
555 lines
15 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/* eslint max-len: 0 */
(() => {
'use strict';
const doc = document,
allowedAttributes = 'abbr,align,background,bgcolor,border,cellpadding,cellspacing,class,color,colspan,dir,face,frame,height,href,hspace,id,lang,rowspan,rules,scope,size,src,style,target,type,usemap,valign,vspace,width'.split(','),
i18n = (str, def) => rl.i18n(str) || def,
ctrlKey = /Mac OS X/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ? '⌘ + ' : 'Ctrl + ',
tpl = doc.createElement('template'),
getFragmentOfChildren = parent => {
let frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
return frag;
SquireDefaultConfig = {
blockTag: 'P',
blockAttributes: null,
tagAttributes: {
blockquote: null,
ul: null,
ol: null,
li: null,
a: null
classNames: {
colour: 'colour',
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fontSize: 'size',
highlight: 'highlight'
leafNodeNames: leafNodeNames,
undo: {
documentSizeThreshold: -1, // -1 means no threshold
undoLimit: -1 // -1 means no limit
isInsertedHTMLSanitized: true,
isSetHTMLSanitized: true,
willCutCopy: null,
addLinks: true // allow_smart_html_links
sanitizeToDOMFragment: (html, isPaste/*, squire*/) => {
tpl.innerHTML = html
tpl.querySelectorAll('a:empty,span:empty').forEach(el => el.remove());
tpl.querySelectorAll('[data-x-div-type]').forEach(el => el.replaceWith(getFragmentOfChildren(el)));
if (isPaste) {
tpl.querySelectorAll(removeElements).forEach(el => el.remove());
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if (!el.matches(allowedElements)) {
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[...el.attributes].forEach(attr => {
let name =;
if (!allowedAttributes.includes(name)) {
return tpl.content;
rl_signature_replacer = (editor, text, signature, isHtml, insertBefore) => {
prevSignature = editor.__previous_signature,
skipInsert = false,
isEmptyText = false,
newLine = (isHtml ? '<br />' : "\n"),
clearHtmlLine = html => rl.Utils.htmlToPlain(html).trim();
isEmptyText = !text.trim();
if (!isEmptyText && isHtml) {
isEmptyText = !clearHtmlLine(text);
if (prevSignature && !isEmptyText) {
if (isHtml && !prevSignature.isHtml) {
prevSignature = {
body: rl.Utils.plainToHtml(prevSignature.body),
isHtml: true
} else if (!isHtml && prevSignature.isHtml) {
prevSignature = {
body: rl.Utils.htmlToPlain(prevSignature.body),
isHtml: true
if (isHtml) {
var clearSig = clearHtmlLine(prevSignature.body);
text = text.replace(/<signature>([\s\S]*)<\/signature>/igm, all => {
var c = clearSig === clearHtmlLine(all);
if (!c) {
skipInsert = true;
return c ? '' : all;
} else {
var textLen = text.length;
text = text
.replace('' + prevSignature.body, '')
.replace('' + prevSignature.body, '');
skipInsert = textLen === text.length;
if (!skipInsert) {
signature = newLine + newLine + (isHtml ? '<signature>' : '') + signature + (isHtml ? '</signature>' : '');
text = insertBefore ? signature + text : text + signature;
if (10 < signature.length) {
prevSignature = {
body: signature,
isHtml: isHtml
editor.__previous_signature = prevSignature;
return text;
class SquireUI
constructor(container) {
actions = {
mode: {
plain: {
html: '〈〉',
cmd: () => this.setMode('plain' == this.mode ? 'wysiwyg' : 'plain'),
font: {
fontFamily: {
select: {
'sans-serif': {
Arial: "'Nimbus Sans L', 'Liberation sans', 'Arial Unicode MS', Arial, Helvetica, Garuda, Utkal, FreeSans, sans-serif",
Tahoma: "'Luxi Sans', Tahoma, Loma, Geneva, Meera, sans-serif",
Trebuchet: "'DejaVu Sans Condensed', Trebuchet, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif",
Lucida: "'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Sans', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'DejaVu LGC Sans', sans-serif",
Verdana: "'DejaVu Sans', Verdana, Geneva, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'DejaVu LGC Sans', sans-serif"
monospace: {
Courier: "'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', FreeMono, Courier, monospace",
Lucida: "'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'DejaVu LGC Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace"
sans: {
Times: "'Nimbus Roman No9 L', 'Times New Roman', Times, FreeSerif, serif",
Palatino: "'Bitstream Charter', 'Palatino Linotype', Palatino, Palladio, 'URW Palladio L', 'Book Antiqua', Times, serif",
Georgia: "'URW Palladio L', Georgia, Times, serif"
cmd: s => squire.setFontFace(s.value)
fontSize: {
select: ['11px','13px','16px','20px','24px','30px'],
cmd: s => squire.setFontSize(s.value)
colors: {
textColor: {
input: 'color',
cmd: s => squire.setTextColour(s.value),
hint: 'Text color'
backgroundColor: {
input: 'color',
cmd: s => squire.setHighlightColour(s.value),
hint: 'Background color'
bidi: {
bdoLtr: {
html: '&lrm;𝐁',
cmd: () => this.doAction('bold','B'),
hint: 'Bold'
bdoRtl: {
html: '&rlm;𝐁',
cmd: () => this.doAction('bold','B'),
hint: 'Bold'
inline: {
bold: {
html: 'B',
cmd: () => this.doAction('bold','B'),
key: 'B',
hint: 'Bold'
italic: {
html: 'I',
cmd: () => this.doAction('italic','I'),
key: 'I',
hint: 'Italic'
underline: {
html: '<u>U</u>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('underline','U'),
key: 'U',
hint: 'Underline'
strike: {
html: '<s>S</s>',
cmd: () => this.doAction('strikethrough','S'),
key: 'Shift + 7',
hint: 'Strikethrough'
sub: {
html: 'Xₙ',
cmd: () => this.doAction('subscript','SUB'),
key: 'Shift + 5',
hint: 'Subscript'
sup: {
html: 'Xⁿ',
cmd: () => this.doAction('superscript','SUP'),
key: 'Shift + 6',
hint: 'Superscript'
block: {
ol: {
html: '#',
cmd: () => this.doList('OL'),
key: 'Shift + 8',
hint: 'Ordered list'
ul: {
html: '⋮',
cmd: () => this.doList('UL'),
key: 'Shift + 9',
hint: 'Unordered list'
quote: {
html: '"',
cmd: () => {
let parent = this.getParentNodeName('UL,OL');
(parent && 'BLOCKQUOTE' == parent) ? squire.decreaseQuoteLevel() : squire.increaseQuoteLevel();
hint: 'Blockquote'
indentDecrease: {
html: '⇤',
cmd: () => squire.changeIndentationLevel('decrease'),
key: ']',
hint: 'Decrease indent'
indentIncrease: {
html: '⇥',
cmd: () => squire.changeIndentationLevel('increase'),
key: '[',
hint: 'Increase indent'
targets: {
link: {
html: '🔗',
cmd: () => {
if ('A' === this.getParentNodeName()) {
} else {
let url = prompt("Link","https://");
url != null && url.length && squire.makeLink(url);
hint: 'Link'
imageUrl: {
html: '🖼️',
cmd: () => {
if ('IMG' === this.getParentNodeName()) {
// squire.removeLink();
} else {
let src = prompt("Image","https://");
src != null && src.length && squire.insertImage(src);
hint: 'Image URL'
imageUpload: {
html: '📂️',
cmd: () =>,
hint: 'Image select',
table: {
changes: {
undo: {
html: '↶',
cmd: () => squire.undo(),
key: 'Z',
hint: 'Undo'
redo: {
html: '↷',
cmd: () => squire.redo(),
key: 'Y',
hint: 'Redo'
plain = doc.createElement('textarea'),
wysiwyg = doc.createElement('div'),
toolbar = doc.createElement('div'),
browseImage = doc.createElement('input'),
squire = new Squire(wysiwyg, SquireDefaultConfig);
browseImage.type = 'file';
browseImage.accept = 'image/*'; = 'none';
browseImage.onchange = () => {
if (browseImage.files.length) {
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => reader.result && squire.insertImage(reader.result);
plain.className = 'squire-plain cke_plain cke_editable';
wysiwyg.className = 'squire-wysiwyg cke_wysiwyg_div cke_editable';
this.mode = ''; // 'plain' | 'wysiwyg'
this.__plain = {
getRawData: () => this.plain.value,
setRawData: plain => this.plain.value = plain
this.container = container;
this.squire = squire;
this.plain = plain;
this.wysiwyg = wysiwyg;
toolbar.className = 'squire-toolbar cke_top';
let touchTap;
for (let group in actions) {
if ('bidi' == group && !'allowHtmlEditorBitiButtons')) {
let toolgroup = doc.createElement('div');
toolgroup.className = 'squire-toolgroup cke_toolgroup'; = 'squire-toolgroup-'+group;
for (let action in actions[group]) {
if ('source' == action && !'allowHtmlEditorSourceButton')) {
let cfg = actions[group][action], input, ev = 'click';
if (cfg.input) {
input = doc.createElement('input');
input.type = cfg.input;
ev = 'change';
} else if ( {
input = doc.createElement('select');
if (Array.isArray( { => {
var option = new Option(value, value);[action] = value;
} else {
Object.entries([label, options]) => {
let group = doc.createElement('optgroup');
group.label = label;
Object.entries(options).forEach(([text, value]) => {
var option = new Option(text, value);[action] = value;
ev = 'input';
} else {
input = doc.createElement('button');
input.type = 'button';
input.innerHTML = cfg.html;
input.action_cmd = cfg.cmd;
input.addEventListener('touchstart', () => touchTap = input);
input.addEventListener('touchmove', () => touchTap = null);
input.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
if (touchTap === input) {
touchTap = null;
input.addEventListener(ev, () => cfg.cmd(input));
if (cfg.hint) {
input.title = cfg.key ? cfg.hint + ' (' + ctrlKey + cfg.key + ')' : cfg.hint;
} else if (cfg.key) {
input.title = ctrlKey + cfg.key;
input.dataset.action = action;
cfg.input = input;
toolgroup.children.length && toolbar.append(toolgroup);
let changes = actions.changes;
changes.undo.input.disabled = changes.redo.input.disabled = true;
squire.addEventListener('undoStateChange', state => {
changes.undo.input.disabled = !state.canUndo;
changes.redo.input.disabled = !state.canRedo;
container.append(toolbar, wysiwyg, plain);
squire-raw.js:2161: this.fireEvent( 'dragover', {
squire-raw.js:2168: this.fireEvent( 'drop', {
squire-raw.js:2583: this.fireEvent( event.type, event );
squire-raw.js:2864: this.fireEvent( 'pathChange', { path: newPath } );
squire-raw.js:2867: this.fireEvent( range.collapsed ? 'cursor' : 'select', {
squire-raw.js:3004: this.fireEvent( 'input' );
squire-raw.js:4089: this.fireEvent( 'willPaste', event );
// CKEditor gimmicks used by HtmlEditor
this.plugins = {
plain: true
this.focusManager = {
hasFocus: () => squire._isFocused,
blur: () => squire.blur()
doAction(name, tag) {
if (this.testPresenceinSelection(tag, new RegExp('>'+tag+'\\b'))) {
name = 'remove' + (name.toUpperCase()[0]) + name.substr(1);
getParentNodeName(selector) {
let parent = this.squire.getSelectionClosest(selector);
return parent ? parent.nodeName : null;
doList(type) {
let parent = this.getParentNodeName('UL,OL'),
fn = {UL:'makeUnorderedList',OL:'makeOrderedList'};
(parent && parent == type) ? this.squire.removeList() : this.squire[fn[type]]();
testPresenceinSelection(format, validation) {
return validation.test(this.squire.getPath()) | this.squire.hasFormat(format);
setMode(mode) {
let cl = this.container.classList;
if ('plain' == mode) {
let html = this.squire.getHTML();
this.plain.value = rl.Utils.htmlToPlain(html, true).trim();
} else {
let plain = this.plain.value;
this.squire.setHTML(rl.Utils.plainToHtml(plain, true));
mode = 'wysiwyg';
this.mode = mode; // 'wysiwyg' or 'plain'
this.onModeChange && this.onModeChange();
// CKeditor gimmicks used by HtmlEditor
on(type, fn) {
if ('mode' == type) {
this.onModeChange = fn;
} else {
this.squire.addEventListener(type, fn);
this.plain.addEventListener(type, fn);
execCommand(cmd, cfg) {
if ('insertSignature' == cmd) {
cfg = Object.assign({
clearCache: false,
isHtml: false,
insertBefore: false,
signature: ''
}, cfg);
if (cfg.clearCache) {
this.__previous_signature = null;
} else try {
if ('plain' === this.mode) {
if (cfg.isHtml) {
cfg.signature = rl.Utils.htmlToPlain(cfg.signature);
this.plain.value = rl_signature_replacer(this, this.plain.value, cfg.signature, false, cfg.insertBefore);
} else {
if (!cfg.isHtml) {
cfg.signature = rl.Utils.plainToHtml(cfg.signature);
this.squire.setHTML(rl_signature_replacer(this, this.getData(), cfg.signature, true, cfg.insertBefore));
} catch (e) {
getData() {
return this.squire.getHTML();
setData(html) {
focus() {
('plain' == this.mode ? this.plain : this.squire).focus();
resize(width, height) {
height = Math.max(200, (height - this.wysiwyg.offsetTop)) + 'px'; = height; = height;
window.SquireUI = SquireUI;