var parsel = (function (exports) { 'use strict'; const TOKENS = { attribute: /\[\s*(?:(?\*|[-\w\P{ASCII}]*)\|)?(?[-\w\P{ASCII}]+)\s*(?:(?\W?=)\s*(?.+?)\s*(\s(?[iIsS]))?\s*)?\]/gu, id: /#(?[-\w\P{ASCII}]+)/gu, class: /\.(?[-\w\P{ASCII}]+)/gu, comma: /\s*,\s*/g, combinator: /\s*[\s>+~]\s*/g, 'pseudo-element': /::(?[-\w\P{ASCII}]+)(?:\((?¶*)\))?/gu, 'pseudo-class': /:(?[-\w\P{ASCII}]+)(?:\((?¶*)\))?/gu, universal: /(?:(?\*|[-\w\P{ASCII}]*)\|)?\*/gu, type: /(?:(?\*|[-\w\P{ASCII}]*)\|)?(?[-\w\P{ASCII}]+)/gu, // this must be last }; const TRIM_TOKENS = new Set(['combinator', 'comma']); const RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES = new Set([ 'not', 'is', 'where', 'has', 'matches', '-moz-any', '-webkit-any', 'nth-child', 'nth-last-child', ]); const nthChildRegExp = /(?[\dn+-]+)\s+of\s+(?.+)/; const RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES_ARGS = { 'nth-child': nthChildRegExp, 'nth-last-child': nthChildRegExp, }; const getArgumentPatternByType = (type) => { switch (type) { case 'pseudo-element': case 'pseudo-class': return new RegExp(TOKENS[type].source.replace('(?¶*)', '(?.*)'), 'gu'); default: return TOKENS[type]; } }; function gobbleParens(text, offset) { let nesting = 0; let result = ''; for (; offset < text.length; offset++) { const char = text[offset]; switch (char) { case '(': ++nesting; break; case ')': --nesting; break; } result += char; if (nesting === 0) { return result; } } return result; } function tokenizeBy(text, grammar = TOKENS) { if (!text) { return []; } const tokens = [text]; for (const [type, pattern] of Object.entries(grammar)) { for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { const token = tokens[i]; if (typeof token !== 'string') { continue; } pattern.lastIndex = 0; const match = pattern.exec(token); if (!match) { continue; } const from = match.index - 1; const args = []; const content = match[0]; const before = token.slice(0, from + 1); if (before) { args.push(before); } args.push({ ...match.groups, type, content, }); const after = token.slice(from + content.length + 1); if (after) { args.push(after); } tokens.splice(i, 1, ...args); } } let offset = 0; for (const token of tokens) { switch (typeof token) { case 'string': throw new Error(`Unexpected sequence ${token} found at index ${offset}`); case 'object': offset += token.content.length; token.pos = [offset - token.content.length, offset]; if (TRIM_TOKENS.has(token.type)) { token.content = token.content.trim() || ' '; } break; } } return tokens; } const STRING_PATTERN = /(['"])([^\\\n]+?)\1/g; const ESCAPE_PATTERN = /\\./g; function tokenize(selector, grammar = TOKENS) { // Prevent leading/trailing whitespaces from being interpreted as combinators selector = selector.trim(); if (selector === '') { return []; } const replacements = []; // Replace escapes with placeholders. selector = selector.replace(ESCAPE_PATTERN, (value, offset) => { replacements.push({ value, offset }); return '\uE000'.repeat(value.length); }); // Replace strings with placeholders. selector = selector.replace(STRING_PATTERN, (value, quote, content, offset) => { replacements.push({ value, offset }); return `${quote}${'\uE001'.repeat(content.length)}${quote}`; }); // Replace parentheses with placeholders. { let pos = 0; let offset; while ((offset = selector.indexOf('(', pos)) > -1) { const value = gobbleParens(selector, offset); replacements.push({ value, offset }); selector = `${selector.substring(0, offset)}(${'¶'.repeat(value.length - 2)})${selector.substring(offset + value.length)}`; pos = offset + value.length; } } // Now we have no nested structures and we can parse with regexes const tokens = tokenizeBy(selector, grammar); // Replace placeholders in reverse order. const changedTokens = new Set(); for (const replacement of replacements.reverse()) { for (const token of tokens) { const { offset, value } = replacement; if (!(token.pos[0] <= offset && offset + value.length <= token.pos[1])) { continue; } const { content } = token; const tokenOffset = offset - token.pos[0]; token.content = content.slice(0, tokenOffset) + value + content.slice(tokenOffset + value.length); if (token.content !== content) { changedTokens.add(token); } } } // Update changed tokens. for (const token of changedTokens) { const pattern = getArgumentPatternByType(token.type); if (!pattern) { throw new Error(`Unknown token type: ${token.type}`); } pattern.lastIndex = 0; const match = pattern.exec(token.content); if (!match) { throw new Error(`Unable to parse content for ${token.type}: ${token.content}`); } Object.assign(token, match.groups); } return tokens; } /** * Convert a flat list of tokens into a tree of complex & compound selectors */ function nestTokens(tokens, { list = true } = {}) { if (list && tokens.find((t) => t.type === 'comma')) { const selectors = []; const temp = []; for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (tokens[i].type === 'comma') { if (temp.length === 0) { throw new Error('Incorrect comma at ' + i); } selectors.push(nestTokens(temp, { list: false })); temp.length = 0; } else { temp.push(tokens[i]); } } if (temp.length === 0) { throw new Error('Trailing comma'); } else { selectors.push(nestTokens(temp, { list: false })); } return { type: 'list', list: selectors }; } for (let i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let token = tokens[i]; if (token.type === 'combinator') { let left = tokens.slice(0, i); let right = tokens.slice(i + 1); return { type: 'complex', combinator: token.content, left: nestTokens(left), right: nestTokens(right), }; } } switch (tokens.length) { case 0: throw new Error('Could not build AST.'); case 1: // If we're here, there are no combinators, so it's just a list. return tokens[0]; default: return { type: 'compound', list: [...tokens], // clone to avoid pointers messing up the AST }; } } /** * Traverse an AST in depth-first order */ function* flatten(node, /** * @internal */ parent) { switch (node.type) { case 'list': for (let child of node.list) { yield* flatten(child, node); } break; case 'complex': yield* flatten(node.left, node); yield* flatten(node.right, node); break; case 'compound': yield* => [token, node]); break; default: yield [node, parent]; } } /** * Traverse an AST (or part thereof), in depth-first order */ function walk(node, visit, /** * @internal */ parent) { if (!node) { return; } for (const [token, ast] of flatten(node, parent)) { visit(token, ast); } } /** * Parse a CSS selector * * @param selector - The selector to parse * @param options.recursive - Whether to parse the arguments of pseudo-classes like :is(), :has() etc. Defaults to true. * @param options.list - Whether this can be a selector list (A, B, C etc). Defaults to true. */ function parse(selector, { recursive = true, list = true } = {}) { const tokens = tokenize(selector); if (!tokens) { return; } const ast = nestTokens(tokens, { list }); if (!recursive) { return ast; } for (const [token] of flatten(ast)) { if (token.type !== 'pseudo-class' || !token.argument) { continue; } if (!RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES.has( { continue; } let argument = token.argument; const childArg = RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES_ARGS[]; if (childArg) { const match = childArg.exec(argument); if (!match) { continue; } Object.assign(token, match.groups); argument = match.groups['subtree']; } if (!argument) { continue; } Object.assign(token, { subtree: parse(argument, { recursive: true, list: true, }), }); } return ast; } /** * Converts the given list or (sub)tree to a string. */ function stringify(listOrNode) { let tokens; if (Array.isArray(listOrNode)) { tokens = listOrNode; } else { tokens = [...flatten(listOrNode)].map(([token]) => token); } return => token.content).join(''); } /** * To convert the specificity array to a number */ function specificityToNumber(specificity, base) { base = base || Math.max(...specificity) + 1; return (specificity[0] * (base << 1) + specificity[1] * base + specificity[2]); } /** * Calculate specificity of a selector. * * If the selector is a list, the max specificity is returned. */ function specificity(selector) { let ast = selector; if (typeof ast === 'string') { ast = parse(ast, { recursive: true }); } if (!ast) { return []; } if (ast.type === 'list' && 'list' in ast) { let base = 10; const specificities = => { const sp = specificity(ast); base = Math.max(base, ...specificity(ast)); return sp; }); const numbers = => specificityToNumber(ast, base)); return specificities[numbers.indexOf(Math.max(...numbers))]; } const ret = [0, 0, 0]; for (const [token] of flatten(ast)) { switch (token.type) { case 'id': ret[0]++; break; case 'class': case 'attribute': ret[1]++; break; case 'pseudo-element': case 'type': ret[2]++; break; case 'pseudo-class': if ( === 'where') { break; } if (!RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES.has( || !token.subtree) { ret[1]++; break; } const sub = specificity(token.subtree); sub.forEach((s, i) => (ret[i] += s)); // :nth-child() & :nth-last-child() add (0, 1, 0) to the specificity of their most complex selector if ( === 'nth-child' || === 'nth-last-child') { ret[1]++; } } } return ret; } exports.RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES = RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES; exports.RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES_ARGS = RECURSIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES_ARGS; exports.TOKENS = TOKENS; exports.TRIM_TOKENS = TRIM_TOKENS; exports.flatten = flatten; exports.gobbleParens = gobbleParens; exports.parse = parse; exports.specificity = specificity; exports.specificityToNumber = specificityToNumber; exports.stringify = stringify; exports.tokenize = tokenize; exports.tokenizeBy = tokenizeBy; exports.walk = walk; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); return exports; }({}));