import { createElement, SettingsGet } from 'Common/Globals'; import { forEachObjectEntry, pInt } from 'Common/Utils'; import { proxy } from 'Common/Links'; const tpl = createElement('template'), htmlre = /[&<>"']/g, htmlmap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }, // Strip utm_* tracking stripTracking = text => text.replace(/(\?|&|&)utm_[a-z]+=[^&?#]*/si, '$1'); export const /** * @param {string} text * @returns {string} */ encodeHtml = text => (text && text.toString ? text.toString() : '' + text).replace(htmlre, m => htmlmap[m]), /** * Clears the Message Html for viewing * @param {string} text * @returns {string} */ clearHtml = (html, contentLocationUrls) => { const debug = false, // Config()->Get('debug', 'enable', false); useProxy = !!SettingsGet('UseLocalProxyForExternalImages'), detectHiddenImages = true, // !!SettingsGet('try_to_detect_hidden_images'), result = { hasExternals: false, foundCIDs: [], foundContentLocationUrls: [] }; tpl.innerHTML = html .replace(/(]*>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/pre>)/gi, aMatches => { return (aMatches[1] + aMatches[2].trim() + aMatches[3].trim()).replace(/\r?\n/g, '
'); }) // \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearComments() .replace(//g, '') // \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearTags() // eslint-disable-next-line max-len .replace(/<\/?(link|form|center|base|meta|bgsound|keygen|source|object|embed|applet|mocha|i?frame|frameset|video|audio|area|map)(\s[\s\S]*?)?>/gi, '') // GetDomFromText .replace('', '') .replace('', '') .replace('', '') // .replace(/]*)?>((?![\s\S]*<\/a)[\s\S]*?]*)?>)/gi, '$1') // \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearFastTags .replace(/]*><\/p>/i, '') .replace(/]*>/i, '') .replace(/<\?xml [^>]*\?>/i, '') .trim(); html = ''; // convert body attributes to CSS const tasks = { link: value => { if (/^#[a-fA-Z0-9]{3,6}$/.test(value)) { tpl.content.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(node => = value) } }, text: (value, node) => = value, topmargin: (value, node) => = pInt(value) + 'px', leftmargin: (value, node) => = pInt(value) + 'px', bottommargin: (value, node) => = pInt(value) + 'px', rightmargin: (value, node) => = pInt(value) + 'px' }; // if (static::Config()->Get('labs', 'strict_html_parser', true)) let allowedAttributes = [ // defaults 'name', 'dir', 'lang', 'style', 'title', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'alt', 'height', 'width', 'src', 'href', 'border', 'bordercolor', 'charset', 'direction', 'language', // a 'coords', 'download', 'hreflang', 'shape', // body 'alink', 'bgproperties', 'bottommargin', 'leftmargin', 'link', 'rightmargin', 'text', 'topmargin', 'vlink', 'marginwidth', 'marginheight', 'offset', // button, 'disabled', 'type', 'value', // col 'align', 'valign', // font 'color', 'face', 'size', // form 'novalidate', // hr 'noshade', // img 'hspace', 'sizes', 'srcset', 'vspace', 'usemap', // input, textarea 'checked', 'max', 'min', 'maxlength', 'multiple', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'readonly', 'required', 'step', 'wrap', // label 'for', // meter 'low', 'high', 'optimum', // ol 'reversed', 'start', // option 'selected', 'label', // table 'cols', 'rows', 'frame', 'rules', 'summary', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', // th 'abbr', 'scope', // td 'axis', 'colspan', 'rowspan', 'headers', 'nowrap' ]; let disallowedAttributes = [ 'id', 'class', 'contenteditable', 'designmode', 'formaction', 'manifest', 'action', 'data-bind', 'data-reactid', 'xmlns', 'srcset', 'fscommand', 'seeksegmenttime' ]; tpl.content.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(oElement => { const name = oElement.tagName.toUpperCase(), oStyle =, getAttribute = name => oElement.hasAttribute(name) ? oElement.getAttribute(name).trim() : ''; if (['HEAD','STYLE','SVG','SCRIPT','TITLE','INPUT','BUTTON','TEXTAREA','SELECT'].includes(name) || 'none' == oStyle.display || 'hidden' == oStyle.visibility // || (oStyle.lineHeight && 1 > parseFloat(oStyle.lineHeight) // || (oStyle.maxHeight && 1 > parseFloat(oStyle.maxHeight) // || (oStyle.maxWidth && 1 > parseFloat(oStyle.maxWidth) // || ('0' === oStyle.opacity ) { oElement.remove(); return; } if ('BODY' === name) { forEachObjectEntry(tasks, (name, cb) => { if (oElement.hasAttribute(name)) { cb(getAttribute(name), oElement); oElement.removeAttribute(name); } }); } if ('TABLE' === name && oElement.hasAttribute('width')) { let value = getAttribute('width'); oElement.removeAttribute('width'); oStyle.maxWidth = value + (/^[0-9]+$/.test(value) ? 'px' : ''); oStyle.removeProperty('width'); oStyle.removeProperty('min-width'); } const aAttrsForRemove = []; if (oElement.hasAttributes()) { let i = oElement.attributes.length; while (i--) { let sAttrName = oElement.attributes[i].name.toLowerCase(); if (!allowedAttributes.includes(sAttrName) || 'on' === sAttrName.slice(0, 2) || 'form' === sAttrName.slice(0, 4) // || 'data-' === sAttrName.slice(0, 5) // || sAttrName.includes(':') || disallowedAttributes.includes(sAttrName)) { oElement.removeAttribute(sAttrName); aAttrsForRemove.push(sAttrName); } } } if (oElement.hasAttribute('href')) { let sHref = stripTracking(getAttribute('href')); if (!/^([a-z]+):/i.test(sHref) && '//' !== sHref.slice(0, 2)) { oElement.setAttribute('data-x-broken-href', sHref); oElement.removeAttribute('href'); } if ('A' === name) { oElement.setAttribute('rel', 'external nofollow noopener noreferrer'); } } // SVG xlink:href /* if (oElement.hasAttribute('xlink:href')) { oElement.removeAttribute('xlink:href'); } */ if ('A' === name) { oElement.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); oElement.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); } let skipStyle = false; if (oElement.hasAttribute('src')) { let sSrc = getAttribute('src'); oElement.removeAttribute('src'); if (detectHiddenImages && 'IMG' === name && (('' != getAttribute('height') && 2 > pInt(getAttribute('height'))) || ('' != getAttribute('width') && 2 > pInt(getAttribute('width'))) || [ '', '', '', '' ].filter(uri => sSrc.toLowerCase().includes(uri)).length )) { skipStyle = true; oElement.setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); oElement.setAttribute('data-x-hidden-src', sSrc); } else if (contentLocationUrls[sSrc]) { oElement.setAttribute('data-x-src-location', sSrc); result.foundContentLocationUrls.push(sSrc); } else if ('cid:' === sSrc.slice(0, 4)) { oElement.setAttribute('data-x-src-cid', sSrc.slice(4)); result.foundCIDs.push(sSrc.slice(4)); } else if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(sSrc) || '//' === sSrc.slice(0, 2)) { oElement.setAttribute('data-x-src', useProxy ? proxy(sSrc) : sSrc); result.hasExternals = true; } else if ('data:image/' === sSrc.slice(0, 11)) { oElement.setAttribute('src', sSrc); } else { oElement.setAttribute('data-x-broken-src', sSrc); } } if (oElement.hasAttribute('background')) { let sBackground = getAttribute('background'); if (sBackground) { oStyle.backgroundImage = 'url("' + sBackground + '")'; } oElement.removeAttribute('background'); } if (oElement.hasAttribute('bgcolor')) { let sBackgroundColor = getAttribute('bgcolor'); if (sBackgroundColor) { oStyle.backgroundColor = sBackgroundColor; } oElement.removeAttribute('bgcolor'); } if (!skipStyle) { /* if ('fixed' === oStyle.position) { oStyle.position = 'absolute'; } */ oStyle.removeProperty('behavior'); oStyle.removeProperty('cursor'); const urls = { cid: [], // 'data-x-style-cid' remote: [], // 'data-x-style-url' broken: [] // 'data-x-broken-style-src' }; ['backgroundImage', 'listStyleImage', 'content'].forEach(property => { if (oStyle[property]) { let value = oStyle[property], found = value.match(/url\s*\(([^)]+)\)/gi); if (found) { oStyle[property] = null; found = found[0].replace(/^["'\s]+|["'\s]+$/g, ''); let lowerUrl = found.toLowerCase(); if ('cid:' === lowerUrl.slice(0, 4)) { found = found.slice(4); urls.cid[property] = found result.foundCIDs.push(found); } else if (/http[s]?:\/\//.test(lowerUrl) || '//' === found.slice(0, 2)) { result.hasExternals = true; urls.remote[property] = useProxy ? proxy(found) : found; } else if ('data:image/' === lowerUrl.slice(0, 11)) { oStyle[property] = value; } else { urls.broken[property] = found; } } } }); // oStyle.removeProperty('background-image'); // oStyle.removeProperty('list-style-image'); if (urls.cid.length) { oElement.setAttribute('data-x-style-cid', JSON.stringify(urls.cid)); } if (urls.remote.length) { oElement.setAttribute('data-x-style-url', JSON.stringify(urls.remote)); } if (urls.broken.length) { oElement.setAttribute('data-x-style-broken-urls', JSON.stringify(urls.broken)); } if (11 < pInt(oStyle.fontSize)) { oStyle.removeProperty('font-size'); } } if (debug && aAttrsForRemove) { oElement.setAttribute('data-removed-attrs', aAttrsForRemove.join(', ')); } }); // return tpl.content.firstChild; result.html = tpl.innerHTML; return result; }, // Removes background and color // Many e-mails incorrectly only define one, not both // And in dark theme mode this kills the readability removeColors = html => { let l; do { l = html.length; html = html .replace(/(<[^>]+[;"'])\s*background(-[a-z]+)?\s*:[^;"']+/gi, '$1') .replace(/(<[^>]+[;"'])\s*color\s*:[^;"']+/gi, '$1') .replace(/(<[^>]+)\s(bg)?color=("[^"]+"|'[^']+')/gi, '$1'); } while (l != html.length) return html; }, /** * @param {string} html * @returns {string} */ htmlToPlain = html => { const hr = '⎯'.repeat(64), forEach = (selector, fn) => tpl.content.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(fn), blockquotes = node => { let bq; while ((bq = node.querySelector('blockquote'))) { // Convert child blockquote first blockquotes(bq); // Convert blockquote bq.innerHTML = '\n' + ('\n' + bq.innerHTML.replace(/\n{3,}/gm, '\n\n').trim() + '\n').replace(/^/gm, '> '); bq.replaceWith(...[]); } }; html = html .replace(/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/pre>/gim, (...args) => 1 < args.length ? args[1].toString().replace(/\n/g, '
') : '') .replace(/\r?\n/g, '') .replace(/\s+/gm, ' '); while (/<(div|tr)[\s>]/i.test(html)) { html = html.replace(/\n*<(div|tr)(\s[\s\S]*?)?>\n*/gi, '\n'); } while (/<\/(div|tr)[\s>]/i.test(html)) { html = html.replace(/\n*<\/(div|tr)(\s[\s\S]*?)?>\n*/gi, '\n'); } tpl.innerHTML = html .replace(//gi, '\t') .replace(/<\/tr(\s[\s\S]*?)?>/gi, '\n'); // Convert line-breaks forEach('br', br => br.replaceWith('\n')); // lines forEach('hr', node => node.replaceWith(`\n\n${hr}\n\n`)); // headings forEach('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6', h => h.replaceWith(`\n\n${'#'.repeat(h.tagName[1])} ${h.textContent}\n\n`)); // paragraphs forEach('p', node => { node.prepend('\n\n'); node.after('\n\n'); }); // proper indenting and numbering of (un)ordered lists forEach('ol,ul', node => { let prefix = '', parent = node, ordered = 'OL' == node.tagName, i = 0; while (parent && parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode.closest) { parent = parent.parentNode.closest('ol,ul'); parent && (prefix = ' ' + prefix); } node.querySelectorAll(':scope > li').forEach(li => { li.prepend('\n' + prefix + (ordered ? `${++i}. ` : ' * ')); }); node.prepend('\n\n'); node.after('\n\n'); }); // Convert anchors forEach('a', a => a.replaceWith(a.textContent + ' ' + a.href)); // Bold forEach('b,strong', b => b.replaceWith(`**${b.textContent}**`)); // Italic forEach('i,em', i => i.replaceWith(`*${i.textContent}*`)); // Blockquotes must be last blockquotes(tpl.content); return (tpl.content.textContent || '').replace(/\n{3,}/gm, '\n\n').trim(); }, /** * @param {string} plain * @param {boolean} findEmailAndLinksInText = false * @returns {string} */ plainToHtml = plain => { plain = stripTracking(plain) .toString() .replace(/\r/g, '') .replace(/^>[> ]>+/gm, ([match]) => (match ? match.replace(/[ ]+/g, '') : match)); let bIn = false, bDo = true, bStart = true, aNextText = [], aText = plain.split('\n'); do { bDo = false; aNextText = []; aText.forEach(sLine => { bStart = '>' === sLine.slice(0, 1); if (bStart && !bIn) { bDo = true; bIn = true; aNextText.push('~~~blockquote~~~'); aNextText.push(sLine.slice(1)); } else if (!bStart && bIn) { if (sLine) { bIn = false; aNextText.push('~~~/blockquote~~~'); aNextText.push(sLine); } else { aNextText.push(sLine); } } else if (bStart && bIn) { aNextText.push(sLine.slice(1)); } else { aNextText.push(sLine); } }); if (bIn) { bIn = false; aNextText.push('~~~/blockquote~~~'); } aText = aNextText; } while (bDo); return aText.join('\n') // .replace(/~~~\/blockquote~~~\n~~~blockquote~~~/g, '\n') .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/') .replace(/\s*~~~\/blockquote~~~/g, '') .replace(/\n/g, '
'); }; export class HtmlEditor { /** * @param {Object} element * @param {Function=} onBlur * @param {Function=} onReady * @param {Function=} onModeChange */ constructor(element, onBlur = null, onReady = null, onModeChange = null) { this.blurTimer = 0; this.onBlur = onBlur; this.onModeChange = onModeChange; if (element) { let editor; onReady = onReady ? [onReady] : []; this.onReady = fn => onReady.push(fn); const readyCallback = () => { this.editor = editor; this.onReady = fn => fn(); onReady.forEach(fn => fn()); }; if (rl.createWYSIWYG) { editor = rl.createWYSIWYG(element, readyCallback); } if (!editor) { editor = new SquireUI(element); setTimeout(readyCallback, 1); } editor.on('blur', () => this.blurTrigger()); editor.on('focus', () => this.blurTimer && clearTimeout(this.blurTimer)); editor.on('mode', () => { this.blurTrigger(); this.onModeChange && this.onModeChange(!this.isPlain()); }); } } blurTrigger() { if (this.onBlur) { clearTimeout(this.blurTimer); this.blurTimer = setTimeout(() => this.onBlur && this.onBlur(), 200); } } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isHtml() { return this.editor ? !this.isPlain() : false; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isPlain() { return this.editor ? 'plain' === this.editor.mode : false; } /** * @returns {void} */ clearCachedSignature() { this.onReady(() => this.editor.execCommand('insertSignature', { clearCache: true })); } /** * @param {string} signature * @param {bool} html * @param {bool} insertBefore * @returns {void} */ setSignature(signature, html, insertBefore = false) { this.onReady(() => this.editor.execCommand('insertSignature', { isHtml: html, insertBefore: insertBefore, signature: signature })); } /** * @param {boolean=} wrapIsHtml = false * @returns {string} */ getData() { let result = ''; if (this.editor) { try { if (this.isPlain() && this.editor.plugins.plain && this.editor.__plain) { result = this.editor.__plain.getRawData(); } else { result = this.editor.getData(); } } catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty } return result; } /** * @returns {string} */ getDataWithHtmlMark() { return (this.isHtml() ? ':HTML:' : '') + this.getData(); } modeWysiwyg() { this.onReady(() => this.editor.setMode('wysiwyg')); } modePlain() { this.onReady(() => this.editor.setMode('plain')); } setHtmlOrPlain(text) { if (':HTML:' === text.slice(0, 6)) { this.setHtml(text.slice(6)); } else { this.setPlain(text); } } setData(mode, data) { this.onReady(() => { const editor = this.editor; this.clearCachedSignature(); try { editor.setMode(mode); if (this.isPlain() && editor.plugins.plain && editor.__plain) { editor.__plain.setRawData(data); } else { editor.setData(data); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); } setHtml(html) { this.setData('wysiwyg', html/*.replace(/]*><\/p>/gi, '')*/); } setPlain(txt) { this.setData('plain', txt); } focus() { this.onReady(() => this.editor.focus()); } hasFocus() { try { return this.editor && !!this.editor.focusManager.hasFocus; } catch (e) { return false; } } blur() { this.onReady(() => this.editor.focusManager.blur(true)); } clear() { this.onReady(() => this.isPlain() ? this.setPlain('') : this.setHtml('')); } } rl.Utils = { htmlToPlain: htmlToPlain, plainToHtml: plainToHtml };