import { staticLink } from 'Common/Links'; import { addObservablesTo } from 'External/ko'; import { fireEvent } from 'Common/Globals'; /** * Might not work due to the new ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification */ const HTML5Notification = window.Notification, HTML5NotificationStatus = () => HTML5Notification?.permission || 'denied', NotificationsDenied = () => 'denied' === HTML5NotificationStatus(), NotificationsGranted = () => 'granted' === HTML5NotificationStatus(), dispatchMessage = data => { focus(); if (data.folder && data.uid) { fireEvent('', data); } else if (data.Url) { hasher.setHash(data.Url); } }; let DesktopNotifications = false, WorkerNotifications = navigator.serviceWorker; // Are Notifications supported in the service worker? if (WorkerNotifications) { if (ServiceWorkerRegistration && ServiceWorkerRegistration.prototype.showNotification) { /* Listen for close requests from the ServiceWorker */ WorkerNotifications.addEventListener('message', event => { const obj = JSON.parse(; 'notificationclick' === obj?.action && dispatchMessage(; }); } else { console.log('ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification undefined'); WorkerNotifications = null; } } else { console.log('ServiceWorker undefined'); } export const NotificationUserStore = new class { constructor() { addObservablesTo(this, { enabled: false,/*.extend({ notify: 'always' })*/ allowed: !NotificationsDenied() }); this.enabled.subscribe(value => { DesktopNotifications = !!value; if (value && HTML5Notification && !NotificationsGranted()) { HTML5Notification.requestPermission(() => this.allowed(!NotificationsDenied()) ); } }); } /** * Used with DesktopNotifications setting */ display(title, text, messageData, imageSrc) { if (DesktopNotifications && NotificationsGranted()) { const options = { body: text, icon: imageSrc || staticLink('images/icon-message-notification.png'), data: messageData }; if (messageData?.uid) { options.tag = messageData.uid; } if (WorkerNotifications) { // Service-Worker-Allowed HTTP header to allow the scope. WorkerNotifications.register(staticLink('js/serviceworker.js'), {scope:'/'}) .then(() => WorkerNotifications.ready.then(registration => /* Show the notification */ registration .showNotification(title, options) .then(() => registration.getNotifications().then((/*notifications*/) => { /* Send an empty message so the Worker knows who the client is */''); }) ) ) ) .catch(e => { console.error(e); WorkerNotifications = null; }); } else { const notification = new HTML5Notification(title, options);; notification.onclick = messageData ? () => dispatchMessage(messageData) : null; setTimeout(() => notification.close(), 7000); } } } };