import window from 'window'; import $ from '$'; import _ from '_'; import ko from 'ko'; import Autolinker from 'Autolinker'; import { $win, $div, $hcont, dropdownVisibility, data as GlobalsData } from 'Common/Globals'; import { ComposeType, EventKeyCode, SaveSettingsStep, FolderType } from 'Common/Enums'; import { Mime } from 'Common/Mime'; import { jassl } from 'Common/Jassl'; const trim = $.trim; const inArray = $.inArray; const isArray = _.isArray; const isObject = _.isObject; const isFunc = _.isFunction; const isUnd = _.isUndefined; const isNull = _.isNull; const has = _.has; const bind = _.bind; const noop = () => {}; // eslint-disable-line no-empty-function const noopTrue = () => true; const noopFalse = () => false; export { trim, inArray, isArray, isObject, isFunc, isUnd, isNull, has, bind, noop, noopTrue, noopFalse, jassl }; /** * @param {Function} func */ export function silentTryCatch(func) { try { func(); } catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty } /** * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} */ export function isNormal(value) { return !isUnd(value) && !isNull(value); } /** * @param {(string|number)} value * @param {boolean=} includeZero = true * @returns {boolean} */ export function isPosNumeric(value, includeZero = true) { return !isNormal(value) ? false : includeZero ? /^[0-9]*$/.test(value.toString()) : /^[1-9]+[0-9]*$/.test(value.toString()); } /** * @param {*} value * @param {number=} defaultValur = 0 * @returns {number} */ export function pInt(value, defaultValur = 0) { const result = isNormal(value) && '' !== value ? window.parseInt(value, 10) : defaultValur; return window.isNaN(result) ? defaultValur : result; } /** * @param {*} value * @returns {string} */ export function pString(value) { return isNormal(value) ? '' + value : ''; } /** * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} */ export function pBool(value) { return !!value; } /** * @param {*} value * @returns {string} */ export function boolToAjax(value) { return value ? '1' : '0'; } /** * @param {*} values * @returns {boolean} */ export function isNonEmptyArray(values) { return isArray(values) && 0 < values.length; } /** * @param {string} component * @returns {string} */ export function encodeURIComponent(component) { return window.encodeURIComponent(component); } /** * @param {string} component * @returns {string} */ export function decodeURIComponent(component) { return window.decodeURIComponent(component); } /** * @param {string} url * @returns {string} */ export function decodeURI(url) { return window.decodeURI(url); } /** * @param {string} url * @returns {string} */ export function encodeURI(url) { return window.encodeURI(url); } /** * @param {string} queryString * @returns {Object} */ export function simpleQueryParser(queryString) { let index = 0, len = 0, temp = null; const queries = queryString.split('&'), params = {}; for (len = queries.length; index < len; index++) { temp = queries[index].split('='); params[decodeURIComponent(temp[0])] = decodeURIComponent(temp[1]); } return params; } /** * @param {number=} len = 32 * @returns {string} */ export function fakeMd5(len = 32) { const line = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', lineLen = line.length; len = pInt(len); let result = ''; while (result.length < len) { result += line.substr(window.Math.round(window.Math.random() * lineLen), 1); } return result; } /** * @param {string} text * @returns {string} */ export function encodeHtml(text) { return isNormal(text) ? _.escape(text.toString()) : ''; } /** * @param {string} text * @param {number=} len = 100 * @returns {string} */ export function splitPlainText(text, len = 100) { let prefix = '', subText = '', result = text, spacePos = 0, newLinePos = 0; while (result.length > len) { subText = result.substring(0, len); spacePos = subText.lastIndexOf(' '); newLinePos = subText.lastIndexOf('\n'); if (-1 !== newLinePos) { spacePos = newLinePos; } if (-1 === spacePos) { spacePos = len; } prefix += subText.substring(0, spacePos) + '\n'; result = result.substring(spacePos + 1); } return prefix + result; } const timeOutAction = (function() { const timeOuts = {}; return (action, fFunction, timeOut) => { timeOuts[action] = isUnd(timeOuts[action]) ? 0 : timeOuts[action]; window.clearTimeout(timeOuts[action]); timeOuts[action] = window.setTimeout(fFunction, timeOut); }; })(); const timeOutActionSecond = (function() { const timeOuts = {}; return (action, fFunction, timeOut) => { if (!timeOuts[action]) { timeOuts[action] = window.setTimeout(() => { fFunction(); timeOuts[action] = 0; }, timeOut); } }; })(); export { timeOutAction, timeOutActionSecond }; /** * @param {any} m * @returns {any} */ export function deModule(m) { return (m && m.default ? m.default : m) || ''; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ export function inFocus() { try { if (window.document.activeElement) { if (isUnd(window.document.activeElement.__inFocusCache)) { window.document.activeElement.__inFocusCache = $(window.document.activeElement).is( 'input,textarea,iframe,.cke_editable' ); } return !!window.document.activeElement.__inFocusCache; } } catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty return false; } /** * @param {boolean} force * @returns {void} */ export function removeInFocus(force) { if (window.document && window.document.activeElement && window.document.activeElement.blur) { try { const activeEl = $(window.document.activeElement); if (activeEl &&'input,textarea')) { window.document.activeElement.blur(); } else if (force) { window.document.activeElement.blur(); } } catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty } } /** * @returns {void} */ export function removeSelection() { try { if (window && window.getSelection) { const sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel && sel.removeAllRanges) { sel.removeAllRanges(); } } else if (window.document && window.document.selection && window.document.selection.empty) { window.document.selection.empty(); } } catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty } /** * @param {string} prefix * @param {string} subject * @returns {string} */ export function replySubjectAdd(prefix, subject) { prefix = trim(prefix.toUpperCase()); subject = trim(subject.replace(/[\s]+/g, ' ')); let drop = false, re = 'RE' === prefix, fwd = 'FWD' === prefix; const parts = [], prefixIsRe = !fwd; if ('' !== subject) { _.each(subject.split(':'), (part) => { const trimmedPart = trim(part); if (!drop && (/^(RE|FWD)$/i.test(trimmedPart) || /^(RE|FWD)[[(][\d]+[\])]$/i.test(trimmedPart))) { if (!re) { re = !!/^RE/i.test(trimmedPart); } if (!fwd) { fwd = !!/^FWD/i.test(trimmedPart); } } else { parts.push(part); drop = true; } }); } if (prefixIsRe) { re = false; } else { fwd = false; } return trim((prefixIsRe ? 'Re: ' : 'Fwd: ') + (re ? 'Re: ' : '') + (fwd ? 'Fwd: ' : '') + trim(parts.join(':'))); } /** * @param {number} num * @param {number} dec * @returns {number} */ export function roundNumber(num, dec) { return window.Math.round(num * window.Math.pow(10, dec)) / window.Math.pow(10, dec); } /** * @param {(number|string)} sizeInBytes * @returns {string} */ export function friendlySize(sizeInBytes) { sizeInBytes = pInt(sizeInBytes); switch (true) { case 1073741824 <= sizeInBytes: return roundNumber(sizeInBytes / 1073741824, 1) + 'GB'; case 1048576 <= sizeInBytes: return roundNumber(sizeInBytes / 1048576, 1) + 'MB'; case 1024 <= sizeInBytes: return roundNumber(sizeInBytes / 1024, 0) + 'KB'; // no default } return sizeInBytes + 'B'; } /** * @param {string} desc */ export function log(desc) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { window.console.log(desc); } } /** * @param {?} object * @param {string} methodName * @param {Array=} params * @param {number=} delay = 0 */ export function delegateRun(object, methodName, params, delay = 0) { if (object && object[methodName]) { delay = pInt(delay); params = isArray(params) ? params : []; if (0 >= delay) { object[methodName](...params); } else { _.delay(() => { object[methodName](...params); }, delay); } } } /** * @param {?} event */ export function killCtrlACtrlS(event) { event = event || window.event; if (event && event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey) { const key = event.keyCode || event.which; if (key === EventKeyCode.S) { event.preventDefault(); return; } else if (key === EventKeyCode.A) { const sender = || event.srcElement; if ( sender && ('true' === '' + sender.contentEditable || (sender.tagName && sender.tagName.match(/INPUT|TEXTAREA/i))) ) { return; } if (window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } else if (window.document.selection && window.document.selection.clear) { window.document.selection.clear(); } event.preventDefault(); } } } /** * @param {(Object|null|undefined)} context * @param {Function} fExecute * @param {(Function|boolean|null)=} fCanExecute = true * @returns {Function} */ export function createCommandLegacy(context, fExecute, fCanExecute = true) { let fResult = null; const fNonEmpty = (...args) => { if (fResult && fResult.canExecute && fResult.canExecute()) { fExecute.apply(context, args); } return false; }; fResult = fExecute ? fNonEmpty : noop; fResult.enabled = ko.observable(true); fResult.isCommand = true; if (isFunc(fCanExecute)) { fResult.canExecute = ko.computed(() => fResult && fResult.enabled() &&; } else { fResult.canExecute = ko.computed(() => fResult && fResult.enabled() && !!fCanExecute); } return fResult; } /** * @param {string} theme * @returns {string} */ export const convertThemeName = _.memoize((theme) => { if ('@custom' === theme.substr(-7)) { theme = trim(theme.substring(0, theme.length - 7)); } return trim( theme .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, ' ') .replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1') .replace(/[\s]+/g, ' ') ); }); /** * @param {string} name * @returns {string} */ export function quoteName(name) { return name.replace(/["]/g, '\\"'); } /** * @returns {number} */ export function microtime() { return new window.Date().getTime(); } /** * @returns {number} */ export function timestamp() { return window.Math.round(microtime() / 1000); } /** * * @param {string} language * @param {boolean=} isEng = false * @returns {string} */ export function convertLangName(language, isEng = false) { return require('Common/Translator').i18n( 'LANGS_NAMES' + (true === isEng ? '_EN' : '') + '/LANG_' + language.toUpperCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '_'), null, language ); } /** * @returns {object} */ export function draggablePlace() { return $( '
' + ' ' + '' + '' + '
' ).appendTo('#rl-hidden'); } /** * @param {object} domOption * @param {object} item * @returns {void} */ export function defautOptionsAfterRender(domItem, item) { if (item && !isUnd(item.disabled) && domItem) { $(domItem) .toggleClass('disabled', item.disabled) .prop('disabled', item.disabled); } } /** * @param {string} title * @param {Object} body * @param {boolean} isHtml * @param {boolean} print */ export function clearBqSwitcher(body) { body.find('blockquote.rl-bq-switcher').removeClass('rl-bq-switcher hidden-bq'); body .find('.rlBlockquoteSwitcher') .off('.rlBlockquoteSwitcher') .remove(); body.find('[data-html-editor-font-wrapper]').removeAttr('data-html-editor-font-wrapper'); } /** * @param {object} messageData * @param {Object} body * @param {boolean} isHtml * @param {boolean} print * @returns {void} */ export function previewMessage( { title, subject, date, fromCreds, toCreds, toLabel, ccClass, ccCreds, ccLabel }, body, isHtml, print ) { const win =''), doc = win.document, bodyClone = body.clone(), bodyClass = isHtml ? 'html' : 'plain'; clearBqSwitcher(bodyClone); const html = bodyClone ? bodyClone.html() : ''; doc.write( deModule(require('Html/PreviewMessage.html')) .replace('{{title}}', encodeHtml(title)) .replace('{{subject}}', encodeHtml(subject)) .replace('{{date}}', encodeHtml(date)) .replace('{{fromCreds}}', encodeHtml(fromCreds)) .replace('{{toCreds}}', encodeHtml(toCreds)) .replace('{{toLabel}}', encodeHtml(toLabel)) .replace('{{ccClass}}', encodeHtml(ccClass)) .replace('{{ccCreds}}', encodeHtml(ccCreds)) .replace('{{ccLabel}}', encodeHtml(ccLabel)) .replace('{{bodyClass}}', bodyClass) .replace('{{html}}', html) ); doc.close(); if (print) { window.setTimeout(() => win.print(), 100); } } /** * @param {Function} fCallback * @param {?} koTrigger * @param {?} context = null * @param {number=} timer = 1000 * @returns {Function} */ export function settingsSaveHelperFunction(fCallback, koTrigger, context = null, timer = 1000) { timer = pInt(timer); return (type, data, cached, requestAction, requestParameters) => {, data && data.Result ? SaveSettingsStep.TrueResult : SaveSettingsStep.FalseResult); if (fCallback) {, type, data, cached, requestAction, requestParameters); } _.delay(() => {, SaveSettingsStep.Idle); }, timer); }; } /** * @param {object} koTrigger * @param {mixed} context * @returns {mixed} */ export function settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(koTrigger, context) { return settingsSaveHelperFunction(null, koTrigger, context, 1000); } /** * @param {object} remote * @param {string} settingName * @param {string} type * @param {function} fTriggerFunction * @returns {function} */ export function settingsSaveHelperSubscribeFunction(remote, settingName, type, fTriggerFunction) { return (value) => { if (remote) { switch (type) { case 'bool': case 'boolean': value = value ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'int': case 'integer': case 'number': value = pInt(value); break; case 'trim': value = trim(value); break; default: value = pString(value); break; } const data = {}; data[settingName] = value; if (remote.saveAdminConfig) { remote.saveAdminConfig(fTriggerFunction || null, data); } else if (remote.saveSettings) { remote.saveSettings(fTriggerFunction || null, data); } } }; } /** * @param {string} html * @returns {string} */ export function findEmailAndLinks(html) { return Autolinker ?, { newWindow: true, stripPrefix: false, urls: true, email: true, mention: false, phone: false, hashtag: false, replaceFn: function(match) { return !(match && 'url' === match.getType() && match.matchedText && 0 !== match.matchedText.indexOf('http')); } }) : html; } /** * @param {string} html * @returns {string} */ export function htmlToPlain(html) { let pos = 0, limit = 0, iP1 = 0, iP2 = 0, iP3 = 0, text = ''; const convertBlockquote = (blockquoteText) => { blockquoteText = '> ' + trim(blockquoteText).replace(/\n/gm, '\n> '); return blockquoteText.replace(/(^|\n)([> ]+)/gm, (...args) => args && 2 < args.length ? args[1] + trim(args[2].replace(/[\s]/g, '')) + ' ' : '' ); }; const convertDivs = (...args) => { if (args && 1 < args.length) { let divText = trim(args[1]); if (0 < divText.length) { divText = divText.replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n]*)<\/div>/gim, convertDivs); divText = '\n' + trim(divText) + '\n'; } return divText; } return ''; }; const convertPre = (...args) => args && 1 < args.length ? args[1] .toString() .replace(/[\n]/gm, '
') .replace(/[\r]/gm, '') : '', fixAttibuteValue = (...args) => (args && 1 < args.length ? '' + args[1] + _.escape(args[2]) : ''), convertLinks = (...args) => (args && 1 < args.length ? trim(args[1]) : ''); text = html .replace(/]*><\/p>/gi, '') .replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n\t]*)<\/pre>/gim, convertPre) .replace(/[\s]+/gm, ' ') .replace(/((?:href|data)\s?=\s?)("[^"]+?"|'[^']+?')/gim, fixAttibuteValue) .replace(/]*>/gim, '\n') .replace(/<\/h[\d]>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/p>/gi, '\n\n') .replace(/]*>/gim, '\n') .replace(/<\/ul>/gi, '\n') .replace(/]*>/gim, ' * ') .replace(/<\/li>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/td>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/tr>/gi, '\n') .replace(/]*>/gim, '\n_______________________________\n\n') .replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n]*)<\/div>/gim, convertDivs) .replace(/]*>/gim, '\n__bq__start__\n') .replace(/<\/blockquote>/gim, '\n__bq__end__\n') .replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n]*?)<\/a>/gim, convertLinks) .replace(/<\/div>/gi, '\n') .replace(/ /gi, ' ') .replace(/"/gi, '"') .replace(/<[^>]*>/gm, ''); text = $div.html(text).text(); text = text .replace(/\n[ \t]+/gm, '\n') .replace(/[\n]{3,}/gm, '\n\n') .replace(/>/gi, '>') .replace(/</gi, '<') .replace(/&/gi, '&'); text = splitPlainText(text); pos = 0; limit = 800; while (0 < limit) { limit -= 1; iP1 = text.indexOf('__bq__start__', pos); if (-1 < iP1) { iP2 = text.indexOf('__bq__start__', iP1 + 5); iP3 = text.indexOf('__bq__end__', iP1 + 5); if ((-1 === iP2 || iP3 < iP2) && iP1 < iP3) { text = text.substring(0, iP1) + convertBlockquote(text.substring(iP1 + 13, iP3)) + text.substring(iP3 + 11); pos = 0; } else if (-1 < iP2 && iP2 < iP3) { pos = iP2 - 1; } else { pos = 0; } } else { break; } } text = text.replace(/__bq__start__/gm, '').replace(/__bq__end__/gm, ''); return text; } /** * @param {string} plain * @param {boolean} findEmailAndLinksInText = false * @returns {string} */ export function plainToHtml(plain, findEmailAndLinksInText = false) { plain = plain.toString().replace(/\r/g, ''); plain = plain.replace(/^>[> ]>+/gm, ([match]) => (match ? match.replace(/[ ]+/g, '') : match)); let bIn = false, bDo = true, bStart = true, aNextText = [], sLine = '', iIndex = 0, aText = plain.split('\n'); do { bDo = false; aNextText = []; for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < aText.length; iIndex++) { sLine = aText[iIndex]; bStart = '>' === sLine.substr(0, 1); if (bStart && !bIn) { bDo = true; bIn = true; aNextText.push('~~~blockquote~~~'); aNextText.push(sLine.substr(1)); } else if (!bStart && bIn) { if ('' !== sLine) { bIn = false; aNextText.push('~~~/blockquote~~~'); aNextText.push(sLine); } else { aNextText.push(sLine); } } else if (bStart && bIn) { aNextText.push(sLine.substr(1)); } else { aNextText.push(sLine); } } if (bIn) { bIn = false; aNextText.push('~~~/blockquote~~~'); } aText = aNextText; } while (bDo); plain = aText.join('\n'); plain = plain // .replace(/~~~\/blockquote~~~\n~~~blockquote~~~/g, '\n') .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/') .replace(/[\s]*~~~\/blockquote~~~/g, '') .replace(/\n/g, '
'); return findEmailAndLinksInText ? findEmailAndLinks(plain) : plain; } window['rainloop_Utils_htmlToPlain'] = htmlToPlain; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation window['rainloop_Utils_plainToHtml'] = plainToHtml; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation /** * @param {Array} aSystem * @param {Array} aList * @param {Array=} aDisabled * @param {Array=} aHeaderLines * @param {?number=} iUnDeep * @param {Function=} fDisableCallback * @param {Function=} fVisibleCallback * @param {Function=} fRenameCallback * @param {boolean=} bSystem * @param {boolean=} bBuildUnvisible * @returns {Array} */ export function folderListOptionsBuilder( aSystem, aList, aDisabled, aHeaderLines, iUnDeep, fDisableCallback, fVisibleCallback, fRenameCallback, bSystem, bBuildUnvisible ) { let /** * @type {?FolderModel} */ oItem = null, bSep = false, iIndex = 0, iLen = 0, aResult = []; const sDeepPrefix = '\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0'; bBuildUnvisible = isUnd(bBuildUnvisible) ? false : !!bBuildUnvisible; bSystem = !isNormal(bSystem) ? 0 < aSystem.length : bSystem; iUnDeep = !isNormal(iUnDeep) ? 0 : iUnDeep; fDisableCallback = isNormal(fDisableCallback) ? fDisableCallback : null; fVisibleCallback = isNormal(fVisibleCallback) ? fVisibleCallback : null; fRenameCallback = isNormal(fRenameCallback) ? fRenameCallback : null; if (!isArray(aDisabled)) { aDisabled = []; } if (!isArray(aHeaderLines)) { aHeaderLines = []; } for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aHeaderLines.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { aResult.push({ id: aHeaderLines[iIndex][0], name: aHeaderLines[iIndex][1], system: false, seporator: false, disabled: false }); } bSep = true; for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aSystem.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oItem = aSystem[iIndex]; if (fVisibleCallback ? fVisibleCallback(oItem) : true) { if (bSep && 0 < aResult.length) { aResult.push({ id: '---', name: '---', system: false, seporator: true, disabled: true }); } bSep = false; aResult.push({ id: oItem.fullNameRaw, name: fRenameCallback ? fRenameCallback(oItem) :, system: true, seporator: false, disabled: !oItem.selectable || -1 < inArray(oItem.fullNameRaw, aDisabled) || (fDisableCallback ? fDisableCallback(oItem) : false) }); } } bSep = true; for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aList.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oItem = aList[iIndex]; // if (oItem.subScribed() || !oItem.existen || bBuildUnvisible) if ( (oItem.subScribed() || !oItem.existen || bBuildUnvisible) && (oItem.selectable || oItem.hasSubScribedSubfolders()) ) { if (fVisibleCallback ? fVisibleCallback(oItem) : true) { if (FolderType.User === oItem.type() || !bSystem || oItem.hasSubScribedSubfolders()) { if (bSep && 0 < aResult.length) { aResult.push({ id: '---', name: '---', system: false, seporator: true, disabled: true }); } bSep = false; aResult.push({ id: oItem.fullNameRaw, name: new window.Array(oItem.deep + 1 - iUnDeep).join(sDeepPrefix) + (fRenameCallback ? fRenameCallback(oItem) :, system: false, seporator: false, disabled: !oItem.selectable || -1 < inArray(oItem.fullNameRaw, aDisabled) || (fDisableCallback ? fDisableCallback(oItem) : false) }); } } } if (oItem.subScribed() && 0 < oItem.subFolders().length) { aResult = aResult.concat( folderListOptionsBuilder( [], oItem.subFolders(), aDisabled, [], iUnDeep, fDisableCallback, fVisibleCallback, fRenameCallback, bSystem, bBuildUnvisible ) ); } } return aResult; } /** * @param {object} element * @returns {void} */ export function selectElement(element) { let sel = null, range = null; if (window.getSelection) { sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); range = window.document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); sel.addRange(range); } else if (window.document.selection) { range = window.document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(element);; } } export const detectDropdownVisibility = _.debounce(() => { dropdownVisibility(!!_.find(GlobalsData.aBootstrapDropdowns, (item) => item.hasClass('open'))); }, 50); /** * @param {boolean=} delay = false */ export function triggerAutocompleteInputChange(delay = false) { const fFunc = () => { $('.checkAutocomplete').trigger('change'); }; if (delay) { _.delay(fFunc, 100); } else { fFunc(); } } const configurationScriptTagCache = {}; /** * @param {string} configuration * @returns {object} */ export function getConfigurationFromScriptTag(configuration) { if (!configurationScriptTagCache[configuration]) { configurationScriptTagCache[configuration] = $( 'script[type="application/json"][data-configuration="' + configuration + '"]' ); } try { return JSON.parse(configurationScriptTagCache[configuration].text()); } catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty return {}; } /** * @param {mixed} mPropOrValue * @param {mixed} value */ export function disposeOne(propOrValue, value) { const disposable = value || propOrValue; if (disposable && 'function' === typeof disposable.dispose) { disposable.dispose(); } } /** * @param {Object} object */ export function disposeObject(object) { if (object) { if (isArray(object.disposables)) { _.each(object.disposables, disposeOne); } ko.utils.objectForEach(object, disposeOne); } } /** * @param {Object|Array} objectOrObjects * @returns {void} */ export function delegateRunOnDestroy(objectOrObjects) { if (objectOrObjects) { if (isArray(objectOrObjects)) { _.each(objectOrObjects, (item) => { delegateRunOnDestroy(item); }); } else if (objectOrObjects && objectOrObjects.onDestroy) { objectOrObjects.onDestroy(); } } } /** * @param {object} $styleTag * @param {string} css * @returns {boolean} */ export function appendStyles($styleTag, css) { if ($styleTag && $styleTag[0]) { if ($styleTag[0].styleSheet && !isUnd($styleTag[0].styleSheet.cssText)) { $styleTag[0].styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { $styleTag.text(css); } return true; } return false; } let __themeTimer = 0, __themeAjax = null; /** * @param {string} value * @param {function=} themeTrigger = noop * @returns {void} */ export function changeTheme(value, themeTrigger = noop) { const themeLink = $('#app-theme-link'), clearTimer = () => { __themeTimer = window.setTimeout(() => themeTrigger(SaveSettingsStep.Idle), 1000); __themeAjax = null; }; let themeStyle = $('#app-theme-style'), url = themeLink.attr('href'); if (!url) { url = themeStyle.attr('data-href'); } if (url) { url = url.toString().replace(/\/-\/[^/]+\/-\//, '/-/' + value + '/-/'); url = url.replace(/\/Css\/[^/]+\/User\//, '/Css/0/User/'); url = url.replace(/\/Hash\/[^/]+\//, '/Hash/-/'); if ('Json/' !== url.substring(url.length - 5, url.length)) { url += 'Json/'; } window.clearTimeout(__themeTimer); themeTrigger(SaveSettingsStep.Animate); if (__themeAjax && __themeAjax.abort) { __themeAjax.abort(); } __themeAjax = $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json' }) .then((data) => { if (data && isArray(data) && 2 === data.length) { if (themeLink && themeLink[0] && (!themeStyle || !themeStyle[0])) { themeStyle = $(''); themeLink.after(themeStyle); themeLink.remove(); } if (themeStyle && themeStyle[0]) { if (appendStyles(themeStyle, data[1])) { themeStyle.attr('data-href', url).attr('data-theme', data[0]); } } themeTrigger(SaveSettingsStep.TrueResult); } }) .then(clearTimer, clearTimer); } } /** * @returns {function} */ export function computedPagenatorHelper(koCurrentPage, koPageCount) { return () => { const currentPage = koCurrentPage(), pageCount = koPageCount(), result = [], fAdd = (index, push = true, customName = '') => { const data = { current: index === currentPage, name: '' === customName ? index.toString() : customName.toString(), custom: '' !== customName, title: '' === customName ? '' : index.toString(), value: index.toString() }; if (push) { result.push(data); } else { result.unshift(data); } }; let prev = 0, next = 0, limit = 2; if (1 < pageCount || (0 < pageCount && pageCount < currentPage)) { if (pageCount < currentPage) { fAdd(pageCount); prev = pageCount; next = pageCount; } else { if (3 >= currentPage || pageCount - 2 <= currentPage) { limit += 2; } fAdd(currentPage); prev = currentPage; next = currentPage; } while (0 < limit) { prev -= 1; next += 1; if (0 < prev) { fAdd(prev, false); limit -= 1; } if (pageCount >= next) { fAdd(next, true); limit -= 1; } else if (0 >= prev) { break; } } if (3 === prev) { fAdd(2, false); } else if (3 < prev) { fAdd(Math.round((prev - 1) / 2), false, '...'); } if (pageCount - 2 === next) { fAdd(pageCount - 1, true); } else if (pageCount - 2 > next) { fAdd(Math.round((pageCount + next) / 2), true, '...'); } // first and last if (1 < prev) { fAdd(1, false); } if (pageCount > next) { fAdd(pageCount, true); } } return result; }; } /** * @param {string} fileName * @returns {string} */ export function getFileExtension(fileName) { fileName = trim(fileName).toLowerCase(); const result = fileName.split('.').pop(); return result === fileName ? '' : result; } /** * @param {string} fileName * @returns {string} */ export function mimeContentType(fileName) { let ext = '', result = 'application/octet-stream'; fileName = trim(fileName).toLowerCase(); if ('winmail.dat' === fileName) { return 'application/ms-tnef'; } ext = getFileExtension(fileName); if (ext && 0 < ext.length && !isUnd(Mime[ext])) { result = Mime[ext]; } return result; } /** * @param {string} color * @returns {boolean} */ export function isTransparent(color) { return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' === color || 'transparent' === color; } /** * @param {Object} $el * @returns {number} */ export function getRealHeight($el) { $el .clone() .show() .appendTo($hcont); const result = $hcont.height(); $hcont.empty(); return result; } /** * @param {string} url * @param {number} value * @param {Function} fCallback */ export function resizeAndCrop(url, value, fCallback) { const img = new window.Image(); img.onload = function() { let diff = [0, 0]; const canvas = window.document.createElement('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = value; canvas.height = value; if (this.width > this.height) { diff = [this.width - this.height, 0]; } else { diff = [0, this.height - this.width]; } ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, value, value); ctx.drawImage(this, diff[0] / 2, diff[1] / 2, this.width - diff[0], this.height - diff[1], 0, 0, value, value); fCallback(canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg')); }; img.src = url; } /** * @param {string} mailToUrl * @param {Function} PopupComposeViewModel * @returns {boolean} */ export function mailToHelper(mailToUrl, PopupComposeViewModel) { if ( mailToUrl && 'mailto:' === mailToUrl .toString() .substr(0, 7) .toLowerCase() ) { if (!PopupComposeViewModel) { return true; } mailToUrl = mailToUrl.toString().substr(7); let to = [], cc = null, bcc = null, params = {}; const email = mailToUrl.replace(/\?.+$/, ''), query = mailToUrl.replace(/^[^?]*\?/, ''), EmailModel = require('Model/Email').default; params = simpleQueryParser(query); if (!isUnd( { to = EmailModel.parseEmailLine(decodeURIComponent(email + ',' +; to = _.values( to.reduce((result, value) => { if (value) { if (result[]) { if (!result[].name) { result[] = value; } } else { result[] = value; } } return result; }, {}) ); } else { to = EmailModel.parseEmailLine(email); } if (!isUnd( { cc = EmailModel.parseEmailLine(decodeURIComponent(; } if (!isUnd(params.bcc)) { bcc = EmailModel.parseEmailLine(decodeURIComponent(params.bcc)); } require('Knoin/Knoin').showScreenPopup(PopupComposeViewModel, [ ComposeType.Empty, null, to, cc, bcc, isUnd(params.subject) ? null : pString(decodeURIComponent(params.subject)), isUnd(params.body) ? null : plainToHtml(pString(decodeURIComponent(params.body))) ]); return true; } return false; } /** * @param {Function} fn * @returns {void} */ export function domReady(fn) { $(() => fn()); // // if ('loading' !== window.document.readyState) // { // fn(); // } // else // { // window.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn); // } } export const windowResize = _.debounce((timeout) => { if (isUnd(timeout) || isNull(timeout)) { $win.trigger('resize'); } else { window.setTimeout(() => { $win.trigger('resize'); }, timeout); } }, 50); /** * @returns {void} */ export function windowResizeCallback() { windowResize(); } let substr = window.String.substr; if ('b' !== 'ab'.substr(-1)) { substr = (str, start, length) => { start = 0 > start ? str.length + start : start; return str.substr(start, length); }; window.String.substr = substr; }