UseLangs(true); $this->addHook('main.fabrica', 'MainFabrica'); $this->addHook('', 'FilterAppData'); $this->addCss('style.css'); $this->addJs('js/webdav.js'); $this->addJs('js/message.js'); $this->addHook('json.attachments', 'DoAttachmentsActions'); $this->addJsonHook('NextcloudSaveMsg', 'NextcloudSaveMsg'); $this->addJs('js/composer.js'); $this->addJsonHook('NextcloudAttachFile', 'NextcloudAttachFile'); $this->addJs('js/messagelist.js'); $this->addTemplate('templates/PopupsNextcloudFiles.html'); $this->addTemplate('templates/PopupsNextcloudCalendars.html'); } } public function Supported() : string { return static::IsIntegrated() ? '' : 'Nextcloud not found to use this plugin'; } public static function IsIntegrated() { return \class_exists('OC') && isset(\OC::$server); } public static function IsLoggedIn() { return static::IsIntegrated() && \OC::$server->getUserSession()->isLoggedIn(); } /* \OC::$server->getCalendarManager(); \OC::$server->getLDAPProvider(); */ public function NextcloudAttachFile() : array { $aResult = [ 'success' => false, 'tempName' => '' ]; $sFile = $this->jsonParam('file', ''); $oFiles = \OCP\Files::getStorage('files'); if ($oFiles && $oFiles->is_file($sFile) && $fp = $oFiles->fopen($sFile, 'rb')) { $oActions = \RainLoop\Api::Actions(); $oAccount = $oActions->getAccountFromToken(); if ($oAccount) { $sSavedName = 'nextcloud-file-' . \sha1($sFile . \microtime()); if (!$oActions->FilesProvider()->PutFile($oAccount, $sSavedName, $fp)) { $aResult['error'] = 'failed'; } else { $aResult['tempName'] = $sSavedName; $aResult['success'] = true; } } } return $this->jsonResponse(__FUNCTION__, $aResult); } public function NextcloudSaveMsg() : array { $sSaveFolder = \ltrim($this->jsonParam('folder', ''), '/'); $aValues = \RainLoop\Utils::DecodeKeyValuesQ($this->jsonParam('msgHash', '')); $aResult = [ 'folder' => '', 'filename' => '', 'success' => false ]; if ($sSaveFolder && !empty($aValues['folder']) && !empty($aValues['uid'])) { $oActions = \RainLoop\Api::Actions(); $oMailClient = $oActions->MailClient(); if (!$oMailClient->IsLoggined()) { $oAccount = $oActions->getAccountFromToken(); $oAccount->ImapConnectAndLogin($oActions->Plugins(), $oMailClient->ImapClient(), $oActions->Config()); } $sSaveFolder = $sSaveFolder ?: 'Emails'; $oFiles = \OCP\Files::getStorage('files'); if ($oFiles) { $oFiles->is_dir($sSaveFolder) || $oFiles->mkdir($sSaveFolder); } $aResult['folder'] = $sSaveFolder; $sFilename = $sSaveFolder . '/' . ($this->jsonParam('filename', '') ?: \date('YmdHis')) . '.eml'; $aResult['folder'] = $sFilename; $oMailClient->MessageMimeStream( function ($rResource) use ($oFiles, $sFilename, $aResult) { if (\is_resource($rResource)) { $aResult['success'] = $oFiles->file_put_contents($sFilename, $rResource); } }, (string) $aValues['folder'], (int) $aValues['uid'], isset($aValues['mimeIndex']) ? (string) $aValues['mimeIndex'] : '' ); } return $this->jsonResponse(__FUNCTION__, $aResult); } public function DoAttachmentsActions(\SnappyMail\AttachmentsAction $data) { if (static::isLoggedIn() && 'nextcloud' === $data->action) { $oFiles = \OCP\Files::getStorage('files'); if ($oFiles && \method_exists($oFiles, 'file_put_contents')) { $sSaveFolder = \ltrim($this->jsonParam('NcFolder', ''), '/'); $sSaveFolder = $sSaveFolder ?: 'Attachments'; $oFiles->is_dir($sSaveFolder) || $oFiles->mkdir($sSaveFolder); $data->result = true; foreach ($data->items as $aItem) { $sSavedFileName = isset($aItem['fileName']) ? $aItem['fileName'] : 'file.dat'; $sSavedFileHash = !empty($aItem['fileHash']) ? $aItem['fileHash'] : ''; if (!empty($sSavedFileHash)) { $fFile = $data->filesProvider->GetFile($data->account, $sSavedFileHash, 'rb'); if (\is_resource($fFile)) { $sSavedFileNameFull = static::SmartFileExists($sSaveFolder.'/'.$sSavedFileName, $oFiles); if (!$oFiles->file_put_contents($sSavedFileNameFull, $fFile)) { $data->result = false; } if (\is_resource($fFile)) { \fclose($fFile); } } } } } foreach ($data->items as $aItem) { $sFileHash = (string) (isset($aItem['fileHash']) ? $aItem['fileHash'] : ''); if (!empty($sFileHash)) { $data->filesProvider->Clear($data->account, $sFileHash); } } } } public function FilterAppData($bAdmin, &$aResult) : void { if (!$bAdmin && \is_array($aResult)) { $sUID = \OC::$server->getUserSession()->getUser()->getUID(); $sWebDAV = \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkTo('', 'remote.php') . '/dav'; // $sWebDAV = \OCP\Util::linkToRemote('dav'); $aResult['Nextcloud'] = [ 'UID' => $sUID, 'WebDAV' => $sWebDAV, 'CalDAV' => $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'calendar', false) // 'WebDAV_files' => $sWebDAV . '/files/' . $sUID ]; if (empty($aResult['Auth'])) { $config = \OC::$server->getConfig(); $sEmail = ''; // Only store the user's password in the current session if they have // enabled auto-login using Nextcloud username or email address. if ($config->getAppValue('snappymail', 'snappymail-autologin', false)) { $sEmail = $sUID; } else if ($config->getAppValue('snappymail', 'snappymail-autologin-with-email', false)) { $sEmail = $config->getUserValue($sUID, 'settings', 'email', ''); } // If the user has set credentials for SnappyMail in their personal // settings, override everything before and use those instead. $sCustomEmail = $config->getUserValue($sUID, 'snappymail', 'snappymail-email', ''); if ($sCustomEmail) { $sEmail = $sCustomEmail; } $aResult['DevEmail'] = $sEmail ?: ''; } } } /** * @param mixed $mResult */ public function MainFabrica(string $sName, &$mResult) { if (static::isLoggedIn()) { if ('suggestions' === $sName && $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'suggestions', true)) { if (!\is_array($mResult)) { $mResult = array(); } include_once __DIR__ . '/NextcloudContactsSuggestions.php'; $mResult[] = new NextcloudContactsSuggestions( $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'ignoreSystemAddressbook', true) ); } } } protected function configMapping() : array { return array( \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('suggestions')->SetLabel('Suggestions') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::BOOL) ->SetDefaultValue(true), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('ignoreSystemAddressbook')->SetLabel('Ignore system addressbook') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::BOOL) ->SetDefaultValue(true), \RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('calendar')->SetLabel('Enable "Put ICS in calendar"') ->SetType(\RainLoop\Enumerations\PluginPropertyType::BOOL) ->SetDefaultValue(false) ); } private static function SmartFileExists(string $sFilePath, $oFiles) : string { $sFilePath = \str_replace('\\', '/', \trim($sFilePath)); if (!$oFiles->file_exists($sFilePath)) { return $sFilePath; } $aFileInfo = \pathinfo($sFilePath); $iIndex = 0; while (true) { ++$iIndex; $sFilePathNew = $aFileInfo['dirname'].'/'. \preg_replace('/\(\d{1,2}\)$/', '', $aFileInfo['filename']). ' ('.$iIndex.')'. (empty($aFileInfo['extension']) ? '' : '.'.$aFileInfo['extension']) ; if (!$oFiles->file_exists($sFilePathNew)) { return $sFilePathNew; } if (10 < $iIndex) { break; } } return $sFilePath; } }