en: LOGIN: LABEL_LOGIN: "Login" LABEL_PASSWORD: "Password" BUTTON_LOGIN: "Log into the admin panel" TOP_PANEL: LABEL_PREMIUM: "Premium" LABEL_ADMIN_PANEL: "Admin Panel" TABS_LABELS: LABEL_GENERAL_NAME: "General" LABEL_LOGIN_NAME: "Login" LABEL_BRANDING_NAME: "Branding" LABEL_CONTACTS_NAME: "Contacts" LABEL_DOMAINS_NAME: "Domains" LABEL_SECURITY_NAME: "Security" LABEL_INTEGRATION_NAME: "Integrations" LABEL_PLUGINS_NAME: "Plugins" LABEL_PACKAGES_NAME: "Packages" LABEL_LICENSING_NAME: "Licensing" LABEL_ABOUT_NAME: "About" TAB_GENERAL: LEGEND_INTERFACE: "Interface" LABEL_LANGUAGE: "Language" LABEL_LANGUAGE_ADMIN: "Language (admin)" LABEL_THEME: "Theme" LABEL_ALLOW_LANGUAGES_ON_SETTINGS: "Allow language selection on settings screen" LABEL_ALLOW_THEMES_ON_SETTINGS: "Allow theme selection on settings screen" LABEL_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_ON_SETTINGS: "Allow background selection on settings screen" LABEL_SHOW_THUMBNAILS: "Show thumbnails (attachments)" LABEL_ALLOW_GRAVATAR: "Allow Gravatar" LEGEND_MAIN: "Main" LABEL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE_LIMIT: "Attachment size limit" LABEL_ALLOW_ADDITIONAL_ACCOUNTS: "Allow additional accounts" LABEL_ALLOW_IDENTITIES: "Allow multiple identities" LABEL_ALLOW_TEMPLATES: "Allow templates" ALERT_WARNING: "Warning!" HTML_ALERT_WEAK_PASSWORD: | You are using the default admin password.
For security reasons please change password to something else now. TAB_LOGIN: LEGEND_LOGIN_SCREEN: "Login Screen" LABEL_DEFAULT_DOMAIN: "Default Domain" LABEL_DETERMINE_USER_DOMAIN: "Try to determine user domain" LABEL_ALLOW_LANGUAGES_ON_LOGIN: "Allow language selection on login screen" LABEL_DETERMINE_USER_LANGUAGE: "Try to determine user language" TAB_BRANDING: LEGEND_BRANDING: "Branding" LABEL_PAGE_TITLE: "Page Title" LABEL_LOADING_DESCRIPTION: "Loading Description" LABEL_FAVICON_URL: "Favicon" LEGEND_LOGIN: "Login" LABEL_LOGIN_LOGO: "Logo" LABEL_LOGIN_DESCRIPTION: "Description" LABEL_LOGIN_BACKGROUND: "Background" LABEL_LOGIN_CUSTOM_CSS: "Custom CSS" LABEL_LOGIN_SHOW_POWERED_LINK: "Show \"Powered by RainLoop\" link" LEGEND_USER: "User" LABEL_USER_LOGO: "Logo" LABEL_USER_LOGO_TITLE: "Logo Title" LABEL_USER_LOGO_MESSAGE: "Logo (Message View)" LABEL_USER_CUSTOM_CSS: "Custom CSS" LEGEND_WELCOME_PAGE: "Welcome page" LABEL_WELCOME_PAGE_TITLE: "Title" LABEL_WELCOME_PAGE_URL: "URL" LABEL_WELCOME_PAGE_DISPLAY: "Display" OPTION_WELCOME_PAGE_DISPLAY_NONE: "None" OPTION_WELCOME_PAGE_DISPLAY_ONCE: "Once" OPTION_WELCOME_PAGE_DISPLAY_ALWAYS: "Always" HTML_ALERT_PREMIUM: "This functionality is available for Premium subscribers." TAB_CONTACTS: LEGEND_CONTACTS: "Contacts" LEGEND_STORAGE: "Storage (PDO)" LABEL_ENABLE_CONTACTS: "Enable contacts" LABEL_ALLOW_SYNC: "Allow contacts sync (with external CardDAV server)" LABEL_STORAGE_TYPE: "Type" LABEL_STORAGE_DSN: "Dsn" LABEL_STORAGE_USER: "User" LABEL_STORAGE_PASSWORD: "Password" BUTTON_TEST: "Test" ALERT_NOTICE: "Notice!" HTML_ALERT_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_DATABASE: "Don't use this database type with a large number of active users." HTML_ALERT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORTED: | Your system doesn't support contacts.
You need to install or enable PDO (SQLite / MySQL / PostgreSQL) extension on your server. TAB_DOMAINS: LEGEND_DOMAINS: "Domains" BUTTON_ADD_DOMAIN: "Add Domain" DELETE_ARE_YOU_SURE: "Are you sure?" HTML_DOMAINS_HELPER: | List of domains webmail is allowed to access.
Click on the name to configure the domain. TAB_SECURITY: LEGEND_SECURITY: "Security" LABEL_ALLOW_TWO_STEP: "Allow 2-Step Verification" LABEL_FORCE_TWO_STEP: "Enforce 2-Step Verification" LABEL_USE_IMAGE_PROXY: "Use local proxy for external images" LABEL_ALLOW_OPEN_PGP: "Allow OpenPGP" LABEL_SHOW_PHP_INFO: "Show PHP information" LEGEND_ADMIN_PANEL_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS: "Admin Panel Access Credentials" LABEL_CURRENT_PASSWORD: "Current password" LABEL_NEW_LOGIN: "New login" LABEL_NEW_PASSWORD: "New password" LABEL_REPEAT_PASSWORD: "Repeat" BUTTON_UPDATE_PASSWORD: "Update Password" LEGEND_SSL: "SSL" LABEL_REQUIRE_VERIFICATION: "Require verification of SSL certificate used (IMAP/SMTP)" LABEL_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED: "Allow self signed certificates" TAB_INTEGRATIONS: LEGEND_GOOGLE: "Google" LABEL_ENABLE_GOOGLE: "Enable Google Integration" LABEL_GOOGLE_AUTH: "Authorization" LABEL_GOOGLE_DRIVE: "Google Drive Integration (Compose view)" LABEL_GOOGLE_PREVIEW: "Google Viewer Integration (Preview for Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files)" LABEL_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: "Client ID" LABEL_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: "Client Secret" LABEL_GOOGLE_API_KEY: "Api Key" HINT_GOOGLE_API_KEY: "Required for Google Drive File Picker" LEGEND_FACEBOOK: "Facebook" LABEL_ENABLE_FACEBOOK: "Enable Facebook Integration (Authorization)" LABEL_FACEBOOK_APP_ID: "App ID" LABEL_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET: "App Secret" LEGEND_TWITTER: "Twitter" LABEL_ENABLE_TWITTER: "Enable Twitter Integration (Authorization)" LABEL_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY: "Consumer Key" LABEL_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: "Consumer Secret" LEGEND_DROPBOX: "Dropbox" LABEL_ENABLE_DROPBOX: "Enable Dropbox Integration" LABEL_DROPBOX_API_KEY: "Api Key" TOP_ALERT: "Detailed information on social integration is found at" TAB_PLUGINS: LEGEND_PLUGINS: "Plugins" LABEL_ENABLE_PLUGINS: "Enable plugins" ALERT_NO_PLUGINS: "No plugins have yet been installed." LINK_INSTALL_NEW: "Click here to install new!" HINT_CLICK_NAME: "Click on the name to configure the plugin." TAB_PACKAGES: LEGEND_AVAILABLE_FOR_UPDATE: "Available for Update" LEGEND_AVAILABLE_FOR_INSTALLATION: "Available for Installation" LEGEND_INSTALLED_PACKAGES: "Installed Packages" ALERT_CANNOT_ACCESS_REPOSITORY: "Cannot access the repository at the moment." TAB_LICENSING: LABEL_YOUR_DOMAIN: "Your domain" LABEL_VERSION: "Version" LABEL_CHECKING: "Checking" TYPE_BASIC_HINT: "This domain isn't licensed for commercial use (with additional features)." TYPE_BASIC_HINT_2: "This domain can't be licensed." HTML_ALERT_TOP_1: "RainLoop Webmail is licensed under" HTML_ALERT_TOP_2: "You are free to use it for your personal projects." HTML_ALERT_TOP_3: | Commercial use (with additional features) of RainLoop Webmail requires getting a subscription. TYPE_PREMIUM_LIFETIME: "Lifetime" LABEL_SUB_EXPIRES: "Subscription expires" BUTTON_ACTIVATE: "Activate Subscription Key for this domain" BUTTON_PURCHASE: "Purchase" BUTTON_TRIAL: "Trial" TAB_ABOUT: LEGEND_ABOUT: "About" LABEL_TAG_HINT: "Simple, modern & fast web-based email client" LABEL_ALL_RIGHTS_RESERVED: "All Rights Reserved." HINT_READ_CHANGE_LOG: "Please read the change log before updating." HINT_IS_UP_TO_DATE: "RainLoop is up to date." HTML_NEW_VERSION: "New %VERSION% version is available." LABEL_UPDATING: "Updating" LABEL_CHECKING: "Checking for updates" BUTTON_UPDATE: "Update" BUTTON_DOWNLOAD: "Download" BUTTON_CHANGELOG: "Changelog" POPUPS_ACTIVATE: TITLE_ACTIVATE: "Activate Subscription Key?" TITLE_ACTIVATION: "Activation..." LABEL_DOMAIN: "Domain" LABEL_SUB_KEY: "Subscription Key" BUTTON_ACTIVATE: "Activate" LABEL_ACTIVATED: "Activated" ERROR_INVALID_SUBS_KEY: "Invalid Subscription Key" SUBS_KEY_ACTIVATED: "Subscription Key Activated Successfully" HTML_DESC: | After activation, premium subscription for %DOMAIN% will be extended.
Note that subscription key can be activated for a single domain only.

Once started, the process of activation cannot be aborted or cancelled. POPUPS_DOMAIN: TITLE_ADD_DOMAIN: "Add Domain" TITLE_ADD_DOMAIN_WITH_NAME: "Add Domain \"%NAME%\"" TITLE_EDIT_DOMAIN: "Edit Domain \"%NAME%\"" LABEL_NAME: "Name" NAME_HELPER: "wildcard supported" LABEL_IMAP: "IMAP" LABEL_SMTP: "SMTP" LABEL_SIEVE: "SIEVE" LABEL_SERVER: "Server" LABEL_PORT: "Port" LABEL_SECURE: "Secure" LABEL_WHITE_LIST: "White List" SECURE_OPTION_NONE: "None" SECURE_OPTION_SSL: "SSL/TLS" SECURE_OPTION_STARTTLS: "STARTTLS" LABEL_ALLOW_SIEVE_SCRIPTS: "Allow sieve scripts" LABEL_ALLOW_USER_SCRIPT: "Allow custom user script" LABEL_USE_SHORT_LOGIN: "Use short login" LABEL_USE_AUTH: "Use authentication" LABEL_USE_PHP_MAIL: "Use php mail() function" BUTTON_TEST: "Test" BUTTON_WHITE_LIST: "White List" BUTTON_SIEVE_CONFIGURATION: "Sieve configuration" BUTTON_BACK_TO_IMAP: "Back to IMAP settings" BUTTON_BACK: "Back" BUTTON_CLOSE: "Close" BUTTON_ADD: "Add" BUTTON_UPDATE: "Update" NEW_DOMAIN_DESC: "This domain configuration will allow you to work
with %NAME% email addresses." WHITE_LIST_ALERT: | List of domain users webmail is allowed to access. Use a space as delimiter. POPUPS_PLUGIN: TITLE_PLUGIN: "Plugin" DESC_NOTHING_TO_CONFIGURE: "Nothing to configure" BUTTON_CLOSE: "Close" BUTTON_SAVE: "Save" TOOLTIP_ABOUT_TITLE: "About" POPUPS_ASK: DESC_WANT_CLOSE_THIS_WINDOW: "Are you sure you want to close this window?" POPUPS_LANGUAGES: TITLE_LANGUAGES: "Choose your language" HINTS: BETA: "beta" UNSTABLE: "unstable" WARNING: "Warning!" NOT_SUPPORTED: "not supported" REQUIRES_PHP_54: "requires PHP 5.4 or greater" ERRORS: DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS: "Domain already exists" UNKNOWN_ERROR: "Unknown error" NOTIFICATIONS: INVALID_TOKEN: "Invalid token" AUTH_ERROR: "Authentication failed" ACCESS_ERROR: "Access error" CONNECTION_ERROR: "Can't connect to server" CAPTCHA_ERROR: "Incorrect CAPTCHA." SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE: > This social ID is not assigned for any email account yet. Log in using email credentials and enable this feature in account settings. SOCIAL_TWITTER_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE: > This social ID is not assigned for any email account yet. Log in using email credentials and enable this feature in account settings. SOCIAL_GOOGLE_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE: > This social ID is not assigned for any email account yet. Log in using email credentials and enable this feature in account settings. DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWED: "Domain is not allowed" ACCOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED: "Account is not allowed" ACCOUNT_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_REQUIRED: "Two factor verification required" ACCOUNT_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_ERROR: "Two factor verification error" COULD_NOT_SAVE_NEW_PASSWORD: "Could not save new password" CURRENT_PASSWORD_INCORRECT: "Current password incorrect" NEW_PASSWORD_SHORT: "Password is too short" NEW_PASSWORD_WEAK: "Password is too easy" NEW_PASSWORD_FORBIDDENT: "Password contains forbidden characters" CONTACTS_SYNC_ERROR: "Contacts synchronization error" CANT_GET_MESSAGE_LIST: "Can't get message list" CANT_GET_MESSAGE: "Can't get message" CANT_DELETE_MESSAGE: "Can't delete message" CANT_MOVE_MESSAGE: "Can't move message" CANT_SAVE_MESSAGE: "Can't save message" CANT_SEND_MESSAGE: "Can't send message" INVALID_RECIPIENTS: "Invalid recipients" CANT_SAVE_FILTERS: "Can't save filters" CANT_GET_FILTERS: "Can't get filters" FILTERS_ARE_NOT_CORRECT: "Filters are not correct" CANT_CREATE_FOLDER: "Can't create folder" CANT_RENAME_FOLDER: "Can't rename folder" CANT_DELETE_FOLDER: "Can't delete folder" CANT_DELETE_NON_EMPTY_FOLDER: "Can't delete non-empty directory" CANT_SUBSCRIBE_FOLDER: "Can't subscribe folder" CANT_UNSUBSCRIBE_FOLDER: "Can't unsubscribe folder" CANT_SAVE_SETTINGS: "Can't save settings" CANT_SAVE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS: "Can't save settings" DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS: "Domain already exists" CANT_INSTALL_PACKAGE: "Failed to install package" CANT_DELETE_PACKAGE: "Failed to remove package" INVALID_PLUGIN_PACKAGE: "Invalid plugin package" UNSUPPORTED_PLUGIN_PACKAGE: "Unsupported plugin package" LICENSING_SERVER_IS_UNAVAILABLE: "Subscription server is unvailable" LICENSING_DOMAIN_EXPIRED: "Subscription for this domain has expired." LICENSING_DOMAIN_BANNED: "Subscription for this domain is banned." DEMO_SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR: "For security purposes, this account is not allowed to send messages to external e-mail addresses!" DEMO_ACCOUNT_ERROR: "For security purposes, this account is not allowed for this action!" ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXISTS: "Account already exists" ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST: "Account doesn't exist" MAIL_SERVER_ERROR: "An error has occured while accessing mail server" INVALID_INPUT_ARGUMENT: "Invalid input argument" UNKNOWN_ERROR: "Unknown error" STATIC: BACK_LINK: "Reload" DOMAIN_LIST_DESC: "List of domains webmail is allowed to access." PHP_EXSTENSIONS_ERROR_DESC: "Required PHP extension are not available in your PHP configuration!" PHP_VERSION_ERROR_DESC: "Your PHP version (%VERSION%) is lower than the minimal required 5.3.0!" NO_SCRIPT_TITLE: "JavaScript is required for this application." NO_SCRIPT_DESC: | JavaScript support is not available in your browser. Please enable JavaScript support in your browser settings and retry. NO_COOKIE_TITLE: "Cookies support is required for this application." NO_COOKIE_DESC: | Cookies support is not available in your browser. Please enable Cookie support in your browser settings and retry. BAD_BROWSER_TITLE: "Your browser is outdated." BAD_BROWSER_DESC: | To use all the features of the application, download and install one of these browsers: