#!/bin/sh # Create not root user groupadd --gid "$GID" php-cli -f adduser --uid "$UID" --disabled-password --gid "$GID" --shell /bin/bash --home /home/php-cli php-cli --force --gecos "" # Set attachment size limit sed -i "s//$UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE/g" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/php-fpm.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sed -i "s//$MEMORY_LIMIT/g" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/php-fpm.conf # Set log output to STDERR if wanted (LOG_TO_STDERR=true) if [ "$LOG_TO_STDERR" = true ]; then echo "[INFO] Logging to stderr activated" sed -i "s/.*error_log.*$/error_log \/dev\/stderr warn;/" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sed -i "s/.*error_log.*$/php_admin_value[error_log] = \/dev\/stderr/" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/php-fpm.conf fi # Secure cookies if [ "${SECURE_COOKIES}" = true ]; then echo "[INFO] Secure cookies activated" { echo 'session.cookie_httponly = On'; echo 'session.cookie_secure = On'; echo 'session.use_only_cookies = On'; } > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/cookies.ini; fi # Copy snappymail default config if absent SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE=/snappymail/data/_data_/_default_/configs/application.ini if [ ! -f "$SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then echo "[INFO] Creating default Snappymail configuration" mkdir -p $(dirname $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE) cp /usr/local/include/application.ini $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE fi # Enable output of snappymail logs if [ "${LOG_TO_STDERR}" = true ]; then sed -z 's/\; Enable logging\nenable = Off/\; Enable logging\nenable = On/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^filename = .*/filename = "errors.log"/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^write_on_error_only = .*/write_on_error_only = Off/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^write_on_php_error_only = .*/write_on_php_error_only = On/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE else sed -z 's/\; Enable logging\nenable = On/\; Enable logging\nenable = Off/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE fi # Always enable snappymail Auth logging sed 's/^auth_logging = .*/auth_logging = On/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^auth_logging_filename = .*/auth_logging_filename = "auth.log"/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE sed 's/^auth_logging_format = .*/auth_logging_format = "[{date:Y-m-d H:i:s}] Auth failed: ip={request:ip} user={imap:login} host={imap:host} port={imap:port}"/' -i $SNAPPYMAIL_CONFIG_FILE # Redirect snappymail logs to stderr /stdout mkdir -p /snappymail/data/_data_/_default_/logs/ # empty logs cp /dev/null /snappymail/data/_data_/_default_/logs/errors.log cp /dev/null /snappymail/data/_data_/_default_/logs/auth.log chown -R php-cli:php-cli /snappymail/data/ # Fix permissions chown -R $UID:$GID /snappymail/data /var/log /var/lib/nginx chmod o+w /dev/stdout chmod o+w /dev/stderr # Touch supervisord PID file in order to fix permissions touch /run/supervisord.pid chown php-cli:php-cli /run/supervisord.pid # RUN ! exec sudo -u php-cli -g php-cli /usr/bin/supervisord -c '/supervisor.conf' --pidfile '/run/supervisord.pid'