import window from 'window'; import _ from '_'; import ko from 'ko'; import key from 'key'; import ssm from 'ssm'; import { $win, $htmlCL, leftPanelDisabled, leftPanelType, bMobileDevice, bAnimationSupported } from 'Common/Globals'; import { isNormal, pString, detectDropdownVisibility, windowResizeCallback } from 'Common/Utils'; import { KeyState, Magics } from 'Common/Enums'; import { root, rootAdmin, rootUser, populateAuthSuffix } from 'Common/Links'; import { initOnStartOrLangChange, initNotificationLanguage } from 'Common/Translator'; import * as Events from 'Common/Events'; import * as Settings from 'Storage/Settings'; import LanguageStore from 'Stores/Language'; import ThemeStore from 'Stores/Theme'; import { routeOff, setHash } from 'Knoin/Knoin'; import { AbstractBoot } from 'Knoin/AbstractBoot'; class AbstractApp extends AbstractBoot { /** * @param {RemoteStorage|AdminRemoteStorage} Remote */ constructor() { super(); this.isLocalAutocomplete = true; this.lastErrorTime = 0; window.addEventListener('resize', () => {'window.resize'); }); Events.sub( 'window.resize', _.throttle(() => { const iH = $win.height(), iW = $win.height(); if ($win.__sizes[0] !== iH || $win.__sizes[1] !== iW) { $win.__sizes[0] = iH; $win.__sizes[1] = iW;'window.resize.real'); } }, Magics.Time50ms) ); // DEBUG // Events.sub({ // 'window.resize': function() { // window.console.log('window.resize'); // }, // 'window.resize.real': function() { // window.console.log('window.resize.real'); // } // }); const $doc = window.document; $doc.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { if (event && event.ctrlKey) { $htmlCL.add('rl-ctrl-key-pressed'); } }); $doc.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => { if (event && !event.ctrlKey) { $htmlCL.remove('rl-ctrl-key-pressed'); } }); const fn = _.debounce(() => {''); }, Magics.Time5s); $doc.addEventListener('mousemove', fn); $doc.addEventListener('keypress', fn); $doc.addEventListener('click', fn); key('esc, enter', KeyState.All, () => { detectDropdownVisibility(); }); } remote() { return null; } data() { return null; } getApplicationConfiguration(name, default_) { return this.applicationConfiguration[name] || default_; } /** * @param {string} link * @returns {boolean} */ download(link) { if (bMobileDevice) {, '_self'); window.focus(); } else { const oLink = window.document.createElement('a'); oLink.href = link; window.document.body.appendChild(oLink).click(); oLink.remove(); //, '_self'); } return true; } /** * @param {string} title */ setWindowTitle(title) { title = isNormal(title) && 0 < title.length ? '' + title : ''; if (Settings.settingsGet('Title')) { title += (title ? ' - ' : '') + Settings.settingsGet('Title'); } window.document.title = title; } redirectToAdminPanel() { _.delay(() => { window.location.href = rootAdmin(); }, Magics.Time100ms); } clearClientSideToken() { if (window.__rlah_clear) { window.__rlah_clear(); } } /** * @param {string} token */ setClientSideToken(token) { if (window.__rlah_set) { window.__rlah_set(token); Settings.settingsSet('AuthAccountHash', token); populateAuthSuffix(); } } /** * @param {boolean=} admin = false * @param {boolean=} logout = false * @param {boolean=} close = false */ loginAndLogoutReload(admin = false, logout = false, close = false) { const inIframe = !!Settings.appSettingsGet('inIframe'); let customLogoutLink = pString(Settings.appSettingsGet('customLogoutLink')); if (logout) { this.clearClientSideToken(); } if (logout && close && window.close) { window.close(); } customLogoutLink = customLogoutLink || (admin ? rootAdmin() : rootUser()); if (logout && window.location.href !== customLogoutLink) { _.delay(() => { if (inIframe && window.parent) { window.parent.location.href = customLogoutLink; } else { window.location.href = customLogoutLink; } $win.trigger('rl.tooltips.diactivate'); }, Magics.Time100ms); } else { routeOff(); setHash(root(), true); routeOff(); _.delay(() => { if (inIframe && window.parent) { window.parent.location.reload(); } else { window.location.reload(); } $win.trigger('rl.tooltips.diactivate'); }, Magics.Time100ms); } } historyBack() { window.history.back(); } bootstart() { // log('Ps' + 'ss, hac' + 'kers! The' + 're\'s not' + 'hing inte' + 'resting :' + ')');'rl.bootstart'); const mobile = Settings.appSettingsGet('mobile'); ko.components.register('SaveTrigger', require('Component/SaveTrigger').default); ko.components.register('Input', require('Component/Input').default); ko.components.register('Select', require('Component/Select').default); ko.components.register('Radio', require('Component/Radio').default); ko.components.register('TextArea', require('Component/TextArea').default); ko.components.register('Date', require('Component/Date').default); ko.components.register('x-script', require('Component/Script').default); // ko.components.register('svg-icon', require('Component/SvgIcon').default); if (Settings.appSettingsGet('materialDesign') && bAnimationSupported) { ko.components.register('Checkbox', require('Component/MaterialDesign/Checkbox').default); ko.components.register('CheckboxSimple', require('Component/Checkbox').default); } else { // ko.components.register('Checkbox', require('Component/Classic/Checkbox').default); // ko.components.register('CheckboxSimple', require('Component/Classic/Checkbox').default); ko.components.register('Checkbox', require('Component/Checkbox').default); ko.components.register('CheckboxSimple', require('Component/Checkbox').default); } initOnStartOrLangChange(initNotificationLanguage); _.delay(windowResizeCallback, Magics.Time1s); Events.sub('', () => { leftPanelDisabled(true); }); Events.sub('', () => { leftPanelDisabled(false); }); if (!mobile) { $htmlCL.add('rl-desktop'); ssm.addState({ id: 'mobile', query: '(max-width: 767px)', onEnter: () => { $htmlCL.add('ssm-state-mobile');''); }, onLeave: () => { $htmlCL.remove('ssm-state-mobile');''); } }); ssm.addState({ id: 'tablet', query: '(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 999px)', onEnter: () => { $htmlCL.add('ssm-state-tablet'); }, onLeave: () => { $htmlCL.remove('ssm-state-tablet'); } }); ssm.addState({ id: 'desktop', query: '(min-width: 1000px) and (max-width: 1400px)', onEnter: () => { $htmlCL.add('ssm-state-desktop'); }, onLeave: () => { $htmlCL.remove('ssm-state-desktop'); } }); ssm.addState({ id: 'desktop-large', query: '(min-width: 1401px)', onEnter: () => { $htmlCL.add('ssm-state-desktop-large'); }, onLeave: () => { $htmlCL.remove('ssm-state-desktop-large'); } }); } else { $htmlCL.add('ssm-state-mobile', 'rl-mobile');''); } leftPanelDisabled.subscribe((bValue) => { $htmlCL.toggle('rl-left-panel-disabled', bValue); $htmlCL.toggle('rl-left-panel-enabled', !bValue); }); leftPanelType.subscribe((sValue) => { $htmlCL.toggle('rl-left-panel-none', 'none' === sValue); $htmlCL.toggle('rl-left-panel-short', 'short' === sValue); }); leftPanelDisabled.valueHasMutated(); LanguageStore.populate(); ThemeStore.populate(); } } export { AbstractApp, AbstractApp as default };