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class RecaptchaPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
NAME = 'reCaptcha',
AUTHOR = 'SnappyMail',
URL = 'https://snappymail.eu/',
VERSION = '2.15',
RELEASE = '2023-02-22',
REQUIRED = '2.26.4',
CATEGORY = 'General',
DESCRIPTION = 'A CAPTCHA (v2) is a program that can generate and grade tests that humans can pass but current computer programs cannot. For example, humans can read distorted text as the one shown below, but current computer programs can\'t. More info at https://developers.google.com/recaptcha';
* @return void
public function Init() : void
$this->addHook('json.before-login', 'BeforeLogin');
$this->addHook('json.after-login', 'AfterLogin');
$this->addHook('main.content-security-policy', 'ContentSecurityPolicy');
protected function configMapping() : array
return array(
\RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('public_key')->SetLabel('Site key')
\RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('private_key')->SetLabel('Secret key')
->SetDefaultValue(array('light', 'dark')),
->SetDefaultValue(array('0', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
* @return string
private function getCaptchaCacherKey()
return 'CaptchaNew/Login/'.\RainLoop\Utils::GetConnectionToken();
* @return int
private function getLimit()
$iConfigLimit = $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'error_limit', 0);
if (0 < $iConfigLimit) {
$oCacher = $this->Manager()->Actions()->Cacher();
$sLimit = $oCacher && $oCacher->IsInited() ? $oCacher->Get($this->getCaptchaCacherKey()) : '0';
if (\strlen($sLimit) && \is_numeric($sLimit)) {
$iConfigLimit -= (int) $sLimit;
return $iConfigLimit;
* @return void
public function FilterAppDataPluginSection(bool $bAdmin, bool $bAuth, array &$aConfig) : void
if (!$bAdmin && !$bAuth) {
$aConfig['show_captcha_on_login'] = 1 > $this->getLimit();;
public function BeforeLogin()
if (0 >= $this->getLimit()) {
$bResult = false;
$HTTP = \SnappyMail\HTTP\Request::factory();
$oResponse = $HTTP->doRequest('POST', 'https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api/siteverify', array(
'secret' => $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'private_key', ''),
'response' => $this->Manager()->Actions()->GetActionParam('RecaptchaResponse', '')
if ($oResponse) {
$aResp = \json_decode($oResponse->body, true);
if (\is_array($aResp) && isset($aResp['success']) && $aResp['success']) {
$bResult = true;
if (!$bResult) {
throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(105);
* @param string $sAction
* @param array $aResponse
public function AfterLogin(array &$aResponse)
if (isset($aResponse['Result'])) {
$oCacher = $this->Manager()->Actions()->Cacher();
$iConfigLimit = (int) $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'error_limit', 0);
$sKey = $this->getCaptchaCacherKey();
if (0 < $iConfigLimit && $oCacher && $oCacher->IsInited()) {
if (false === $aResponse['Result']) {
$iLimit = 0;
$sLimut = $oCacher->Get($sKey);
if (\strlen($sLimut) && \is_numeric($sLimut)) {
$iLimit = (int) $sLimut;
$oCacher->Set($sKey, ++$iLimit);
if ($iConfigLimit <= $iLimit) {
$aResponse['Captcha'] = true;
} else {
public function ContentSecurityPolicy(\SnappyMail\HTTP\CSP $CSP)
$CSP->add('script-src', 'https://www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/');
$CSP->add('script-src', 'https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/');
$CSP->add('frame-src', 'https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/');