 'Test end not part of test-list', /* T_COMMA */ 'Comma not part of test-list', /* T_SEMICOLON */ 'Semicolon not at end of command', /* T_TAG */ '', /* T_IDENTIFIER */ '', /* T_NUMBER */ '', /* T_WHITESPACE */ '', /* T_UNKNOWN */ '' ]; export const parseScript = (script, name = 'script.sieve') => { script = script.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n'); // Only activate available commands const Commands = availableCommands(); let match, line = 1, tree = [], // Create one regex to find the tokens // Use exec() to forward since lastIndex regex = RegExp(TokensRegEx, 'gm'), levels = [], command = null, requires = [], args = []; const error = message => { // throw new SyntaxError(message + ' at ' + regex.lastIndex + ' line ' + line, name, line) throw new SyntaxError(message + ' on line ' + line + ' around:\n\n' + script.slice(regex.lastIndex - 20, regex.lastIndex + 10), name, line) }, pushArg = arg => { command || error('Argument not part of command'); let prev_arg = args[args.length-1]; if (getMatchTypes(0).includes(arg)) { command.match_type = arg; } else if (':value' === prev_arg || ':count' === prev_arg) { // Sieve relational [RFC5231] match types /^(gt|ge|lt|le|eq|ne)$/.test(arg.value) || error('Invalid relational match-type ' + arg); command.match_type = prev_arg + ' ' + arg; --args.length; // requires.push('relational'); } else if (':comparator' === prev_arg) { command.comparator = arg; --args.length; } else { args.push(arg); } }, pushArgs = () => { if (args.length) { command && command.pushArguments(args); args = []; } }; levels.up = () => { levels.pop(); return levels[levels.length - 1]; }; while ((match = regex.exec(script))) { // the last element in match will contain the matched value and the key will be the type let type = match.findIndex((v,i) => 0 < i && undefined !== v), value = match[type]; // create the part switch (type) { case T_IDENTIFIER: { pushArgs(); value = value.toLowerCase(); let new_command; if (Commands[value]) { if ('elsif' === value || 'else' === value) { let valid = false, cmd = (command ? command?.commands : tree), i = cmd?.length; while (i) { cmd[--i]; if (cmd[i] instanceof IfCommand) { valid = true; break; } else if (typeof cmd[i] !== 'string' && !(cmd[i] instanceof GrammarComment)) { break; } } valid || error('Not after IF/ELSIF condition'); } if ('allof' === value || 'anyof' === value) { // (command instanceof ConditionalCommand || command instanceof NotTest) || error('Test-list not in conditional'); } new_command = new Commands[value](); } else { if (command && ( command instanceof ConditionalCommand || command instanceof NotTest || command.tests instanceof GrammarTestList)) { console.error('Unknown test: ' + value); new_command = new TestCommand(value); } else { console.error('Unknown command: ' + value); new_command = new GrammarCommand(value); } } if (new_command instanceof TestCommand) { if (command instanceof ConditionalCommand || command instanceof NotTest) { // if/elsif/else new_command // not new_command command.test = new_command; } else if (command.tests instanceof GrammarTestList) { // allof/anyof .tests[] new_command command.tests.push(new_command); } else { error('Test "' + value + '" not allowed in "' + command.identifier + '" command'); } } else if (command) { if (command.commands) { command.commands.push(new_command); } else { error('commands not allowed in "' + command.identifier + '" command'); } } else { tree.push(new_command); } levels.push(new_command); command = new_command; if (command.require) { (Array.isArray(command.require) ? command.require : [command.require]) .forEach(string => requires.push(string)); } if (command.comparator) { requires.push('comparator-' + command.comparator); } break; } // Arguments case T_TAG: pushArg(value.toLowerCase()); break; case T_STRING_LIST: pushArg(GrammarStringList.fromString(value)); break; case T_MULTILINE_STRING: pushArg(GrammarMultiLine.fromString(value)); break; case T_QUOTED_STRING: try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch(e) { console.error(e, value); } pushArg(new GrammarQuotedString(value)); break; case T_NUMBER: pushArg(new GrammarNumber(value)); break; // Comments case T_BRACKET_COMMENT: case T_HASH_COMMENT: { let obj = (T_HASH_COMMENT == type) ? new GrammarHashComment(value.slice(1).trim()) : new GrammarBracketComment(value.slice(2, -2)); if (command) { if (!command.comments) { command.comments = []; } (command.commands || command.comments).push(obj); } else { tree.push(obj); } break; } case T_WHITESPACE: // (command ? command.commands : tree).push(value.trim()); command || tree.push(value.trim()); break; // Command end case T_SEMICOLON: command || error(TokenError[type]); pushArgs(); if (command instanceof RequireCommand) { command.capabilities.forEach(string => requires.push(string.value)); } command = levels.up(); break; // Command block case T_BLOCK_START: pushArgs(); // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-2.9 // Action commands do not take tests or blocks while (command && !(command instanceof ConditionalCommand)) { command = levels.up(); } command || error(TokenError[type]); break; case T_BLOCK_END: (command instanceof ConditionalCommand) || error(TokenError[type]); command = levels.up(); break; // anyof / allof ( ... , ... ) case T_LEFT_PARENTHESIS: case T_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS: case T_COMMA: pushArgs(); // Must be inside PARENTHESIS aka test-list while (command && !(command.tests instanceof GrammarTestList)) { command = levels.up(); } command || error(TokenError[type]); break; case T_UNKNOWN: error('Invalid token ' + value); } // Set current script position line += (value.split('\n').length - 1); // (value.match(/\n/g) || []).length; } tree.requires = requires; tree.toString = () => tree.join('\r\n'); return tree; };