**Thanks for contributing to SnappyMail Webmail!** 1. Fork the repo, do work in a feature branch. 2. Issue a pull request. --- **Getting started** 1. Install node.js - `https://nodejs.org/download/` 2. Install yarn - `https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install` 3. Install gulp - `npm install gulp -g` 4. Fork snappymail - `https://github.com/the-djmaze/snappymail/issues/new#fork-destination-box` 5. Clone snappymail - `git clone git@github.com:USERNAME/snappymail.git snappymail` 6. `cd snappymail` 7. Install install all dependencies - `yarn install` 8. Run gulp - `gulp` --- **Debugging JavaScript** 1. Edit data/\_data_/\_default_/configs/application.ini 2. Set 'use_app_debug_js' (and optionally 'use_app_debug_css') to 'On' --- **Editing HTML Template Files** 1. Edit data/\_data_/\_default_/configs/application.ini 2. Set 'cache_system_data' to Off --- If you have any questions, open an issue or email support@snappymail.eu.