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240 lines
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/* RainLoop Webmail (c) RainLoop Team | Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 */
* @param {string=} sEmail
* @param {string=} sName
* @constructor
function EmailModel(sEmail, sName)
this.email = sEmail || '';
this.name = sName || '';
this.privateType = null;
* @static
* @param {AjaxJsonEmail} oJsonEmail
* @return {?EmailModel}
EmailModel.newInstanceFromJson = function (oJsonEmail)
var oEmailModel = new EmailModel();
return oEmailModel.initByJson(oJsonEmail) ? oEmailModel : null;
* @type {string}
EmailModel.prototype.name = '';
* @type {string}
EmailModel.prototype.email = '';
* @type {(number|null)}
EmailModel.prototype.privateType = null;
* @returns {boolean}
EmailModel.prototype.validate = function ()
return '' !== this.name || '' !== this.email;
* @param {boolean} bWithoutName = false
* @return {string}
EmailModel.prototype.hash = function (bWithoutName)
return '#' + (bWithoutName ? '' : this.name) + '#' + this.email + '#';
EmailModel.prototype.clearDuplicateName = function ()
if (this.name === this.email)
this.name = '';
* @return {number}
EmailModel.prototype.type = function ()
if (null === this.privateType)
if (this.email && '@facebook.com' === this.email.substr(-13))
this.privateType = Enums.EmailType.Facebook;
if (null === this.privateType)
this.privateType = Enums.EmailType.Default;
return this.privateType;
* @param {string} sQuery
* @return {boolean}
EmailModel.prototype.search = function (sQuery)
return -1 < (this.name + ' ' + this.email).toLowerCase().indexOf(sQuery.toLowerCase());
* @param {string} sString
EmailModel.prototype.parse = function (sString)
sString = Utils.trim(sString);
mRegex = /(?:"([^"]+)")? ?<?(.*?@[^>,]+)>?,? ?/g,
mMatch = mRegex.exec(sString)
if (mMatch)
this.name = mMatch[1] || '';
this.email = mMatch[2] || '';
else if ((/^[^@]+@[^@]+$/).test(sString))
this.name = '';
this.email = sString;
* @param {AjaxJsonEmail} oJsonEmail
* @return {boolean}
EmailModel.prototype.initByJson = function (oJsonEmail)
var bResult = false;
if (oJsonEmail && 'Object/Email' === oJsonEmail['@Object'])
this.name = Utils.trim(oJsonEmail.Name);
this.email = Utils.trim(oJsonEmail.Email);
bResult = '' !== this.email;
return bResult;
* @param {boolean} bFriendlyView
* @param {boolean=} bWrapWithLink = false
* @return {string}
EmailModel.prototype.toLine = function (bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink)
var sResult = '';
if ('' !== this.email)
bWrapWithLink = Utils.isUnd(bWrapWithLink) ? false : !!bWrapWithLink;
if (bFriendlyView && '' !== this.name)
sResult = bWrapWithLink ? '<a href="mailto:' + Utils.encodeHtml('"' + this.name + '" <' + this.email + '>') +
'" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">' + Utils.encodeHtml(this.name) + '</a>' : this.name;
sResult = this.email;
if ('' !== this.name)
if (bWrapWithLink)
sResult = Utils.encodeHtml('"' + this.name + '" <') +
'<a href="mailto:' + Utils.encodeHtml('"' + this.name + '" <' + this.email + '>') + '" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">' + Utils.encodeHtml(sResult) + '</a>' + Utils.encodeHtml('>');
sResult = '"' + this.name + '" <' + sResult + '>';
else if (bWrapWithLink)
sResult = '<a href="mailto:' + Utils.encodeHtml(this.email) + '" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">' + Utils.encodeHtml(this.email) + '</a>';
return sResult;
* @return {string}
EmailModel.prototype.select2Result = function ()
sResult = '',
sImg = RL.cache().getUserPic(this.email)
if ('' !== sImg)
sResult += '<img class="select2-user-pic pull-left" src="' + Utils.encodeHtml(sImg) + '" />';
sResult += '<img class="select2-user-pic pull-left" src="' + RL.link().emptyContactPic() + '" />';
if (Enums.EmailType.Facebook === this.type())
sResult += '' + (0 < this.name.length ? this.name : this.email);
sResult += '<i class="icon-facebook pull-right select2-icon-result" />';
sResult += '' + (0 < this.name.length ? this.email + ' <span class="select2-subname">(' + this.name + ')</span>' : this.email);
return sResult + '';
* @param {Object} oContainer
* @return {string|null}
EmailModel.prototype.select2Selection = function (oContainer)
var sResult = '';
if (Enums.EmailType.Facebook === this.type())
sResult = 0 < this.name.length ? this.name : this.email;
if ('' !== sResult)
oContainer.append('<i class="icon-facebook select2-icon"></i>');
return null;
sResult = 0 < this.name.length ? this.name + ' (' + this.email + ')' : this.email;
return sResult;