import ko from 'ko'; import { Settings } from 'Common/Globals'; import { addObservablesTo } from 'External/ko'; import Remote from 'Remote/Admin/Fetch'; import { i18n, trigger as translatorTrigger } from 'Common/Translator'; export class AdminSettingsAbout /*extends AbstractViewSettings*/ { constructor() { this.version ='version'); this.phpextensions = ko.observableArray(); addObservablesTo(this, { coreReal: true, coreUpdatable: true, coreWarning: false, coreVersion: '', coreVersionCompare: -2, errorDesc: '' }); this.coreChecking = ko.observable(false).extend({ throttle: 100 }); this.coreUpdating = ko.observable(false).extend({ throttle: 100 }); this.coreVersionHtmlDesc = ko.computed(() => { translatorTrigger(); return i18n('TAB_ABOUT/HTML_NEW_VERSION', { 'VERSION': this.coreVersion() }); }); this.statusType = ko.computed(() => { let type = ''; const versionToCompare = this.coreVersionCompare(), isChecking = this.coreChecking(), isUpdating = this.coreUpdating(), isReal = this.coreReal(); if (isChecking) { type = 'checking'; } else if (isUpdating) { type = 'updating'; } else if (!isReal) { type = 'error'; this.errorDesc('Cannot access the repository at the moment.'); } else if (0 === versionToCompare) { type = 'up-to-date'; } else if (-1 === versionToCompare) { type = 'available'; } return type; }); } onBuild() { Remote.request('AdminPHPExtensions', (iError, data) => iError || this.phpextensions(data.Result)); // beforeShow() { this.coreChecking(true); Remote.request('AdminUpdateInfo', (iError, data) => { this.coreChecking(false); if (!iError && data?.Result) { this.coreReal(true); this.coreUpdatable(!!data.Result.Updatable); this.coreWarning(!!data.Result.Warning); this.coreVersion(data.Result.Version || ''); this.coreVersionCompare(data.Result.VersionCompare); } else { this.coreReal(false); this.coreWarning(false); this.coreVersion(''); this.coreVersionCompare(-2); } }); } updateCoreData() { if (!this.coreUpdating()) { this.coreUpdating(true); Remote.request('AdminUpgradeCore', (iError, data) => { this.coreUpdating(false); this.coreVersion(''); this.coreVersionCompare(-2); if (!iError && data?.Result) { this.coreReal(true); window.location.reload(); } else { this.coreReal(false); } }, {}, 90000); } } }