__ __ _ __ /\_\ ____ /'__`\/\`'__\ \/\ \ /',__\ /\ \L\ \ \ \/__ \ \ \/\__, `\ \ \___, \ \_\\_\_\ \ \/\____/ \/___/\ \/_//_/\ \_\ \/___/ \ \_\ \ \____/ \/_/ \/___/ [qr.js][] is a pure JavaScript library for [QR code][] generation using canvas. * [Install](#install) * [Examples](#examples) * [API](#api) * [Canvas Support](#canvas-support) * [Bugs](#bugs) * [Questions](#questions) ## Install Install using the package manager for your desired environment(s): ``` bash # for node.js: $ npm install qr-js # OR; for the browser: $ bower install qr-js ``` ## Examples In the browser: ``` html ``` In [node.js][]: ``` javascript var qr = require('qr-js'); qr.saveSync('http://neocotic.com/qr.js', 'qrcode.png'); ``` ## API ### Standard Data The following configuration data options are recognised by all of the core API methods (all of which are optional):
Property Description Default
background Background colour to be used #fff
canvas <canvas> element in which the QR code should be rendered Creates a new element
foreground Foreground colour to be used #000
level ECC (error correction capacity) level to be applied L
size Module size of the generated QR code 4
value Value to be encoded in the generated QR code ""
### `canvas([data|value])` Renders a QR code in an HTML5 `` element for a given value. ``` javascript // Render the QR code on a newly created canvas element var canvas = qr.canvas('http://neocotic.com/qr.js'); // Re-render the QR code on an existing element qr.canvas({ canvas: canvas, value: 'https://github.com/neocotic/qr.js' }); ``` ### `image([data|value])` Renders a QR code in an HTML `` element for a given value. ``` javascript // Render the QR code on a newly created img element var img = qr.image('http://neocotic.com/qr.js'); // Re-render the QR code on an existing element qr.image({ image: img, value: 'https://github.com/neocotic/qr.js' }); ``` #### Additional Data As well as the [Standard Data](#standard-data), this method also accepts the following additional data options:
Property Description Default
image <img> element in which the QR code should be rendered Creates a new element
mime MIME type to process the QR code image image/png
### `save([data|value][, path], callback)` Saves a QR code, which has been rendered for a given value, to the user's file system. ``` javascript // Render a QR code to a PNG file qr.save('http://neocotic.com/qr.js', 'qr.png', function(err) { if (err) throw err; // ... }); // Render a QR code to a JPEG file qr.save({ mime: 'image/jpeg', path: 'qr.jpg', value: 'https://github.com/neocotic/qr.js' }, function(err) { if (err) throw err; // ... }); ``` **Note:** Currently, in the browser, this just does it's best to force a download prompt. We will try to improve on this in the future. #### Additional Data As well as the [Standard Data](#standard-data), this method also accepts the following additional data options:
Property Description Default
mime MIME type to process the QR code image image/png
path Path to which the QR code should be saved
Ignored in browsers
Required if not specified as an argument
### `saveSync([data|value][, path])` Synchronous [`save(3)`](#savedatavalue-path-callback). ### `toDataURL([data|value])` Returns a data URL for rendered QR code. This is a convenient shorthand for dealing with the native `HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toDataURL` function. ``` javascript console.log(qr.toDataURL('http://neocotic.com/qr.js')); // "..." console.log(qr.toDataURL({ mime: 'image/jpeg', value: 'https://github.com/neocotic/qr.js' })); // "..." ``` #### Additional Data As well as the [Standard Data](#standard-data), this method also accepts the following additional data options:
Property Description Default
mime MIME type to process the QR code image image/png
### Miscellaneous #### `noConflict()` Returns `qr` in a no-conflict state, reallocating the `qr` global variable name to its previous owner, where possible. This is really just intended for use within a browser. ``` html ``` #### `VERSION` The current version of `qr`. ``` javascript console.log(qr.VERSION); // "1.1.4" ``` ## Canvas Support For browser users; their browser must support the HTML5 canvas element or the API will throw an error immediately. For [node.js][] users; [qr.js][] heavily depends on [node-canvas][] to support the HTML5 canvas element in the [node.js][] environment. Unfortunately, this library is dependant on [Cairo][], which is not managed by [npm][]. Before you are able to install [qr.js][] (and it's dependencies), you must have [Cairo][] installed. Please see their wiki on steps on how to do this on various platforms: https://github.com/LearnBoost/node-canvas/wiki/_pages ## Bugs If you have any problems with this library or would like to see the changes currently in development you can do so here; https://github.com/neocotic/qr.js/issues ## Questions? Take a look at `docs/qr.html` to get a better understanding of what the code is doing. If that doesn't help, feel free to follow me on Twitter, [@neocotic][]. However, if you want more information or examples of using this library please visit the project's homepage; http://neocotic.com/qr.js [@neocotic]: https://twitter.com/neocotic [cairo]: http://cairographics.org [node.js]: http://nodejs.org [node-canvas]: https://github.com/LearnBoost/node-canvas [npm]: http://npmjs.org [qr.js]: http://neocotic.com/qr.js [qr code]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code