RainLoop Webmail

Simple, modern & fast web-based email client.

Modest system requirements, decent performance, simple installation and upgrade, no database required - all these make RainLoop Webmail a perfect choice for your email solution.

For more information about the product, check [rainloop.net](http://www.rainloop.net/). Information about installing the product, check the [documentation page](http://www.rainloop.net/docs/installation/). ## License **RainLoop Webmail (Community edition)** is released under **GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (AGPL)**. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html Copyright (c) 2019 Rainloop Team ## Modifications This fork has the following changes: * Privacy/GDPR friendly (no: Social, Gravatar, Facebook, Google, Twitter, DropBox, OwnCloud, X-Mailer) * Admin uses password_hash/password_verify * Auth failed attempts written to syslog * ES2015 (removed polyfills and Modernizr) * PHP 7.3+ required * PHP mbstring extension required * PHP replaced pclZip with ZipArchive * PHP yaml extension else use the old Spyc * Removed BackwardCapability (class \RainLoop\Account) * Removed ChangePassword (plugins won't work) * Removed JS nanoscroll, jquery-scrollstop, jquery-mousewheel, matchmedia-polyfill * Removed OAuth support * Removed POP3 support * Removed background video support * Removed Sentry (Application Monitoring and Error Tracking Software) * Replaced gulp-uglify with gulp-terser * CRLF => LF line endings ### PHP73 branch There's a branch with only the PHP 7.3 changes at https://github.com/the-djmaze/rainloop-webmail/tree/php73