import { SettingsCapa, SettingsGet } from 'Common/Globals'; import { staticLink } from 'Common/Links'; //import { showScreenPopup } from 'Knoin/Knoin'; //import { EmailModel } from 'Model/Email'; //import { OpenPgpKeyModel } from 'Model/OpenPgpKey'; import { GnuPGUserStore } from 'Stores/User/GnuPG'; import { OpenPGPUserStore } from 'Stores/User/OpenPGP'; export const BEGIN_PGP_MESSAGE = '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----', // BEGIN_PGP_SIGNATURE = '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----', // BEGIN_PGP_SIGNED = '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----', PgpUserStore = new class { constructor() { // this.mailvelopeKeyring = null; } init() { if (SettingsCapa('OpenPGP') && window.crypto && crypto.getRandomValues) { rl.loadScript(staticLink('js/min/openpgp.min.js')) .then(() => this.loadKeyrings()) .catch(e => { this.loadKeyrings(); console.error(e); }); } else { this.loadKeyrings(); } } loadKeyrings(identifier) { identifier = identifier || SettingsGet('Email'); if (window.mailvelope) { const fn = keyring => { this.mailvelopeKeyring = keyring; console.log('mailvelope ready'); }; mailvelope.getKeyring().then(fn, err => { if (identifier) { // attempt to create a new keyring for this app/user mailvelope.createKeyring(identifier).then(fn, err => console.error(err)); } else { console.error(err); } }); addEventListener('mailvelope-disconnect', event => { alert('Mailvelope is updated to version ' + event.detail.version + '. Reload page'); }, false); } else { addEventListener('mailvelope', () => this.loadKeyrings(identifier)); } if (OpenPGPUserStore.isSupported()) { OpenPGPUserStore.loadKeyrings(); } if (SettingsCapa('GnuPG')) { GnuPGUserStore.loadKeyrings(); } } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isSupported() { return !!(OpenPGPUserStore.isSupported() || GnuPGUserStore.isSupported() || window.mailvelope); } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isEncrypted(text) { return 0 === text.trim().indexOf(BEGIN_PGP_MESSAGE); } async mailvelopeHasPublicKeyForEmails(recipients) { const keyring = this.mailvelopeKeyring, mailvelope = keyring && await keyring.validKeyForAddress(recipients) /*.then(LookupResult => Object.entries(LookupResult))*/, entries = mailvelope && Object.entries(mailvelope); return entries && entries.filter(value => value[1]).length === recipients.length; } /** * Checks if verifying/encrypting a message is possible with given email addresses. * Returns the first library that can. */ async hasPublicKeyForEmails(recipients) { const count = recipients.length; if (count) { if (GnuPGUserStore.hasPublicKeyForEmails(recipients)) { return 'gnupg'; } if (OpenPGPUserStore.hasPublicKeyForEmails(recipients)) { return 'openpgp'; } } return false; } async getMailvelopePrivateKeyFor(email/*, sign*/) { let keyring = this.mailvelopeKeyring; if (keyring && await keyring.hasPrivateKey({email:email})) { return ['mailvelope', email]; } return false; } /** * Checks if signing a message is possible with given email address. * Returns the first library that can. */ async getKeyForSigning(email) { let key = OpenPGPUserStore.getPrivateKeyFor(email, 1); if (key) { return ['openpgp', key]; } key = GnuPGUserStore.getPrivateKeyFor(email, 1); if (key) { return ['gnupg', key]; } // return await this.getMailvelopePrivateKeyFor(email, 1); } async decrypt(message) { const sender = message.from[0].email, armoredText = message.plain(); if (!this.isEncrypted(armoredText)) { return; } // Try OpenPGP.js let result = await OpenPGPUserStore.decrypt(armoredText, sender); if (result) { return result; } // Try Mailvelope (does not support inline images) try { let key = await this.getMailvelopePrivateKeyFor([0].email); if (key) { /** * * Creates an iframe to display an encrypted form */ // mailvelope.createEncryptedFormContainer('#mailvelope-form'); /** * * Creates an iframe to display the decrypted content of the encrypted mail. */ const body = message.body; body.textContent = ''; result = await mailvelope.createDisplayContainer( '#', armoredText, this.mailvelopeKeyring, { senderAddress: sender } ); if (result) { if (result.error && result.error.message) { if ('PWD_DIALOG_CANCEL' !== result.error.code) { alert(result.error.code + ': ' + result.error.message); } } else { body.classList.add('mailvelope'); return true; } } } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } // Now try GnuPG return GnuPGUserStore.decrypt(message); } async verify(message) { const signed = message.pgpSigned(); if (signed) { const sender = message.from[0].email, gnupg = GnuPGUserStore.hasPublicKeyForEmails([sender]), openpgp = OpenPGPUserStore.hasPublicKeyForEmails([sender]); // Detached signature use GnuPG first, else we must download whole message if (gnupg && signed.SigPartId) { return GnuPGUserStore.verify(message); } if (openpgp) { return OpenPGPUserStore.verify(message); } if (gnupg) { return GnuPGUserStore.verify(message); } // Mailvelope can't // } } /** * Returns headers that should be added to an outgoing email. * So far this is only the autocrypt header. */ /* this.mailvelopeKeyring.additionalHeadersForOutgoingEmail(headers) this.mailvelopeKeyring.addSyncHandler(syncHandlerObj) this.mailvelopeKeyring.createKeyBackupContainer(selector, options) this.mailvelopeKeyring.createKeyGenContainer(selector, { // userIds: [], keySize: 4096 }) this.mailvelopeKeyring.exportOwnPublicKey(emailAddr).then() this.mailvelopeKeyring.importPublicKey(armored) // this.mailvelopeKeyring.addSyncHandler({ uploadSync downloadSync backup restore }); */ };