addJs('js/auto-login.js'); $this->addPartHook('ProxyAuth', 'ServiceProxyAuth'); $this->addPartHook('UserHeaderSet', 'ServiceUserHeaderSet'); $this->addHook('login.credentials', 'MapEmailAddress'); } /* by */ /** * Check if a given ip is in a network * @param string $ip IP to check in IPV4 format eg. * @param string $range IP/CIDR netmask eg., also is accepted and /32 assumed * @return boolean true if the ip is in this range / false if not. */ private function ip_in_range( $ip, $range ) { if ( strpos( $range, '/' ) == false ) { $range .= '/32'; } // $range is in IP/CIDR format eg list( $range, $netmask ) = explode( '/', $range, 2 ); $range_decimal = ip2long( $range ); $ip_decimal = ip2long( $ip ); $wildcard_decimal = pow( 2, ( 32 - $netmask ) ) - 1; $netmask_decimal = ~ $wildcard_decimal; return ( ( $ip_decimal & $netmask_decimal ) == ( $range_decimal & $netmask_decimal ) ); } public function MapEmailAddress(string &$sEmail, string &$sLogin, string &$sPassword) { $oActions = \RainLoop\Api::Actions(); $oLogger = $oActions->Logger(); $sPrefix = "ProxyAuth"; $sLevel = LOG_DEBUG; $sMsg = "sEmail= " . $sEmail; $oLogger->Write($sMsg, $sLevel, $sPrefix); $sMasterUser = \trim($this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'master_user', '')); $sMasterSeparator = \trim($this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'master_separator', '')); /* remove superuser from email for proper UI */ if (static::$login) { $sEmail = str_replace($sMasterUser, "", $sEmail); $sEmail = str_replace($sMasterSeparator, "", $sEmail); } } private static bool $login = false; public function ServiceProxyAuth() : bool { $oActions = \RainLoop\Api::Actions(); $oException = null; $oAccount = null; $oLogger = $oActions->Logger(); $sLevel = LOG_DEBUG; $sPrefix = "ProxyAuth"; $sMasterUser = \trim($this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'master_user', '')); $sMasterSeparator = \trim($this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'master_separator', '')); $sHeaderName = \trim($this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'header_name', '')); $sRemoteUser = $this->Manager()->Actions()->Http()->GetHeader($sHeaderName); $sMsg = "Remote User: " . $sRemoteUser; $oLogger->Write($sMsg, $sLevel, $sPrefix); $sProxyIP = $this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'proxy_ip', ''); $sMsg = "ProxyIP: " . $sProxyIP; $oLogger->Write($sMsg, $sLevel, $sPrefix); $sProxyCheck = $this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'proxy_check', ''); $sClientIPs = $this->Manager()->Actions()->Http()->GetClientIP(true); /* make sure that remote user is only set by authorized proxy to avoid security risks */ if ($sProxyCheck) { $sProxyRequest = false; $sMsg = "checking client IPs: " . $sClientIPs; $oLogger->Write($sMsg, $sLevel, $sPrefix); $sClientIPs = explode(", ", $sClientIPs); if (is_array($sClientIPs)) { foreach ($sClientIPs as &$sIP) { $sMsg = "checking client IP: " . $sIP; $oLogger->Write($sMsg, $sLevel, $sPrefix); if ($this->ip_in_range($sIP, $sProxyIP)) { $sProxyRequest = true; } } } else { $sMsg = "checking client IP: " . $sClientIPs; $oLogger->Write($sMsg, $sLevel, $sPrefix); if ($this->ip_in_range($sClientIPs, $sProxyIP)) { $sProxyRequest = true; } } } else { $sProxyRequest = true; } if ($sProxyRequest) { /* create master user login from remote user header and settings */ $sEmail = $sRemoteUser . $sMasterSeparator . $sMasterUser; $sPassword = \trim($this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'master_password', '')); try { static::$login = true; $oAccount = $oActions->LoginProcess($sEmail, $sPassword); if ($oAccount instanceof \RainLoop\Model\MainAccount) { $oActions->SetAuthToken($oAccount); } } catch (\Throwable $oException) { $oLogger = $oActions->Logger(); $oLogger && $oLogger->WriteException($oException); } \MailSo\Base\Http::Location('./'); return true; } \MailSo\Base\Http::Location('./'); return true; } public function ServiceUserHeaderSet() : bool { $oActions = \RainLoop\Api::Actions(); $oLogger = $oActions->Logger(); $sLevel = LOG_DEBUG; $sPrefix = "ProxyAuth"; $sHeaderName = \trim($this->Config()->getDecrypted('plugin', 'header_name', '')); $sRemoteUser = $this->Manager()->Actions()->Http()->GetHeader($sHeaderName); $sMsg = "Remote User: " . $sRemoteUser; $oLogger->Write($sMsg, $sLevel, $sPrefix); if (strlen($sRemoteUser) > 0) { \MailSo\Base\Http::StatusHeader('200'); } else { \MailSo\Base\Http::StatusHeader('401'); } return true; } protected function configMapping() : array { return array( \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('master_separator') ->SetLabel('Master User separator') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::STRING_TEXT) ->SetDescription('Sets the master user separator (format: )') ->SetDefaultValue('*') ->SetEncrypted(), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('master_user') ->SetLabel('Master User') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::STRING_TEXT) ->SetDescription('Username of master user') ->SetDefaultValue('admin') ->SetEncrypted(), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('master_password') ->SetLabel('Master Password') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::STRING_TEXT) ->SetDescription('Password for master user') ->SetDefaultValue('adminpassword') ->SetEncrypted(), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('header_name') ->SetLabel('Header Name') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::STRING_TEXT) ->SetDescription('Name of header containing username') ->SetDefaultValue('Remote-User') ->SetEncrypted(), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('check_proxy') ->SetLabel('Check Proxy') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::BOOL) ->SetDescription('Activates check if proxy is connecting') ->SetDefaultValue(true) ->SetEncrypted(), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('proxy_ip') ->SetLabel('Proxy IPNet') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::STRING_TEXT) ->SetDescription('IP or Subnet of proxy, auth header will only be accepted from this address') ->SetDefaultValue('') ->SetEncrypted(), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('auto_login') ->SetAllowedInJs(true) ->SetLabel('Activate automatic login') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::BOOL) ->SetDescription('Activates automatic login, if User Header is set (note: Use custom_logout_link to enable logout, see plugin README)') ->SetDefaultValue(true) ); } }