import ko from 'ko'; import { FileType } from 'Common/Enums'; import { bMobileDevice } from 'Common/Globals'; import { pInt, getFileExtension, friendlySize } from 'Common/Utils'; import { attachmentDownload, attachmentPreview, attachmentFramed, attachmentPreviewAsPlain, attachmentThumbnailPreview } from 'Common/Links'; import { AbstractModel } from 'Knoin/AbstractModel'; import Audio from 'Common/Audio'; const bAllowPdfPreview = !bMobileDevice && undefined !== navigator.mimeTypes['application/pdf']; /** * @param {string} sExt * @param {string} sMimeType * @returns {string} */ export const staticFileType = (() => { let cache = {}, msOffice = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument', openDoc = 'vnd.oasis.opendocument'; return (ext, mimeType) => { ext = ext.toLowerCase().trim(); mimeType = mimeType.toLowerCase().trim(); let key = ext + mimeType; if (cache[key]) { return cache[key]; } let result = FileType.Unknown; const mimeTypeParts = mimeType.split('/'), type = mimeTypeParts[1], match = str => type.includes(str); switch (true) { case 'image' === mimeTypeParts[0] || ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Image; break; case 'audio' === mimeTypeParts[0] || ['mp3', 'ogg', 'oga', 'wav'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Audio; break; case 'video' === mimeTypeParts[0] || ['mkv', 'avi'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Video; break; case ['php', 'js', 'css'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Code; break; case 'eml' === ext || ['message/delivery-status', 'message/rfc822'].includes(mimeType): result = FileType.Eml; break; case ('text' === mimeTypeParts[0] && 'html' !== type) || ['txt', 'log'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Text; break; case 'text/html' === mimeType || ['html'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Html; break; case [ 'zip', '7z', 'tar', 'rar', 'gzip', 'bzip', 'bzip2', 'x-zip', 'x-7z', 'x-rar', 'x-tar', 'x-gzip', 'x-bzip', 'x-bzip2', 'x-zip-compressed', 'x-7z-compressed', 'x-rar-compressed' ].includes(type) || ['zip', '7z', 'tar', 'rar', 'gzip', 'bzip', 'bzip2'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Archive; break; case ['pdf', 'x-pdf'].includes(type) || ['pdf'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Pdf; break; case ['application/pgp-signature', 'application/pgp-keys'].includes(mimeType) || ['asc', 'pem', 'ppk'].includes(ext): result = FileType.Certificate; break; case ['application/pkcs7-signature'].includes(mimeType) || ['p7s'].includes(ext): result = FileType.CertificateBin; break; case match(msOffice+'.wordprocessingml') || match(openDoc+'.text') || match('') || ['rtf', 'msword', 'vnd.msword'].includes(type): result = FileType.WordText; break; case match(msOffice+'.spreadsheetml') || match(openDoc+'.spreadsheet') || match('ms-excel'): result = FileType.Sheet; break; case match(msOffice+'.presentationml') || match(openDoc+'.presentation') || match('ms-powerpoint'): result = FileType.Presentation; break; // no default } return cache[key] = result; }; })(); /** * @param {string} sFileType * @returns {string} */ export const staticIconClass = fileType => FileType.getIconClass(fileType); /** * @static * @param {string} sFileType * @returns {string} */ export const staticCombinedIconClass = (data) => { let result = '', types = []; if (Array.isNotEmpty(data)) { result = 'icon-attachment'; types = => item ? staticFileType(getFileExtension(item[0]), item[1]) : '') .filter((value, index, self) => !!value && self.indexOf(value) == index); if (types && 1 === types.length && types[0]) { switch (types[0]) { case FileType.Text: case FileType.WordText: result = 'icon-file-text'; break; case FileType.Html: case FileType.Code: result = 'icon-file-code'; break; case FileType.Image: result = 'icon-file-image'; break; case FileType.Audio: result = 'icon-file-music'; break; case FileType.Video: result = 'icon-file-movie'; break; case FileType.Archive: result = 'icon-file-zip'; break; case FileType.Certificate: case FileType.CertificateBin: result = 'icon-file-certificate'; break; case FileType.Sheet: result = 'icon-file-excel'; break; case FileType.Presentation: result = 'icon-file-chart-graph'; break; // no default } } } return result; }; class AttachmentModel extends AbstractModel { constructor() { super('AttachmentModel'); this.checked = ko.observable(false); this.mimeType = ''; this.fileName = ''; this.fileNameExt = ''; this.fileType = FileType.Unknown; this.estimatedSize = 0; this.friendlySize = ''; this.isInline = false; this.isLinked = false; this.isThumbnail = false; this.cid = ''; this.cidWithoutTags = ''; this.contentLocation = ''; = ''; this.folder = ''; this.uid = ''; this.mimeIndex = ''; this.framed = false; } /** * @static * @param {AjaxJsonAttachment} json * @returns {?AttachmentModel} */ static newInstanceFromJson(json) { const attachment = new AttachmentModel(); return attachment.initByJson(json) ? attachment : null; } /** * @param {AjaxJsonAttachment} json * @returns {boolean} */ initByJson(json) { let bResult = false; if (json && 'Object/Attachment' === json['@Object']) { this.mimeType = ((json.MimeType || '').toLowerCase()).trim(); this.fileName = json.FileName.trim(); this.estimatedSize = pInt(json.EstimatedSize); // if it is inline this.isInline = !!json.IsInline; // if inline image is linked with CID in html // and 'src="cid:' or background-image:url(cid:) this.isLinked = !!json.IsLinked; this.isThumbnail = !!json.IsThumbnail; this.cid = json.CID; this.contentLocation = json.ContentLocation; = json.Download; this.folder = json.Folder; this.uid = json.Uid; this.mimeIndex = json.MimeIndex; this.framed = !!json.Framed; this.friendlySize = friendlySize(this.estimatedSize); this.cidWithoutTags = this.cid.replace(/^<+/, '').replace(/>+$/, ''); this.fileNameExt = getFileExtension(this.fileName); this.fileType = staticFileType(this.fileNameExt, this.mimeType); bResult = true; } return bResult; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isImage() { return FileType.Image === this.fileType; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isMp3() { return FileType.Audio === this.fileType && 'mp3' === this.fileNameExt; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isOgg() { return FileType.Audio === this.fileType && ('oga' === this.fileNameExt || 'ogg' === this.fileNameExt); } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isWav() { return FileType.Audio === this.fileType && 'wav' === this.fileNameExt; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ hasThumbnail() { return this.isThumbnail; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isText() { return ( FileType.Text === this.fileType || FileType.Eml === this.fileType || FileType.Certificate === this.fileType || FileType.Html === this.fileType || FileType.Code === this.fileType ); } /** * @returns {boolean} */ isPdf() { return FileType.Pdf === this.fileType; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ hasPreview() { return this.isImage() || (this.isPdf() && bAllowPdfPreview) || this.isText(); } /** * @returns {boolean} */ hasPreplay() { return ( (Audio.supportedMp3 && this.isMp3()) || (Audio.supportedOgg && this.isOgg()) || (Audio.supportedWav && this.isWav()) ); } /** * @returns {string} */ linkDownload() { return attachmentDownload(; } /** * @returns {string} */ linkPreview() { return attachmentPreview(; } /** * @returns {string} */ linkThumbnail() { return this.hasThumbnail() ? attachmentThumbnailPreview( : ''; } /** * @returns {string} */ linkThumbnailPreviewStyle() { const link = this.linkThumbnail(); return link ? 'background:url(' + link + ')' : ''; } /** * @returns {string} */ linkFramed() { return attachmentFramed(; } /** * @returns {string} */ linkPreviewAsPlain() { return attachmentPreviewAsPlain(; } /** * @returns {string} */ linkPreviewMain() { let result = ''; switch (true) { case this.isImage(): case this.isPdf() && bAllowPdfPreview: result = this.linkPreview(); break; case this.isText(): result = this.linkPreviewAsPlain(); break; // no default } return result; } /** * @returns {string} */ generateTransferDownloadUrl() { let link = this.linkDownload(); if ('http' !== link.substr(0, 4)) { link = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname + link; } return this.mimeType + ':' + this.fileName + ':' + link; } /** * @param {AttachmentModel} attachment * @param {*} event * @returns {boolean} */ eventDragStart(attachment, event) { const localEvent = event.originalEvent || event; if (attachment && localEvent && localEvent.dataTransfer && localEvent.dataTransfer.setData) { localEvent.dataTransfer.setData('DownloadURL', this.generateTransferDownloadUrl()); } return true; } /** * @returns {string} */ iconClass() { return staticIconClass(this.fileType)[0]; } /** * @returns {string} */ iconText() { return staticIconClass(this.fileType)[1]; } } export { AttachmentModel, AttachmentModel as default };