import { doc, createElement, addEventsListeners } from 'Common/Globals'; import { EmailModel } from 'Model/Email'; const contentType = 'snappymail/emailaddress', getAddressKey = li => li && li.emailaddress && li.emailaddress.key; let dragAddress, datalist; // mailbox-list export class EmailAddressesComponent { constructor(element, options) { if (!datalist) { datalist = createElement('datalist',{id:"emailaddresses-datalist"}); doc.body.append(datalist); } const self = this, // In Chrome we have no access to dataTransfer.getData unless it's the 'drop' event // In Chrome Mobile dataTransfer.types.includes(contentType) fails, only text/plain is set validDropzone = () => dragAddress && !== self.ul, fnDrag = e => validDropzone() && e.preventDefault(); self.element = element; self.options = Object.assign({ focusCallback : null, // simply passing an autoComplete source (array, string or function) will instantiate autocomplete functionality autoCompleteSource : '', onChange : null }, options); self._chosenValues = []; self._lastEdit = ''; // Create the elements self.ul = createElement('ul',{class:"emailaddresses"}); addEventsListeners(self.ul, { click: e => self._focus(e), dblclick: e => self._editTag(e), dragenter: fnDrag, dragover: fnDrag, drop: e => { if (validDropzone() && dragAddress.value) { e.preventDefault(); dragAddress.source._removeDraggedTag(; self._parseValue(dragAddress.value); } } }); self.input = createElement('input',{type:"text",, autocomplete:"off", autocorrect:"off", autocapitalize:"off", spellcheck:"false"}); addEventsListeners(self.input, { focus: () => { self._focusTrigger(true); self.input.value || self._resetDatalist(); }, blur: () => { // prevent autoComplete menu click from causing a false 'blur' self._parseInput(true); self._focusTrigger(false); }, keydown: e => { if ('Backspace' === e.key || 'ArrowLeft' === e.key) { // if our input contains no value and backspace has been pressed, select the last tag var lastTag = self.inputCont.previousElementSibling, input = self.input; if (lastTag && (!input.value || (('selectionStart' in input) && input.selectionStart === 0 && input.selectionEnd === 0)) ) { e.preventDefault(); lastTag.querySelector('a').focus(); } self._updateDatalist(); } else if (e.key == 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); self._parseInput(true); } }, input: () => { self._parseInput(); self._updateDatalist(); } }); // define starting placeholder if (element.placeholder) { self.input.placeholder = element.placeholder; } self.inputCont = createElement('li',{class:"emailaddresses-input"}); self.inputCont.append(self.input); self.ul.append(self.inputCont); element.replaceWith(self.ul); // if instantiated input already contains a value, parse that junk if (element.value.trim()) { self._parseValue(element.value); } self._updateDatalist = self.options.autoCompleteSource ? (() => { let value = self.input.value.trim(); if (datalist.inputValue !== value) { datalist.inputValue = value; value.length && self.options.autoCompleteSource( {term:value}, items => { self._resetDatalist(); items && items.forEach(item => datalist.append(new Option(item))); } ) } }).throttle(500) : () => 0; } _focusTrigger(bValue) { this.ul.classList.toggle('emailaddresses-focused', bValue); this.options.focusCallback(bValue); } _resetDatalist() { datalist.textContent = ''; } _parseInput(force) { let val = this.input.value; if (force || val.includes(',') || val.includes(';')) { this._parseValue(val) && (this.input.value = ''); } this._resizeInput(); } _parseValue(val) { if (val) { const self = this, v = val.trim(), hook = (v && [',', ';', '\n'].includes(v.slice(-1))) ? EmailModel.splitEmailLine(val) : null, values = (hook || [val]).map(value => EmailModel.parseEmailLine(value)) .flat(Infinity) .map(item => (item.toLine ? [item.toLine(false), item] : [item, null])); if (values.length) { values.forEach(a => { var v = a[0].trim(), exists = false, lastIndex = -1, obj = { key : '', obj : null, value : '' }; self._chosenValues.forEach((vv, kk) => { if (vv.value === self._lastEdit) { lastIndex = kk; } vv.value === v && (exists = true); }); if (v !== '' && a[1] && !exists) { obj.key = 'mi_' + Math.random().toString( 16 ).slice( 2, 10 ); obj.value = v; obj.obj = a[1]; if (-1 < lastIndex) { self._chosenValues.splice(lastIndex, 0, obj); } else { self._chosenValues.push(obj); } self._lastEdit = ''; self._renderTags(); } }); if (values.length === 1 && values[0] === '' && self._lastEdit !== '') { self._lastEdit = ''; self._renderTags(); } self._setValue(self._buildValue()); return true; } } } // the input dynamically resizes based on the length of its value _resizeInput() { let input = this.input; if (input.clientWidth < input.scrollWidth) { = Math.min(500, Math.max(200, input.scrollWidth)) + 'px'; } } _editTag(ev) { var li ='li'), tagKey = getAddressKey(li); if (!tagKey) { return true; } var self = this, tagName = '', oPrev = null, next = false ; self._chosenValues.forEach(v => { if (v.key === tagKey) { tagName = v.value; next = true; } else if (next && !oPrev) { oPrev = v; } }); if (oPrev) { self._lastEdit = oPrev.value; } li.after(self.inputCont); self.input.value = tagName; setTimeout(() =>, 100); self._removeTag(ev, li); self._resizeInput(ev); } _buildValue() { return => v.value).join(','); } _setValue(value) { if (this.element.value !== value) { this.element.value = value; this.options.onChange(value); } } _renderTags() { let self = this; [...self.ul.children].forEach(node => node !== self.inputCont && node.remove()); self._chosenValues.forEach(v => { if (v.obj) { let li = createElement('li',{title:v.obj.toLine(false, false, true),draggable:'true'}), el = createElement('span'); el.append(v.obj.toLine(true, false, true)); li.append(el); el = createElement('a',{href:'#', class:'ficon'}); el.append('✖'); addEventsListeners(el, { click: e => self._removeTag(e, li), focus: () => li.className = 'emailaddresses-selected', blur: () => li.className = null, keydown: e => { switch (e.key) { case 'Delete': case 'Backspace': self._removeTag(e, li); break; // 'e' - edit tag (removes tag and places value into visible input case 'e': case 'Enter': self._editTag(e); break; case 'ArrowLeft': // select the previous tag or input if no more tags exist var previous = el.closest('li').previousElementSibling; if (previous.matches('li')) { previous.querySelector('a').focus(); } else { self.focus(); } break; case 'ArrowRight': // select the next tag or input if no more tags exist var next = el.closest('li').nextElementSibling; if (next !== this.inputCont) { next.querySelector('a').focus(); } else { this.focus(); } break; case 'ArrowDown': self._focus(e); break; } } }); li.append(el); li.emailaddress = v; addEventsListeners(li, { dragstart: e => { dragAddress = { source: self, li: li, value: li.emailaddress.obj.toLine() }; // e.dataTransfer.setData(contentType, li.emailaddress.obj.toLine()); e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', contentType); // e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(li, 0, 0); e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; = 0.25; }, dragend: () => { dragAddress = null; = ''; } }); self.inputCont.before(li); } }); } _removeTag(ev, li) { ev.preventDefault(); var key = getAddressKey(li), self = this, indexFound = self._chosenValues.findIndex(v => key === v.key); indexFound > -1 && self._chosenValues.splice(indexFound, 1); self._setValue(self._buildValue()); li.remove(); setTimeout(() => self.input.focus(), 100); } _removeDraggedTag(li) { var key = getAddressKey(li), self = this, indexFound = self._chosenValues.findIndex(v => key === v.key) ; if (-1 < indexFound) { self._chosenValues.splice(indexFound, 1); self._setValue(self._buildValue()); } li.remove(); } focus () { this.input.focus(); } blur() { this.input.blur(); } _focus(ev) { var li ='li'); if (getAddressKey(li)) { li.querySelector('a').focus(); } else { this.focus(); } } set value(value) { var self = this; if (self.element.value !== value) { // self.input.value = ''; // self._resizeInput(); self._chosenValues = []; self._renderTags(); self._parseValue(self.element.value = value); } } }