/** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-8.2 */ import { QUOTED_TEXT, HASH_COMMENT, MULTILINE_LITERAL, MULTILINE_DOTSTART } from 'Sieve/RegEx'; import { arrayToString, getMatchTypes } from 'Sieve/Utils'; /** * abstract */ export class GrammarString /*extends String*/ { constructor(value = '') { this._value = value.toString ? value.toString() : value; } toString() { return this._value; } get value() { return this._value; } set value(value) { this._value = value; } get length() { return this._value.length; } } /** * abstract */ export class GrammarComment extends GrammarString { } /** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-2.9 */ const cmdNameSuffix = /(test|command|action)$/; export /*abstract*/ class GrammarCommand { constructor(identifier) { /* if (this.constructor == GrammarCommand) { throw Error("Abstract class can't be instantiated."); } */ this.identifier = identifier || this.constructor.name.toLowerCase().replace(cmdNameSuffix, ''); } toString() { let result = this.identifier; if (this.arguments?.length) { result += ' ' + arrayToString(this.arguments, ' '); } return result + ';'; } pushArguments(args) { this.arguments = args; } } export class GrammarCommands extends Array { toString() { return this.length ? '{\r\n\t' + arrayToString(this, '\r\n\t') + '\r\n}' : '{}'; } push(value) { if (value instanceof GrammarCommand || value instanceof GrammarComment) { super.push(value); } } } /** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-3 */ export /*abstract*/ class ControlCommand extends GrammarCommand { /* constructor(identifier) { if (this.constructor == ControlCommand) { throw Error("Abstract class can't be instantiated."); } super(identifier); } */ } /** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-4 */ export /*abstract*/ class ActionCommand extends GrammarCommand { /* constructor(identifier) { if (this.constructor == ActionCommand) { throw Error("Abstract class can't be instantiated."); } super(identifier); } */ } /** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-5 */ export /*abstract*/ class TestCommand extends GrammarCommand { constructor(identifier) { /* if (this.constructor == TestCommand) { throw Error("Abstract class can't be instantiated."); } */ super(identifier); // Almost every test has a comparator and match_type, so define them here this.comparator = ''; this.match_type = ':is'; } toString() { // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6134#section-2.3 if (!getMatchTypes().includes(this.match_type)) { throw 'Unsupported match-type ' + this.match_type; } return (this.identifier + (this.comparator ? ' :comparator ' + this.comparator : '') + (this.match_type ? ' ' + this.match_type : '') + ' ' + arrayToString(this.arguments, ' ')).trim(); } } /** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-5.2 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-5.3 */ export class GrammarTestList extends Array { toString() { if (1 < this.length) { // return '(\r\n\t' + arrayToString(this, ',\r\n\t') + '\r\n)'; return '(' + this.join(', ') + ')'; } return this.length ? this[0].toString() : ''; } push(value) { if (!(value instanceof TestCommand)) { throw 'Not an instanceof Test'; } super.push(value); } } export class GrammarBracketComment extends GrammarComment { toString() { return '/* ' + super.toString() + ' */'; } } export class GrammarHashComment extends GrammarComment { toString() { return '# ' + super.toString(); } } export class GrammarNumber /*extends Number*/ { constructor(value = '0') { this._value = value; } toString() { return this._value; } get value() { return this._value; } set value(value) { this._value = value; } } export class GrammarStringList extends Array { toString() { // if there is only a single string, the brackets are optional if (1 < this.length) { return '[' + this.join(',') + ']'; } return this.length ? this[0].toString() : ''; } push(value) { if (!(value instanceof GrammarQuotedString)) { value = new GrammarQuotedString(value); } super.push(value); } } const StringListRegEx = RegExp('(?:^\\s*|\\s*,\\s*)(?:"(' + QUOTED_TEXT + ')"|text:[ \\t]*(' + HASH_COMMENT + ')?\\r\\n' + '((?:' + MULTILINE_LITERAL + '|' + MULTILINE_DOTSTART + ')*)' + '\\.\\r\\n)', 'gm'); GrammarStringList.fromString = list => { let string, obj = new GrammarStringList; list = list.replace(/^[\r\n\t[]+/, ''); while ((string = StringListRegEx.exec(list))) { if (string[3]) { obj.push(new GrammarMultiLine(string[3], string[2])); } else { obj.push(new GrammarQuotedString(string[1])); } } return obj; } export class GrammarQuotedString extends GrammarString { toString() { return '"' + this._value.replace(/[\\"]/g, '\\$&') + '"'; // return '"' + super.toString().replace(/[\\"]/g, '\\$&') + '"'; } } /** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5228#section-8.1 */ export class GrammarMultiLine extends GrammarString { constructor(value, comment = '') { super(); this.value = value; this.comment = comment; } toString() { return 'text:' + (this.comment ? '# ' + this.comment : '') + "\r\n" + this.value + "\r\n.\r\n"; } } const MultiLineRegEx = RegExp('text:[ \\t]*(' + HASH_COMMENT + ')?\\r\\n' + '((?:' + MULTILINE_LITERAL + '|' + MULTILINE_DOTSTART + ')*)' + '\\.\\r\\n', 'm'); GrammarMultiLine.fromString = string => { string = string.match(MultiLineRegEx); if (string[2]) { return new GrammarMultiLine(string[2].replace(/\r\n$/, ''), string[1]); } return new GrammarMultiLine(); } export class UnknownCommand extends GrammarCommand { constructor(identifier) { super(identifier); this.commands = new GrammarCommands; } toString() { let result = this.identifier; if (this.arguments?.length) { result += ' ' + arrayToString(this.arguments, ' '); } return result + ( this.commands?.length ? ' ' + this.commands : ';' ); } }