# keymaster.js Keymaster is a simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts in web applications. It has no dependencies. *It’s a work in progress (e.g. beta), so spare me your nerdrage and instead contribute! Patches are welcome, but they are not guaranteed to make it in.* ## Usage Include `keymaster.js` in your web app*, by loading it as usual: ```html ``` Keymaster has no dependencies and can be used completely standalone. It should not interfere with any JavaScript libraries or frameworks. _*Preferably use a minified version that fits your workflow. You can run `make` to have UglifyJS (if you have it installed) create a `keymaster.min.js` file for you._ ## Defining shortcuts One global method is exposed, `key` which defines shortcuts when called directly. ```javascript // define short of 'a' key('a', function(){ alert('you pressed a!') }); // returning false stops the event and prevents default browser events key('ctrl+r', function(){ alert('stopped reload!'); return false }); // multiple shortcuts that do the same thing key('⌘+r, ctrl+r', function(){ }); ``` The handler method is called with two arguments set, the keydown `event` fired, and an object containing, among others, the following two properties: `shortcut`: a string that contains the shortcut used, e.g. `ctrl+r` `scope`: a string describing the scope (or `all`) ```javascript key('⌘+r, ctrl+r', function(event, handler){ console.log(handler.shortcut, handler.scope); }); // "ctrl+r", "all" ``` ## Supported keys Keymaster understands the following modifiers: `⇧`, `shift`, `option`, `⌥`, `alt`, `ctrl`, `control`, `command`, and `⌘`. The following special keys can be used for shortcuts: `backspace`, `tab`, `clear`, `enter`, `return`, `esc`, `escape`, `space`, `up`, `down`, `left`, `right`, `home`, `end`, `pageup`, `pagedown`, `del`, `delete` and `f1` through `f19`. ## Modifier key queries At any point in time (even in code other than key shortcut handlers), you can query the `key` object for the state of any keys. This allows easy implementation of things like shift+click handlers. For example, `key.shift` is `true` if the shift key is currently pressed. ```javascript if(key.shift) alert('shift is pressed, OMGZ!'); ``` ## Other key queries At any point in time (even in code other than key shortcut handlers), you can query the `key` object for the state of any key. This is very helpful for game development using a game loop. For example, `key.isPressed(77)` is `true` if the M key is currently pressed. ```javascript if(key.isPressed("M")) alert('M key is pressed, can ya believe it!?'); if(key.isPressed(77)) alert('M key is pressed, can ya believe it!?'); ``` You can also get these as an array using... ```javascript key.getPressedKeyCodes() // returns an array of key codes currently pressed ``` ## Scopes If you want to reuse the same shortcut for separate areas in your single page app, Keymaster supports switching between scopes. Use the `key.setScope` method to set scope. ```javascript // define shortcuts with a scope key('o, enter', 'issues', function(){ /* do something */ }); key('o, enter', 'files', function(){ /* do something else */ }); // set the scope (only 'all' and 'issues' shortcuts will be honored) key.setScope('issues'); // default scope is 'all' ``` ## Filter key presses By default, when an `INPUT`, `SELECT` or `TEXTAREA` element is focused, Keymaster doesn't process any shortcuts. You can change this by overwriting `key.filter` with a new function. This function is called before Keymaster processes shortcuts, with the keydown event as argument. If your function returns false, then the no shortcuts will be processed. Here's the default implementation for reference: ```javascript function filter(event){ var tagName = (event.target || event.srcElement).tagName; return !(tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA'); } ``` If you only want _some_ shortcuts to work while in an input element, you can change the scope in the `key.filter` function. Here's an example implementation, setting the scope to either `'input'` or `'other'`. Don't forget to return `true` so the any shortcuts get processed. ```javascript key.filter = function(event){ var tagName = (event.target || event.srcElement).tagName; key.setScope(/^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT)$/.test(tagName) ? 'input' : 'other'); return true; } ``` However a more robust way to handle this is to use proper focus and blur event handlers on your input element, and change scopes there as you see fit. ## noConflict mode You can call ```key.noConflict``` to remove the ```key``` function from global scope and restore whatever ```key``` was defined to before Keymaster was loaded. Calling ```key.noConflict``` will return the Keymaster ```key``` function. ```javascript var k = key.noConflict(); k('a', function() { /* ... */ }); key() // --> TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function ``` ## Unbinding shortcuts Similar to defining shortcuts, they can be unbound using `key.unbind`. ```javascript // unbind 'a' handler key.unbind('a'); // unbind a key only for a single scope // when no scope is specified it defaults to the current scope (key.getScope()) key.unbind('o, enter', 'issues'); key.unbind('o, enter', 'files'); ``` ## Notes Keymaster should work with any browser that fires `keyup` and `keydown` events, and is tested with IE (6+), Safari, Firefox and Chrome. See [http://madrobby.github.com/keymaster/](http://madrobby.github.com/keymaster/) for a live demo. ## CoffeeScript If you're using CoffeeScript, configuring key shortcuts couldn't be simpler: ```coffeescript key 'a', -> alert('you pressed a!') key '⌘+r, ctrl+r', -> alert 'stopped reload!' off key 'o, enter', 'issues', -> whatevs() alert 'shift is pressed, OMGZ!' if key.shift ``` ## Contributing To contribute, please fork Keymaster, add your patch and tests for it (in the `test/` folder) and submit a pull request. ## TODOs * Finish test suite Keymaster is (c) 2011-2013 Thomas Fuchs and may be freely distributed under the MIT license. See the `MIT-LICENSE` file.