import { ComposeType/*, FolderType*/ } from 'Common/EnumsUser'; import { EmailModel } from 'Model/Email'; import { encodeHtml } from 'Common/Html'; import { isArray } from 'Common/Utils'; import { createElement } from 'Common/Globals'; import { FolderUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Folder'; import { SettingsUserStore } from 'Stores/User/Settings'; import * as Local from 'Storage/Client'; export const /** * @param {(string|number)} value * @param {boolean=} includeZero = true * @returns {boolean} */ isPosNumeric = (value) => { return null != value && /^[0-9]*$/.test(value.toString()); }, /** * @param {string} html * @returns {string} */ htmlToPlain = (html) => { let pos = 0, limit = 800, iP1 = 0, iP2 = 0, iP3 = 0, text = ''; const tpl = createElement('template'), convertBlockquote = (blockquoteText) => { blockquoteText = '> ' + blockquoteText.trim().replace(/\n/gm, '\n> '); return blockquoteText.replace(/(^|\n)([> ]+)/gm, (...args) => args && 2 < args.length ? args[1] + args[2].replace(/[\s]/g, '').trim() + ' ' : '' ); }, convertDivs = (...args) => { let divText = 1 < args.length ? args[1].trim() : ''; if (divText.length) { divText = '\n' + divText.replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n]*)<\/div>/gim, convertDivs).trim() + '\n'; } return divText; }, convertPre = (...args) => 1 < args.length ? args[1] .toString() .replace(/[\n]/gm, '
') .replace(/[\r]/gm, '') : '', fixAttibuteValue = (...args) => (1 < args.length ? args[1] + encodeHtml(args[2]) : ''), convertLinks = (...args) => (1 < args.length ? args[1].trim() : ''); tpl.innerHTML = html .replace(/]*><\/p>/gi, '') .replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n\t]*)<\/pre>/gim, convertPre) .replace(/[\s]+/gm, ' ') .replace(/((?:href|data)\s?=\s?)("[^"]+?"|'[^']+?')/gim, fixAttibuteValue) .replace(/]*>/gim, '\n') .replace(/<\/h[\d]>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/p>/gi, '\n\n') .replace(/]*>/gim, '\n') .replace(/<\/ul>/gi, '\n') .replace(/]*>/gim, ' * ') .replace(/<\/li>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/td>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/tr>/gi, '\n') .replace(/]*>/gim, '\n_______________________________\n\n') .replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n]*)<\/div>/gim, convertDivs) .replace(/]*>/gim, '\n__bq__start__\n') .replace(/<\/blockquote>/gim, '\n__bq__end__\n') .replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n]*?)<\/a>/gim, convertLinks) .replace(/<\/div>/gi, '\n') .replace(/ /gi, ' ') .replace(/"/gi, '"') .replace(/<[^>]*>/gm, ''); text = tpl.content.textContent; if (text) { text = text .replace(/\n[ \t]+/gm, '\n') .replace(/[\n]{3,}/gm, '\n\n') .replace(/>/gi, '>') .replace(/</gi, '<') .replace(/&/gi, '&') // wordwrap max line length 100 .match(/.{1,100}(\s|$)|\S+?(\s|$)/g).join('\n'); } while (0 < --limit) { iP1 = text.indexOf('__bq__start__', pos); if (0 > iP1) { break; } iP2 = text.indexOf('__bq__start__', iP1 + 5); iP3 = text.indexOf('__bq__end__', iP1 + 5); if ((-1 === iP2 || iP3 < iP2) && iP1 < iP3) { text = text.substr(0, iP1) + convertBlockquote(text.substring(iP1 + 13, iP3)) + text.substr(iP3 + 11); pos = 0; } else if (-1 < iP2 && iP2 < iP3) { pos = iP2 - 1; } else { pos = 0; } } return text.replace(/__bq__start__|__bq__end__/gm, '').trim(); }, /** * @param {string} plain * @param {boolean} findEmailAndLinksInText = false * @returns {string} */ plainToHtml = (plain) => { plain = plain.toString().replace(/\r/g, ''); plain = plain.replace(/^>[> ]>+/gm, ([match]) => (match ? match.replace(/[ ]+/g, '') : match)); let bIn = false, bDo = true, bStart = true, aNextText = [], aText = plain.split('\n'); do { bDo = false; aNextText = []; aText.forEach(sLine => { bStart = '>' === sLine.substr(0, 1); if (bStart && !bIn) { bDo = true; bIn = true; aNextText.push('~~~blockquote~~~'); aNextText.push(sLine.substr(1)); } else if (!bStart && bIn) { if (sLine) { bIn = false; aNextText.push('~~~/blockquote~~~'); aNextText.push(sLine); } else { aNextText.push(sLine); } } else if (bStart && bIn) { aNextText.push(sLine.substr(1)); } else { aNextText.push(sLine); } }); if (bIn) { bIn = false; aNextText.push('~~~/blockquote~~~'); } aText = aNextText; } while (bDo); return aText.join('\n') // .replace(/~~~\/blockquote~~~\n~~~blockquote~~~/g, '\n') .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/') .replace(/[\s]*~~~\/blockquote~~~/g, '') .replace(/\n/g, '
'); }, /** * @param {Array=} aDisabled * @param {Array=} aHeaderLines * @param {Function=} fDisableCallback * @param {Function=} fRenameCallback * @param {boolean=} bNoSelectSelectable Used in FolderCreatePopupView * @returns {Array} */ folderListOptionsBuilder = ( aDisabled, aHeaderLines, fRenameCallback, fDisableCallback, bNoSelectSelectable, aList = FolderUserStore.folderList() ) => { const aResult = [], sDeepPrefix = '\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0', // FolderSystemPopupView should always be true showUnsubscribed = fRenameCallback ? !SettingsUserStore.hideUnsubscribed() : true, foldersWalk = folders => { folders.forEach(oItem => { if (showUnsubscribed || oItem.hasSubscriptions() || !oItem.exists) { aResult.push({ id: oItem.fullNameRaw, name: sDeepPrefix.repeat(oItem.deep) + fRenameCallback(oItem), system: false, disabled: !bNoSelectSelectable && ( !oItem.selectable() || aDisabled.includes(oItem.fullNameRaw) || fDisableCallback(oItem)) }); } if (oItem.subFolders.length) { foldersWalk(oItem.subFolders()); } }); }; fDisableCallback = fDisableCallback || (() => false); fRenameCallback = fRenameCallback || (oItem =>; isArray(aDisabled) || (aDisabled = []); isArray(aHeaderLines) && aHeaderLines.forEach(line => aResult.push({ id: line[0], name: line[1], system: false, disabled: false }) ); foldersWalk(aList); return aResult; }, /** * Call the Model/CollectionModel onDestroy() to clear knockout functions/objects * @param {Object|Array} objectOrObjects * @returns {void} */ delegateRunOnDestroy = (objectOrObjects) => { objectOrObjects && (isArray(objectOrObjects) ? objectOrObjects : [objectOrObjects]).forEach( obj => obj.onDestroy && obj.onDestroy() ); }, /** * @returns {function} */ computedPaginatorHelper = (koCurrentPage, koPageCount) => { return () => { const currentPage = koCurrentPage(), pageCount = koPageCount(), result = [], fAdd = (index, push = true, customName = '') => { const data = { current: index === currentPage, name: customName ? customName.toString() : index.toString(), custom: !!customName, title: customName ? index.toString() : '', value: index.toString() }; if (push) { result.push(data); } else { result.unshift(data); } }; let prev = 0, next = 0, limit = 2; if (1 < pageCount || (0 < pageCount && pageCount < currentPage)) { if (pageCount < currentPage) { fAdd(pageCount); prev = pageCount; next = pageCount; } else { if (3 >= currentPage || pageCount - 2 <= currentPage) { limit += 2; } fAdd(currentPage); prev = currentPage; next = currentPage; } while (0 < limit) { --prev; ++next; if (0 < prev) { fAdd(prev, false); --limit; } if (pageCount >= next) { fAdd(next, true); --limit; } else if (0 >= prev) { break; } } if (3 === prev) { fAdd(2, false); } else if (3 < prev) { fAdd(Math.round((prev - 1) / 2), false, '…'); } if (pageCount - 2 === next) { fAdd(pageCount - 1, true); } else if (pageCount - 2 > next) { fAdd(Math.round((pageCount + next) / 2), true, '…'); } // first and last if (1 < prev) { fAdd(1, false); } if (pageCount > next) { fAdd(pageCount, true); } } return result; }; }, /** * @param {string} mailToUrl * @returns {boolean} */ mailToHelper = (mailToUrl) => { if ( mailToUrl && 'mailto:' === mailToUrl .toString() .substr(0, 7) .toLowerCase() ) { mailToUrl = mailToUrl.toString().substr(7); let to = [], params = {}; const email = mailToUrl.replace(/\?.+$/, ''), query = mailToUrl.replace(/^[^?]*\?/, ''), toEmailModel = value => null != value ? EmailModel.parseEmailLine(decodeURIComponent(value)) : null; query.split('&').forEach(temp => { temp = temp.split('='); params[decodeURIComponent(temp[0])] = decodeURIComponent(temp[1]); }); if (null != { to = Object.values( toEmailModel(email + ',' +, value) => { if (value) { if (result[]) { if (!result[].name) { result[] = value; } } else { result[] = value; } } return result; }, {}) ); } else { to = EmailModel.parseEmailLine(email); } showMessageComposer([ ComposeType.Empty, null, to, toEmailModel(, toEmailModel(params.bcc), null == params.subject ? null : decodeURIComponent(params.subject), null == params.body ? null : plainToHtml(decodeURIComponent(params.body)) ]); return true; } return false; }, showMessageComposer = (params = []) => {; }, initFullscreen = (el, fn) => { let event = 'fullscreenchange'; if (!el.requestFullscreen && el.webkitRequestFullscreen) { el.requestFullscreen = el.webkitRequestFullscreen; event = 'webkit'+event; } if (el.requestFullscreen) { el.addEventListener(event, fn); return el; } }, setLayoutResizer = (source, target, sClientSideKeyName, mode) => { if (source.layoutResizer && source.layoutResizer.mode != mode) { target.removeAttribute('style'); source.removeAttribute('style'); } // source.classList.toggle('resizable', mode); if (mode) { const length = Local.get(sClientSideKeyName+mode); if (!source.layoutResizer) { const resizer = createElement('div', {'class':'resizer'}), size = {}, store = () => { if ('Width' == resizer.mode) { = source.offsetWidth + 'px'; Local.set(resizer.key+resizer.mode, source.offsetWidth); } else { = (4 + source.offsetTop + source.offsetHeight) + 'px'; Local.set(resizer.key+resizer.mode, source.offsetHeight); } }, cssint = s => { let value = getComputedStyle(source, null)[s].replace('px', ''); if (value.includes('%')) { value = source.parentElement['offset'+resizer.mode] * value.replace('%', '') / 100; } return parseFloat(value); }; source.layoutResizer = resizer; source.append(resizer); resizer.addEventListener('mousedown', { handleEvent: function(e) { if ('mousedown' == e.type) { const lmode = resizer.mode.toLowerCase(); e.preventDefault(); size.pos = ('width' == lmode) ? e.pageX : e.pageY; size.min = cssint('min-'+lmode); size.max = cssint('max-'+lmode); = cssint(lmode); addEventListener('mousemove', this); addEventListener('mouseup', this); } else if ('mousemove' == e.type) { const lmode = resizer.mode.toLowerCase(), length = + (('width' == lmode ? e.pageX : e.pageY) - size.pos); if (length >= size.min && length <= size.max ) {[lmode] = length + 'px'; || store(); } } else if ('mouseup' == e.type) { removeEventListener('mousemove', this); removeEventListener('mouseup', this); } } }); = window.ResizeObserver ? new ResizeObserver(store) : null; } source.layoutResizer.mode = mode; source.layoutResizer.key = sClientSideKeyName; &&, { box: 'border-box' }); if (length) {[mode] = length + 'px'; } } else { &&; } }; rl.Utils = { htmlToPlain: htmlToPlain, plainToHtml: plainToHtml };