Set('security', 'admin_password', \md5(APP_SALT.$sPassword.APP_SALT)); } /** * @param string $sPassword * * @return bool */ public function ValidatePassword($sPassword) { $sPassword = (string) $sPassword; $sConfigPassword = (string) $this->Get('security', 'admin_password', ''); return 0 < \strlen($sPassword) && ($sPassword === $sConfigPassword || \md5(APP_SALT.$sPassword.APP_SALT) === $sConfigPassword); } /** * @return bool */ public function Save() { $this->Set('version', 'current', APP_VERSION); $this->Set('version', 'saved', \gmdate('r')); return parent::Save(); } /** * @return array */ protected function defaultValues() { return array( 'webmail' => array( 'title' => array('RainLoop Webmail', 'Text displayed as page title'), 'theme' => array('Default', 'Theme used by default'), 'allow_themes' => array(true, 'Allow theme selection on settings screen'), 'allow_custom_theme' => array(true, ''), 'language' => array('en', 'Language used by default'), 'allow_languages_on_settings' => array(true, 'Allow language selection on settings screen'), 'allow_additional_accounts' => array(true, ''), 'use_preview_pane' => array(true, 'Whether message preview pane should be used'), 'messages_per_page' => array(20, ' Number of messages displayed on page by default'), 'editor_default_type' => array('Html', 'Editor mode used by default (Html or Plain)'), 'attachment_size_limit' => array(5, 'File size limit (MB) for file upload on compose screen 0 for unlimited.') ), 'security' => array( 'csrf_protection' => array(true, 'Enable CSRF protection ('), 'custom_server_signature' => array('RainLoop'), 'admin_login' => array('admin', 'Login and password for web admin panel'), 'admin_password' => array('12345') ), 'login' => array( 'allow_custom_login' => array(false, 'Enable additional Login field on webmail login screen'), 'default_domain' => array('', ''), 'allow_languages_on_login' => array(true, 'Allow language selection on webmail login screen'), 'sign_me_auto' => array(\RainLoop\Enumerations\SignMeType::DEFAILT_OFF, 'This option allows webmail to remember the logged in user once they closed the browser window. Values: "DefaultOff" - can be used, disabled by default; "DefaultOn" - can be used, enabled by default; "Unused" - cannot be used') ), 'plugins' => array( 'enable' => array(false, 'Enable plugin support'), 'enabled_list' => array('', 'List of enabled plugins'), ), 'logs' => array( 'enable' => array(false, 'Enable logging'), 'write_on_error_only' => array(false, 'Logs entire request only if error occured'), 'filename' => array('log-{date:Y-m-d}.txt', 'Log filename. For security reasons, some characters are removed from filename. Allows for pattern-based folder creation (see examples below). Patterns: {date:Y-m-d} - Replaced by pattern-based date Detailed info: {user:email} - Replaced by user\'s email address If user is not logged in, value is set to "unknown" {user:login} - Replaced by user\'s login If user is not logged in, value is set to "unknown" {user:domain} - Replaced by user\'s domain name If user is not logged in, value is set to "unknown" {user:uid} - Replaced by user\'s UID regardless of account currently used Examples: filename = "log-{date:Y-m-d}.txt" filename = "{date:Y-m-d}/{user:domain}/{user:email}_{user:uid}.log" filename = "{user:email}-{date:Y-m-d}.txt"') ), 'debug' => array( 'enable' => array(false, 'Special option required for development purposes'), ), 'version' => array( 'current' => array(''), 'saved' => array('') ), 'social' => array( 'google_enable' => array(false, 'Google'), 'google_client_id' => array(''), 'google_client_secret' => array(''), 'fb_enable' => array(false, 'Facebook'), 'fb_app_id' => array(''), 'fb_app_secret' => array(''), 'twitter_enable' => array(false, 'Twitter'), 'twitter_consumer_key' => array(''), 'twitter_consumer_secret' => array(''), 'dropbox_enable' => array(false, 'Dropbox'), 'dropbox_api_key' => array(''), ), 'cache' => array( 'enable' => array(true, 'The section controls caching of the entire application. Enables caching in the system'), 'index' => array('v1', 'Additional caching key. If changed, cache is purged'), 'fast_cache_driver' => array('files', 'Can be: files, APC, memcache'), 'fast_cache_index' => array('v1', 'Additional caching key. If changed, fast cache is purged'), 'http' => array(true, 'Browser-level cache. If enabled, caching is maintainted without using files'), 'server_uids' => array(false, 'Caching message UIDs when searching and sorting (threading)') ), 'labs' => array( 'ignore_folders_subscription' => array(false, 'Experimental settings. Handle with care. '), 'allow_message_append' => array(false), 'date_from_headers' => array(false), 'cache_system_data' => array(true), 'use_app_debug_js' => array(false), 'use_app_debug_css' => array(false), 'login_fault_delay' => array(1), 'log_ajax_response_write_limit' => array(300), 'suggestions_limit' => array(50), 'determine_user_language' => array(false), 'use_imap_sort' => array(false), 'use_imap_list_status' => array(false), 'use_imap_list_subscribe' => array(true), 'use_imap_thread' => array(true), 'use_imap_move' => array(true), 'use_imap_auth_plain' => array(false), 'custom_repo' => array(''), 'additional_repo' => array(''), 'cdn_static_domain' => array(''), 'in_iframe' => array(false), 'custom_login_link' => array(''), 'custom_logout_link' => array(''), 'allow_contacts' => array(true), 'allow_external_login' => array(false), 'allow_admin_panel' => array(true), 'fast_cache_memcache_host' => array(''), 'fast_cache_memcache_port' => array(11211), 'fast_cache_memcache_expire' => array(43200), 'usage_statistics' => array(true), 'dev_email' => array(''), 'dev_login' => array(''), 'dev_password' => array('') ) ); } }