2017-12-19 00:11:13 +01:00

293 lines
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class FroxlorChangePasswordDriver implements \RainLoop\Providers\ChangePassword\ChangePasswordInterface
* @var string
private $sDsn = '';
* @var string
private $sUser = '';
* @var string
private $sPassword = '';
* @var string
private $sAllowedEmails = '';
* @var \MailSo\Log\Logger
private $oLogger = null;
* @param string $sDsn
* @param string $sUser
* @param string $sPassword
* @return \FroxlorChangePasswordDriver
public function SetConfig($sDsn, $sUser, $sPassword)
$this->sDsn = $sDsn;
$this->sUser = $sUser;
$this->sPassword = $sPassword;
return $this;
* @param string $sAllowedEmails
* @return \FroxlorChangePasswordDriver
public function SetAllowedEmails($sAllowedEmails)
$this->sAllowedEmails = $sAllowedEmails;
return $this;
* @param \MailSo\Log\Logger $oLogger
* @return \FroxlorChangePasswordDriver
public function SetLogger($oLogger)
if ($oLogger instanceof \MailSo\Log\Logger)
$this->oLogger = $oLogger;
return $this;
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @return bool
public function PasswordChangePossibility($oAccount)
return $oAccount && $oAccount->Email() &&
\RainLoop\Plugins\Helper::ValidateWildcardValues($oAccount->Email(), $this->sAllowedEmails);
* @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
* @param string $sPrevPassword
* @param string $sNewPassword
* @return bool
public function ChangePassword(\RainLoop\Account $oAccount, $sPrevPassword, $sNewPassword)
if ($this->oLogger) {
$this->oLogger->Write('Froxlor: Try to change password for '.$oAccount->Email());
$bResult = false;
if (!empty($this->sDsn) && 0 < \strlen($this->sUser) && 0 < \strlen($this->sPassword) && $oAccount)
$oPdo = new \PDO($this->sDsn, $this->sUser, $this->sPassword);
$oStmt = $oPdo->prepare('SELECT password_enc, id FROM mail_users WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1');
if ($oStmt->execute(array($oAccount->IncLogin())))
$aFetchResult = $oStmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (\is_array($aFetchResult) && isset($aFetchResult[0]['password_enc'], $aFetchResult[0]['id']))
$sDbPassword = \stripslashes($aFetchResult[0]['password_enc']);
if ( $this->validatePasswordLogin( $sDbPassword, $sPrevPassword ) ) {
$sEncNewPassword = $this->cryptPassword($sNewPassword, 3);
$oStmt = $oPdo->prepare('UPDATE mail_users SET password_enc = ?,password = ? WHERE id = ?');
$bResult = (bool) $oStmt->execute(
array($sEncNewPassword, $sNewPassword, $aFetchResult[0]['id']));
catch (\Exception $oException)
if ($this->oLogger)
return $bResult;
* @param string $sPassword
* @return string
private function cryptPassword($sPassword, $type = 3)
return $this->makeCryptPassword($sPassword,$type);
* This file is part of the Froxlor project.
* Copyright (c) 2010 the Froxlor Team (see authors).
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
* file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
* COPYING file online at
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Michal Wojcik <>
* @author Michael Kaufmann <>
* @author Froxlor team <> (2010-)
* @license GPLv2
* @package Functions
* Make crypted password from clear text password
* @author Michal Wojcik <>
* @author Michael Kaufmann <>
* @author Froxlor team <> (2010-)
* 0 - default crypt (depenend on system configuration)
* 1 - MD5 $1$
* 2 - BLOWFISH $2a$ | $2y$07$ (on php 5.3.7+)
* 3 - SHA-256 $5$ (default)
* 4 - SHA-512 $6$
* @param string $password Password to be crypted
* @return string encrypted password
private function makeCryptPassword ($password,$type = 3) {
switch ($type) {
case 0:
$cryptPassword = \crypt($password);
case 1:
$cryptPassword = \crypt($password, '$1$' . $this->generatePassword(true). $this->generatePassword(true));
case 2:
if (\version_compare(\phpversion(), '5.3.7', '<')) {
$cryptPassword = \crypt($password, '$2a$' . $this->generatePassword(true). $this->generatePassword(true));
} else {
// Blowfish hashing with a salt as follows: "$2a$", "$2x$" or "$2y$",
// a two digit cost parameter, "$", and 22 characters from the alphabet "./0-9A-Za-z"
$cryptPassword = \crypt(
'$2y$07$' . \substr($this->generatePassword(true).$this->generatePassword(true).$this->generatePassword(true), 0, 22)
case 3:
$cryptPassword = \crypt($password, '$5$' . $this->generatePassword(true). $this->generatePassword(true));
case 4:
$cryptPassword = \crypt($password, '$6$' . $this->generatePassword(true). $this->generatePassword(true));
$cryptPassword = \crypt($password);
return $cryptPassword;
* Generates a random password
* @param boolean $isSalt
* optional, create a hash for a salt used in makeCryptPassword because crypt() does not like some special characters in its salts, default is false
private function generatePassword($isSalt = false)
$alpha_lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$alpha_upper = \strtoupper($alpha_lower);
$numeric = '0123456789';
$special = '!?<>§$%&+#=';
$length = 10;
$pw = $this->special_shuffle($alpha_lower);
$n = \floor(($length) / 4);
$pw .= \mb_substr($this->special_shuffle($alpha_upper), 0, $n);
$pw .= \mb_substr($this->special_shuffle($numeric), 0, $n);
$pw = \mb_substr($pw, - $length);
return $this->special_shuffle($pw);
* multibyte-character safe shuffle function
* @param string $str
* @return string
private function special_shuffle($str = null)
$len = \mb_strlen($str);
$sploded = array();
while ($len -- > 0) {
$sploded[] = \mb_substr($str, $len, 1);
return \join('', $sploded);
* Function validatePasswordLogin
* compare user password-hash with given user-password
* and check if they are the same
* additionally it updates the hash if the system settings changed
* or if the very old md5() sum is used
* @param array $userinfo user-data from table
* @param string $password the password to validate
* @param string $table either panel_customers or panel_admins
* @param string $uid user-id-field in $table
* @return boolean
private function validatePasswordLogin($pwd_hash, $password = null) {
$systype = 3; // SHA256
$update_hash = false;
// check for good'ole md5
if (\strlen($pwd_hash) == 32 && \ctype_xdigit($pwd_hash)) {
$pwd_check = \md5($password);
$update_hash = true;
} else {
// cut out the salt from the hash
$pwd_salt = \str_replace(\substr(\strrchr($pwd_hash, "$"), 1), "", $pwd_hash);
// create same hash to compare
$pwd_check = \crypt($password, $pwd_salt);
// check whether the hash needs to be updated
$hash_type_chk = \substr($pwd_hash, 0, 3);
if (($systype == 1 && $hash_type_chk != '$1$') || // MD5
($systype == 2 && $hash_type_chk != '$2$') || // BLOWFISH
($systype == 3 && $hash_type_chk != '$5$') || // SHA256
($systype == 4 && $hash_type_chk != '$6$') // SHA512
) {
$update_hash = true;
return $pwd_check;